"Merry Christmas" Versus "Season Greetings"...

when i was delivering mail many of the Muslims coming to get their mail at the box while i was there would say "happy holidays to you Harry"...nice tippers too....
After hearing all the whining and wailing about how someone says something, let's say from Halloween through January 2, these people seem to have unhappy holidays.

"Happy Turkey Day!"
"Oh I see, you want to change history and write our forefathers out of Thanksgiving."
"I just wanted to say have a Happy Thanksgiving in a light flippant friendly way, coz you know, everyone eats turkey that day."
"No you didn't, you are what's wrong with America."
"I could've sworn it was the other thing."

"Happy Holidays!"
"Heathen! We ALL know it's Merry Christmas."
"Well the time that includes Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years is generally known as 'the holidays' in our culture."
"Oh so you are a culture warrior who says whatever is currently PC. Scum of the Earth."
"Well 'Happy Holidays' has been appearing in commercial ads for over a hundred years and people have been saying it a lot longer than that."
"Fake News!"
"The fake news is that there is a war on Christmas, unless of course it started in 1890."
I think the PC shackles are just off so folks are finally where I'm at - basically, ain't my problem if you choose to be offended by a well meaning saying ~shrug~

Except are you really being "Well Meaning" when you say it, or is it, "I'm going to impose my religion on the rest of you!"
The United States is basically a Secularized Christian Nation...

Its holidays (Holy Days) and holiday greetings are oriented towards Christianity.

The New World is basically Nova Europa, which, in turn, is the historical seat and bastion of Western Christianity, once removed from its Middle Eastern origins.

That makes the New World - and Oceania - permanent extensions of Christendom.

If one is unhappy living within Christendom, one should seek sustenance elsewhere.

Bullshit. As a card carrying Christian you couldn’t be more unChristian in this response. Jesus was very respectful of others. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” doesn’t really mesh well with “We’re the majority here. Fuck you”.

As a Christian living in a very multi-cultural city, I gauge my greetings on who I’m extending greetings to. If I know someone is a Christian, I always use Merry Christmas, and I use Happy Chanukah for my Jewish friends. If I’m unsure of the faith of the person I’m extending greetings to, I use Happy Holidays.

And I would remind you that nearly all of the current Christian traditions have nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with pagan Winter Soltice celebrations anyway, and that Jesus wasn’t even born in December.
Only a cowardly fool is offended by merry Christmas, They don’t deserve any respect

Back in the early 1980’s, I worked in an office where everyone was Jewish but me. During the High Holidays I got a glimpse of what it’s like to be part of a religious minority.

As Yom Kippur and Rosh Shashana approached, my coworkers were talking up their plans, where out of town relatives would sleep, the high cost of tickets to the Synagogue and other issues. They talked of menus and who was cooking what for the Sader, and compared their families’ respective Sader traditions. I sat and listened and felt more than a little uncomfortable.

I realized that my feeling of displacement and exclusion must be what non-Christians feel in a much larger way as the entire world around them prepares to celebrate Christmas. It made me more sensitive to the feelings of non-Christians at this time of year.

I am appalled that some here are so un-Christian in their attitudes towards non-Christians at Christmas. This is our time to shine. To show the meaning of Love, Fellowship and Christianity. To show that being a Christian truly means showing peace, love and understanding.
...Only a bigot is offended by Hannukah and Kwaanza.
And, in either Israel or Kenya, they can serve-up any ol' greeting they like... meanwhile... we define ours.

The only thing YOU define is how YOU treat others. You don’t speak for all Christians, only for yourself. If you chose to be a small minded asshole, you go right ahead. But you don’t speak for me or anyone other than yourself.

Some of us believe in Christ’s teaching to treat others as we would like to be treated.
I wonder if anyone else who says "Merry Christmas" has noticed this.

I'll bet this happens 75% of the time - a store employee will say "Happy Holidays", I'll respond with a cheerful "Merry Christmas", and they'll smile and also say "Merry Christmas". They let their guard down because they don't have to worry about "offending" you.

Try it, kids!

For starters, I am going to be held accountable by Jesus as to what he said. To date, I have yet to see where He says to give egregious amounts of my wealth to the State so that they can pay cronies, bureaucrats, and other overhead first before they distribute to the poor.


Did you not see where he said, "Render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's" when discussing taxes.

Did you not see where he told you to give up all your material things and give them to the poor?
For starters, I am going to be held accountable by Jesus as to what he said. To date, I have yet to see where He says to give egregious amounts of my wealth to the State so that they can pay cronies, bureaucrats, and other overhead first before they distribute to the poor.


Did you not see where he said, "Render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's" when discussing taxes.

Did you not see where he told you to give up all your material things and give them to the poor?

What is Caesars’? Does Caesars have a limit? As per giving up material things and giving them to the poor, that is for Jesus to judge, not Liberals.
As a Muslim we do the tree and exchange gifts, I wish Christians merry Christmas....those I don't know I say happy holidays, wish Hindus a happy Diwali, the Jews the hannukah and so forth. Is not all about me or you is about everybody.

And if one was truly a good Christian he or she wouldn't be as aggessive about Christmas as the fake Christian Trump and his bigots.
The President said it is OK to say "Merry Christmas" again without fear of being sued by the jack booted federal thugs who ripped Judge Moore's Ten Commandments off the court house wall. Trump showed more balls than phony republicans going back to Reagan. That alone is enough to elect him.
Only a cowardly fool is offended by merry Christmas, They don’t deserve any respect
They're not really "offended". This is about control, and wiping away as many American public traditions as they can.

That's what they think of the country.

The term "I'm offended" is just a euphemism for "I'm going to put you on the defensive".
Of course all career politicians are control freaks
I think the PC shackles are just off so folks are finally where I'm at - basically, ain't my problem if you choose to be offended by a well meaning saying ~shrug~

Except are you really being "Well Meaning" when you say it, or is it, "I'm going to impose my religion on the rest of you!"
The United States is basically a Secularized Christian Nation...

Its holidays (Holy Days) and holiday greetings are oriented towards Christianity.

The New World is basically Nova Europa, which, in turn, is the historical seat and bastion of Western Christianity, once removed from its Middle Eastern origins.

That makes the New World - and Oceania - permanent extensions of Christendom.

If one is unhappy living within Christendom, one should seek sustenance elsewhere.

Bullshit. As a card carrying Christian you couldn’t be more unChristian in this response. Jesus was very respectful of others. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” doesn’t really mesh well with “We’re the majority here. Fuck you”.

As a Christian living in a very multi-cultural city, I gauge my greetings on who I’m extending greetings to. If I know someone is a Christian, I always use Merry Christmas, and I use Happy Chanukah for my Jewish friends. If I’m unsure of the faith of the person I’m extending greetings to, I use Happy Holidays.

And I would remind you that nearly all of the current Christian traditions have nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with pagan Winter Soltice celebrations anyway, and that Jesus wasn’t even born in December.
Only a cowardly fool is offended by merry Christmas, They don’t deserve any respect

Back in the early 1980’s, I worked in an office where everyone was Jewish but me. During the High Holidays I got a glimpse of what it’s like to be part of a religious minority.

As Yom Kippur and Rosh Shashana approached, my coworkers were talking up their plans, where out of town relatives would sleep, the high cost of tickets to the Synagogue and other issues. They talked of menus and who was cooking what for the Sader, and compared their families’ respective Sader traditions. I sat and listened and felt more than a little uncomfortable.

I realized that my feeling of displacement and exclusion must be what non-Christians feel in a much larger way as the entire world around them prepares to celebrate Christmas. It made me more sensitive to the feelings of non-Christians at this time of year.

I am appalled that some here are so un-Christian in their attitudes towards non-Christians at Christmas. This is our time to shine. To show the meaning of Love, Fellowship and Christianity. To show that being a Christian truly means showing peace, love and understanding.
I agree, but you’re wrong about the PC part. PC is all about control

I'm going to restore Jesus to the White House with these angels!
The "war on Christmas" is a hoax, and the Chief Huckster is playing you rubes for the retards you are.

He knows you are stupid enough to bleev he is improving your life "because Merry Christmas". :lol:
...I am appalled that some here are so un-Christian in their attitudes towards non-Christians at Christmas. This is our time to shine. To show the meaning of Love, Fellowship and Christianity. To show that being a Christian truly means showing peace, love and understanding.
Consider it a Market Correction, overcoming years of amoral LibTard anti-religious politically-correct hor$e$hit.
...The only thing YOU define is how YOU treat others...
Indeed. Adhering to the greeting "Merry Christmas" during the Christmas season represents the very highest standard in congeniality and good cheer.

...You don’t speak for all Christians, only for yourself...
Oh, my, my, my... the ever-popular court-of-last-resort 'you only speak for yourself' defense... isn't that precious?

Quite true. Just as you speak only for yourself.

I am consoled by the fact that vast numbers of my fellow countrymen... vast numbers... speak only for themselves, in the very same manner I do, in this context.

...If you chose to be a small minded asshole...
Celebrating Christmas in a country heavily dominated by Christians in observance of my own cultural and religious traditions does not make me a small-minded asshole.

It does, however, unmask you as just another touchy-feely LibTard Cultural Suicide, who lacks the courage to publicly proclaim and celebrate her own heritage.

Your cross to bear, dearie, not mine.

...you go right ahead...

...But you don’t speak for me or anyone other than yourself...
Oh dear, there goes that last-resort 'you don't speak...' canard again.

...Some of us believe in Christ’s teaching to treat others as we would like to be treated.
My, my, my... such pompous, self-righteous teenage angst, from one of our resident Cultural Suicide types.

Somehow, I doubt that Jesus of Nazareth would shy away from wishing others (Jewish or otherwise) a good sabbath, or an easy fast, or a good Passover or Yom Kippur.

The trouble with you LibTards is that you conflate a strong and persistent public expression of Cultural and Religious Identity with an imagined oppression of others.

Again... your cross to bear... not mine... nor that of most of your fellow countrymen.

And, by the way, for someone who is so sensitive about the feelings of others, you sure are quick to call someone an asshole, who doesn't think like you do.

Selective, partisan sensitivity, and selective, partisan aggression.

Cafeteria Christianity at its very best.

So much for the Moral High Ground in this particular exchange.

Next slide, please.
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when i was delivering mail many of the Muslims coming to get their mail at the box while i was there would say "happy holidays to you Harry"...nice tippers too....

As a conservative, You should have refused to deliver their mail for not saying Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays? No mail for you !
The President said it is OK to say "Merry Christmas" again without fear of being sued by the jack booted federal thugs who ripped Judge Moore's Ten Commandments off the court house wall. Trump showed more balls than phony republicans going back to Reagan. That alone is enough to elect him.
Who was sued?
What is Caesars’? Does Caesars have a limit? As per giving up material things and giving them to the poor, that is for Jesus to judge, not Liberals.

actually, it's for us to judge as a society. I'd rather spend money feeding poor people than paying for a bloated military industrial complex.
Get rid of socialist entitlement programs, that is where the real waste of money is... trillions

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