"Merry Christmas" Versus "Season Greetings"...

It's like you tards go out of your way to find reasons to be angry all the time.
"Someone said Happy Holidays to me! I AM SO ANGRY MAY THEY BURN IN HELL!!!" Pathetic.
"I saw a Happy Holidays sign and it ruined my whole Christmas!" :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
"If you take the letters in "Seasons Greetings" and multiply them by 13, and add 666, it reads "Satan Is Our Lord"!!!"
Poor Trump. Poor healthmyths. Your skins are sooooooo fucking thin, you explode if someone says Happy Holidays. "I need a cream or something to soothe the burn on my ass!"

You're the most upset person here. By far.
Dude, I'm laughing my ass off at the fragility of the fake Christians. :lol:
It must suck being so PC that everything has to be renamed because it hurts feelings... lol
Trump can't get shit done, but he knows how to keep the Tard Herd stoked. :lol:
Is it a big deal?

The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas

View attachment 164262
The new cards, signed by Barron, Melania and President Trump read
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

There are obvious comparisons between the Obama's official Christmas cards and the Trumps' first Christmas card.

The last eight years of official White House Christmas cards all neglected to mention Christmas, President Obama opting instead for all-inclusive terms such as "Seasons Greetings."

"You go to stores, you don't see the word Christmas. It says 'happy holidays' all over," Donald Trump proclaimed in the past.

Now President Trump has vowed to take on the so-called war on Christmas.
The Big Difference Between Trump and Obama's Holiday Cards? It's all about Christmas
I guess you didn't see the 50+ video clips of O wishing people merry Xmas???
Let me guess the clip breitbart?
I think the PC shackles are just off so folks are finally where I'm at - basically, ain't my problem if you choose to be offended by a well meaning saying ~shrug~

Except are you really being "Well Meaning" when you say it, or is it, "I'm going to impose my religion on the rest of you!"
The United States is basically a Secularized Christian Nation...

Its holidays (Holy Days) and holiday greetings are oriented towards Christianity.

The New World is basically Nova Europa, which, in turn, is the historical seat and bastion of Western Christianity, once removed from its Middle Eastern origins.

That makes the New World - and Oceania - permanent extensions of Christendom.

If one is unhappy living within Christendom, one should seek sustenance elsewhere.

Bullshit. As a card carrying Christian you couldn’t be more unChristian in this response. Jesus was very respectful of others. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” doesn’t really mesh well with “We’re the majority here. Fuck you”.

As a Christian living in a very multi-cultural city, I gauge my greetings on who I’m extending greetings to. If I know someone is a Christian, I always use Merry Christmas, and I use Happy Chanukah for my Jewish friends. If I’m unsure of the faith of the person I’m extending greetings to, I use Happy Holidays.

And I would remind you that nearly all of the current Christian traditions have nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with pagan Winter Soltice celebrations anyway, and that Jesus wasn’t even born in December.
I think the PC shackles are just off so folks are finally where I'm at - basically, ain't my problem if you choose to be offended by a well meaning saying ~shrug~

Except are you really being "Well Meaning" when you say it, or is it, "I'm going to impose my religion on the rest of you!"
The United States is basically a Secularized Christian Nation...

Its holidays (Holy Days) and holiday greetings are oriented towards Christianity.

The New World is basically Nova Europa, which, in turn, is the historical seat and bastion of Western Christianity, once removed from its Middle Eastern origins.

That makes the New World - and Oceania - permanent extensions of Christendom.

If one is unhappy living within Christendom, one should seek sustenance elsewhere.

Bullshit. As a card carrying Christian you couldn’t be more unChristian in this response. Jesus was very respectful of others. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” doesn’t really mesh well with “We’re the majority here. Fuck you”.

As a Christian living in a very multi-cultural city, I gauge my greetings on who I’m extending greetings to. If I know someone is a Christian, I always use Merry Christmas, and I use Happy Chanukah for my Jewish friends. If I’m unsure of the faith of the person I’m extending greetings to, I use Happy Holidays.

And I would remind you that nearly all of the current Christian traditions have nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with pagan Winter Soltice celebrations anyway, and that Jesus wasn’t even born in December.
Only a cowardly fool is offended by merry Christmas, They don’t deserve any respect
The expressions 'seasons greetings' and 'happy holidays' have been in use since long before the rightwing crybabies decided to cry about them.
Those PC Expressions are fucking spineless and meaningless... why even use suck fucked up neutered shit?

Why make Santa Claus and decorated trees the focus of what is supposedly a celebration of the birth of Jesus?
Normally I don’t care, but there is nothing more pussy whipped than being PC... it must suck?


First of all,

"Seasons Greetings" came along as a reference to the CHRISTMAS season.

"Happy Holidays" is shorthand for "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" HOLIDAYS...get it?

Find something cry-worthy to cry about.
How hard is it to just say... merry Christmas? Lol
Apparently being PC makes it impossible

You want businesses to force their employees who interact with the public to say 'Merry Christmas'.

Sounds like tyranny to me.
Only a cowardly fool is offended by merry Christmas, They don’t deserve any respect
They're not really "offended". This is about control, and wiping away as many American public traditions as they can.

That's what they think of the country.

The term "I'm offended" is just a euphemism for "I'm going to put you on the defensive".

Why do you want the RWnuts to control what greeting is used?
It must suck being so PC that everything has to be renamed because it hurts feelings... lol
The "War On Christmas" which has your panties in a bunch is an invention, dumbshit.

Here's a card from 1920:

"The War On Christmas" is a hoax perpetrated on the Tard Herd to keep them from noticing their overlords aren't doing fuck-all to improve their lives.
I think the PC shackles are just off so folks are finally where I'm at - basically, ain't my problem if you choose to be offended by a well meaning saying ~shrug~

Except are you really being "Well Meaning" when you say it, or is it, "I'm going to impose my religion on the rest of you!"
The United States is basically a Secularized Christian Nation...

Its holidays (Holy Days) and holiday greetings are oriented towards Christianity.

The New World is basically Nova Europa, which, in turn, is the historical seat and bastion of Western Christianity, once removed from its Middle Eastern origins.

That makes the New World - and Oceania - permanent extensions of Christendom.

If one is unhappy living within Christendom, one should seek sustenance elsewhere.

Bullshit. As a card carrying Christian you couldn’t be more unChristian in this response. Jesus was very respectful of others. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” doesn’t really mesh well with “We’re the majority here. Fuck you”.

As a Christian living in a very multi-cultural city, I gauge my greetings on who I’m extending greetings to. If I know someone is a Christian, I always use Merry Christmas, and I use Happy Chanukah for my Jewish friends. If I’m unsure of the faith of the person I’m extending greetings to, I use Happy Holidays.

And I would remind you that nearly all of the current Christian traditions have nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with pagan Winter Soltice celebrations anyway, and that Jesus wasn’t even born in December.
Only a cowardly fool is offended by merry Christmas, They don’t deserve any respect

Only a bigot is offended by Hannukah and Kwaanza.

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