Merry X-Mas, Middle Class! House Republicans Just Voted To Raise Your Taxes By $1000

Hey it was the dimocrats who refused to vote for a year long extension and instead want a two month extension.

Seems to me the Dims don't want a long term tax break for the middle class because they would rather budget day to day and make it even harder for people to plan ahead.

Obama is speaking out both sides of his mouth on this issue.

He claims it will take maybe 4 more years to fix the economy yet he won't extend the tax-cuts for more than a year. Lack of stability in tax policy hampers job creation. Extending this mess out only 2 months serves only one purpose....allows the Senate Dems to put off doing their jobs till next year. The Republicans simply want them to start being responsible and earn their pay for once.

Doing what is right rather than doing what helps you get elected sometimes bites you in the ass.

I know that is an alien concept to a Democrat voter.
The Wall Street Journal -- a critical sounding board for conservatives -- blasted Boehner and his House GOP colleagues in an editorial Wednesday, arguing that they had "achieved the small miracle of letting Mr. Obama position himself as an election-year tax cutter."

"At this stage, Republicans would do best to cut their losses and find a way to extend the payroll holiday quickly," the paper's editorial writers said.

A Senate GOP leadership aide told CNN Wednesday that House Republicans had "painted themselves into a corner."

"This is a lose-lose situation for us. (House Republicans) let the Democrats get the messaging advantage and, more specifically, we've turned one of our key issues on its head," the aide said. "The Republicans look like they are the ones blocking tax relief."

"When you are arguing process, you are losing, by definition," the aide added. "We are arguing process while they've got politics on their side."

McConnell offers payroll tax compromise -

Boehner is giving the Democrats 2012 on a platter.
Good!!! The 2% cut to SS contributions was fucking retarded anyway. But, when you have 47% paying no income taxes, how else you gonna give them an even bigger break?
Hey it was the dimocrats who refused to vote for a year long extension and instead want a two month extension.

Seems to me the Dims don't want a long term tax break for the middle class because they would rather budget day to day and make it even harder for people to plan ahead.

Obama is speaking out both sides of his mouth on this issue.

He claims it will take maybe 4 more years to fix the economy yet he won't extend the tax-cuts for more than a year. Lack of stability in tax policy hampers job creation. Extending this mess out only 2 months serves only one purpose....allows the Senate Dems to put off doing their jobs till next year. The Republicans simply want them to start being responsible and earn their pay for once.

Doing what is right rather than doing what helps you get elected sometimes bites you in the ass.

I know that is an alien concept to a Democrat voter.

Is that why the Republicans in the Senate agree with Obama and the Dems?
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This is the biggest lie of the month.

It's a two month deal, if they don't pass it it won't cost $1000, it's only two months, it will cost about 133 dollars. And only if you make over $50K, if not it will be less than that.

The other part of the lie is that it's a tax cut. it's not, it's raping Social Security.

Not only should the two month deal be abandoned, so should the one year deal.
The Wall Street Journal -- a critical sounding board for conservatives -- blasted Boehner and his House GOP colleagues in an editorial Wednesday, arguing that they had "achieved the small miracle of letting Mr. Obama position himself as an election-year tax cutter."

"At this stage, Republicans would do best to cut their losses and find a way to extend the payroll holiday quickly," the paper's editorial writers said.

A Senate GOP leadership aide told CNN Wednesday that House Republicans had "painted themselves into a corner."

"This is a lose-lose situation for us. (House Republicans) let the Democrats get the messaging advantage and, more specifically, we've turned one of our key issues on its head," the aide said. "The Republicans look like they are the ones blocking tax relief."

"When you are arguing process, you are losing, by definition," the aide added. "We are arguing process while they've got politics on their side."

McConnell offers payroll tax compromise -

Boehner is giving the Democrats 2012 on a platter.

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

Hey Fago,

What do you not understand that the House GOP passed a bill for ONE YEAR and the Senate Dimocrats wouldn't even bring it up for vote. Rather the Dimocrats only want 2 months! TWO MONTHS! The House GOP says we want a ONE YEAR!

Do you just ignore facts or are you so stuck to your welfare checks you will make up anything and everything to support the party that provides you crumbles off the table to live on?
Tom McMahon: Merry Christmas, Middle Class! House Republicans Just Voted To Raise Your Taxes By $1,000

For those of you keeping track at home of the payroll tax cut holiday -- you can stop. In the battle over the House GOP's ever-shifting goal posts on the payroll tax cut extension, Speaker Boehner has tried desperately to muddy the water about the fact that his Tea-partying GOP colleagues simply do not want to extend the payroll tax holiday for middle-class Americans no matter what. And that's exactly what happened when the House Republicans rejected the bipartisan Senate deal to continue these middle-class tax cuts.

The Republican-led U.S. House shot down legislation that was passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support in the Senate on Saturday to prevent the average American family from incurring a $1,000 tax hike by extending the payroll tax holiday by two months.

So, contrary to the House GOP's oft-repeated line for the TV cameras that they don't "believe in raising taxes on anyone," they've done just that -- voted to raise taxes on 160 million Americans.

House Majority Leader Cantor wrote on his official website just days ago: "House Republicans will not support raising taxes on anyone." Congressional Republicans always forget to add that they don't really count the middle-class; by "anyone," they just mean millionaires and corporations.

So fucking true. They slammed the nail in their own coffins trying to play political chicken.
Actually it is the dimwits and obamaturd that are to blame. But keep the lie going, it is quit entertaining.
Hey Fago,

What do you not understand that the House GOP passed a bill for ONE YEAR and the Senate Dimocrats wouldn't even bring it up for vote. Rather the Dimocrats only want 2 months! TWO MONTHS! The House GOP says we want a ONE YEAR!

Do you just ignore facts or are you so stuck to your welfare checks you will make up anything and everything to support the party that provides you crumbles off the table to live on?

The Senate Republicans must be opposed to the House Republican pork, why else would they agree with Obama and not Boehner?
Tom McMahon: Merry Christmas, Middle Class! House Republicans Just Voted To Raise Your Taxes By $1,000

For those of you keeping track at home of the payroll tax cut holiday -- you can stop. In the battle over the House GOP's ever-shifting goal posts on the payroll tax cut extension, Speaker Boehner has tried desperately to muddy the water about the fact that his Tea-partying GOP colleagues simply do not want to extend the payroll tax holiday for middle-class Americans no matter what. And that's exactly what happened when the House Republicans rejected the bipartisan Senate deal to continue these middle-class tax cuts.

The Republican-led U.S. House shot down legislation that was passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support in the Senate on Saturday to prevent the average American family from incurring a $1,000 tax hike by extending the payroll tax holiday by two months.

So, contrary to the House GOP's oft-repeated line for the TV cameras that they don't "believe in raising taxes on anyone," they've done just that -- voted to raise taxes on 160 million Americans.

House Majority Leader Cantor wrote on his official website just days ago: "House Republicans will not support raising taxes on anyone." Congressional Republicans always forget to add that they don't really count the middle-class; by "anyone," they just mean millionaires and corporations.

So fucking true. They slammed the nail in their own coffins trying to play political chicken.
Actually it is the dimwits and obamaturd that are to blame. But keep the lie going, it is quit entertaining.

and the Republicans in the Senate, don't forget them...:cuckoo:
Hey Fago,

What do you not understand that the House GOP passed a bill for ONE YEAR and the Senate Dimocrats wouldn't even bring it up for vote. Rather the Dimocrats only want 2 months! TWO MONTHS! The House GOP says we want a ONE YEAR!

Do you just ignore facts or are you so stuck to your welfare checks you will make up anything and everything to support the party that provides you crumbles off the table to live on?

The Senate Republicans must be opposed to the House Republican pork, why else would they agree with Obama and not Boehner?

Because they wanted to be home for the holidays?
Becuase they knew the senate democrats would never agree to what the house wanted?
What you said.
President Obama today endorsed a proposed compromise by the Senate Republican leader on the payroll tax cut impasse: have House Republicans pass a temporary two-month extension, while Senate Democrats agree to negotiate a year-long extension at the same time.

"We should go ahead and get this done," Obama said at the White House. "This should not be hard."

In pitching his compromise, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the Republican-run House should approve a two-month extension now, while the Democratic-run Senate should agree to immediate negotiations on a year-long extension as requested by the House. "We can and should do both," McConnell said in a statement.

Obama endorses McConnell payroll tax cut plan

So the good news for America is that the tax cut will be preserved, despite House Republicans attempts to derail it.

The bad news for the Pubs is the tax cut for middle-class Americans will be preserved...
This whole thing is such bull shit. There has been no tax cut. It's a "tax holiday" which means they simply don't collect the taxes. What makes this whole issue so phoney is that it's the taxes for social security that they propose to not collect. You can't have it both ways. You either want social security and pay the taxes for it or you don't. Both Republicans and Democrats are so full of shit. Also, why didn't the Senate go ahead and pass it for the whole year? Why just two months? It's called PLAYING THE POLITICAL BULLSHIT GAME.
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Good!!! The 2% cut to SS contributions was fucking retarded anyway. But, when you have 47% paying no income taxes, how else you gonna give them an even bigger break?

At least you're honest. That's more than you can say for the House Republicans.
This whole thing is such bull shit. There has been no tax cut. It's a "tax holiday" which means they simply don't collect the taxes. What makes this whole issue so phoney is that it's the taxes for social security that they propose to not collect. You can't have it both ways. You either want social security and pay the taxes for it or you don't. Both Republicans and Democrats are so full of shit. Also, why didn't the Senate go ahead and pass it for the whole year? Why just two months? It's called PLAYING THE POLITICAL BULLSHIT GAME.

Good news! Obama and McConnell have agreed to a proposal that would preserve the tax cut. Now all the House Pubs need to do is vote on it.
Oh wait. Are you saying you're against it?

It's hard to tell with you guys. One minute you're claiming you want it, the next you're saying it's a bad idea.
This is the biggest lie of the month.

It's a two month deal, if they don't pass it it won't cost $1000, it's only two months, it will cost about 133 dollars. And only if you make over $50K, if not it will be less than that.

The other part of the lie is that it's a tax cut. it's not, it's raping Social Security.

Not only should the two month deal be abandoned, so should the one year deal.

So first you're saying it's only two months and not a lot of money, but then it's "raping" social security. Must be nice to have it both ways.
Oh wait. Are you saying you're against it?

It's hard to tell with you guys. One minute you're claiming you want it, the next you're saying it's a bad idea.

you may bot be paying attention.

We want it....but we are aware that keeping it for only 2 months will not give the consumer reason to spend it. To the contrary, they are more likely to save it...doing nothing for the economy.

Even a year will not be long eneough....but at least it gives people the comfort of knowing they will have about 1500 more in their pockets......200 more does not give confidence to spend.

At least...that is how I see it
Oh wait. Are you saying you're against it?

It's hard to tell with you guys. One minute you're claiming you want it, the next you're saying it's a bad idea.

you may bot be paying attention.

We want it....but we are aware that keeping it for only 2 months will not give the consumer reason to spend it. To the contrary, they are more likely to save it...doing nothing for the economy.

Even a year will not be long eneough....but at least it gives people the comfort of knowing they will have about 1500 more in their pockets......200 more does not give confidence to spend.

At least...that is how I see it

What you say makes sense. But if you read some of your fellow reps opinions in these threads it almost seems like they don't want the cut to be extended at all. Thats the confusing part.

And I agree with you, 2 months is worthless in the big picture. It needs to be a year at least, but it has to be a year long bill that is free of other legislation. A clean bill should pass without a problem.

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