Merry X-Mas, Middle Class! House Republicans Just Voted To Raise Your Taxes By $1000

Tom McMahon: Merry Christmas, Middle Class! House Republicans Just Voted To Raise Your Taxes By $1,000

For those of you keeping track at home of the payroll tax cut holiday -- you can stop. In the battle over the House GOP's ever-shifting goal posts on the payroll tax cut extension, Speaker Boehner has tried desperately to muddy the water about the fact that his Tea-partying GOP colleagues simply do not want to extend the payroll tax holiday for middle-class Americans no matter what. And that's exactly what happened when the House Republicans rejected the bipartisan Senate deal to continue these middle-class tax cuts.

The Republican-led U.S. House shot down legislation that was passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support in the Senate on Saturday to prevent the average American family from incurring a $1,000 tax hike by extending the payroll tax holiday by two months.

So, contrary to the House GOP's oft-repeated line for the TV cameras that they don't "believe in raising taxes on anyone," they've done just that -- voted to raise taxes on 160 million Americans.

House Majority Leader Cantor wrote on his official website just days ago: "House Republicans will not support raising taxes on anyone." Congressional Republicans always forget to add that they don't really count the middle-class; by "anyone," they just mean millionaires and corporations.

So fucking true. They slammed the nail in their own coffins trying to play political chicken.

LIE.. The extension is for 2 months. Which equals 180.00 which I will gladly pay for a bigger extension
Well... I guess the same can be said about the GOP and the Tea Party for the same mantra on the Bush Tax Cuts...right?

Obama wants to get rid of the Bush tax cuts.....that means taxes for the middle class will go you want that to happen....?

The Bush Tax cuts were never meant to be permanent.... but thanks for being the hack that you are.... it's OK when the GOP uses that language(tax hike, instead of letting a temporary tax cut expire), but it's not OK when Dems do it.

Jesus you are dense, one is for government functions the other for SS.

Why do you insist on draining a failing entitlement?
I am not worried. It will be fixed later.

Fixed later at who's expense? Taxes will be taken out of paychecks and it will be noticable on pay stubs. This is non-refundable money that will have to be refunded or simply ignored and never refunded. We will be at the mercy of a dishonest and negligent government.

Fact.....the Senate dropped the ball and left town. They didn't even hang around to make sure the bill made it to the President's desk. Ether they don't give a shit or this was a calculated effort to fix blame on the House or both.
Why is the GOP against taxing the wealthy when they're ok with increasing my taxes?

Who's side are they on? Clearly they are not looking out for me in the middle. I can't believe the influence the Koch brothers have (under the guise of the Tea Party of course).
John Boehner is showing strength and courage at resisting lame Democrat manipulators from destroying American taxpayers by making them come back, play fair, and fix it right for the American taxpayer.

He's taking flak, because Democrats are using this resistance as their modus operandi of concealing their spendthriftery for two more months against the American taxpayer. John Boehner simply refused to let them do that to America.

John Boehner is looking out for the American taxpayer's long-term interests.

The Democrats handed him a no-win piece of legislation for taxpayers, and it's not working any more.

Voters are getting a lot more savvy than the Democrats are counting on.

Democrats are trying to eliminate Boehner's good influence by burying him in mud from their own thuggery.

Americans aren't buying what the Democrats are selling any more.

We're tired of the "play like we're good guys, but just go for more money" screed the Demmies are famous for playing out to enrich themselves and Pelosi's relatives on.

And we're fed up with Demmie politically-driven get-even ploys.
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Hey it was the dimocrats who refused to vote for a year long extension and instead want a two month extension.

Seems to me the Dims don't want a long term tax break for the middle class because they would rather budget day to day and make it even harder for people to plan ahead.
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Tom McMahon: Merry Christmas, Middle Class! House Republicans Just Voted To Raise Your Taxes By $1,000

For those of you keeping track at home of the payroll tax cut holiday -- you can stop. In the battle over the House GOP's ever-shifting goal posts on the payroll tax cut extension, Speaker Boehner has tried desperately to muddy the water about the fact that his Tea-partying GOP colleagues simply do not want to extend the payroll tax holiday for middle-class Americans no matter what. And that's exactly what happened when the House Republicans rejected the bipartisan Senate deal to continue these middle-class tax cuts.

The Republican-led U.S. House shot down legislation that was passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support in the Senate on Saturday to prevent the average American family from incurring a $1,000 tax hike by extending the payroll tax holiday by two months.

So, contrary to the House GOP's oft-repeated line for the TV cameras that they don't "believe in raising taxes on anyone," they've done just that -- voted to raise taxes on 160 million Americans.

House Majority Leader Cantor wrote on his official website just days ago: "House Republicans will not support raising taxes on anyone." Congressional Republicans always forget to add that they don't really count the middle-class; by "anyone," they just mean millionaires and corporations.

So fucking true. They slammed the nail in their own coffins trying to play political chicken.

Flaylo, the Republicans did no such thing. They wanted to continue it for a year not two months. Democrats are short term game players.
exactly why Obama is a sleazy political gameplayer who really does not give a damn about the middle class....

Well... I guess the same can be said about the GOP and the Tea Party for the same mantra on the Bush Tax Cuts...right?

Obama wants to get rid of the Bush tax cuts.....that means taxes for the middle class will go you want that to happen....?

Wrong. Obama wants to get rid of tax cuts for the rich... Which means taxes on the middle class would NOT go up...

In fact, the deal the reached - what, year ago? - was this payroll tax cut in exchange for tax cuts for the rich. Now the Pubs are saying the payroll tax cut is a bad idea... but the tax cuts for the rich are still a good one.
Tom McMahon: Merry Christmas, Middle Class! House Republicans Just Voted To Raise Your Taxes By $1,000

For those of you keeping track at home of the payroll tax cut holiday -- you can stop. In the battle over the House GOP's ever-shifting goal posts on the payroll tax cut extension, Speaker Boehner has tried desperately to muddy the water about the fact that his Tea-partying GOP colleagues simply do not want to extend the payroll tax holiday for middle-class Americans no matter what. And that's exactly what happened when the House Republicans rejected the bipartisan Senate deal to continue these middle-class tax cuts.

The Republican-led U.S. House shot down legislation that was passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support in the Senate on Saturday to prevent the average American family from incurring a $1,000 tax hike by extending the payroll tax holiday by two months.

So, contrary to the House GOP's oft-repeated line for the TV cameras that they don't "believe in raising taxes on anyone," they've done just that -- voted to raise taxes on 160 million Americans.

House Majority Leader Cantor wrote on his official website just days ago: "House Republicans will not support raising taxes on anyone." Congressional Republicans always forget to add that they don't really count the middle-class; by "anyone," they just mean millionaires and corporations.

So fucking true. They slammed the nail in their own coffins trying to play political chicken.

Liberals have been whining for months about increasing taxes. It should have been a $5,000 increase, not a $1,000 increase. Oh well, they can always stroke a check for the balance.
Why is the GOP against taxing the wealthy when they're ok with increasing my taxes?

Who's side are they on? Clearly they are not looking out for me in the middle. I can't believe the influence the Koch brothers have (under the guise of the Tea Party of course).

Then get out of the middle class, asswipe. Someone forcing you to be a failure or are you doing it all on your own?
Well... I guess the same can be said about the GOP and the Tea Party for the same mantra on the Bush Tax Cuts...right?

Obama wants to get rid of the Bush tax cuts.....that means taxes for the middle class will go you want that to happen....?

Wrong. Obama wants to get rid of tax cuts for the rich... Which means taxes on the middle class would NOT go up...

In fact, the deal the reached - what, year ago? - was this payroll tax cut in exchange for tax cuts for the rich. Now the Pubs are saying the payroll tax cut is a bad idea... but the tax cuts for the rich are still a good one.

They never asked for tax cuts for the rich.

They suggested, logically, that tax cuts for the job creators will help create jobs.

Likewise, they never said payroll tax cut is a bad idea. They said that payroll tax cut for a mere two months will do nothing to stimulate the economy and suggested smoething much more long term.

Why must you spin the intentions of the GOP? You have the right to disagree with their thinking...but the fact that you feel the need to spin it gives me reason to believe that you feel insecure in your position as it pertains to their true sentiments.

It is like me saying that the democratic party does not care about the poor. They simply want to buy their votes.

Sure...some people say that...but that is because they are insecure in their position as it pertains to helping the poor.
Why is the GOP against taxing the wealthy when they're ok with increasing my taxes?

Who's side are they on? Clearly they are not looking out for me in the middle. I can't believe the influence the Koch brothers have (under the guise of the Tea Party of course).

They're against any tax increases.

The problem is the negligence of the Senate yet again.

Senate Democrats don't care because they know their media will repeat any lie they tell themm.
Why is the GOP against taxing the wealthy when they're ok with increasing my taxes?

Who's side are they on? Clearly they are not looking out for me in the middle. I can't believe the influence the Koch brothers have (under the guise of the Tea Party of course).

They're against any tax increases.

The problem is the negligence of the Senate yet again.

Senate Democrats don't care because they know their media will repeat any lie they tell themm.

Is that why there was overwhelming support from Senate Republicans?

Oh and quite obviously they're not against any tax increase as you've claimed, just the ones the Koch brothers and the other Tea Party backers don't approve of.

They're ready to increase my taxes.
Y'all are simply lying. Republicans have been against this tax cut for months. The only way we got it in the first place was by agreeing to keep the Bush tax cuts for the rich.

Republicans are on record saying tax cuts for the middle class are a bad idea - the only tax cuts that matter - to them - are the ones for so-called "jobs creators".

Tax cuts for the profit-creators - the ordinary people who do the work that creates the profits for the profit-takers - Are "unaffordable". Tax cuts for the rich are sacrosanct, because "you don't raise taxes in a recession."

Pubs have changed their minds about why we shouldn't have a payroll tax again and again. That we shouldn't have it because it's "too short" (as if they can't come back and make it longer) is only the last in a long line of excuses.
Sen. Scott Brown (R- Mass.) denounced House Republicans for rejecting a payroll tax cut deal on Tuesday, and accused his colleagues of putting politics before the needs of American families.

"It angers me that House Republicans would rather continue playing politics than find solutions," Brown said in a statement released shortly after the House voted to block the bipartisan bill. "Their actions will hurt American families and be detrimental to our fragile economy. We are Americans first; now is not the time for drawing lines in the sand."

The Senate bill would have prevented the payroll tax cut from expiring on January 1, 2012 by ensuring a two-month extension. Republicans in the House opposed to the bill argued in favor of a year-long extension or no extension at all, claiming that approving a bill for just two months would create uncertainty.

Brown's criticism followed harsh comments he made on Monday, when he called the GOP's refusal to compromise "irresponsible and wrong."

Scott Brown Denounces House Republicans Over Payroll Tax Cut Deal

How fitting an Obituary for.....


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