Meryl Streep attacks Trump for mocking the disabled at Golden Globes, Trump responds on twitter

The camps open on the 21st.

All minorities, women, and Democrats will be interned and systematically executed. Please act accordingly and make sure you know where your processing center is located so that Trump's SS won't have to come find you hiding in your neighbor's basement.

They're gonna be yuge. Just great. Believe me.
I'm sure you would support such a thing, Comrade.
This OP is another offender, as far as flooding the Board with repetitive insanity goes. We get that the Poster hates Donald Trump. Do we really need their 10 thread-starters per day telling us that? Please USMB, take action. Set some limits on number of thread-starter posts posters can post per week. Maybe like 3 or 4?
Awwwww....Comrade wants this board to be a safe place.
Trump is so pathetic
What difference does your opinion make?
Enough to chap your ass apparently

Comrade Chump is the ultimate snow flake. He is a whiny four year that cannot take the heat. We haven't had a classless president since Nixon. We now have another.

You must have slept through the last 8 years.

Please show me where Obama attacked a citizen and called them overrated. Give me an example.

My comment was inn response to "We haven't had a classless president since Nixon". We have a president that referred to his own grandmother as a "typical white woman". Yes, how classy.
This OP is another offender, as far as flooding the Board with repetitive insanity goes. We get that the Poster hates Donald Trump. Do we really need their 10 thread-starters per day telling us that? Please USMB, take action. Set some limits on number of thread-starter posts posters can post per week. Maybe like 3 or 4?
Awwwww....Comrade wants this board to be a safe place.

It is time for some limits. The same couple of posters are being allowed to hijack forums with their flooding. It's out of control now. Maybe limit posters to like 2-3 thread-starter posts per week.

I mean, i don't mind folks expressing their hate for Trump or anyone else. But we don't need 10-20 posts per week telling us that. There needs to be some limits. The site is becoming so boring and annoying.
Meryl Streep is a GREAT Actress.

I know a GREAT Mechanic, too. And a GREAT Engineer. I also know a GREAT Doctor and a GREAT Hunter.

But they don't stand up on stage at an Engineering or Medical Convention and take it hostage to spew their PERSONAL POLITICAL BELIEFS during their award Ceremonies!!

They'd get kicked off the stage.

But Hollywood SCUM not only tolerate it, they tacitly encourage it.

Hollywood is scum.
What difference does your opinion make?
Enough to chap your ass apparently

Comrade Chump is the ultimate snow flake. He is a whiny four year that cannot take the heat. We haven't had a classless president since Nixon. We now have another.

You must have slept through the last 8 years.

Please show me where Obama attacked a citizen and called them overrated. Give me an example.

My comment was inn response to "We haven't had a classless president since Nixon". We have a president that referred to his own grandmother as a "typical white woman". Yes, how classy.
Only classless when taken out of context.
Meryl Streep is a GREAT Actress.

I know a GREAT Mechanic, too. And a GREAT Engineer. I also know a GREAT Doctor and a GREAT Hunter.

But they don't stand up on stage at an Engineering or Medical Convention and take it hostage to spew their PERSONAL POLITICAL BELIEFS during their award Ceremonies!!

They'd get kicked off the stage.

But Hollywood SCUM not only tolerate it, they tacitly encourage it.

Hollywood is scum.

Limousine Liberals. They're the worst. They demand others live in ways they themselves would never consider living. They love all that Communism/Socialism stuff, but they sure ain't gonna live it themselves. It's a disgusting 'Do as i say, not as i do' mentality.

You think Streep or Sean Penn are gonna put up with standing in long lines to get basic essentials? That's what they're doing in Venezuela right now. And Sean Penn's nowhere to be found these days. He could care less about Venezuelans suffering. Limousine Liberals are superficial assholes. They are the worst.
So Streep attacking Trump is fine which by the way she has every right to do but Trump responding which he has every right to do is not. Classic liberal double standard and one more reason why it will be President Trump in 11 days instead of President Clinton.
So Streep attacking Trump is fine which by the way she has every right to do but Trump responding which he has every right to do is not. Classic liberal double standard and one more reason why it will be President Trump in 11 days instead of President Clinton.

Limousine Liberals are pompous superficial assholes. Streep doesn't know anything about the real world. She's been celebrity royalty most of her life. Limousine Liberals are the lowest lifeforms.
Don't give your hard earned money to the liberal swine in Hollywood. They use it to bash and degrade us. They suck!
What difference does your opinion make?
Enough to chap your ass apparently

Comrade Chump is the ultimate snow flake. He is a whiny four year that cannot take the heat. We haven't had a classless president since Nixon. We now have another.

You must have slept through the last 8 years.

Please show me where Obama attacked a citizen and called them overrated. Give me an example.

My comment was inn response to "We haven't had a classless president since Nixon". We have a president that referred to his own grandmother as a "typical white woman". Yes, how classy.
Let's not forget when he said he didn't want his children to be burdened with a child.
Donald Trump attacks Streep for speech at Golden Globes -

He is so easily baited, and attacking one of the most talented Hollywood actors ever. There is little wonder Putin is using him like an old dish rag. The Useful Idiot speaks...'

This is a sad story of a small man, unable to quit small habits...

He is unable to control his emotions. We are entering to most dangerous period in this country's history.

The man is emotionally binary. He judges people by nothing more than whether or not they praise him.

You know you are exactly right. As long as you kiss his a@s, he is happy. Look up the definition of a narcissism. He is a text book example.

He is the King with no cloths. No one in his immediate circle will ever say No to him. That is very scary.
I Don't Remember Meryl Slamming Hillary At The Globes RE Her Taking
From Islamic Countries That Kill Women & Gays!

so much bull. Step aside and make way for President Trump, or get steam rolled by the patriot movement.
why didn't you speak out about Chicago torture victim Austin Hilbourn, Meryl...YOU'RE A FUCKING FRAUD!
This OP is another offender, as far as flooding the Board with repetitive insanity goes. We get that the Poster hates Donald Trump. Do we really need their 10 thread-starters per day telling us that? Please USMB, take action. Set some limits on number of thread-starter posts posters can post per week. Maybe like 3 or 4?
Awwwww....Comrade wants this board to be a safe place.

It is time for some limits. The same couple of posters are being allowed to hijack forums with their flooding. It's out of control now. Maybe limit posters to like 2-3 thread-starter posts per week.

I mean, i don't mind folks expressing their hate for Trump or anyone else. But we don't need 10-20 posts per week telling us that. There needs to be some limits. The site is becoming so boring and annoying.

Maybe you talk to the Mods about the paid Russian troll that have invaded the board?
You know you are exactly right. As long as you kiss his a@s, he is happy. Look up the definition of a narcissism. He is a text book example.

He is the King with no cloths. No one in his immediate circle will ever say No to him. That is very scary.

His family does and will. It's why he keeps them around.

Reince Preibus has snapped him back a time or two.

Trump is aware that he's a Prima Donna. He's aware that he's thin-skinned and vindictive. It's why he surrounds himself with people that can control him.

You don't 'get' that because you don't get much of anything the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media doesn't spoon-feed you
This OP is another offender, as far as flooding the Board with repetitive insanity goes. We get that the Poster hates Donald Trump. Do we really need their 10 thread-starters per day telling us that? Please USMB, take action. Set some limits on number of thread-starter posts posters can post per week. Maybe like 3 or 4?
Awwwww....Comrade wants this board to be a safe place.

It is time for some limits. The same couple of posters are being allowed to hijack forums with their flooding. It's out of control now. Maybe limit posters to like 2-3 thread-starter posts per week.

I mean, i don't mind folks expressing their hate for Trump or anyone else. But we don't need 10-20 posts per week telling us that. There needs to be some limits. The site is becoming so boring and annoying.

Maybe you talk to the Mods about the paid Russian troll that have invaded the board?

I'm against all flooders hijacking forums. I hope USMB will put some limits on how many thread-starter posts that posters can post per day or week. Y'all are out of control now.

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