Meryl Streep attacks Trump for mocking the disabled at Golden Globes, Trump responds on twitter

What difference does your opinion make?
Enough to chap your ass apparently

Comrade Chump is the ultimate snow flake. He is a whiny four year that cannot take the heat. We haven't had a classless president since Nixon. We now have another.

You must have slept through the last 8 years.

Please show me where Obama attacked a citizen and called them overrated. Give me an example.

My comment was inn response to "We haven't had a classless president since Nixon". We have a president that referred to his own grandmother as a "typical white woman". Yes, how classy.
What is it about that comment that personally triggers you?
You know you are exactly right. As long as you kiss his a@s, he is happy. Look up the definition of a narcissism. He is a text book example.

He is the King with no cloths. No one in his immediate circle will ever say No to him. That is very scary.

His family does and will. It's why he keeps them around.

Reince Preibus has snapped him back a time or two.

Trump is aware that he's a Prima Donna. He's aware that he's thin-skinned and vindictive. It's why he surrounds himself with people that can control him.

You don't 'get' that because you don't get much of anything the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media doesn't spoon-feed you

So who is guiding his hand at 3:00 am when he is writing his vindictive emails. He has the temperament of a four year old.
Streep's reaction is as predictable as the media's and the left's. They've been humiliated.

Suck it up buttercups.
Streep's reaction is as predictable as the media's and the left's. They've been humiliated.

Suck it up buttercups.
Actually, I'm pretty sure she's wearing his tweet comments like a badge of pride. I sure would.
Streep's reaction is as predictable as the media's and the left's. They've been humiliated.

Suck it up buttercups.

Trump will stop any insults coming his way after 20th. Just like Putin taught him.
saudi arabia actually pours a lotta money to help the disabled.

i just wanted to add that.
Streep's reaction is as predictable as the media's and the left's. They've been humiliated.

Suck it up buttercups.

Trump will stop any insults coming his way after 20th. Just like Putin taught him.
Trump is a counterpuncher. He thrives on that shit.

No, he is a spineless wussy, who attacks anyone who disagrees with him or doesn't lick his boots Let's see how that works out on the world stage.
Streep's reaction is as predictable as the media's and the left's. They've been humiliated.

Suck it up buttercups.

Trump will stop any insults coming his way after 20th. Just like Putin taught him.
Trump is a counterpuncher. He thrives on that shit.

No, he is a spineless wussy, who attacks anyone who disagrees with him or doesn't lick his boots Let's see how that works out on the world stage.
Sorry Jimbo. You lost because your politics are bankrupt. I wouldn't let you lick my boots, and I'm sure President-Elect Donald J. Trump wouldn't either.
No, he is a spineless wussy, who attacks anyone who disagrees with him or doesn't lick his boots Let's see how that works out on the world stage.

Streep used the national media to attack HIM. She's an adult. She knew what she was doing.

Trump responded in kind. He's an adult. He knew what he was doing.

Why do all you hyper-partisan snowflakes pretend it was Trump who is somehow more wrong for responding than it was for her to initiate the whole thing to begin with?
The woman was exercising the first right guaranteed by the Constitution in a setting where her peers were gathered to hear what their own had to say. Nothing could be more normal or less upsetting. Anyone listening was totally free in the choice. Not many would argue that the character and the action she described was anything less than lamentable. Such a role seen in a movie would be seen to be a bad guy. That it referred to an unnamed well-known person may meet with disagreement from those faithful to that person. Nevertheless, she is not to be criticized for having or expressing an opinion.
It wasn't a 1st amendment issue. Trump isn't even in government yet, criticizing him isn't illegal even when he is.

I think Streep is a good actress, the Osange County movie role was a remarkable performance. But these actors live in fantasy land, it's what they do. Their opinions come from a fantasy world, not the one I live in.
It most certainly is not a First Amendment issue. The manner, however, in which some people responded showed they were offended in an inappropriate way, forgetting what freedom is. Of course, the opinions of 'celebrities' of any sort are of debatable value. Trump himself is an example of 'celebrity' becoming something else. At the same time, what Streep described as a character does appear in the 'real' world, not just 'fantasy', and it is a type of character that, if we recognized it in one, would disapprove. Those who do not agree that it corresponds to the unnamed celebrity have a right to such an opinion. They would doubtless not approve of it in another celebrity in whom they did identify it.
What has also been overlooked is that her criticism of the unnamed personality was couched in terms of his acting, playing a part, his performance. It was a carefully crafted comment and one which intellectual honesty cannot refute.
The woman was exercising the first right guaranteed by the Constitution in a setting where her peers were gathered to hear what their own had to say. Nothing could be more normal or less upsetting. Anyone listening was totally free in the choice. Not many would argue that the character and the action she described was anything less than lamentable. Such a role seen in a movie would be seen to be a bad guy. That it referred to an unnamed well-known person may meet with disagreement from those faithful to that person. Nevertheless, she is not to be criticized for having or expressing an opinion.
It wasn't a 1st amendment issue. Trump isn't even in government yet, criticizing him isn't illegal even when he is.

I think Streep is a good actress, the Osange County movie role was a remarkable performance. But these actors live in fantasy land, it's what they do. Their opinions come from a fantasy world, not the one I live in.
It most certainly is not a First Amendment issue. The manner, however, in which some people responded showed they were offended in an inappropriate way, forgetting what freedom is. Of course, the opinions of 'celebrities' of any sort are of debatable value. Trump himself is an example of 'celebrity' becoming something else. At the same time, what Streep described as a character does appear in the 'real' world, not just 'fantasy', and it is a type of character that, if we recognized it in one, would disapprove. Those who do not agree that it corresponds to the unnamed celebrity have a right to such an opinion. They would doubtless not approve of it in another celebrity in whom they did identify it.
What has also been overlooked is that her criticism of the unnamed personality was couched in terms of his acting, playing a part, his performance. It was a carefully crafted comment and one which intellectual honesty cannot refute.
Intellectually honest people don't make loaded statements.
clearly she was stoned!


Her opinion is as relevant as this scene.
Trump is so pathetic
What difference does your opinion make?
Enough to chap your ass apparently

Comrade Chump is the ultimate snow flake. He is a whiny four year that cannot take the heat. We haven't had a classless president since Nixon. We now have another.

You must have slept through the last 8 years.

Please show me where Obama attacked a citizen and called them overrated. Give me an example.
Obama used the IRS to attack those he hates.
Streep's reaction is as predictable as the media's and the left's. They've been humiliated.

Suck it up buttercups.
Actually, I'm pretty sure she's wearing his tweet comments like a badge of pride. I sure would.

Just as Baldwin loves it when Donnie gets upset over his hilarious portrayal of the orange man.
Why did Meryl Streep not condemn the four black animals who attacked a defenseless mentally challenged white man? (rhetorical)

I lefties ever wonder such things, or are they mentally challenged.
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What difference does your opinion make?
Enough to chap your ass apparently

Comrade Chump is the ultimate snow flake. He is a whiny four year that cannot take the heat. We haven't had a classless president since Nixon. We now have another.

You must have slept through the last 8 years.

Please show me where Obama attacked a citizen and called them overrated. Give me an example.
Obama used the IRS to attack those he hates.

another lie....he has no oversight over the IRS. Nixon, Trump's daddy, was the last to do that.

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