Mesa AZ PIG COP MURDER: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video as MURDERED!

The pig was never under any threat. It's a clear case of murder. He should be executed immediately.

Um, this isn't Syria. We have a legal system with a court system. He was found not guilty.

We don't just execute immediately. Fucking ragheads might but a civilized society doesn't.
If this was you or I as a civilian using a firearm for self defense, and had 100% control of the situation, and fired just because he reached...we’d be locked away.

Regarding this point above, I would say it depends on the situation. If the guy had just broken into my property, reasonable self defense dictates the homeowner could take him out without a word said. It wouldn't matter if he reached or not.

The police are civilians too, but they have a duty to respond to the idiot pointing the firearm out the window. You just can't make a sudden movement that looks like you could be in the process of producing a weapon while in front of a cop. They can't wait to see a gun before reacting because by then its too late. I'd feel the same way if you're an intruder in my home.

Tell your kids what my father told me. If a LEO stops you, be respectful, make no sudden movements, keep you hands in plain sight and if you need to retrieve something (like a license from a glove compartment), ask first if it's okay. Simple things any reasonable person can do and you'll be fine.
Strawman McGee, that’s not what I’m saying, I’ve made that very clear. If our soldiers in an actual war zone, in one of the most dangerous countries on the planet, can excercise better judgment than these guys can...why the hell are we holding our law enforcement to lower standards than not only the our troops, but the average LAW ABIDING CITIZEN?

FYI, our military have killed innocent civilians who were not a was/is a war zone
in Somalia, they were getting fired on from many angles/all over the city.....the soldiers just fired up some areas and civilians were there
in WW2 if they got fired on from a town, they would blast a lot of the buildings--which had innocent civilians in them

Roughly one thousand Somalis were killed by American forces over the twenty hours
I couldn't get an accurate read on how many of those Somalis were civilians, so I called my colleague, Mark Bowden, who wrote the book. He said that eighty percent of the Somali deaths were of civilian.

800 civilians killed by American military in twenty hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have you ever read anything on war??!!?? I was in for 8 years and have been reading about war/etc for over 30 years
Does "Black Hawk Down" Portray an American War Crime?

WTF are you talking about military vs police for?? as you can see in the above facts, numbers and quotes--your analogy is beyond ridiculous
WW2 was what we call total war, started by the nazis, when they would do what was called terror bombing, when they didn’t really go after military targets, but civilians as well. Total war was more than just beating the other military, it was about breaking the will of an entire nation, through terror bombing and bombardments. The allies practiced it as well, since their hand was partially forced in the matter. We firebombed German and japanese cities. Even during military strikes, against military targets the brits lost patience (understandable since the nazis were slinging rockets at London from across the pond), and would have the bombers fly high and at night to protect them. While it helped protect them, it greatly lowered the accuracy of their bombs (there were no smart bombs back then), and would kill civilians too. The US on the other hand would fly low during the day, to try to preserve casualties and make sure they took out German factories. These acts, like total war, and terror bombing are now consider war crimes, and are about the furthest thing away from what our military practices today.

And do you honestly think in Somalia that our military (the US military) were that bad of shots that they actually killed 800 civilians, va only 200 Somali militants? YOUR CRAZY IF YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT. This was Somalia, you see someone die, you go and loot their body, wether you’re a regular Somali joe, or Somali militant...and in Somalia, guns are pretty essential to life, making them very if the standard is, these Somali bodies don’t have guns on them, therefore they are civilians, is prettt damn silly. On top of that, YOUR ARTICLE IS QUESTIONING WHETHER IR NOT THIS WAS A WAR CRIME...not helping your point. It is also not how we currently have fought the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
How Our Overly Restrictive Rules of Engagement Keep Us from Winning Wars

We’ve asked our military personnel in a war zone to do the impossible...but yet we think it’s ok for police to use lethal force on assumptions? We give better treatment to enemy combatants than we do our own citizens? There’s something wrong here
I give you the proof right FREAKIN there!!!!..and you say --''I don't believe it''
Bowden is the expert on the battle --not YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you have ZERO knowledge on combat/war/etc--I knew it !!!!!!!!!
they were in the battle for their lives--they didn't care where the rounds were going--they wanted to live

if civilians are in the combat area/near combatants---they will be fired on!!!!!!!!!!

the proof is right THERE!! I gave it to you---
read the book then

it is useless to discuss with you if you don't believe the EXPERTS..the ones who actually research it in great detail
you are a get the ignore button

I have proved you don't know crap about combat/etc
bad shots?? this shows you truly are a DUMBASS when it comes to combat knowledge
this proves your posts are nothing but crap--no factual knowledge

The cop had plenty opportunity to handcuff him and end the situation long before he killed the man. Looked like he was just enjoying torturing the poor guy who was obviously under great duress. It was murder.
He will not be missed...
If this was you or I as a civilian using a firearm for self defense, and had 100% control of the situation, and fired just because he reached...we’d be locked away.

Regarding this point above, I would say it depends on the situation. If the guy had just broken into my property, reasonable self defense dictates the homeowner could take him out without a word said. It wouldn't matter if he reached or not.

The police are civilians too, but they have a duty to respond to the idiot pointing the firearm out the window. You just can't make a sudden movement that looks like you could be in the process of producing a weapon while in front of a cop. They can't wait to see a gun before reacting because by then its too late. I'd feel the same way if you're an intruder in my home.

Tell your kids what my father told me. If a LEO stops you, be respectful, make no sudden movements, keep you hands in plain sight and if you need to retrieve something (like a license from a glove compartment), ask first if it's okay. Simple things any reasonable person can do and you'll be fine.
We need to outlaw alcohol then...because every time a person drinks he/she is more likely to be confronted by a cop. And the influence of alcohol slows down responses and causes people not to think clearly or rationally. Cops like the one in this op would
kill anyone who couldn't follow orders because they'd been drinking.
if you threaten the police/are a threat while you are drunk you can be justifiably shot
what's the problem?
Shaver didn't threaten the cop. The cop was a psycopathic killer who seemed to enjoy mental torture before murdering someone.
He probably had an orgasm while firing his weapon.
The video clearly shows the moron disobeying the cop’s instructions. He moved his hand out of sight. His demeanor cannot be considered, the cop had the right to shoot him.

He got off, if that's what you mean. It was still cold blooded murder.

Not according to the jury. It was a fucked up situation for sure, the idiot should had listened to his instructions. I thought you lefties believed in Darwinism?
The jury was either intimidated by police or they were just plain morons.

One cop should be fired and the other should be executed.
The video clearly shows the moron disobeying the cop’s instructions. He moved his hand out of sight. His demeanor cannot be considered, the cop had the right to shoot him.

He got off, if that's what you mean. It was still cold blooded murder.

Not according to the jury. It was a fucked up situation for sure, the idiot should had listened to his instructions. I thought you lefties believed in Darwinism?
Have you ever been drunk or high? Consider looking at the shooting through the lens of your drunken experience and ask yourself; "could i have followed all those conflicting orders?"
...we think it’s ok for police to use lethal force on assumptions?

Again, whether it was the cops or a home invader, if the perp reaches for his waistline after I've told him not to do so, he's going to get shot. This has nothing to do with a theater of war and everything to do with the right of self defense. This does not change if it's me or a cop. So, if I have a firearm on you and you reach into your belt, I'm going to assume you're doing so to produce a weapon. No different for a cop.
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If this was you or I as a civilian using a firearm for self defense, and had 100% control of the situation, and fired just because he reached...we’d be locked away.

Regarding this point above, I would say it depends on the situation. If the guy had just broken into my property, reasonable self defense dictates the homeowner could take him out without a word said. It wouldn't matter if he reached or not.

The police are civilians too, but they have a duty to respond to the idiot pointing the firearm out the window. You just can't make a sudden movement that looks like you could be in the process of producing a weapon while in front of a cop. They can't wait to see a gun before reacting because by then its too late. I'd feel the same way if you're an intruder in my home.

Tell your kids what my father told me. If a LEO stops you, be respectful, make no sudden movements, keep you hands in plain sight and if you need to retrieve something (like a license from a glove compartment), ask first if it's okay. Simple things any reasonable person can do and you'll be fine.
We need to outlaw alcohol then...because every time a person drinks he/she is more likely to be confronted by a cop. And the influence of alcohol slows down responses and causes people not to think clearly or rationally. Cops like the one in this op would
kill anyone who couldn't follow orders because they'd been drinking.

The progressives already tried banning alcohol. Didn't work.

Either way, getting drunk is no excuse for committing a crime and it's no excuse for acting in such a way as to put another into a situation in which they are forced to defend themselves. If you can't handle the consequences, don't drink alcohol. Problem solved.
The video clearly shows the moron disobeying the cop’s instructions. He moved his hand out of sight. His demeanor cannot be considered, the cop had the right to shoot him.

He got off, if that's what you mean. It was still cold blooded murder.

Not according to the jury. It was a fucked up situation for sure, the idiot should had listened to his instructions. I thought you lefties believed in Darwinism?
The jury was either intimidated by police or they were just plain morons.

One cop should be fired and the other should be executed.
Or the prosecutor just tanked the case. It wouldn't be at all difficult.
Perhaps the cop should have just assumed the perp had the best of intentions and when the guy reached for his waistband, he should have waited to see a weapon first, like this cop did:

Another cop that hesitated, just like several on this thread have suggested. Cop died here too:

Perhaps the cop should have just assumed the perp had the best of intentions and when the guy reached for his waistband, he should have waited to see a weapon first, like this cop did:
Perhaps he should have got a job at McDonalds if he was too much of a coward to be a cop.
if you don't comply with police commands you are a threat--it's that simple
it's your own fault if you get shot--not the cops
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Perhaps the cop should have just assumed the perp had the best of intentions and when the guy reached for his waistband, he should have waited to see a weapon first, like this cop did:
Perhaps he should have got a job at McDonalds if he was too much of a coward to be a cop.

Perhaps you should step up?

The cop did the right thing. The jury agreed. You're wrong.
...we think it’s ok for police to use lethal force on assumptions?

Again, whether it was the cops or a home invader, if the perp reaches for his waistline after I've told him not to do so, he's going to get shot.
What perp?

The only perps were the cops. One committed aggravated menacing and the other committed murder.
...we think it’s ok for police to use lethal force on assumptions?

Again, whether it was the cops or a home invader, if the perp reaches for his waistline after I've told him not to do so, he's going to get shot.
What perp?

The only perps were the cops. One committed aggravated menacing and the other committed murder.

The courts disagreed. Your opinion is irrelevant and your logic entirely lacking.

I agree with the jury's finding. The idiot reached when told not to. The cop did the right thing. The cops in the other videos that hesitated ended up dead.
The video clearly shows the moron disobeying the cop’s instructions. He moved his hand out of sight. His demeanor cannot be considered, the cop had the right to shoot him.

He got off, if that's what you mean. It was still cold blooded murder.

Not according to the jury. It was a fucked up situation for sure, the idiot should had listened to his instructions. I thought you lefties believed in Darwinism?
Have you ever been drunk or high? Consider looking at the shooting through the lens of your drunken experience and ask yourself; "could i have followed all those conflicting orders?"
Being drunk or high isn't an excuse for anything

You are an adult and responsible for your own actions 100% of the time

Follow simple commands when a gun is pointed at you

The world won't miss that loser
...we think it’s ok for police to use lethal force on assumptions?

Again, whether it was the cops or a home invader, if the perp reaches for his waistline after I've told him not to do so, he's going to get shot.
What perp?

The only perps were the cops. One committed aggravated menacing and the other committed murder.

The courts disagreed. Your opinion is irrelevant and your logic entirely lacking.

I agree with the jury's finding. The idiot reached when told not to. The cop did the right thing. The cops in the other videos that hesitated ended up dead.
Bullshit. The innocent man committed no crime whatsoever and the cop murdered him.

People like you are mental weaklings.

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