Message boards - bad for your health?

If a message board makes a person unhappy, they are most likely unhappy to begin with. It's your choice if you want to be unhappy.

That's not true. Timing is everything. It can be a wise choice to quit a forum. Sometimes, for whatever reason, a particular forum is not the right fit for the person. It doesn't mean the poster is inherently unhappy by nature.

It's a choice we all have to drop whatever doesn't serve us.
I think when someone pisses you off it's sometimes wise to just ignore them. This has the unfortunate side effect of encouraging them to do it again because they feel they have won, rather than realizing that their opponent his decided they're not worth the wear on the keyboard.

I sometimes lose my temper with people. Did it with Cecilie a couple of days ago. I always regret it later. It doesn't achieve anything.

One thing I liked was Anguille's apology to Ravi the other day. That was really cool. More people should do it.

I completely agree. If people were to genuinely apologize more, and admit regret when we lose our tempers, at least, it will help us all see the best in each other--and identify who we share values with.

The place would be completely boring if we were all "Lisa Simpsons' or "Ned Flanders" we like the Barts and the Homers in life too.

What I'm working on in myself is developing patience and having the sense to yield my position more.

If someone has a closed mind on an issue, its like I've knocked and the door is closed. It's wise to just walk away and not beat the door down.

I have a particular difficult time with posters who are deliberately 'mean-spirited'. It's been a huge mistake on my part to engage them and give them any attention at all.

When I get overly intense about an issue, I have to ask myself, "Is this the hill you want to die on?"
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This is an excellent topic for discussion. Here is an article on forum addiction. I think it support your OP premise:
Effective Online Forum Usage by Steve Pavlina

We do influence each other. How do we want to be influenced and to influence others? For the positive? Or the negative?

For the record, let it be known that I have always had "Chronic procrastination".:lol: I even did a speech on "The Art of Procrastiantion" once.

Sky, I may disagree with you on things, but I still respect you and give you the right to express your opinion, even when it's wrong :D.

I do try to be possitive and I find this a healthy way to debate. Having two special needs kids, I don't get out of the house a lot and this is kind of therapy for me. It let's me talk to actuall adults without ever leaving home.

I have found a home for my youngest son, the low function autistic one and he'll be there part time in January. After I come back from my vacation, I'm going to be looking for a real job. I'm looking forward to getting out in the world again.
If a message board makes a person unhappy, they are most likely unhappy to begin with. It's your choice if you want to be unhappy.

Good point, Abraham Lincoln said "People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
For the record, let it be known that I have always had "Chronic procrastination".:lol: I even did a speech on "The Art of Procrastiantion" once.

Sky, I may disagree with you on things, but I still respect you and give you the right to express your opinion, even when it's wrong :D.

I do try to be possitive and I find this a healthy way to debate. Having two special needs kids, I don't get out of the house a lot and this is kind of therapy for me. It let's me talk to actuall adults without ever leaving home.

I have found a home for my youngest son, the low function autistic one and he'll be there part time in January. After I come back from my vacation, I'm going to be looking for a real job. I'm looking forward to getting out in the world again.


I feel the same way about you. We disagree on a number of topics, and I have found your perspective interesting.

Thanks for sharing about your children. There are many reasons we find ourselves here in a forum community. And that's what this is, a community, even though it may be virtual.

Good for you getting some time with adults--even through a forum. It will be great to see you make the transition back into the working world again soon.
i think a lot of people on the net are much meaner and nastier than in person...its seems to be like the old arena's for who have been emaniculated by the social system now cyber dick rattle on the net...and women do it to but seem to engage in a more...why how shall i say lie about being men...women i think always pretend to be younger sexier i guess both lie about the same things....and i think on the net people associate or talk to people they wouldnt give a damn about in rl...or they wouldnt pay them any attention....everyone can be young, wealthy and etc on the net....i have been on other message boards where people have parties etc..regional boards or larger boards where people get personal...that leads to some hellish infighting ....i think people control how personal they want to get on the net....but i think people should realize that they can hurt people with their posts etc...for ever sadist there is a submissive

Okay, I'm gonna have to change my avatar. I'm honestly not trying to appear younger and sexier, I just couldn't find "sniper kitty", that's what I wanted as my avatar, and then when I found it, I couldn't get it to work. Gonna have to get my son to change my avatar for me, pretty bad when a special needs kid is smarter than you.

Then again, I never considered myself to be sexy in highschool anyway. I was a nerd.
I think when someone pisses you off it's sometimes wise to just ignore them. This has the unfortunate side effect of encouraging them to do it again because they feel they have won, rather than realizing that their opponent his decided they're not worth the wear on the keyboard.

I sometimes lose my temper with people. Did it with Cecilie a couple of days ago. I always regret it later. It doesn't achieve anything.

One thing I liked was Anguille's apology to Ravi the other day. That was really cool. More people should do it.

Yes, they should.
Hey, I'll have you know I was depressed, BEFORE I got on the message boards. 2 special needs kids will do that to ya....:lol:

I just did a quick survey of everyone who's logged on so far today. If high MB usage equates to or could lead to clinical depression, then we need to start being caring and considerate around Willow and DiveCon (both over 40 posts per day), with DavidS having an increasingly gloomy outlook about things (just under 40 posts per day).

Sheila - you're in the mid 20's as I recall, which makes you comparatively upbeat and optimistic! :clap2:
That's not true. Timing is everything. It can be a wise choice to quit a forum. Sometimes, for whatever reason, a particular forum is not the right fit for the person. It doesn't mean the poster is inherently unhappy by nature.

It's a choice we all have to drop whatever doesn't serve us.

If they aren't unhappy in the first place, they are certainly prone to being unhappy if they allow a message board to make them unhappy. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy explains this well using the A-B-C-model (Activating event, Belief, Consequences).

If somebody says something I don't like (the Activating event) that makes me unhappy (the consequence), what does that say about my belief in the initial action?
I just did a quick survey of everyone who's logged on so far today. If high MB usage equates to or could lead to clinical depression, then we need to start being caring and considerate around Willow and DiveCon (both over 40 posts per day), with DavidS having an increasingly gloomy outlook about things (just under 40 posts per day).

Sheila - you're in the mid 20's as I recall, which makes you comparatively upbeat and optimistic! :clap2:

Well, I am on medication.....:eusa_whistle:

Well, and my internet was down for awhile...
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If they aren't unhappy in the first place, they are certainly prone to being unhappy if they allow a message board to make them unhappy. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy explains this well using the A-B-C-model (Activating event, Belief, Consequences).

If somebody says something I don't like (the Activating event) that makes me unhappy (the consequence), what does that say about my belief in the initial action?

Wow. You're really digging out of the archives with Rational Emotive Therapy.

I could say it another way. We are responsible for our own buttons. Someone pushes my button? Well, I had the button in the first place.

Some folks look for the buttons in another poster just to make them squirm. It has nothing at all to do with 'debate' or 'discussion'. They are sadistic and they look for masochists. They get off on being mean.

One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel. Once the barrel is spoiled you have to throw it out or compost it.
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Sheila - I'm afraid you're going to have to quit the Procrastinators Club. You actually wrote and delivered your speech on procrastination. Some of us experts are still getting around to it....

Interesting points here from everyone and a really good thread.

I like forums for various reasons but one is that tv here is crap. I'm not anti-tv but I'm selective about what I watch and no, I'm not an intellectual snob. I just hate the rubbish we get on the free to air commercial channels so I'd rather read or get interactive in a forum.

I used to be active in politics here but I got sick of the backstabbing and factionalism so I quit (had a senior voluntary, not paid, office). It was less about policy than about personalities. And that's real life! Frankly I find the political points of view here more interesting than the internecine squabbles I witnessed in the party - and you think people on forums can hate? :lol:

I get a bit cranky too as Bob said, and I always, always feel bad about it later. Sometimes I can actually exercise a bit of self control and ignore something or just logoff before I make myself look like a complete iditiot but I have failed at that a few times. I do need to make sure I don't take things so seriously.

Okay, I need to take the dog for a walk.
Sheila - I'm afraid you're going to have to quit the Procrastinators Club. You actually wrote and delivered your speech on procrastination. Some of us experts are still getting around to it....

But I only wrote it 10 minutes before I was suppose to give my speech, that ought to count for something....:lol:
I met my fiancee on an internet message board of our hometown paper, we've been together 2 1/2 years and are very happy!

Wish I knew what he looked like.......................:eusa_whistle:
Just kidding! (He's a cutie! :) )

Anyway, this place is my only outlet for online chatting, I have "met" some nice, cool people here. The world is a giant place, the USMB makes it seem smaller and cozier.

Good People all of you! :cool:

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