Message for Feminists: If you want us to take sexual harassment seriously...

Somebody who I know well and I esteem....said to me his 25 year marriage was ruined because of his feminist wife....

I am with him and I totally understand him.....

fuck scum feminists on this world!
Feminists? ROFLMAO.

As far as I know they support Islam, that stones women for getting raped. They don't give a shit about women, only about their leftists goals which they try to mask as pro-women.
Fuck Feminists.

End of story.

Yep, I wish they would get the fuck out of the democratic parties way and allow us to focus on rebuilding our middle class, rebuilding our unions and having a strong message to win next year.

They're going to snatch victory away from us.
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Weiner a pass? Kicked out of the House and in prison..... Weinstein a pass? Lost his job and facing charges.....Bill Clinton a pass? Impeached and disbarred....

Trump a pass? Elected president.
Moore a pass? Still supported by Evangelicals and Alabamians.
Weiner, aka Carlos Danger, is in prison for sending naked pictures to a 15 year old girl. Clinton was not impeached and disbarred for being a perv...he was impeached for committing perjury!
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Weiner a pass? Kicked out of the House and in prison..... Weinstein a pass? Lost his job and facing charges.....Bill Clinton a pass? Impeached and disbarred....

Trump a pass? Elected president.
Moore a pass? Still supported by Evangelicals and Alabamians.
Weiner, aka Carlos Danger, is in prison for sending naked pictures to a 15 year old girl. Clinton was not impeached and disbarred for being a perv...he was impeached for committing perjury!
And what was that perjury about? What was he being investigated for when he committed that perjury?
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Weiner a pass? Kicked out of the House and in prison..... Weinstein a pass? Lost his job and facing charges.....Bill Clinton a pass? Impeached and disbarred....

Trump a pass? Elected president.
Moore a pass? Still supported by Evangelicals and Alabamians.
Weiner, aka Carlos Danger, is in prison for sending naked pictures to a 15 year old girl. Clinton was not impeached and disbarred for being a perv...he was impeached for committing perjury!
And what was that perjury about? What was he being investigated for when he committed that perjury?
Irrelevant. Perjury is perjury.
If you can MAKE ME shut up, go ahead and MAKE ME, faggot.
fanboy of the far right, who is lying about treating women right.

He will correct the Dems and excuse the GOP.

What a punk.

A few weeks ago, I called for the Trump accusers to COME FORWARD AND FINISH WHAT THEY STARTED.

Why haven't they?
You know that lawsuits are in the works, right?

Sure they are! The stories lead the nightly news and is the main topic on the cable stations.

Nope! Haven't seen a thing!
So you admit that you believe the only things that are actually, really happening are those that are reported on the Nightly News. Well.....that's a revelation.

No, it they were actually happening the anti-Trump media would be cackling with glee and that would be all you see and hear 24/7/365.
Juanita Broaddrick: “No human being was protected more than Bill Clinton was…and no human being was more harassed and ridiculed and trashed as Bill Clinton’s victims were.”
I wonder why she stated in a disposition that he didn't rape her then.

Maybe she didn't want to commit Arkancide?

You know, like shooting yourself in the back of the head three times!

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