Message for Feminists: If you want us to take sexual harassment seriously...

What's interesting is how "triggered" the USMB liberals are about this thread. I think they need to take a break and maybe get a coffee or something to mentally and emotionally compose themselves.
Midol and valium.
Also, they can't run away from their defense of the Clintons. They're still doing it, they can't help themselves. The corruption the Clintons brought into the Democratic Parrty is so deep and wide that the party may NEVER recover. It certainly will never recover it's reputation. They are forever exposed as the party of corruption and back room dealing. Also rape, the Democrats are exposed as the party of rape too.
One of the things I really, really utterly detest about feminism is that most of their issues are 100% based on a jealous, childish, inferiority complex about men. For example, Swedish feminists (the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst) tried to pass a law that men are required to sit to pee in government buildings, because they said some gobbledygook about standing exercising an unfair advantage. Then they set of an "emergency hotline" (believe it or not) for what they called "mansplaining." I actually had to look that word up and it basically means whenever a male colleague flaunts a great deal of technical knowledge about whatever they're working on. Really. Feminists get "traumatized" by something as innocently ordinary as male didactism......basically smart, knowledgeable men make Swedish feminists feel stupid and they have to make an emergent issue out of it!!??
Fascinating.....just like Adam blamed Eve.

Women can go from silly to masterminds in an.........INSTANT.
Even if Democrats apologized, it's too late. They will never recover the integrity they lost when they defended Clinton's rape and sexual assaults on women. They are forever exposed as the rape-enablement party. I wonder women still vote Democrat, but maybe they are self-haters. Or maybe they care so much about abortion, they will let their fellow women get brutalized to serve that noble cause of killing innocent unborn babies.
STFU, Blackrook. The AL GOP has done nothing of the sort. The AL leadership has done nothing of the sort.

It goes both ways, podjo.
If you can MAKE ME shut up, go ahead and MAKE ME, faggot.
fanboy of the far right, who is lying about treating women right.

He will correct the Dems and excuse the GOP.

What a punk.

A few weeks ago, I called for the Trump accusers to COME FORWARD AND FINISH WHAT THEY STARTED.

Why haven't they?
You know that lawsuits are in the works, right?

Sure they are! The stories lead the nightly news and is the main topic on the cable stations.

Nope! Haven't seen a thing!
This is NOT typical office attire in the U.S. This is some actress/singer doing the "red carpet" thing at an awards show, where some people compete to look the most ridiculous. Looks like the Grammies.
Funny, I got harassed once when I went with a group of colleagues to the bar downstairs from the firm we worked at for TGIF. One of my male colleagues (married) took offense to my high neckline with the scarf tucked in. He pulled the scarf off and tried to undo the buttons on my top. Fortunately, he was stopped quickly. I'll never forget that one. Gee, Norm. Do you really think that women in a law firm should be running around looking like hookers?

They are just going from the world's second-oldest profession to the world's oldest profession! Not much of a leap!
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The fact is, Democrats allowed Bill Clinton to get away with rape, and allowed Ted Kennedy to get away with murder.
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.

....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Right! There are plenty of them who shall be sullied forever. Let them bury themselves but don't ban them. I would rather have their true natures than that of a PC one.

Women on Capitol Hill Tell of 'Sex Trade,' 'Creep List' of Lawmakers
The creepy far right is no different than the creepy far left when it comes to sexual assaults.

A pox on all your houses.

It's good to see, but I know Alabamans. The hate dems more than they love goodness.
Feminists have been guilty of covering up for sexually abusive men who support the Planned Parenthood/abortion agenda. It's time for them to stop.


There you go.......:lol: :lol: it's all the feminists' fault.....because it was so much better before they came along....for......someone.......
Naw they’re just evil people who don’t give a shit about women let’s just get that straight
Juanita Broaddrick: “No human being was protected more than Bill Clinton was…and no human being was more harassed and ridiculed and trashed as Bill Clinton’s victims were.”
STFU, Blackrook. The AL GOP has done nothing of the sort. The AL leadership has done nothing of the sort.

It goes both ways, podjo.
If you can MAKE ME shut up, go ahead and MAKE ME, faggot.
fanboy of the far right, who is lying about treating women right.

He will correct the Dems and excuse the GOP.

What a punk.

A few weeks ago, I called for the Trump accusers to COME FORWARD AND FINISH WHAT THEY STARTED.

Why haven't they?
You know that lawsuits are in the works, right?

Sure they are! The stories lead the nightly news and is the main topic on the cable stations.

Nope! Haven't seen a thing!
So you admit that you believe the only things that are actually, really happening are those that are reported on the Nightly News. Well.....that's a revelation.
Juanita Broaddrick: “No human being was protected more than Bill Clinton was…and no human being was more harassed and ridiculed and trashed as Bill Clinton’s victims were.”
I wonder why she stated in a disposition that he didn't rape her then.
The fact is, Democrats allowed Bill Clinton to get away with rape, and allowed Ted Kennedy to get away with murder.
So cute to watch the trumpanzees go to the Way Back Machine for their talking points.
The creepy far right is no different than the creepy far left when it comes to sexual assaults.

A pox on all your houses.

It's good to see, but I know Alabamans. The hate dems more than they love goodness.
Did you see that creepy creepy text by trump? He couldn't resist imagining porno photos from Franken.
Madonna, who ripped on Trump for his private comment about grabbing pussies, herself grabs the crotches of many people, and in public. Women get a pass on things men are condemned for. Women are twice as vulgar as men, yet only men are getting raked over the coals for misconduct.
Juanita Broaddrick: “No human being was protected more than Bill Clinton was…and no human being was more harassed and ridiculed and trashed as Bill Clinton’s victims were.”
I wonder why she stated in a disposition that he didn't rape her then.
She wanted to live. If you can’t figure that out, you are not knowledgeable to be discussing this!

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