Message for Feminists: If you want us to take sexual harassment seriously...

It seems I've really pushed some "buttons" with these Democrats. Instead of responding to what I've said, they've called me all sorts of personal insults and marked all my posts "funny." I think we're seeing an epic melt-down here.
Then demand for the Trump crime family to be brought to justice for all their crimes.

The investigation is now ensnaring Jared Kushner. It is only time before he gives us DJT.
I have started nine threads asking for proof of Russian interference in the election and so far you've provided nothing.

I also asked for proof that Trump had something to do with Russian interference with the election, and so far no proof of that either.

What are you waiting for? Please provide the proof so I can finally be convinced that your accusations are true.
You are deflecting. Mueller will bring in the crime fmaily. All you need to do is condemn Trump's pussy grabbing.
It seems I've really pushed some "buttons" with these Democrats. Instead of responding to what I've said, they've called me all sorts of personal insults and marked all my posts "funny." I think we're seeing an epic melt-down here.

Here's a nice analogy of what you're saying,

If you want me to take murder seriously, black people (who do so) should stop claiming OJ was innocent.
It seems I've really pushed some "buttons" with these Democrats. Instead of responding to what I've said, they've called me all sorts of personal insults and marked all my posts "funny." I think we're seeing an epic melt-down here.

I demolished you . Deal with it.
Blackrook just got the snot pounded out of him.

What a cream puff.
I'm still here, dickwad. How have I been pounded? I have pointed out your party's criminal conspiracy to cover up for Democrats and liberals who raped women. You have no way to deny this because it's true.
I am GOP, mainstream, and your ilk have no part in the Republican Party.

You are Alt Right fascists who love Trump, Putin, and Russia in that order.
I am alt-right? Do you have proof of that?
Pretty much all your posts.
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

Democrats and liberals are angry that I pointed out the undeniable truth that they are rapists and rape-enablers, Hillary Clinton being the most guilty.

Here is what leftists do NOT want to tell you----------->

A woman is standing in a bikini on a beach with 5 men standing in front of her. All of them are her co-workers. All 5 look her up and down, and admire her female form. 4 of the men are accused of sexual harassment for using elevator eyes. (look it up) 1 is not. The one who is NOT is named Brad Pitt!

And so, the reality is, the woman decides who is, and who is not in this case; deciding who is harassing her, even as they are doing the same thing, none are her boyfriend or husband, and it is done by HER perception of the situation. She is basically deciding what they are all thinking, and accepting what SHE thinks they are thinking from one of them, and NOT the other 4.

So why do men of power do this over, and over, and over again? Because the men of power succeed, far more than they fail. How do we know this? Because how many times would YOU try a consistently failed method, that you know could get you in trouble? No, you only steal consistently, when you succeed far more, than you fail, especially powerful people who consistently succeed.

So when we say that powerful person A has 5 accusers and you believe it, rest assured for you to believe it, you have to logically assume that the person succeeded at least 15 to 20 times with the method, or any successful person would have changed how they did it. (duh, I banged my head against a nail to drive it into the wall, never worked, so I think I will try it again)

So, does that exempt the perpetrator? No! No way. But what it does tell you is--------------->Women are womens WORST enemy, not men. To many of their comrades are willing to sell their souls for the ability to hold on to the kilt of power. By logic, their are more of them, then there are those who will not. It doesn't take a rocket scientist with a pair of binoculars to see rich, older, powerful men, with young women. Women do it too. Elizabeth Taylor/Larry Fortensky.

And so, the point is------------>EVERYONE should keep their hands to themselves, period, in polite company, or in the work place. BUT, Wilt Chamberlain claims he had sex with how many? What about Ric Flair? How did that happen? We know how, and that brings us back to--------------> women are other women's worst enemy. The ones who claim what they did are in the MINORITY. Doesn't make it right, but what it does make it is a logical conclusion. Not all women/men are the same; it is just the real fact that to many are, which puts pressure on the rest of us.
Democrats you are guilty as charged as rape-enablers. It is too late for you to undo the damage, or ask forgiveness. The women you destroyed cannot have their lives fixed retroactively. You are condemned, and in God's eyes you are the worst of villains. Enjoy the eternity of pain you have so richly deserved.
I love how the OP thinks Harvey Weinstein "got a pass".

It sounds like that's exactly what he got for about 20 years and according to the Hollywood and political sphere it was common knowledge it was going on all that time.
What's interesting is how "triggered" the USMB liberals are about this thread. I think they need to take a break and maybe get a coffee or something to mentally and emotionally compose themselves.

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