Message for leftists.

What he is sad about is how Marxism, which 81,000 of our military personnel died fighting, is growing in our educational system and politics and our Bill of Rights is under attack by the Marxist left. I agree with him, it is sad and frankly, a US run by Marxists is the enemy and definitely not worth defending.
No, what he is sad about is the rise of Fascism in America with Trump and his MAGATS.
No, what he is sad about is the rise of Fascism in America with Trump and his MAGATS.
Both Benito Mussolini's Fascist government and Nazi (National Socialist German Workers Party) were SOCIALIST governments, even congratulated by Marxist Stalin upon winning in their nation's elections. But Stalin didn't anticipate Hitler's ultimate goal of world domination. The initial tactics of the Nazi and Fascist governments were to stage "riots" and blame others for the state of their nations. You know, the exact tactics and screaming that your side has been doing since Trump, (a former Democrat) was elected.
You and others like you are products of pro-Marxist teachers and professors that infiltrated our schools and indoctrinate you into thinking that this nation is so horrible. Newsflash: Over seven million people fled Marxism to come here, and people don't flee western nations to go into Marxist ones...oh, and people of color here, aren't oppressed. There isn't a single occupation in which there are no persons of color in them, even leading them.
It's funny how you believe media "fact"-checkers are doing anything but trying to silence everything that isn't Party-approved dogma.

Like Trumps Big Lie that he sent a mob to the Capitol on?
When you figure out what you believe, let us know.

I have been very consistent since the day I joined this forum.

Your lack of education on the meanings of words is not really my problem.
Nobody's stopping you from voting for the Social Democrats.

I am stopping myself.

But here's how I read the exchange:


her: there are only two parties

you: NUH UH

Ok, I will try and break this down Barney style for you and see if it helps.

A Duopoly does not mean there are only two parties/companies/etc. It means that two of them dominate the marketplace and control what happens in it. So, yes we have a duopoly in American politics, but that does not remove there are still other parties if someone chooses to vote for them.

Coke and Pepsi are a duopoly, they control about 75% of the market. But that does not stop me from buying an RC Cola or a Jones soda.

I just do not know how people get to be adults and have such a lack of education.
I knew right away that Donald was wrong. The war vets are not suckers and losers, that's just trump projecting himself onto them.

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