Message to Christians from Suffering Muslim Man

Dear Jeremiah
Christians are not even teaching fellow Christians the process of forgiving correcting and healing relations by establishing agreement on God's truth in Christ Jesus which brings Restorative Justice. If we as Christians are not removing the beams from our own eyes, we aren't following the process and wisdom we were given to clear ourselves first before we help other neighbors as a result.

We as believers are also failing at James 5:16 to confess our faults one to another and pray for one another that we may be healed. See also Matthew 18:15-20 that more Christian 's should practice to serve as unified witnesses to God's truth and enlightening and uplifting others in the process. We would not struggle so much if we work in Accord with God's will truth and love that will practically speak for itself. The battle is already won before we enter in, we must fight on the same side not scattered in Division against each other but United in faith as believers. In Christ Jesus name it is done. AMEN.

Emily, There is no unity between darkness and light, Belial and Jesus Christ, nor unbeliever to Believer in Christ. NONE.

Unless the Doctrine of Jesus Christ is agreed upon there can be no unity.

God isn't sharing his throne with the devil nor is He opening heaven to workers of iniquity who promote new age doctrines while disguising it as being "Jesus"...see Matthew 24. ......Without holiness no one will see the LORD.

There is only way to the Father and that is through His Only Begotten Son according to Romans 10:9,10. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no other way to enter the kingdom of heaven. Ye must be born again. John Chapter 3. You are teaching a "false Christ" - not Jesus Christ who is the only Begotten Son of God. You are teaching new age religion doctrines that are not biblical and therein I can have nothing further to do with you and won't be responding to your posts anymore.
Dear Jeremiah
Christians are not even teaching fellow Christians the process of forgiving correcting and healing relations by establishing agreement on God's truth in Christ Jesus which brings Restorative Justice. If we as Christians are not removing the beams from our own eyes, we aren't following the process and wisdom we were given to clear ourselves first before we help other neighbors as a result.

We as believers are also failing at James 5:16 to confess our faults one to another and pray for one another that we may be healed. See also Matthew 18:15-20 that more Christian 's should practice to serve as unified witnesses to God's truth and enlightening and uplifting others in the process. We would not struggle so much if we work in Accord with God's will truth and love that will practically speak for itself. The battle is already won before we enter in, we must fight on the same side not scattered in Division against each other but United in faith as believers. In Christ Jesus name it is done. AMEN.

Emily, There is no unity between darkness and light, Belial and Jesus Christ, nor unbeliever to Believer in Christ. NONE.

Unless the Doctrine of Jesus Christ is agreed upon there can be no unity.

God isn't sharing his throne with the devil nor is He opening heaven to workers of iniquity who promote new age doctrines while disguising it as being "Jesus"...see Matthew 24. ......Without holiness no one will see the LORD.

There is only way to the Father and that is through His Only Begotten Son according to Romans 10:9,10. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no other way to enter the kingdom of heaven. Ye must be born again. John Chapter 3. You are teaching a "false Christ" - not Jesus Christ who is the only Begotten Son of God. You are teaching new age religion doctrines that are not biblical and therein I can have nothing further to do with you and won't be responding to your posts anymore.
Agreed Jeremiah
Since light of truth casts out fear of darkness there is no need to exclude anyone or any group from the process because the correction will take place in the interactions. No need to cut them off.

However Jeremiah if you are going to do that, to cut anyone off , the Bible gives clear instructions first. See Matthew 18:15-20

You are supposed to confront the person in private first, then bring witnesses, then tell it unto the church , BEFORE abandoning someone as a hopeless heathen and hypocrite.

So you are skipping steps Jeremiah and that is why you fail at rebuke that always succeeds when it is followed by Christ Jesus authority as given in the Bible by the words of Jesus.

If you cut me off prematurely before establishing the truth before the entire church, then you are disobeying the very laws of God you claim to respect.

Since we are both believers let's adhere to Matthew 18:15-20 and establish truth by agreement in Christ , as we are both called to, not reject in the spirit of fear and antichrist that avoids facing and establishing truth in public.

Jeremiah if you are a true witness to God's laws through Christ Jesus let us confront one on one with Muslim believers and let's prove your point in public before the entire church. That way everyone benefits from the lesson and message shared to all.
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:28

This verse summarizes why you believe Muslims should be Christians:
To escape hell.

The basis of your morality is to escape the punishment of an invisible being and receive the gift of heaven. You have no other reasons convert MUSLIMS but to FEAR for their eternal well being. Muslims would only convert to Christianity based on FEAR. The crux of your faith is based on FEAR. It is the threat of FEAR which prevents you from objectively considering other religious viewpoints. It is the FEAR of the eternal well-being of non-Christians which makes you PREACH to Muslims as well as other Non-Christians.

Fundamentalist Muslims also fear that if they accept Jesus Christ as God, they will be worshiping an idol. They FEAR this will lead them to the Muslim HELL which is far worse than the Christian HELL. It is clear in the Koran and the Torah that God has no material or human form. Yet you worship a man as a God. As a non-Christian, I have no dog in the fight. As a matter of fact,Christian fundie ethics are much easier to follow than Islamic fundie ethics but your theology is internally inconsistent.
I'll send a referral to LDS headquarters and have the missionaries come to your house so you know what the gospel is Jeremiah.
The Mormon religion is not of God. It is a cult, Tyrone. No one who believes in salvation through Joseph Smith (a false prophet) and believes his doctrine can enter the kingdom of Heaven.

How ironic. This is what was said about the 12 apostles by other Jews. These Jews said there is no Savior but God.
When a soul is in hell, it comes to the realization that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Every single Word. It is too late for them but desiring that their own family members would not meet the same fate (hell) they beg that someone go and warn them. Hell is a place of insufferable torment. There is no sin that you are living in now which is worth eternity in hell. Repent and turn from your sins. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Today is the day of Salvation. Tomorrow may be too late. How do you know that when you lie your head down upon your pillow tonight that you will wake up tomorrow? You don't. Today is the day of Salvation. Do not believe the lies of the devil that you can put this off. You must not put it off. You must get right with God today! There is only one way! Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and be saved! Live Holy! Depart from sin and stay away from those who live in sin! Seek the Lord while He may be found! Seek Him with All of Your Heart, Soul, Strength, Mind, All that is within you! Seek the LORD and give your life to Him!

The one true religion is Pastafarianism, fool. Repent.

Some of us didn't know.
Epistle to ROMANS------good thing back then---ROMANS needed a decent "EPISTLE" (or whaevah) ---the real message (E and J) ----was----you won't get there except via
a JOOOOOOO two persons not to trust on QUOTATIONS --are Matthew and John----no one knows who REALLY wrote
those books ascribed to either Matthew or John-----or who da hell they were (another is luke----he never met jesus and did
not know Aramaic----he was a greek speaking greek---but is probably ---sorta who they say he was) Adolf may have been
right----Christianity is a JOOOISH PLOT---so sorry.......
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:28


Fundamentalist Muslims also fear that if they accept Jesus Christ as God, they will be worshiping an idol. They FEAR this will lead them to the Muslim HELL which is far worse than the Christian HELL. It is clear in the Koran and the Torah that God has no material or human form. Yet you worship a man as a God. As a non-Christian, I have no dog in the fight. As a matter of fact,Christian fundie ethics are much easier to follow than Islamic fundie ethics but your theology is internally inconsistent.

Diss-----you seem new here-----based on your post---IMHO--you have a "better than average" grasp on the basics of
"the three mono religions" -----better than the average poster here.

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