Message to Cruz Lovers

Cruz did himself no favors. The reality of the situation is that he would have been better off totally skipping the speaking spot and not endorsing him, rather than doing what he did. He thinks he scored some points with a majority of Republican's and he'll find out in a couple of years just how wrong he was.

Watching him speak is really nauseating. He constantly pauses and does that putrid chuckle before continuing on. Its obviously a habit that he really needs to kick. Turns people off and has earned him the "creepy" title
Agreed on him skipping the event. Also agree he thinks he moved the ball forward when, in reality, he could easily find himself evicted from the entire game.
Nobody will support Cruz in future.

He fucked himself as a narcissistic Glen Beck Mormon puppet. Go to Utah and run Teddy.

No need, he'll win again right here in TX.
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

That's a great way to win over Cruz supporters.

"Fuck you, and vote for me."


Trump is there just to lose to his friend Hillary.

His only mission was to stop Cruz, the only one who could.

He's not friends with the Clintons. They just ran in the same social circles. The one that was running cover for Clinton was Jeb Bush. Until Trump came along it looked like we'd all be saying "Presidential nominee Jeb Bush".

Cripes the Bushes are so damn close with the Clintons that the twins call Bill and Hillary Uncle Bill and Aunt Hillary.

As far as Cruz goes, he and Heidi worked for eons for Bushes. Establishment all the way.

Ok so him inviting them to his wedding and all the glowing wonderful things he had to say about the Clintons was a lie.

How does that make me feel any better?:

Fuck Trump

It was a high society wedding. It is what one does when you are in the upper strata. As far as complimenting the Clintons? As a high powered business man? In New York State? You know the same state your Senator hails from?


Makes sense to me.Still does not take away from the fact that Cruz was playing a game down on everyone pretending to be an outsider when he was the penultimate establishment and pro Wall Street insider with Heidi.
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

Oh the irony--of your post with Bush Sr. as your icon picture--who in no way in hell will be voting for Donald Trump either. You know if Ronald Reagan wouldn't have voted for Donald Trump there are millions of other Republicans that won't either. They are in fact voting their conscience knowing that this Chimpanzee is in no way Presidential material, character, knowledge or has the constraint to be commander & chief of this country.

Furthermore no one could sink low enough to endorse a candidate who has called him a liar a thousand times, & attacked his wife and not only her, but his father also. I am in no way a Cruz supporter, but it was good to see he had the balls to call out a wrong.

1992 was a turning point. So was 1964. 2016 will be as well, when we reverse the curse and elect DJT as our next President.
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

That's a great way to win over Cruz supporters.

"Fuck you, and vote for me."


Trump is there just to lose to his friend Hillary.

His only mission was to stop Cruz, the only one who could.

He's not friends with the Clintons. They just ran in the same social circles. The one that was running cover for Clinton was Jeb Bush. Until Trump came along it looked like we'd all be saying "Presidential nominee Jeb Bush".

Cripes the Bushes are so damn close with the Clintons that the twins call Bill and Hillary Uncle Bill and Aunt Hillary.

As far as Cruz goes, he and Heidi worked for eons for Bushes. Establishment all the way.

Ok so him inviting them to his wedding and all the glowing wonderful things he had to say about the Clintons was a lie.

How does that make me feel any better?:

Fuck Trump

It was a high society wedding. It is what one does when you are in the upper strata. As far as complimenting the Clintons? As a high powered business man? In New York State? You know the same state your Senator hails from?


Makes sense to me.Still does not take away from the fact that Cruz was playing a game down on everyone pretending to be an outsider when he was the penultimate establishment and pro Wall Street insider with Heidi.

True. Like he said...he owned these people in order to play the political game in support of his business enterprises.
I'm laying out no strategy for the general . And Carb and I were talking about the primaries.

Good... you keep right on attacking Ted Cruz and his supporters and talking to people about the primaries. It's that kind of "forward thinking" we need... too many politicians would be focusing on Hillary and the Democrats! It's refreshing to see some real mavericks who aren't afraid to buck conventional wisdom and attack your defeated primary opponents!

It's just SO great and wonderful and you're going to make America great again, I just know you are.... you don't have any votes from half the GOP but Trump is so wonderful that he doesn't need any of that anyway!
I'm laying out no strategy for the general . And Carb and I were talking about the primaries.

Good... you keep right on attacking Ted Cruz and his supporters and talking to people about the primaries. It's that kind of "forward thinking" we need... too many politicians would be focusing on Hillary and the Democrats! It's refreshing to see some real mavericks who aren't afraid to buck conventional wisdom and attack your defeated primary opponents!

It's just SO great and wonderful and you're going to make America great again, I just know you are.... you don't have any votes from half the GOP but Trump is so wonderful that he doesn't need any of that anyway!
From half Trump won almost every single primary. Nobody unifies GOP more than Billary cabal.
From half Trump won almost every single primary. Nobody unifies GOP more than Billary cabal.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Republican Popular Vote

Trump: 13,300,472
Cruz, Kasich, Rubio: 15,284,153
That isn't counting Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, Scott Walker and others.

So yeah... Trump had less than half of the GOP vote.
Funny how the usual suspects of the RWnut crowd were ridiculing Bernie Sanders for 'selling out',

now they're ridiculing Cruz for not selling out.
Bernie didn't sign his name to a pledge. Good try though :thup:

You're aware (of course you're because you're a dishonest, reprehensible fucking retard, that Trump rejected his pledge along the way, right?
What does trump have to do with cruz being a POS? Good gawd almighty. You are even a fucking hack when dealing with republicans :rofl:

You're attacking Cruz for not adhering to a standard that Trump himself would not adhere to.
Everything. What would you do is if dump pull the same shit on you and talked shit about your imaginary girlfriend?
I'm laying out no strategy for the general . And Carb and I were talking about the primaries.

Good... you keep right on attacking Ted Cruz and his supporters and talking to people about the primaries. It's that kind of "forward thinking" we need... too many politicians would be focusing on Hillary and the Democrats! It's refreshing to see some real mavericks who aren't afraid to buck conventional wisdom and attack your defeated primary opponents!

It's just SO great and wonderful and you're going to make America great again, I just know you are.... you don't have any votes from half the GOP but Trump is so wonderful that he doesn't need any of that anyway!
From half Trump won almost every single primary. Nobody unifies GOP more than Billary cabal.
Almost only counts in horse shoes hand grenades and nuclear wars.
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

Oh the irony--of your post with Bush Sr. as your icon picture--who in no way in hell will be voting for Donald Trump either. You know if Ronald Reagan wouldn't have voted for Donald Trump there are millions of other Republicans that won't either. They are in fact voting their conscience knowing that this Chimpanzee is in no way Presidential material, character, knowledge or has the constraint to be commander & chief of this country.

Furthermore no one could sink low enough to endorse a candidate who has called him a liar a thousand times, & attacked his wife and not only her, but his father also. I am in no way a Cruz supporter, but it was good to see he had the balls to call out a wrong.

1992 was a turning point. So was 1964. 2016 will be as well, when we reverse the curse and elect DJT as our next President.

Again you won't convince Republicans to vote for someone that Ronald Reagan, nor H.W. Bush or G.W. Bush would vote for.
Republicans for Hillary? -
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump -
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

I'm disappointed in Cruz. He's jumped ship and headed over to the Bush-Establishment dark side. It could cost him in the future.

Except he isn't on the Bush-establishment side. How you can even say that is beyond me. The establishment hates Cruz even more than Trump.

Cruz seems to be in a small, but loyal, field.

Acted like a sore loser little baby. Him and Kasich. Shame on em.

Shame on him? A conservative didn't endorse a D posing as an R and instead stood by his principles. No shame, he did the right thing.

He fucked his own Party. He didn't listen to Ronald Reagan. He made it all about himself. He's a sore loser little baby. Time to run him out of the Party too.

:lol: Nice ignoring of the fact that Trump is a poser.

Trump won, Cruz lost. Cruz should have handled it like a man. Instead, he acted like a poor sport little shit.
I'm disappointed in Cruz. He's jumped ship and headed over to the Bush-Establishment dark side. It could cost him in the future.

Except he isn't on the Bush-establishment side. How you can even say that is beyond me. The establishment hates Cruz even more than Trump.

Cruz seems to be in a small, but loyal, field.

Acted like a sore loser little baby. Him and Kasich. Shame on em.

Shame on him? A conservative didn't endorse a D posing as an R and instead stood by his principles. No shame, he did the right thing.

He fucked his own Party. He didn't listen to Ronald Reagan. He made it all about himself. He's a sore loser little baby. Time to run him out of the Party too.
Listening to Ronnie raygun is why the Republican party is soon fucked up today.

I disagree.
Except he isn't on the Bush-establishment side. How you can even say that is beyond me. The establishment hates Cruz even more than Trump.

Cruz seems to be in a small, but loyal, field.

Acted like a sore loser little baby. Him and Kasich. Shame on em.

Shame on him? A conservative didn't endorse a D posing as an R and instead stood by his principles. No shame, he did the right thing.

He fucked his own Party. He didn't listen to Ronald Reagan. He made it all about himself. He's a sore loser little baby. Time to run him out of the Party too.
Listening to Ronnie raygun is why the Republican party is soon fucked up today.

I disagree.
I'm not suprised.
You are always wrong.
Acted like a sore loser little baby. Him and Kasich. Shame on em.

Shame on him? A conservative didn't endorse a D posing as an R and instead stood by his principles. No shame, he did the right thing.

He fucked his own Party. He didn't listen to Ronald Reagan. He made it all about himself. He's a sore loser little baby. Time to run him out of the Party too.
Listening to Ronnie raygun is why the Republican party is soon fucked up today.

I disagree.
I'm not suprised.
You are always wrong.

Trump's the Nominee, not Cruz. Cruz should have handled it like a man and showed some class.
Shame on him? A conservative didn't endorse a D posing as an R and instead stood by his principles. No shame, he did the right thing.

He fucked his own Party. He didn't listen to Ronald Reagan. He made it all about himself. He's a sore loser little baby. Time to run him out of the Party too.
Listening to Ronnie raygun is why the Republican party is soon fucked up today.

I disagree.
I'm not suprised.
You are always wrong.

Trump's the Nominee, not Cruz. Cruz should have handled it like a man and showed some class.
He did handle it like a man .
He stood up for his principles.
Since you are a vacillating nutjob asshole you have no idea what principles are.
Btw l hate everything about Ted Cruz but I give credit were credit is due.
He fucked his own Party. He didn't listen to Ronald Reagan. He made it all about himself. He's a sore loser little baby. Time to run him out of the Party too.
Listening to Ronnie raygun is why the Republican party is soon fucked up today.

I disagree.
I'm not suprised.
You are always wrong.

Trump's the Nominee, not Cruz. Cruz should have handled it like a man and showed some class.
He did handle it like a man .
He stood up for his principles.
Since you are a vacillating nutjob asshole you have no idea what principles are.
Btw l hate everything about Ted Cruz but I give credit were credit is due.

Yes we know, you're voting for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. So excuse me for not giving a fluck what you think. :)

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