Message to Cruz Lovers

Voting your conscience is now a sin. Voting in lockstep with the GOP orthodoxy is the only way you dodge burning at the stake.
The Democrat Party owns the patent for voting in lockstep.

Not any more if this Trump Nazism continues.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.

I'd like to know from Cruz supporters not those in the campaign for him how much you all know and understand about the Utah Compact and why Ted's biggest supporters including Lee and Beck and the entire Mormon community are so pro open borders but Cruz said he was against them.

And yet those in the Utah Compact are completely in Ted's tent. Strange.

But that's for another thread one day. I sure as heck would like to know the answer to that one though. Because I know posters like 1st Rambo are against open borders.

Or, we could just go back not that long ago when you were all in and cuckoo for Ted Cruz yourself.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination
Voting your conscience is now a sin. Voting in lockstep with the GOP orthodoxy is the only way you dodge burning at the stake.
The Democrat Party owns the patent for voting in lockstep.

Not any more if this Trump Nazism continues.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.

I'd like to know from Cruz supporters not those in the campaign for him how much you all know and understand about the Utah Compact and why Ted's biggest supporters including Lee and Beck and the entire Mormon community are so pro open borders but Cruz said he was against them.

And yet those in the Utah Compact are completely in Ted's tent. Strange.

But that's for another thread one day. I sure as heck would like to know the answer to that one though. Because I know posters like 1st Rambo are against open borders.
Because Beck and Cruz are Mormon schills.
So it was ok with all you Cruz supporters that Cruz's minions put it out there that Melania had done lesbian porn? You fucking freak out all over the place over Trump retweeing a not good picture of Heidi and call THAT an attack?

As compared Melania posing for lesbian porn? If I'd been Trump, Cruz and Beck who started all this shit would have eaten a series of knuckle sandwiches from me.

More lies, it didn't come from Cruz.

"Tthe ad was one of three social media advertisements promoted in Arizona and Utah by Make America Awesome, an outside group that is part of the "Never Trump" campaign. Republican strategist Liz Mair, who previously worked for Governors Rick Perry and Scott Walker among others, founded the group last year and has been running ads to try to prevent Trump from becoming the party's nominee."

Just because The Donald says so does not make it so. Try again.

Trump Blames Cruz for Ads Featuring Nude Melania, Threatens to 'Spill the Beans' on Cruz's Wife | VICE News
It was a Cruz superpack. He may not have sponsored it but when did he condemn it?

He didn't. And that's the point. And he didn't ask Glenn Beck to stop saying Melania was doing lesbian soft porn either. Cruz knew exactly what was going down and did jack shit to take the high road.

Cruz is hated on Capitol Hill because he's an arrogant asshole who does nothing but diss anyone and everyone around him.

I thought being hated on Capitol Hill was a badge of honor for anti-establishment candidates,

like TRUMP?

Cruz and his wife ARE the establishment for crying out loud. The outside the beltway bullshit is just that. Bullshit. Both of them worked for years for GW.
Heidi is completely Wall Street.

And to really put the icing on the cake Goldman Sachs and others financed Ted to run as a tea party anti establishment candidate for Senate.


Yep, and tell me, has Ted tried to keep his word to the people of TX that elected him?
Where was he on the FED vote a few months ago? Wasn't that about his biggest mode of populist rhetoric? Hmmmm
The Democrat Party owns the patent for voting in lockstep.

Not any more if this Trump Nazism continues.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.

I'd like to know from Cruz supporters not those in the campaign for him how much you all know and understand about the Utah Compact and why Ted's biggest supporters including Lee and Beck and the entire Mormon community are so pro open borders but Cruz said he was against them.

And yet those in the Utah Compact are completely in Ted's tent. Strange.

But that's for another thread one day. I sure as heck would like to know the answer to that one though. Because I know posters like 1st Rambo are against open borders.

Or, we could just go back not that long ago when you were all in and cuckoo for Ted Cruz yourself.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

By all means go back and let these Cruz supporters know that not long ago until I started digging I was a huge Cruz fan. Many think I'm attacking him out of the blue.

If you pledged to support the candidate a year down the road, and 6 months down the road, the candidate raped and killed a 9 year old girl,

would you honor your pledge?
so lets make up hypotheticals that have absolutely no basis in reality so you can save some face? Grow some fucking balls, coward.

Note that the witness would not answer the question.

The issue here is, to what extent is a pledge, into the future, ethically and morally binding, regarding actions of the person to whom the pledge is made.

Now you are tacitly acknowledging that once you made a pledge to a person over future support,

you would not violate that pledge even if that person raped and killed a child.

VERY interesting.

So by Harley's admitted standards,

once you make a pledge to support someone, you are morally committed no matter what that person might do in the future.

How sick is that?
Spin away bro! LMAO!

You refused every opportunity I gave you to say that you would change your pledge to support someone if that someone's behaviour warranted it,

so you're hanged by your own doing.

You'd support a child molester for president in order not to break some past pledge you made.

That is ugly, man.
So it was ok with all you Cruz supporters that Cruz's minions put it out there that Melania had done lesbian porn? You fucking freak out all over the place over Trump retweeing a not good picture of Heidi and call THAT an attack?

As compared Melania posing for lesbian porn? If I'd been Trump, Cruz and Beck who started all this shit would have eaten a series of knuckle sandwiches from me.

More lies, it didn't come from Cruz.

"Tthe ad was one of three social media advertisements promoted in Arizona and Utah by Make America Awesome, an outside group that is part of the "Never Trump" campaign. Republican strategist Liz Mair, who previously worked for Governors Rick Perry and Scott Walker among others, founded the group last year and has been running ads to try to prevent Trump from becoming the party's nominee."

Just because The Donald says so does not make it so. Try again.

Trump Blames Cruz for Ads Featuring Nude Melania, Threatens to 'Spill the Beans' on Cruz's Wife | VICE News
It was a Cruz superpack. He may not have sponsored it but when did he condemn it?

He didn't. And that's the point. And he didn't ask Glenn Beck to stop saying Melania was doing lesbian soft porn either. Cruz knew exactly what was going down and did jack shit to take the high road.
Everyone knows it. It is amazing how otherwise decent minded people spin this shit away like that.
Not any more if this Trump Nazism continues.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.

I'd like to know from Cruz supporters not those in the campaign for him how much you all know and understand about the Utah Compact and why Ted's biggest supporters including Lee and Beck and the entire Mormon community are so pro open borders but Cruz said he was against them.

And yet those in the Utah Compact are completely in Ted's tent. Strange.

But that's for another thread one day. I sure as heck would like to know the answer to that one though. Because I know posters like 1st Rambo are against open borders.

Or, we could just go back not that long ago when you were all in and cuckoo for Ted Cruz yourself.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

By all means go back and let these Cruz supporters know that not long ago until I started digging I was a huge Cruz fan. Many think I'm attacking him out of the blue.

lol, you flipped to get onto what you thought was a winning bandwagon.
So it was ok with all you Cruz supporters that Cruz's minions put it out there that Melania had done lesbian porn? You fucking freak out all over the place over Trump retweeing a not good picture of Heidi and call THAT an attack?

As compared Melania posing for lesbian porn? If I'd been Trump, Cruz and Beck who started all this shit would have eaten a series of knuckle sandwiches from me.

More lies, it didn't come from Cruz.

"Tthe ad was one of three social media advertisements promoted in Arizona and Utah by Make America Awesome, an outside group that is part of the "Never Trump" campaign. Republican strategist Liz Mair, who previously worked for Governors Rick Perry and Scott Walker among others, founded the group last year and has been running ads to try to prevent Trump from becoming the party's nominee."

Just because The Donald says so does not make it so. Try again.

Trump Blames Cruz for Ads Featuring Nude Melania, Threatens to 'Spill the Beans' on Cruz's Wife | VICE News
It was a Cruz superpack. He may not have sponsored it but when did he condemn it?

He didn't. And that's the point. And he didn't ask Glenn Beck to stop saying Melania was doing lesbian soft porn either. Cruz knew exactly what was going down and did jack shit to take the high road.
He took the low road as dictated by his narcissistic asshole personality.
And to really put the icing on the cake Goldman Sachs and others financed Ted to run as a tea party anti establishment candidate for Senate.

And a Goldman-Sachs man is now running Trump's campaign... go figure? :dunno:

Well first off Trump has never denied he has connections on Wall Street. And secondly when did Manafort his campaign manager work for Goldman Sachs?
If you pledged to support the candidate a year down the road, and 6 months down the road, the candidate raped and killed a 9 year old girl,

would you honor your pledge?
so lets make up hypotheticals that have absolutely no basis in reality so you can save some face? Grow some fucking balls, coward.

Note that the witness would not answer the question.

The issue here is, to what extent is a pledge, into the future, ethically and morally binding, regarding actions of the person to whom the pledge is made.

Now you are tacitly acknowledging that once you made a pledge to a person over future support,

you would not violate that pledge even if that person raped and killed a child.

VERY interesting.

So by Harley's admitted standards,

once you make a pledge to support someone, you are morally committed no matter what that person might do in the future.

How sick is that?
Spin away bro! LMAO!

You refused every opportunity I gave you to say that you would change your pledge to support someone if that someone's behaviour warranted it,

so you're hung by your doing.

You'd support a child molester for president in order not to break some past pledge you made.

That is ugly, man.
Why would I play your stupid hack games? it was about the most ridiculous way o make a point I have ever seen..
Voting your conscience is now a sin. Voting in lockstep with the GOP orthodoxy is the only way you dodge burning at the stake.
The Democrat Party owns the patent for voting in lockstep.

Not any more if this Trump Nazism continues.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.

I'd like to know from Cruz supporters not those in the campaign for him how much you all know and understand about the Utah Compact and why Ted's biggest supporters including Lee and Beck and the entire Mormon community are so pro open borders but Cruz said he was against them.

And yet those in the Utah Compact are completely in Ted's tent. Strange.

But that's for another thread one day. I sure as heck would like to know the answer to that one though. Because I know posters like 1st Rambo are against open borders.

I know Cruz has done everything in his power to keep his word to the people who voted for his senate campaign, that includes border security.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.

I'd like to know from Cruz supporters not those in the campaign for him how much you all know and understand about the Utah Compact and why Ted's biggest supporters including Lee and Beck and the entire Mormon community are so pro open borders but Cruz said he was against them.

And yet those in the Utah Compact are completely in Ted's tent. Strange.

But that's for another thread one day. I sure as heck would like to know the answer to that one though. Because I know posters like 1st Rambo are against open borders.

Or, we could just go back not that long ago when you were all in and cuckoo for Ted Cruz yourself.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

By all means go back and let these Cruz supporters know that not long ago until I started digging I was a huge Cruz fan. Many think I'm attacking him out of the blue.

lol, you flipped to get onto what you thought was a winning bandwagon.

No I dug up all the info on Cruz and made sure it got out there so that people would no longer be duped. Ditto Carly who I really really liked at one point until I found out she was lock stock and barrel McCain's girl.
And to really put the icing on the cake Goldman Sachs and others financed Ted to run as a tea party anti establishment candidate for Senate.

And a Goldman-Sachs man is now running Trump's campaign... go figure? :dunno:

Well first off Trump has never denied he has connections on Wall Street. And secondly when did Manafort his campaign manager work for Goldman Sachs?

His finance chairman:
Trump turns to Goldman Sachs veteran as finance chairman
so lets make up hypotheticals that have absolutely no basis in reality so you can save some face? Grow some fucking balls, coward.

Note that the witness would not answer the question.

The issue here is, to what extent is a pledge, into the future, ethically and morally binding, regarding actions of the person to whom the pledge is made.

Now you are tacitly acknowledging that once you made a pledge to a person over future support,

you would not violate that pledge even if that person raped and killed a child.

VERY interesting.

So by Harley's admitted standards,

once you make a pledge to support someone, you are morally committed no matter what that person might do in the future.

How sick is that?
Spin away bro! LMAO!

You refused every opportunity I gave you to say that you would change your pledge to support someone if that someone's behaviour warranted it,

so you're hung by your doing.

You'd support a child molester for president in order not to break some past pledge you made.

That is ugly, man.
Why would I play your stupid hack games? it was about the most ridiculous way o make a point I have ever seen..

You're the one who started it by proclaiming that Ted Cruz was evil for having broken a pledge.
No I dug up all the info on Cruz and made sure it got out there so that people would no longer be duped. Ditto Carly who I really really liked at one point until I found out she was lock stock and barrel McCain's girl.

Sugar, you just keep right on running the primary race! That's a guaranteed victory strategy for November, right there.

The Democrat Party owns the patent for voting in lockstep.

Not any more if this Trump Nazism continues.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.

I'd like to know from Cruz supporters not those in the campaign for him how much you all know and understand about the Utah Compact and why Ted's biggest supporters including Lee and Beck and the entire Mormon community are so pro open borders but Cruz said he was against them.

And yet those in the Utah Compact are completely in Ted's tent. Strange.

But that's for another thread one day. I sure as heck would like to know the answer to that one though. Because I know posters like 1st Rambo are against open borders.

I know Cruz has done everything in his power to keep his word to the people who voted for his senate campaign, that includes border security.

Now I'm not saying he has flipped but I just find it monumentally bizarre that people like Senator Mike Lee and Senator Flake? hope I have his name right are mega unlimited immigration both from Mexico and Muslim immigration.

Unlimited. No prosecutions of illegals. The Utah Compact lays it out. It's very strange.

Senator Lee actually gave an interview to HuffPo where he praised Senator Liz Warren as if she was the Second Coming while he trashed Trump. Strange.
The Democrat Party owns the patent for voting in lockstep.

Not any more if this Trump Nazism continues.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.

I'd like to know from Cruz supporters not those in the campaign for him how much you all know and understand about the Utah Compact and why Ted's biggest supporters including Lee and Beck and the entire Mormon community are so pro open borders but Cruz said he was against them.

And yet those in the Utah Compact are completely in Ted's tent. Strange.

But that's for another thread one day. I sure as heck would like to know the answer to that one though. Because I know posters like 1st Rambo are against open borders.

I know Cruz has done everything in his power to keep his word to the people who voted for his senate campaign, that includes border security.
If you want border security then would you not want Trump? Hello McFly!
No I dug up all the info on Cruz and made sure it got out there so that people would no longer be duped. Ditto Carly who I really really liked at one point until I found out she was lock stock and barrel McCain's girl.

Sugar, you just keep right on running the primary race! That's a guaranteed victory strategy for November, right there.


I'm laying out no strategy for the general . And Carb and I were talking about the primaries.

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