Message to Cruz Lovers

Don't worry Old Rocks, Gore will show up at the last minute and claim a vote for him saves Democrats and the environment.
So it was ok with all you Cruz supporters that Cruz's minions put it out there that Melania had done lesbian porn? You fucking freak out all over the place over Trump retweeing a not good picture of Heidi and call THAT an attack?

As compared Melania posing for lesbian porn? If I'd been Trump, Cruz and Beck who started all this shit would have eaten a series of knuckle sandwiches from me.

More lies, it didn't come from Cruz.

"Tthe ad was one of three social media advertisements promoted in Arizona and Utah by Make America Awesome, an outside group that is part of the "Never Trump" campaign. Republican strategist Liz Mair, who previously worked for Governors Rick Perry and Scott Walker among others, founded the group last year and has been running ads to try to prevent Trump from becoming the party's nominee."

Just because The Donald says so does not make it so. Try again.

Trump Blames Cruz for Ads Featuring Nude Melania, Threatens to 'Spill the Beans' on Cruz's Wife | VICE News
It was a Cruz superpack. He may not have sponsored it but when did he condemn it?

When has Trump denounced his endorsements from supremacist groups?
What they are, are #NeverHillary and I get that. No sane person wants her. They don't care that Trump isn't a conservative, that he flip flops, that he's a conspiracy nut, etc he's not clinton and that is good enough for them. That's what I see, anyway.

AND... he's not Ted Cruz!
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

Funny. Never heard trump quote the constitution. Never even mention it for that matter. Trumpkins beware, you will get the president you deserve. Just like Obama voters did.

Cruz is hated on Capitol Hill because he's an arrogant asshole who does nothing but diss anyone and everyone around him.

I thought being hated on Capitol Hill was a badge of honor for anti-establishment candidates,

like TRUMP?

Cruz and his wife ARE the establishment for crying out loud. The outside the beltway bullshit is just that. Bullshit. Both of them worked for years for GW.
Heidi is completely Wall Street.

And to really put the icing on the cake Goldman Sachs and others financed Ted to run as a tea party anti establishment candidate for Senate.

Because Cruz was taking Trump convention and being a self centered narcissistic asshole.

He was? He congratulated Trump, ripped Hillary Clinton, extolled freedom, and then told Americans to vote their conscience. omg, the rat bastard!

Voting your conscience is now a sin. Voting in lockstep with the GOP orthodoxy is the only way you dodge burning at the stake.
The Democrat Party owns the patent for voting in lockstep.

Not any more if this Trump Nazism continues.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.
As if "the donald" can quote anything.
"Two Corinthians, 3:17, that's the whole ballgame," Trump said, drawing laughter from the crowd of students at Liberty University who knew Trump was attempting to refer to "Second Corinthians."

Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

Funny. Never heard trump quote the constitution. Never even mention it for that matter. Trumpkins beware, you will get the president you deserve. Just like Obama voters did.
So it was ok with all you Cruz supporters that Cruz's minions put it out there that Melania had done lesbian porn? You fucking freak out all over the place over Trump retweeing a not good picture of Heidi and call THAT an attack?

As compared Melania posing for lesbian porn? If I'd been Trump, Cruz and Beck who started all this shit would have eaten a series of knuckle sandwiches from me.

Are you trying to make an argument as to why Cruz should support Trump?

Not at all. I'm just sick to death of the "boo hoo poor Heidi's bad hair day picture was retweeted by Trump".

Cruz has played it to the hilt. It's old and it's bullshit compared to Trump's wife being accused of doing lesbian porn to politically turn off any evangelical support for Trump.

That's why Team Cruz did this shit.


Hell's bells typing as fast as I can. Raven's back teeth are singing anchors away she has to whizz so bad, but here's the link. It really freaked me out when Beck did this. Back in a bit.

Flashback: Glenn Beck Attacks Melania Trump as ‘Lesbian Porno’ Model


Last August, Glenn Beck attacked Melania Trump, the wife of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, by accusing the former fashion model of “posing nude in lesbian porno shots.”
The accusation came as part of a lengthy Facebook post Beck wrote last summer criticizing the Trump candidacy. The talk radio host prefaced his comments by stating, “This is not an attack, this is an honest question.”

He then proceeded to list his issues with the New York billionaire, which included a swipe at the candidate’s wife. Beck claimed that in a Trump presidency “the First Lady would be the first to have posed nude in lesbian porno shots.”

Beck’s accusation, which as of yet is unverified by any credible source, was blasted by fellow radio talker Sean Hannity, who wrote in response: “I thought you were libertarian? Also I go back to the fact that you have changed. Trump’s wife is a mother and what she did in the past doesn’t make my top 10,000 list of problems we face as a country.”

Some would also argue that dredging up past indiscretions is a dangerous tactic for a former “morning zoo” shock jock whose on-air antics were famous for being excessively cruel even for that medium.

Beck was the first, but not the last Cruz surrogate to attack Trump’s wife. This week an online attack ad featured an image of the Slovenian-born fashion model from a GQ magazine photo shoot in 2000 before she was married to Trump. The ad reads: “Meet Melania Trump. Your next First Lady. Or, you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”

Republican strategist Liz Mair, who runs the Super PAC responsible for the ad, claimed it was directed specifically at Mormon women in Utah. After facing blowback on Twitter for “slut-shaming” the GOP frontrunner’s wife, Mair tweeted, “I’m fine w Melania’s prior work. But I’m not a Mormon woman. I also want to defeat her husband.”

Flashback: Glenn Beck Attacks Melania Trump as ‘Lesbian Porno’ Model

And out of nowhere,

Glen Beck jumps in to derail the thread! Good work, drunkie.

Ah Carb. There you go again with name calling because you can't make a bona fide argument for Cruz. Look Beck was in the inner circle of the Cruz organization.

So much inside the Cruz organization that Cruz sat there with Heidi when Beck proclaimed that Ted was the anointed one to bring about the White Horse prophecy. It's a big deal in Mormon circles.

Beck was Ted's voice for the Mormons and to campaign for evangelicals. Beck's direct hit on Melania which was a lie reverberated in Mormon and evangelical circles which of course was the purpose for the lie.

If you are going to argue for Cruz you need to get up to speed.
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.
And Trump can best Goldwater's record on rejection by the electorate.
Country would have been better off if Barry Goldwater had won instead of that no good shit bag criminal LBJ.
Watching CNN this morning and former Congressman Bob Barr felt that Senaror Ted Cruz's behavior was appropriate last night and today when he tripled down on his lackluster endorsement of Trump. Let me remind Cruz lovers, "Trump owes you NOTHING!" The man won 36 primaries and the nomination. He does not have to "reach out" to you. He does not have to prove himself as a supporter of the Constitution. Your choice in November is between saving America or destroying it by not supporting Donald Trump. If you do not help with GOTV for Trump this are part of the problem. You do not support the Constitution.

Funny. Never heard trump quote the constitution. Never even mention it for that matter. Trumpkins beware, you will get the president you deserve. Just like Obama voters did.
He will tonight and has planned to since he clinched.
Why would Trump want "Lying Ted's" endorsement?

I don't know... it's kind of mentally retarded, ain't it? They sure do seem to be really butthurt over it... given their passionate and visceral hate for all things Cruz! :dunno:
I don't think Trump wanted Ted's endorsement. That is why Ted was allowed to go on even though his speech was reviewed 2 hours prior. This is just another case of Trump knowing how to win the news cycle.
He was? He congratulated Trump, ripped Hillary Clinton, extolled freedom, and then told Americans to vote their conscience. omg, the rat bastard!

Voting your conscience is now a sin. Voting in lockstep with the GOP orthodoxy is the only way you dodge burning at the stake.
The Democrat Party owns the patent for voting in lockstep.

Not any more if this Trump Nazism continues.
Lol. Hillary Marxism worries me.

Evidently not enough for you to be nice to people who are leaning towards your guy and not necessarily all in for him.

I'd like to know from Cruz supporters not those in the campaign for him how much you all know and understand about the Utah Compact and why Ted's biggest supporters including Lee and Beck and the entire Mormon community are so pro open borders but Cruz said he was against them.

And yet those in the Utah Compact are completely in Ted's tent. Strange.

But that's for another thread one day. I sure as heck would like to know the answer to that one though. Because I know posters like 1st Rambo are against open borders.

Cruz is hated on Capitol Hill because he's an arrogant asshole who does nothing but diss anyone and everyone around him.

I thought being hated on Capitol Hill was a badge of honor for anti-establishment candidates,

like TRUMP?

Cruz and his wife ARE the establishment for crying out loud. The outside the beltway bullshit is just that. Bullshit. Both of them worked for years for GW.
Heidi is completely Wall Street.

And to really put the icing on the cake Goldman Sachs and others financed Ted to run as a tea party anti establishment candidate for Senate.


must be why all the establishment Republicans hate his guts and he is so damn popular in Congress ... Ted and his wifie ARE establishment.
Ah Carb. There you go again with name calling because you can't make a bona fide argument for Cruz. Look Beck was in the inner circle of the Cruz organization.

So much inside the Cruz organization that Cruz sat there with Heidi when Beck proclaimed that Ted was the anointed one to bring about the White Horse prophecy. It's a big deal in Mormon circles.

Beck was Ted's voice for the Mormons and to campaign for evangelicals. Beck's direct hit on Melania which was a lie reverberated in Mormon and evangelical circles which of course was the purpose for the lie.

If you are going to argue for Cruz you need to get up to speed.

Hey dingbat.... no one needs to "argue for Cruz" any more... the primaries are OVER! You mental retards don't seem to comprehend that... you're still in attack dog mode... with this great big hard-on against conservatives!

You go right on ahead running the general election campaigning against CRUZ.... we'll watch as you get your fucking clocks cleaned by Hillary & Company. FOOL!
And out of nowhere,

Glen Beck jumps in to derail the thread! Good work, drunkie.
Tiny would beat your punk ass both physically as well as intellectually. I'm drinking now. It's happy hour don't ya know.

It wouldn't be the first time some fat old drunk barhog scared me,

if that's how you're characterizing her.
Trump has you scared.

I'm the smartest guy on this board if Trump wins.
It wouldn't be the first time some fat old drunk barhog scared me,

if that's how you're characterizing her.
Trump has you scared.

I'm the smartest guy on this board if Trump wins.
Pretty dumb statement.

I was one of the first, and certainly one of the few liberals on this board who said that Hillary Clinton, with her baggage,

was a stupid play for the Democrats in 2016, in an election where any normal, sane, scandal free Democrat could cruise into the Whitehouse against the sort of candidate the Republicans would put up, not to mention their losing agenda.

And I said it BEFORE the nut Trump was a likely winner.
You never realized that billions in foreign contributors and DNC establishment had Hillary pegged for coronation as far back as 2008?

Your post has nothing to do with what I posted, Hammerhead.
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?

Trump approved the speech. And then his campaign went through the audience stirring up the crowd against him. The question is why?
nonsense...that's media spin.

And what evidence is there to persuade me to believe that?
Did you not see the spontaneous eruption of boo's across the entire auditorium? It wasn't localized where the whips were. The dope on CNN said it started with the whips and THAT became the narrative. Lies. Anything to undermine Trumps appeal. Just like they tried to say the convention lacked energy and enthusiasm. Are we watching the same thing here.

Whats so hard to believe the convention goers wanted Cruz to endorse him and got pissed because he didn't? Republicans want unity. Sure there's some #nevertrumpers still around but they are NOT the majority of convention goers.

Watch CSpan for excellent coverage with no dopey pundits injecting their bias into the equation. You'll come away with your own opinion of the convention instead of regurgitating what these dopey pundits say.

You'll come away with your own opinion of the convention instead of regurgitating what these dopey pundits say.

yes but dupes dont any of that

Cruz is hated on Capitol Hill because he's an arrogant asshole who does nothing but diss anyone and everyone around him.

I thought being hated on Capitol Hill was a badge of honor for anti-establishment candidates,

like TRUMP?

Cruz and his wife ARE the establishment for crying out loud. The outside the beltway bullshit is just that. Bullshit. Both of them worked for years for GW.
Heidi is completely Wall Street.

And to really put the icing on the cake Goldman Sachs and others financed Ted to run as a tea party anti establishment candidate for Senate.


Yep, and tell me, has Ted tried to keep his word to the people of TX that elected him?
You're attacking Cruz for not adhering to a standard that Trump himself would not adhere to.

If you pledged to support the candidate a year down the road, and 6 months down the road, the candidate raped and killed a 9 year old girl,

would you honor your pledge?
so lets make up hypotheticals that have absolutely no basis in reality so you can save some face? Grow some fucking balls, coward.

Note that the witness would not answer the question.

The issue here is, to what extent is a pledge, into the future, ethically and morally binding, regarding actions of the person to whom the pledge is made.

Now you are tacitly acknowledging that once you made a pledge to a person over future support,

you would not violate that pledge even if that person raped and killed a child.

VERY interesting.

So by Harley's admitted standards,

once you make a pledge to support someone, you are morally committed no matter what that person might do in the future.

How sick is that?
Spin away bro! LMAO!

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