message to my fellow gun owners


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
When people ask you why you have firearms why not tell them the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. I would encourage those of you that have firearms to do this. I explain it like this:

There are multiple reasons to own firearms, hunting, home protection, personal protection, and many more. When these reasons are given there are counter arguements for them, and the discussion quickly devolves into stalemate. Some people fish, some people scrapbook, some people like mudding, and some people enjoy debating politics online with others. I like putting holes in targets. I like sending as many rounds down range as fast as I can. The feeling is similar to the feeling others get when engaging in their chosen activities. Firearms as a hobby is amazing, no substitute. From reloading my own ammunition to the history of the gun itself. My hobby is quite expensive but I can afford it, although Collecting and Gaming come close when it comes to money. My sport has rules that have to followed just like other sports. My right to own firearms is protected just as all my other rights are protected. As a firearms owner I am responsible and all responsible gun owners are self policing and mindful of constant safety. I support legislation limiting who can have access to firearms but not he access to the firearms themselves. In closing let me use the old addages, "Don't knock it until you've tried it.", and "Over my dead body."
When people ask you why you have firearms why not tell them the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. I would encourage those of you that have firearms to do this. I explain it like this:

There are multiple reasons to own firearms, hunting, home protection, personal protection, and many more. When these reasons are given there are counter arguements for them, and the discussion quickly devolves into stalemate. Some people fish, some people scrapbook, some people like mudding, and some people enjoy debating politics online with others. I like putting holes in targets. I like sending as many rounds down range as fast as I can. The feeling is similar to the feeling others get when engaging in their chosen activities. Firearms as a hobby is amazing, no substitute. From reloading my own ammunition to the history of the gun itself. My hobby is quite expensive but I can afford it, although Collecting and Gaming come close when it comes to money. My sport has rules that have to followed just like other sports. My right to own firearms is protected just as all my other rights are protected. As a firearms owner I am responsible and all responsible gun owners are self policing and mindful of constant safety. I support legislation limiting who can have access to firearms but not he access to the firearms themselves. In closing let me use the old addages, "Don't knock it until you've tried it.", and "Over my dead body."

You had me right up to "Over my dead body." As far as I am concerned there really is only one reason you or I need to own weapons. "Because I want to." When someone can demonstrate that I am a danger with a weapon, then perhaps they have a point. Until then, I think I should be able to own what I please and can afford.

At the same time, any society has the right to establish the rules for living in that society. The basis of our rules is the Constitution. But that can be changed if it is the desire of our society. If this society decides that its citizens should not own certain types of weapons (as it does) or any weapons at all, then we have the choice of either complying with that decision or moving to another society. The option of "Over my dead body" is, of course, always there. But it should be remembered that when that option is chosen the end result is precisely that.

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