Met chief defends force for not arresting chanters of ‘jihad’ at anti-Israel protest

All decent people acknowledge that. But Israel is now doing the exact same thing. More efficiently as well.

Surely you can acknowledge that ?
Hamas deliberately puts Palestinian children in harms way by using them as human shields, Tommy...but you can't bring yourself to condemn them! You're a moron.
Hamas deliberately puts Palestinian children in harms way by using them as human shields, Tommy...but you can't bring yourself to condemn them! You're a moron.
Thats just an Israeli propoganda trope. And your solution is to slaughter thosee children.
You are a sick fuck.
So how do they kill the guilty when they shove innocent people in their way?
Youre answer is so simplistic and ignorant, it blows my fucking mind.
Try again.
That isnt my problem. A policy of kill everyone reduces Israel to the level of a terrorist organisation.
Heres a thought. Why not work with their new arab allies ?

So 100000 people march in support of Palestine thru London. A tiny minority attach to the main march and hold a seperate rally. A couple of them shout "Jihad" during a speech.

So our authoritarian govt piles in and wants them arrested. The Chief of the Met cant see an offence and refuses.

Im a bit torn by this.

Most importantly the UK is not at war. We dont need suppressive measures that restrict our freedoms.

British Jews have a right to not feel threatened. But people also have a right to protest. the tories have passed a slew of laws that stifle the right to protest over the past few years.

Usually as an over reaction to something that they dont like. The police should not have their operations undermined by a Home Secretary who is pushing to be Prime Minister.

Its telling that she never criticises demos run by the far right. Trash like robinson seemingly have her blessing when they throw pork chops into mosques.

She has identfied islamaphobia as a key point in her campaign. Its more than cynical to exploit the tragedy like this. Very conservative.
That is essentially what FAKE democracy is all about - politicians/elitists that have a present majority in a parliament due to being able to make use of corruption and manipulation, pushing, implementing laws that favor only their respective agenda - not that of a populations majority.

If Lefty&Libs are the parliamentarian majority, due to being able to make use of corruption and manipulation, the country goes left&Lib - independent of what a population majority wants - and vice versa.
That is essentially what FAKE democracy is all about - politicians/elitists that have a present majority in a parliament due to being able to make use of corruption and manipulation, pushing, implementing laws that favor only their respective agenda - not that of a populations majority.

If Lefty&Libs are the parliamentarian majority, due to being able to make use of corruption and manipulation, the country goes left&Lib - independent of what a population majority wants - and vice versa.
Its a conservative govt doing this. Altough labour are not much different.
And you just want to slaughter babies.
The difference between me and you is, I actually think. And I have the ability to discuss things.
See, I do not support war. But after what HAMAS did to them? IDK what else they should be doing.
HAMAS uses their own people so ignorant shit stains like you say the exact retarded shit you have been saying for weeks. They know how to prey on the gullible and the retarded.
They VOTED for this. They VOTED for war. Why do you hate democracy? :lol:
The difference between me and you is, I actually think. And I have the ability to discuss things.
See, I do not support war. But after what HAMAS did to them? IDK what else they should be doing.
HAMAS uses their own people so ignorant shit stains like you say the exact retarded shit you have been saying for weeks. They know how to prey on the gullible and the retarded.
They VOTED for this. They VOTED for war. Why do you hate democracy?
It's the IDF aka the present Israeli's government fault - everyone knows and knew about Hamas and their "goals" As such Israel totally screwed up in regards to protecting their population. That such a large scale and long time planed offensive by Hamas wasn't known to Nethanyahu - he might convince people like you, but not me.

At the same time, two days after the attack; the IDF claims daily, to have killed off this and that Hamas leader - so now they suddenly know where these terrorists are hiding? but the plans off these leaders they didn't know?

The Gaza population voted for Hamas in 2005. In 2006 Hamas drove out the PLO/Fatah via terrorism and a civil war. Since then there were no elections and the population of Gaza is simply being suppressed and controlled via Hamas since the past 17 years !!!
Israel has deliberately and knowingly created a cesspool of hardliner terrorists in Gaza in 2005.

The only thing you need to ask yourself is: why did a country like Israel simply pull out the IDF of Gaza (which they had occupied for 37 years) and allow for a Hamas even to be created and drive out the PLO/Fatah which had recognized Israel in 1988? stinks and smells worse then rotten fish.
Well anyway, any proficient anti-terrorism expert will tell you, what Israel is doing, isn't combating terrorism, but creating more terrorism.

The only honest question is: how can Palestinian-terrorism be stopped in the first place

The answer is known to everyone - recognize a Palestinian State and respect it's territory - which 138 UN member states did in 1993 - whilst around 45 UN member states opposed it - naturally including Israel and the USA. The latter naturally making use of his VETO right.

Israel does NOT want an independent and sovereign Palestine - they want ALL of it for themselves incl. Gaza. Since the PLO acknowledged Israel in 1988 and declared an own Palestine in 1993 - based on the West-Bank and Gaza - Israel has permitted "encouraged" 600,000 Israeli settlers to claim land in the West-Bank, and has killed around 12000 Palestinians, wounded more then 160,000 and imprisoned thousands of Palestinians !!

Furthermore what Israel totally tries to swipe under the carpet - is the FACT that even after their pullout of Gaza in 2004/5 they have continuously attacked/bombed the Gaza Strip. So for Israel to claim that the recent Hamas attack was "unwarranted" is a big, fat lie.

And all you can come up with - is to point out Hamas and their recent slaughter in Israel.

So 100000 people march in support of Palestine thru London. A tiny minority attach to the main march and hold a seperate rally. A couple of them shout "Jihad" during a speech.

So our authoritarian govt piles in and wants them arrested. The Chief of the Met cant see an offence and refuses.

Im a bit torn by this.

Most importantly the UK is not at war. We dont need suppressive measures that restrict our freedoms.

British Jews have a right to not feel threatened. But people also have a right to protest. the tories have passed a slew of laws that stifle the right to protest over the past few years.

Usually as an over reaction to something that they dont like. The police should not have their operations undermined by a Home Secretary who is pushing to be Prime Minister.

Its telling that she never criticises demos run by the far right. Trash like robinson seemingly have her blessing when they throw pork chops into mosques.

She has identfied islamaphobia as a key point in her campaign. Its more than cynical to exploit the tragedy like this. Very conservative.
100000? Time to remove them from country. I know a company that makes good German quality ovens, I can pass you their number.
....I know a company that makes good German quality ovens,...
Nazi's share the same mindset with Zionist radicals, Muslim radicals and any other radicals - all are scum of the earth.
Therefore YOU are obviously in perfect company, and need to embrace your Muslim radical brothers.
Nazi's share the same mindset with Zionist radicals, Muslim radicals and any other radicals - all are scum of the earth.
Therefore YOU are obviously in perfect company, and need to embrace your Muslim radical brothers.
100.001. You are on the jihad side now. For years you Russian trolls lied to us, told us about war on terror in Syria and Ukraine. Now you "stand with Palestine", the hamsters that murder even babies.
Hamster, do you have your green frontlet tied around your morion?
A Nazi who propagates solidarity with Zionist right-wingers - no surprise at all.
Why don't you write some appreciative posts to Hector12 - who stated that he supports Israels ethnic cleansing policy.
You know; "Nazi comrades in arms and soul"

And stop lying about supposedly being a German, living in Germany - the post time gives you away as someone living in the USA.
Or are you claiming to being a job-less Nazi posting in Germany at 03:21?
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