Met chief defends force for not arresting chanters of ‘jihad’ at anti-Israel protest

Hate to break this to you, Tommy but the native population was being slaughtered by the British LONG before America even came to be!
Yep the Brits are responsible for cutting and running on their Palestine Mandate.
You know what, Kruska? When you give someone a "fake news" you should do so on a topic that you actually know something about! Lord Jeffrey Amherst? Blankets given to Indians by the British that were infected with smallpox? My point to Tommy is that the Brits were killing Indians LONG before America got it's independence!

As for the Palestinians joining up with Hitler? They did. The Mufti of Jerusalem? Don't know your you?
The "Brits" before US independence is who? the British Army?

The numbers of Red-Indians killed by the British Army is negligible. Simply due to their small number - the Brits only brought in sizable contingents in regards to the French-British war, and Britain's war against the Colonials.
That "Blanket story" is a mere story giving account about a discussion amongst British officers. there is no proof that the idea was ever implemented/practiced or had any effect.
Large numbers of Red-Indians were killed during the British colonial time, due to their own wars amongst each other via siding for either the French, Brits and later the US (who had ALL promised them their own land and independence) and the contraction of diseases spread by the European settlers and mass killings during the so called border-wars conducted by settlers.

The vast majority of Red-Indians were murdered and slaughtered off by the European SETTLERS and their militias - your forefathers !!!

The final factual killing off, extermination and forced deportation of the Red-Indians took place after the US independence - placed on short hold during the civil-war, and culminated again after the civil-war - resulting into the near extermination of the Plain-Indians by the US Army, aided by US settlers and newly arrived European settlers- right up to California, Alaska and down to Mexico.
Hamas has been using children as human shields for years now, Tommy. It's what they do. The only sick fucks in this conversation are the ones that cut the heads off of children and raped women. You know...the ones that you're here DEFENDING?
So its ok to bomb kids.
If bombing kids is a problem, tell the Palestinians to stop hiding behind them.
I have no sway with Palestine.

You know the IRA were responsible for multiple murders and bombings in the UK.

But the british govt never bombed the catholic areas. They were pretty dismal on the whole but they never deliberately targeted children.

I guess that makes the UK govt more humane thn the extremist Israeli govt.
So its ok to bomb kids.
It's not OK to hide behind kids, you buffoon! That isn't on Israel...that's on Hamas! They murdered women and kids in Israel, took hostages and then ran back to Gaza to hide behind their own women and children. Those are the scum bags that you're here defending!

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