Methane study, EPA debunk claims of water pollution, climate change from fracking

A lot of this methane is coming from melting permafrost in Siberia. They have built methane plants
in Siberia to process this methane as a new energy source.
If Fracking is as safe as proponents say it is, I say they should all move onto fracking sites. Bring the kids, mom and grandma. Just make sure the state you move to has Obamacare

Even Obama speaks of 'clean coal' and safe 'nuke energy'

this isn't about ideology. It's about the environment.

interesting note. Long Beach, CA discovered a huge oil filed a century ago. It was huge. Drilling went wild. The city started to sink.

true story


As soon as you move right under a industrial windturbine there Dainty.

Enjoy the Hum.

Why would I move to a mountain top or a desert pass? My momma didn't raise no idjit. We have runnin watah and we wear shoes with socks
If Fracking is as safe as proponents say it is, I say they should all move onto fracking sites. Bring the kids, mom and grandma. Just make sure the state you move to has Obamacare

Even Obama speaks of 'clean coal' and safe 'nuke energy'

this isn't about ideology. It's about the environment.

interesting note. Long Beach, CA discovered a huge oil filed a century ago. It was huge. Drilling went wild. The city started to sink.

true story


As soon as you move right under a industrial windturbine there Dainty.

Enjoy the Hum.

Why would I move to a mountain top or a desert pass? My momma didn't raise no idjit. We have runnin watah and we wear shoes with socks

The install them on plains and by the shores, nimrod.
Fracking = the latest cure for stupidity and senility. cures cancer and night sweats. helps with irritable bowel syndrome caused by posting online.

Get Dr Dumdeedum's Fracking Solution at a cut price of $9.99999 gold standard

Don't be left out, Dr Dumdeedum's Fracking Solution is the latest tool to help keep you safe from Obama's socialism and your next door neighbors who have converted to Islam

Dr Dumdeedum's Fracking Solution: Use it and Feel as Safe and Warm inside
As soon as you move right under a industrial windturbine there Dainty.

Enjoy the Hum.

Why would I move to a mountain top or a desert pass? My momma didn't raise no idjit. We have runnin watah and we wear shoes with socks

The install them on plains and by the shores, nimrod.

Plains? wtf wants to live in the plains, and why would any rational person want to live on the shore near a wind turbine? May as well live next to a playground or a nuke plant by the shore. Sort of defeats the purpose of moving next to the shore

I love looking at old California pictures of people 'enjoying' the beaches at Long Beach and Huntington Beach with Oil Rigs lining the landscape. They had to be conservatives trying to prove the air, sea, and wind were safe with oil rigs in your backyard. Gives whole knew meanings to black lungs and white genius

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If Fracking is as safe as proponents say it is, I say they should all move onto fracking sites. Bring the kids, mom and grandma. Just make sure the state you move to has Obamacare

Even Obama speaks of 'clean coal' and safe 'nuke energy'

this isn't about ideology. It's about the environment.

interesting note. Long Beach, CA discovered a huge oil filed a century ago. It was huge. Drilling went wild. The city started to sink.

true story


Quite correct. Same thing happens with coal mines. Much more often as a matter of fact.

And the Long Beach field you are referring to? They just required that the companies replace the hydrocarbons with more sinking.
Huge development. Now maybe the idiots in Illinois and New York will step aside and let the true job creators do their work.

Screw you, Yoko.

Asbestos created jobs too, so has tobacco, so has war

so has the creation of modern sewage systems, drinkable and safe water for hundreds of millions, roads so ambulances can save people, and the production of hydrocarbons to make all these other things possible.

Feel free to live in a mud hut with a solar panel on top to run your nightlight, but as long as you are typing on a product containing the benefits of hydrocarbon production, using electricity to run it partially produced by hydrocarbon production, and undoubtedly drive, ride or fly in some form of propulsion at some point in time each month, you are just being a hypocrite.

Which is normal for environmentalists I might add, they show up at meetings in fleets of SUVs just like everyone else does when going to a meeting to decry the horrors of CO2 emissions. If they would just stop being CO2 emitters personally, the world would probably be a much more reasonable place.
I love looking at old California pictures of people 'enjoying' the beaches at Long Beach and Huntington Beach with Oil Rigs lining the landscape.

Some of them are still there. The funny part? They disguised them and the morons who live there now can pretend they aren't participating in the activity they spend hordes of time pretending to not like. I say pretending because they are some of the worst hypocrites when it comes to the costs, and benefits, of hydrocarbon production.
If Fracking is as safe as proponents say it is, I say they should all move onto fracking sites. Bring the kids, mom and grandma. Just make sure the state you move to has Obamacare

Even Obama speaks of 'clean coal' and safe 'nuke energy'

this isn't about ideology. It's about the environment.

interesting note. Long Beach, CA discovered a huge oil filed a century ago. It was huge. Drilling went wild. The city started to sink.

true story


Quite correct. Same thing happens with coal mines. Much more often as a matter of fact.

And the Long Beach field you are referring to? They just required that the companies replace the hydrocarbons with more sinking.

really? :rofl: Do you know what is involved with subsistence? What happens when they stop pumping? What happens when a 'big one' hits the area?

Huge development. Now maybe the idiots in Illinois and New York will step aside and let the true job creators do their work.

Screw you, Yoko.

Asbestos created jobs too, so has tobacco, so has war

so has the creation of modern sewage systems, drinkable and safe water for hundreds of millions, roads so ambulances can save people, and the production of hydrocarbons to make all these other things possible.

Feel free to live in a mud hut with a solar panel on top to run your nightlight, but as long as you are typing on a product containing the benefits of hydrocarbon production, using electricity to run it partially produced by hydrocarbon production, and undoubtedly drive, ride or fly in some form of propulsion at some point in time each month, you are just being a hypocrite.

Which is normal for environmentalists I might add, they show up at meetings in fleets of SUVs just like everyone else does when going to a meeting to decry the horrors of CO2 emissions. If they would just stop being CO2 emitters personally, the world would probably be a much more reasonable place.

False alternatives, straw men, red herrings and more all in a few sentences? Cool!
I love looking at old California pictures of people 'enjoying' the beaches at Long Beach and Huntington Beach with Oil Rigs lining the landscape.

Some of them are still there. The funny part? They disguised them and the morons who live there now can pretend they aren't participating in the activity they spend hordes of time pretending to not like. I say pretending because they are some of the worst hypocrites when it comes to the costs, and benefits, of hydrocarbon production.

Dear moron, a few islands? A few pumps in a few areas? Compare the fields to today. Then look for the ones on the beaches.... shit is in the air. only a complete moron would have stuck around no less went to the beach. :laugh2: Okies and cons


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I love looking at old California pictures of people 'enjoying' the beaches at Long Beach and Huntington Beach with Oil Rigs lining the landscape.

Some of them are still there. The funny part? They disguised them and the morons who live there now can pretend they aren't participating in the activity they spend hordes of time pretending to not like. I say pretending because they are some of the worst hypocrites when it comes to the costs, and benefits, of hydrocarbon production.

the benefits like the Chinese now have from US Tobacco companies pushing smoking in China?

I never saw so many people with lung issues, in wheelchairs and scooters, with air machines, with cancerous faces with parts of ears and noses cut off...all walking around SoCal. People came to SoCal to work and poisoned their family genetic gene pool

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Except the Mancos similar to the Bakken is a hybrid play (both Natural Gas and Oil are found or projected to be found in great quantities)

The Bakken is not a hybrid. It is an oil play, of the continuous type, to use USGS terminology rather than whatever passes for the same among those who cut and paste but don't actually understand. The GOR of the bakken oil play, like nearly all other oil plays, falls squarely into the oil category as defined by any SPE definition you would care to use. For the record, it falls in the range of 800-1400 scf/barrel. Not a hybrid, but solution gas. Why? Because the Bakken oil is produced via solution gas drive. And "great quantities" is hardly descriptive. The USGS just redid their assessment and put the number in the 7.5 billion barrel range of technically recoverable, which does not include already drilled.

And no one of that scientific caliber has estimated the Mancos in that range yet. So no, it isn't like the Bakken.
If Fracking is as safe as proponents say it is, I say they should all move onto fracking sites. Bring the kids, mom and grandma. Just make sure the state you move to has Obamacare

Even Obama speaks of 'clean coal' and safe 'nuke energy'

this isn't about ideology. It's about the environment.

interesting note. Long Beach, CA discovered a huge oil filed a century ago. It was huge. Drilling went wild. The city started to sink.

true story


Quite correct. Same thing happens with coal mines. Much more often as a matter of fact.

And the Long Beach field you are referring to? They just required that the companies replace the hydrocarbons with more sinking.

really? :rofl: Do you know what is involved with subsistence? What happens when they stop pumping? What happens when a 'big one' hits the area?


Sure. And if Californians didn't like living through the consequences of "The Big One", of all kinds, they shouldn't live on top of an earthquake zone. While I admit that Californians do tend towards being pansies, that doesn't give them any more right to bitch about living with the consequences of their decisions any different than the rest of us.
False alternatives, straw men, red herrings and more all in a few sentences? Cool!

Certainly claiming that in an attempt to not answer the questions or points presented is just as cool. You can honestly whine about energy production when you have your own plan and system for getting what you need without using the thing you are whining about. Which means, YOU can't do it.

May I recommend a local hypocrites anonymous meeting place?
the benefits like the Chinese now have from US Tobacco companies pushing smoking in China?

Changing the subject? Now you want to bitch about tobacco companies? Fine. go do it in the lung cancer forums. If smokers are dumb enough to smoke and die in China, let them.

Dante said:
I never saw so many people with lung issues, in wheelchairs and scooters, with air machines, with cancerous faces with parts of ears and noses cut off...all walking around SoCal. People came to SoCal to work and poisoned their family genetic gene pool


If SoCal folks want to smoke, and then die, let them. Once upon a time we lived in a free country, we could drive without seatbelts, smoke what we wanted, we didn't need loaded chamber indicators on our guns, people could buy machine guns if they felt the need, spanking a child was a-okay, we were free to starve homesteading or work for $0.20/hour shoveling manure on a farm, we don't live in that country anymore because of ecofascists, do-gooders, NIMBYS, DINKS, nosey neighbors, the modern police state in the form of the Patriot Act, the watering down of Constitutional rights through Presidental fiat and regulation, and we short of moving somewhere else, are now stuck with getting what we apparently deserve.

You live in SoCal, you get what you get. Don't like it? Move to a decent state like Alaska and do what you want, there, you still mostly can.

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