Methane study, EPA debunk claims of water pollution, climate change from fracking

so has the creation of modern sewage systems, drinkable and safe water for hundreds of millions, roads so ambulances can save people, and the production of hydrocarbons to make all these other things possible.

Feel free to live in a mud hut with a solar panel on top to run your nightlight, but as long as you are typing on a product containing the benefits of hydrocarbon production, using electricity to run it partially produced by hydrocarbon production, and undoubtedly drive, ride or fly in some form of propulsion at some point in time each month, you are just being a hypocrite.

This is the most retarded logic your camp uses, time after time after time. "Oh? But you're using a computer, so STFU." ... :eusa_dance:

Could you come off as more of an infantile moron whenever you attempt this ruse? ... Your argument is a little like someone saying: "what? you're bitching about taxes? well f**k you the next time you call the fire department." ... Holy crap, miss the point much?

No one disputes that oil isn't the most versatile and efficient form of energy we've ever harnessed. No one is ungrateful for what it has provided complex modern societies. You're such a straw-man champion.

It's not "hypocritical" at all, drama queen. We just have very different opinions of the landscape going forward, what the timeline shows, and how to prepare for them.

If anything, I'd say you Adam Smith drones are the ones who are ungrateful, because you take for granted a source that should have been $75-100/bl 20 years ago, and you believe the inevitable transition to something else will be seamless.
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If anything, I'd say you Adam Smith drones are the ones who are ungrateful, because you take for granted a source that should have been $75-100/bl 20 years ago, and you believe the inevitable transition to something else will be seamless.

Now who is straw manning? Show one person who has ever said any move away from oil is seamless? Certainly the statement you use in this strawman is actually not even true at the individual level (I have to plug in my Volt every night, what a pain!!) but I don't think anyone has ever said it here. Which means, as usual, you are just making stuff up. Stop already. Engage your brain you parrot, it's called thinking, try it, you'll dump your religion in a heartbeat, I promise.

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