Metrohump Collapses...Fantasy Owners in a Quandry


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Good news/Bad news

I have only one player from either team on my roster.

That player is Adrian Peterson.

As Mr. Boe noted a few minutes ago: it appears that God is giving Favre a bit more time to recover so he can get to 300 starts.
Good news/Bad news

I have only one player from either team on my roster.

That player is Adrian Peterson.


The Younger Slave seems to be consoling himself with the thought that there may now be, in addition to Sunday, Monday, and Thursday Night Football,


I wonder why they don't just remove the roof completely, and let it be an open-air stadium for the rest of the season.

Is anybody watching fox right now? They're showing the footage fo the roof collapsig. :lol:

Game moved to Detroit.
The Gi'nts didn't bring their cold weather gear? They never heard of UPS? Can't find a hand warmer for sale in Minnesota? This is not the end of the world.

There's a dandy stadium down the street that the Gophers play in. It seats about 10,000 fewer folks, but with the forcast being about 3 below sanity, there will be at least that many no-shows in the dome accustomed crowd up there.

I wonder if that purple painted guy who wears no shirt but does wear chain mail will dress the same outside...

After this season's Farve watch, Farve is back, Farve is hurt, Farve can't tell his recievers from their defenders, offense can't score, defense can't defend, Moss is back, Moss is gone, Childress is gone, whoops, Childress isn't gone yet, now he's gone, who's the new coach going to be, will the new stadium be built, will the team move, who wants 'em anyway and now the Dome deflates, it just all seems to fit.

The Purple People Eaters must be throwing up right about now.
Good news/Bad news

I have only one player from either team on my roster.

That player is Adrian Peterson.


Just as well, as the Giants only give up on avg. 98 yards against the run. Easiest game of the week to handicap when they play, as the Vikes will be forced to run the ball even more with Farve and Harvin injured. Unfortunately for the Eagles, the Giants win :Boom2: in a 'snoozer' of a game.
Brent will be out before the 1st quarter is finished....Mark it down.

Sucky as Tavarus Jackson is, he's playing to keep his spot on the next season, and Peterson is no average Eastern Division slouch RB.
The Gi'nts didn't bring their cold weather gear? They never heard of UPS? Can't find a hand warmer for sale in Minnesota? This is not the end of the world.

There's a dandy stadium down the street that the Gophers play in. It seats about 10,000 fewer folks, but with the forcast being about 3 below sanity, there will be at least that many no-shows in the dome accustomed crowd up there.

I wonder if that purple painted guy who wears no shirt but does wear chain mail will dress the same outside...

After this season's Farve watch, Farve is back, Farve is hurt, Farve can't tell his recievers from their defenders, offense can't score, defense can't defend, Moss is back, Moss is gone, Childress is gone, whoops, Childress isn't gone yet, now he's gone, who's the new coach going to be, will the new stadium be built, will the team move, who wants 'em anyway and now the Dome deflates, it just all seems to fit.

The Purple People Eaters must be throwing up right about now.

TCF stadium has been winterized. It would take too long to make it ready for play.

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