Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

It’s ironic that you question other people’s intelligence, when it’s obvious you are so clueless to have your entire head embedded the the posterior of a pathological liar, a multiple adulter, a six-time bankruptcy deadbeat, who had daddy get him out of serving his country and of course the greatest narcissist ever.
Has there ever been such a horseshit slimeball in the presidency? Not quite a good role model for your kids or grandkids
So JFK, LBJ, Billy Clinton, and Obama were “role models?” JFK was an adulterer who even had sex with a 19 year old intern in he and Jackie’s White House bed. LBJ did things far worse than Nixon ever did. Made a profit off Vietnam War, cheated on his wife, and was indicted as a co-conspirator in 11 deaths in Texas after his 1975 passing. Real role model. Bill Clinton would lie if the truth would fit better. Obama won presidency because of slobbering love affair with liberal media. He also accepted a Noble Prize just because he was half black. Real role model as well.

JFK boned under age Piglosi, allegedly. A true American hero.

I think after that it's clear that Mueller was never going to indict a sitting president rather the constitutional remedy is impeachment. It was loud and clear if you have at least 2 brain cells.
You mean loud & clear to bitter leftards who, coincidentally, never have more than 2 brain cells. As you may recall, the clamor for Trump Jr's head and that of Kushner were "loud and clear" as well as calls for anyone connected to the POTUS to be fired & shot at dawn. Y'all were certain they were complicit.

So exactly how many Americans have been convicted or even indicted for conspiring with the foreign meddlers? How many of your media sources have admitted they have been feeding you the LIES you have so eagerly swallowed the last 2 years?

It’s ironic that you question other people’s intelligence, when it’s obvious you are so clueless to have your entire head embedded the the posterior of a pathological liar, a multiple adulter, a six-time bankruptcy deadbeat, who had daddy get him out of serving his country and of course the greatest narcissist ever.
Has there ever been such a horseshit slimeball in the presidency? Not quite a good role model for your kids or grandkids
So JFK, LBJ, Billy Clinton, and Obama were “role models?” JFK was an adulterer who even had sex with a 19 year old intern in he and Jackie’s White House bed. LBJ did things far worse than Nixon ever did. Made a profit off Vietnam War, cheated on his wife, and was indicted as a co-conspirator in 11 deaths in Texas after his 1975 passing. Real role model. Bill Clinton would lie if the truth would fit better. Obama won presidency because of slobbering love affair with liberal media. He also accepted a Noble Prize just because he was half black. Real role model as well.

JFK boned under age Piglosi, allegedly. A true American hero.

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Look at Nancy's bra, it could poke an eye out... :)
Yet, no charges of such. Imagine that.
Ya'll didn't read the Mueller Report, did ya?

Mueller’s Report Sure Makes It Look Like Paul Manafort Was Working With the Russians

Barr emphasized that Mueller had found “no collusion” between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government—but the report itself sure seemed to include evidence of a lot of collusion-adjacent activities by those in Trump’s orbit.

Where that seemed perhaps clearest was in the work of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was part of the campaign from March to August of 2016 and has already confessed to finance and corruption crimes that have resulted in him being sentenced to serve more than seven years in federal prison.

According to details in the Mueller report, Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign. Here are key points from the report that pertain to Manafort, some of which we already knew and some of which we didn’t, and what they mean:

• As we knew, Manafort worked closely with Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI has assessed to be “tied to Russian intelligence.” One detail we learned: According to a former co-worker at an international nonprofit they both worked for, “Kilimnik was fired from his post because his links to Russian intelligence were too strong.” Manafort’s deputy, Rick Gates, also suspected Kilimnik of being a “spy.”

• As had been previously reported, Kilimnik worked closely with Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch to whom Manafort owed a large sum of money, due to a previous conflict over a consulting job. According to analysts, Deripaska has deep and direct ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign.
• The report notes that Manafort instructed Gates to “provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump campaign—including internal polling data.” According to Mueller, “Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.” We knew that some polling data had been shared, but we did not know the extent of it and what exactly was shared.

• During the period he was working for the campaign, Manafort met with Kilimnik to discuss what the Manafort described as a “backdoor” peace plan that would allow Russia to take permanent and legally recognized control of Eastern Ukraine. After Trump won the presidency, Kilimnik told Manafort that all the plan needed was a “very minor ‘wink’ (or slight push) from [Donald Trump].”
Mueller was appointed by The Obama Administration

I really love you guys. You make me laugh. A lot.
Who initiated all of this?

Obama, Clinton and all of Obama's men.

Obama committed Treason.

His act of purchasing Russian Propaganda to use in our election is enough to try him for treason, but he did a whole lot more than that.


But we all know how this ends. They all walk.

We are no burdened with the fact that the Deep State operates with impunity, so our freedoms are the ones with their head in the noose, not them.
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.

Please do cite where Mueller said Barr "flat out loud about it". Be specific.

Mr. Barr said that Mueller told him that the DOJ prohibition on indicting the potus had nothing to do with his decision not to charge Trump last month.

Mr. Mueller today said that the DOJ prohibition against criminally charging the President was the ONLY reason why he didn't.

One of the two are lying.
I believe Mueller is lying. Then he walked away from the whole thing.

What you BELIEVE, is irrelevant. It’s what can be proven that’s important.

Funny how that standard also applies to Trump.
Mueller has once again proven that Barr is a treasonous liar. Not only did Barr spin Mueller's report - he flat out lied about it. Barr should be IMPEACHED for violating his oath of office and lying to the American people.

Please do cite where Mueller said Barr "flat out loud about it". Be specific.

Mr. Barr said that Mueller told him that the DOJ prohibition on indicting the potus had nothing to do with his decision not to charge Trump last month.

Mr. Mueller today said that the DOJ prohibition against criminally charging the President was the ONLY reason why he didn't.

One of the two are lying.
I believe Mueller is lying. Then he walked away from the whole thing.

The fact that Mr. Mueller refused to take followup questions, and also is refusing to testify to Congress, tells me that he doesn't think his story will hold up. So, yes, he's probably lying.

Well, he's walking a razor's edge of implying an accusation without actually making an accusation. Can't have pesky questions forcing him to be clear about things.
You should also learn that saying, 'If we had thought the President had not committed crimes we would have said so' is NOT the same thing as the Special Counsel clearly stating, 'The President of the United States committed crimes'...which is exactly what Starr did in HIS final report regarding the Clinton investigation.

Ken Star was working for Congress and was not operating under the same DOJ guidelines. Mueller made it plain as day why he couldn't use those words.

"The introduction to volume two of our report explains that decision.It explains that under long-standing Department policy, a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view—that too is prohibited.

The Special Counsel’s Office is part of the Department of Justice and, by regulation, it was bound by that Department policy. Charging the President with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.The Department’s written opinion explaining the policy against charging a President makes several important points that further informed our handling of the obstruction investigation. Those points are summarized in our report. And I will describe two of them:First, the opinion explicitly permits the investigation of a sitting President because it is important to preserve evidence while memories are fresh and documents are available. Among other things, that evidence could be used if there were co-conspirators who could now be charged.And second, the opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting President of wrongdoing.And beyond Department policy, we were guided by principles of fairness. It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of an actual charge."

He's DB Cooper.

Wrong again. Mueller LIED on that and many other points. He had no problem indicting those "Russian" companies that would get no court resolution. Bottom line, Mueller has ZERO evidence. If there was a crime, he had to report it. His job was to make a determination. He failed to do so. I. The real world, that's cause for him to be sued for not providing the service he was paid over $30 million to provide. Then the yellow coward runs away and claims he will never answer questions? Not his decision. Mueller finished embarrassing both himself and the Dems yesterday. There were witnesses to what he told Barr. So Mueller may find himself in a lot more hot water.
"He had no problem indicting those "Russian" companies that would get no court resolution."

Why lie? This has already been addressed.

They opportunity for a court resolution was available for those Russians. Whereas there is no court resolution for trump.

^^^ Deranged idiot trying desperately to spin this. Where is the lie? You seem to be claiming those "Russian" companies weren't indicted with Mueller knowing full well they would never see the inside of a court. Seeing as Mueller has no case, he would get laughed out of court if he even brought this case, President or not.
Dumbfuck.... they could have had their day in court if they wanted it. Trump could not. It's not my problem you lack the mental capacity necessary to discern the difference.

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