Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime

"The introduction to volume two of our report explains that decision.It explains that under long-standing Department policy, a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view—that too is prohibited.The Special Counsel’s Office is part of the Department of Justice and, by regulation, it was bound by that Department policy. Charging the President with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."

But that's okay, he gave us the evidence in his report.
and did not even do as much as issue a 'Red Line' warning to Russia.....
They slapped heavy duty sanctions on them.... which hurt them GREATLY, so much so, that the Russians interfered in our 2016 election to get candidate Trump elected, so to get them removed, and to meet with Manafort, Don Trump Junior and Kushner in Trump tower, to get them removed, and for Sader and Cohen and oligarchs to come up with a Ukrainian Peace Plan, to get them removed....etc etc etc....

We hurt Russia with sanctions, more than any bullet and ammo filled skirmish would or could have ever done! AND no one was killed on our side fighting...
1. Bullshit
2. No reply to the Ukraine helping Hillary WITH her direct involvement?

Didn't think so. Keep blithering.
Ya'll didn't read the Mueller Report, did ya?

Mueller’s Report Sure Makes It Look Like Paul Manafort Was Working With the Russians

Barr emphasized that Mueller had found “no collusion” between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government—but the report itself sure seemed to include evidence of a lot of collusion-adjacent activities by those in Trump’s orbit.

Where that seemed perhaps clearest was in the work of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was part of the campaign from March to August of 2016 and has already confessed to finance and corruption crimes that have resulted in him being sentenced to serve more than seven years in federal prison.

According to details in the Mueller report, Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign. Here are key points from the report that pertain to Manafort, some of which we already knew and some of which we didn’t, and what they mean:

• As we knew, Manafort worked closely with Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI has assessed to be “tied to Russian intelligence.” One detail we learned: According to a former co-worker at an international nonprofit they both worked for, “Kilimnik was fired from his post because his links to Russian intelligence were too strong.” Manafort’s deputy, Rick Gates, also suspected Kilimnik of being a “spy.”

• As had been previously reported, Kilimnik worked closely with Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch to whom Manafort owed a large sum of money, due to a previous conflict over a consulting job. According to analysts, Deripaska has deep and direct ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign.
• The report notes that Manafort instructed Gates to “provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump campaign—including internal polling data.” According to Mueller, “Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.” We knew that some polling data had been shared, but we did not know the extent of it and what exactly was shared.

• During the period he was working for the campaign, Manafort met with Kilimnik to discuss what the Manafort described as a “backdoor” peace plan that would allow Russia to take permanent and legally recognized control of Eastern Ukraine. After Trump won the presidency, Kilimnik told Manafort that all the plan needed was a “very minor ‘wink’ (or slight push) from [Donald Trump].”
They slapped heavy duty sanctions on them.... which hurt them GREATLY, so much so, that the Russians interfered in our 2016 election to get candidate Trump elected, so to get them removed, and to meet with Manafort, Don Trump Junior and Kushner in Trump tower, to get them removed, and for Sader and Cohen and oligarchs to come up with a Ukrainian Peace Plan, to get them removed....etc etc etc....

We hurt Russia with sanctions, more than any bullet and ammo filled skirmish would or could have ever done! AND no one was killed on our side fighting...

1. Obama 'slapped sanctions' on Russia for invading / annexing Crimea'

I notice this was done AFTER Barry did nothing to attempt to stop Russia from militarily invading / seizing / annexing Crimea.... Again, not even a half-assed 'Red Line' warning to Putin not to do so....Too little too late, 'not enough to stop it'....the same thing Obama's own administration members admitted about their handling of the Russians' attempts to hack our power grid, initiating / running a counter-intelligence operating using social media, and other attempts to interfere in the US once they found out it it back in 2014!

2. 'Trump was elected to get sanctions removed from Russia and to HELP Russia'?!?


Is there a special 'Snowflake Indoctrination Camp' where you clowns go to have your head filled with this propaganda / BS, perhaps one run by CNN?


"After Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, Ukrainian leaders desperately requested from President Barack Obama defensive anti-tank weapons systems that could fend off the invading Russian T-72 tanks in eastern Ukraine. In 2015, members of the Senate Armed Services Committee — Democrats and Republicans — encouraged Obama to grant this request to help Ukraine defend itself. Obama refused .

Soon after coming into office, Trump changed course , and the Ukrainians now have Javelin anti-tank weapons systems from the United States. Russian tank drivers have a lot more to worry about today."

It seems that anti-tank weapons sent to Ukraine would have helped more to prevent Putin from invading and militarily annexing Crimea BEFORE they did so more than any sanctions levied against Russia AFTER Putin was ALLOWED to waltz into Crimea and seize it for its own....go figure!

2. EDI
"The Trump administration has also replaced Obama’s reticence regarding U.S. troop deployments near Russia with a full embrace of the European Deterrence Initiative. In just more than two years in office, Trump has requested more than $17 billion for EDI compared with
just $5 billion requested in Obama’s final three years in office. As a result, thousands of U.S. troops, along with other NATO allies, have deployed to Poland, the Baltics and Norway to deter further Russian expansion."

IF you actually want to learn the TRUTH about who was / has been tougher on Russia / Putin, President Trump or Obama / Hillary, read the entire article - there is more.

One last note:

In 2012, Barry leaned in towards Putin-Puppet Medvedev, believing their microphones had been turned off, and told Medvedev to pass on to his 'master' that he - Obama - would be more 'flexible' after his re-election that election during which Obama weaponized the IRS to target and minimize the threat of Americans who were legally opposing his re-election...

In 2014, 2 years later, Obama 'gave' Putin / Russia uranium, Crimea, and 2 more years of hacking/Counter-Intel Ops/Interference after he found out it was going on...
--- Hillary received over $140 Million in Clinton Foundation 'donations' (to include millions from THE Russian who led the 'KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One, while Bill was 'awarded' a great little speaking gig in Russia making something like $500k for one speech. And let's not forget that the Russians supplied Hillary with a counter-Intelligence document - through foreign spy Steele - that was used in an attempt to alter the 2016 election results...

That's a helluva lot more than President Trump has received from the Russians.



and did not even do as much as issue a 'Red Line' warning to Russia.....
They slapped heavy duty sanctions on them.... which hurt them GREATLY, so much so, that the Russians interfered in our 2016 election to get candidate Trump elected, so to get them removed, and to meet with Manafort, Don Trump Junior and Kushner in Trump tower, to get them removed, and for Sader and Cohen and oligarchs to come up with a Ukrainian Peace Plan, to get them removed....etc etc etc....

We hurt Russia with sanctions, more than any bullet and ammo filled skirmish would or could have ever done! AND no one was killed on our side fighting...
1. Bullshit
2. No reply to the Ukraine helping Hillary WITH her direct involvement?

Didn't think so. Keep blithering.
There was no direct involvement of Hillary.

There was no involvement with the power of the Ukrainian President and government and Intelligence agencies...

there was no stealing of private information via hacking databases of Trump's, and dispersing them, or calls from her for the Ukrainians to "find" them....

the only information that woman got from the Ukraine on Manafort was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, A public case that anyone could get information on.

Last edited:
but the report itself sure seemed to include evidence of a lot of collusion-adjacent activities by those in Trump’s orbit.

Mueller proved once again yesterday that all he could / tried to ever do - having zero actual evidence of any crime which resulted in not 1 single indictment or conviction of Trump or anyone associated with him - is make it SEEM like there was ever any evidence.

You snowflakes should really learn the difference between what is made to SEEM like evidence and actual evidence.

You should also learn that saying, 'If we had thought the President had not committed crimes we would have said so' is NOT the same thing as the Special Counsel clearly stating, 'The President of the United States committed crimes'...which is exactly what Starr did in HIS final report regarding the Clinton investigation.
and did not even do as much as issue a 'Red Line' warning to Russia.....
They slapped heavy duty sanctions on them.... which hurt them GREATLY, so much so, that the Russians interfered in our 2016 election to get candidate Trump elected, so to get them removed, and to meet with Manafort, Don Trump Junior and Kushner in Trump tower, to get them removed, and for Sader and Cohen and oligarchs to come up with a Ukrainian Peace Plan, to get them removed....etc etc etc....

We hurt Russia with sanctions, more than any bullet and ammo filled skirmish would or could have ever done! AND no one was killed on our side fighting...
1. Bullshit
2. No reply to the Ukraine helping Hillary WITH her direct involvement?

Didn't think so. Keep blithering.
There was no direct involvement of Hillary.

There was no involvement with the power of the Ukrainian President and government and Intelligence agencies...

there was no stealing of private information via hacking databases of Trump's, and dispersing them, or calls from her for the Ukrainians to "find" them....

the only information that woman got from the Ukrain on Manafort was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, A public case that anyone could get information on.

Nice OPINION....try again.
Ya'll didn't read the Mueller Report, did ya?

Mueller’s Report Sure Makes It Look Like Paul Manafort Was Working With the Russians

Barr emphasized that Mueller had found “no collusion” between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government—but the report itself sure seemed to include evidence of a lot of collusion-adjacent activities by those in Trump’s orbit.

Where that seemed perhaps clearest was in the work of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was part of the campaign from March to August of 2016 and has already confessed to finance and corruption crimes that have resulted in him being sentenced to serve more than seven years in federal prison.

According to details in the Mueller report, Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign. Here are key points from the report that pertain to Manafort, some of which we already knew and some of which we didn’t, and what they mean:

• As we knew, Manafort worked closely with Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI has assessed to be “tied to Russian intelligence.” One detail we learned: According to a former co-worker at an international nonprofit they both worked for, “Kilimnik was fired from his post because his links to Russian intelligence were too strong.” Manafort’s deputy, Rick Gates, also suspected Kilimnik of being a “spy.”

• As had been previously reported, Kilimnik worked closely with Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch to whom Manafort owed a large sum of money, due to a previous conflict over a consulting job. According to analysts, Deripaska has deep and direct ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign.
• The report notes that Manafort instructed Gates to “provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump campaign—including internal polling data.” According to Mueller, “Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.” We knew that some polling data had been shared, but we did not know the extent of it and what exactly was shared.

• During the period he was working for the campaign, Manafort met with Kilimnik to discuss what the Manafort described as a “backdoor” peace plan that would allow Russia to take permanent and legally recognized control of Eastern Ukraine. After Trump won the presidency, Kilimnik told Manafort that all the plan needed was a “very minor ‘wink’ (or slight push) from [Donald Trump].”

Remind me why Manafort was NOT indicted for collusion again.....


(Funny, there is no mention of Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta, who was Manafort's partner this whole time, whose brother, Fat Tony, worked as an unregistered foreign agent, or how both were given Immunity by Mueller for NOTHING - no information, no testimony, nothing.....just protected from anything everything...
Ken Starr Broke the law apparently when he listed 11 crimes he was able to verify Clinton Committed and recommended for Indictment.

So Mueller is a joke because he found ZERO?

I agree he is a joke and a partisan hack, but he was very thorough, and despite being biased against The President was unable to railroad him.

So it's Ken Starr 11
Mueller 0

More Trump Winning!
and did not even do as much as issue a 'Red Line' warning to Russia.....
They slapped heavy duty sanctions on them.... which hurt them GREATLY, so much so, that the Russians interfered in our 2016 election to get candidate Trump elected, so to get them removed, and to meet with Manafort, Don Trump Junior and Kushner in Trump tower, to get them removed, and for Sader and Cohen and oligarchs to come up with a Ukrainian Peace Plan, to get them removed....etc etc etc....

We hurt Russia with sanctions, more than any bullet and ammo filled skirmish would or could have ever done! AND no one was killed on our side fighting...
1. Bullshit
2. No reply to the Ukraine helping Hillary WITH her direct involvement?

Didn't think so. Keep blithering.
There was no direct involvement of Hillary.

There was no involvement with the power of the Ukrainian President and government and Intelligence agencies...

there was no stealing of private information via hacking databases of Trump's, and dispersing them, or calls from her for the Ukrainians to "find" them....

the only information that woman got from the Ukrain on Manafort was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, A public case that anyone could get information on.

Well there is no direct involvement by trump then either.

Get off your hate horse.
notice this was done AFTER Barry did nothing to attempt to stop Russia from militarily invading / seizing / annexing Crimea..

How many of our kids should have been sacrificed to defend The Ukraine from Russian agression? Considering we don't have a mutual defense pact with them.
Ya'll didn't read the Mueller Report, did ya?

Mueller’s Report Sure Makes It Look Like Paul Manafort Was Working With the Russians

Barr emphasized that Mueller had found “no collusion” between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government—but the report itself sure seemed to include evidence of a lot of collusion-adjacent activities by those in Trump’s orbit.

Where that seemed perhaps clearest was in the work of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was part of the campaign from March to August of 2016 and has already confessed to finance and corruption crimes that have resulted in him being sentenced to serve more than seven years in federal prison.

According to details in the Mueller report, Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign. Here are key points from the report that pertain to Manafort, some of which we already knew and some of which we didn’t, and what they mean:

• As we knew, Manafort worked closely with Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI has assessed to be “tied to Russian intelligence.” One detail we learned: According to a former co-worker at an international nonprofit they both worked for, “Kilimnik was fired from his post because his links to Russian intelligence were too strong.” Manafort’s deputy, Rick Gates, also suspected Kilimnik of being a “spy.”

• As had been previously reported, Kilimnik worked closely with Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch to whom Manafort owed a large sum of money, due to a previous conflict over a consulting job. According to analysts, Deripaska has deep and direct ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign.
• The report notes that Manafort instructed Gates to “provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump campaign—including internal polling data.” According to Mueller, “Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.” We knew that some polling data had been shared, but we did not know the extent of it and what exactly was shared.

• During the period he was working for the campaign, Manafort met with Kilimnik to discuss what the Manafort described as a “backdoor” peace plan that would allow Russia to take permanent and legally recognized control of Eastern Ukraine. After Trump won the presidency, Kilimnik told Manafort that all the plan needed was a “very minor ‘wink’ (or slight push) from [Donald Trump].”

Remind me why Manafort was NOT indicted for collusion again.....


(Funny, there is no mention of Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta, who was Manafort's partner this whole time, whose brother, Fat Tony, worked as an unregistered foreign agent, or how both were given Immunity by Mueller for NOTHING - no information, no testimony, nothing.....just protected from anything everything...
gawd your lies just keep on coming.... you are like the Energizer Bunny of lies.... :p

John Podesta divested himself from the Podesta Group many years earlier... he had nothing at all, to do with it...

it was only his brother that was involved with Manafort, and he shuttered the company, if memory serves, in shame.

Remind me why Manafort was NOT indicted for collusion again.....

here is your answer:

Mueller says that his team wasn’t able to prove that the campaign, beyond Manafort—who was the chairman of said campaign—was involved. Mueller also notes, though, that Manafort lied to his office repeatedly and that Mueller’s team did not have access to messages from multiple encrypted apps. As the report puts it: “And while Manafort denied that he spoke to members of the Trump campaign or the new Administration about the peace plan, he lied to [Mueller’s] Office and the grand jury about the peace and his meetings with Kilimnik, and his unreliability on this subject was among the reasons that the district judge found that he breached his cooperation agreement.” Basically, we only know that Trump and his campaign did not work with the Russians on this “backdoor” plan to give Russia Eastern Ukraine if you take Manafort’s word for it, which—as evidenced by the above quote from the report—the special counsel does not.

And what about that polling data?
Could it have been passed along and ultimately used by the Russian troll farm that Mueller charged with a conspiracy to interfere in the U.S. election, due to their efforts to target voters on social media? “The Office could not reliably determine Manafort’s purpose in sharing internal polling data with Kilimnik during the campaign period,” Mueller writes. “Because of questions about Manafort’s credibility and our limited ability to gather evidence on what happened to the polling data after it was sent to Kilimnik, the office could not assess what Kilimnik (or others he may have given it to) did with it.” Ultimately, Mueller couldn’t find evidence that there was a connection “between Manafort’s sharing polling data and Russia’s interference in the election” through the Russian troll farm.

The report also details how Trump’s campaign chairman had his deputy share “internal polling data prepared for the Trump Campaign by pollster Tony Fabrizio” via WhatsApp and those communications were deleted “on a daily basis.” When Manafort briefed Kilimnik on that data, he also discussed “ ‘battleground’ states, which Manafort identified as Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota.” And both Manafort and Gates assumed that data would be shared with a close Putin ally in Deripaska. What happened next to the data is a mystery. Mueller could not prove one way or the other whether it was used in Russia’s attack against the 2016 election—but Mueller did note that his team had a “limited ability” to gather such evidence.

These Deripaska connections still matter today: In January, the Treasury Department eased sanctions on three companies linked to the oligarch, despite votes against it from both houses of Congress. Meanwhile, earlier this month, Deripaska sued the United States over the remaining sanctions. It will be up to Trump’s DOJ, and William Barr, to mount a defense against that suit.

Mueller’s Report Sure Makes It Look Like Paul Manafort Was Working With the Russians
You should also learn that saying, 'If we had thought the President had not committed crimes we would have said so' is NOT the same thing as the Special Counsel clearly stating, 'The President of the United States committed crimes'...which is exactly what Starr did in HIS final report regarding the Clinton investigation.

Ken Star was working for Congress and was not operating under the same DOJ guidelines. Mueller made it plain as day why he couldn't use those words.

"The introduction to volume two of our report explains that decision.It explains that under long-standing Department policy, a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view—that too is prohibited.

The Special Counsel’s Office is part of the Department of Justice and, by regulation, it was bound by that Department policy. Charging the President with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.The Department’s written opinion explaining the policy against charging a President makes several important points that further informed our handling of the obstruction investigation. Those points are summarized in our report. And I will describe two of them:First, the opinion explicitly permits the investigation of a sitting President because it is important to preserve evidence while memories are fresh and documents are available. Among other things, that evidence could be used if there were co-conspirators who could now be charged.And second, the opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting President of wrongdoing.And beyond Department policy, we were guided by principles of fairness. It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of an actual charge."

He's DB Cooper.
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker


lord you suck.
PBS Twitter:
Robert Mueller says that "under longstanding" Justice Dept. policy, "a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional..." He adds later: "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider"

“If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of trash. IMPEACH
And if you had confidence that he did( your mission) then you would have said so. You do the charging, Trump does not voluntarily submit to it NOR have to prove humself innocent
All today showed is Mueller is Worse than we thought, still trying to bang the drum for his witch hunt.

Nice foul WV language.
Small zero college Mind made up?
Love his dragging his wife by the hair before raping her.?
#1 guy in the country owing $?
Great role model
He basically told America “it’s up to you to decide if we’re a country that wants a criminal as President or not.”

Impeach the motherfucker


lord you suck.
PBS Twitter:
Robert Mueller says that "under longstanding" Justice Dept. policy, "a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional..." He adds later: "Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider"

“If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

Go fuck yourself you piece of trash. IMPEACH
And if you had confidence that he did( your mission) then you would have said so. You do the charging, Trump does not voluntarily submit to it NOR have to prove humself innocent
All today showed is Mueller is Worse than we thought, still trying to bang the drum for his witch hunt.

Nice foul WV language.
Small zero college Mind made up?
Love his dragging his wife by the hair before raping her.?
#1 guy in the country owing $?
Great role model

I don’t remember this language coming from any Democrats. Do you?
and he still got elected president. so, no one cared.

View attachment 262996
and yet NO COLLUSION was found so these memes just make those using them look just as "fascist" as what they call others, if not more.

Collusion was found. The Trump tower meeting and then lying about it is an example of collusion. However collusion itself is not a crime. Obstruction of Justice however is very much a crime.
please point to where collusion was legally found.

as for your meeting - how did that russian lawyer get into the country again? DOH!

now - if collusion isn't a crime why were we now investigating trump for actions you say are not even a crime? seems to me wasting this countries time and resources cause you're terminally butthurt is a bigger crime.

Have any of our trump U graduates read the report?
You don't need a crime to be impeached
"It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of an actual charge."
He's DB Cooper.

Yet that is EXACTLY what Mueller just did in his presser before declaring he would never testify / answer questions about his investigation under oath and 'taking his ball and going home'.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Ya'll didn't read the Mueller Report, did ya?

Mueller’s Report Sure Makes It Look Like Paul Manafort Was Working With the Russians

Barr emphasized that Mueller had found “no collusion” between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government—but the report itself sure seemed to include evidence of a lot of collusion-adjacent activities by those in Trump’s orbit.

Where that seemed perhaps clearest was in the work of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was part of the campaign from March to August of 2016 and has already confessed to finance and corruption crimes that have resulted in him being sentenced to serve more than seven years in federal prison.

According to details in the Mueller report, Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign. Here are key points from the report that pertain to Manafort, some of which we already knew and some of which we didn’t, and what they mean:

• As we knew, Manafort worked closely with Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI has assessed to be “tied to Russian intelligence.” One detail we learned: According to a former co-worker at an international nonprofit they both worked for, “Kilimnik was fired from his post because his links to Russian intelligence were too strong.” Manafort’s deputy, Rick Gates, also suspected Kilimnik of being a “spy.”

• As had been previously reported, Kilimnik worked closely with Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch to whom Manafort owed a large sum of money, due to a previous conflict over a consulting job. According to analysts, Deripaska has deep and direct ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Manafort may have additionally colluded with a Russian government intelligence agent while working on the Trump campaign.
• The report notes that Manafort instructed Gates to “provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump campaign—including internal polling data.” According to Mueller, “Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.” We knew that some polling data had been shared, but we did not know the extent of it and what exactly was shared.

• During the period he was working for the campaign, Manafort met with Kilimnik to discuss what the Manafort described as a “backdoor” peace plan that would allow Russia to take permanent and legally recognized control of Eastern Ukraine. After Trump won the presidency, Kilimnik told Manafort that all the plan needed was a “very minor ‘wink’ (or slight push) from [Donald Trump].”

Remind me why Manafort was NOT indicted for collusion again.....


(Funny, there is no mention of Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta, who was Manafort's partner this whole time, whose brother, Fat Tony, worked as an unregistered foreign agent, or how both were given Immunity by Mueller for NOTHING - no information, no testimony, nothing.....just protected from anything everything...
gawd your lies just keep on coming.... you are like the Energizer Bunny of lies.... :p

John Podesta divested himself from the Podesta Group many years earlier... he had nothing at all, to do with it...

it was only his brother that was involved with Manafort, and he shuttered the company, if memory serves, in shame.

Remind me why Manafort was NOT indicted for collusion again.....

here is your answer:

Mueller says that his team wasn’t able to prove that the campaign, beyond Manafort—who was the chairman of said campaign—was involved. Mueller also notes, though, that Manafort lied to his office repeatedly and that Mueller’s team did not have access to messages from multiple encrypted apps. As the report puts it: “And while Manafort denied that he spoke to members of the Trump campaign or the new Administration about the peace plan, he lied to [Mueller’s] Office and the grand jury about the peace and his meetings with Kilimnik, and his unreliability on this subject was among the reasons that the district judge found that he breached his cooperation agreement.” Basically, we only know that Trump and his campaign did not work with the Russians on this “backdoor” plan to give Russia Eastern Ukraine if you take Manafort’s word for it, which—as evidenced by the above quote from the report—the special counsel does not.

And what about that polling data?
Could it have been passed along and ultimately used by the Russian troll farm that Mueller charged with a conspiracy to interfere in the U.S. election, due to their efforts to target voters on social media? “The Office could not reliably determine Manafort’s purpose in sharing internal polling data with Kilimnik during the campaign period,” Mueller writes. “Because of questions about Manafort’s credibility and our limited ability to gather evidence on what happened to the polling data after it was sent to Kilimnik, the office could not assess what Kilimnik (or others he may have given it to) did with it.” Ultimately, Mueller couldn’t find evidence that there was a connection “between Manafort’s sharing polling data and Russia’s interference in the election” through the Russian troll farm.

The report also details how Trump’s campaign chairman had his deputy share “internal polling data prepared for the Trump Campaign by pollster Tony Fabrizio” via WhatsApp and those communications were deleted “on a daily basis.” When Manafort briefed Kilimnik on that data, he also discussed “ ‘battleground’ states, which Manafort identified as Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota.” And both Manafort and Gates assumed that data would be shared with a close Putin ally in Deripaska. What happened next to the data is a mystery. Mueller could not prove one way or the other whether it was used in Russia’s attack against the 2016 election—but Mueller did note that his team had a “limited ability” to gather such evidence.

These Deripaska connections still matter today: In January, the Treasury Department eased sanctions on three companies linked to the oligarch, despite votes against it from both houses of Congress. Meanwhile, earlier this month, Deripaska sued the United States over the remaining sanctions. It will be up to Trump’s DOJ, and William Barr, to mount a defense against that suit.

Mueller’s Report Sure Makes It Look Like Paul Manafort Was Working With the Russians

You should also learn that saying, 'If we had thought the President had not committed crimes we would have said so' is NOT the same thing as the Special Counsel clearly stating, 'The President of the United States committed crimes'...which is exactly what Starr did in HIS final report regarding the Clinton investigation.

Ken Star was working for Congress and was not operating under the same DOJ guidelines. Mueller made it plain as day why he couldn't use those words.

"The introduction to volume two of our report explains that decision.It explains that under long-standing Department policy, a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view—that too is prohibited.

The Special Counsel’s Office is part of the Department of Justice and, by regulation, it was bound by that Department policy. Charging the President with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider.The Department’s written opinion explaining the policy against charging a President makes several important points that further informed our handling of the obstruction investigation. Those points are summarized in our report. And I will describe two of them:First, the opinion explicitly permits the investigation of a sitting President because it is important to preserve evidence while memories are fresh and documents are available. Among other things, that evidence could be used if there were co-conspirators who could now be charged.And second, the opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting President of wrongdoing.And beyond Department policy, we were guided by principles of fairness. It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of an actual charge."

He's DB Cooper.

Wrong again. Mueller LIED on that and many other points. He had no problem indicting those "Russian" companies that would get no court resolution. Bottom line, Mueller has ZERO evidence. If there was a crime, he had to report it. His job was to make a determination. He failed to do so. I. The real world, that's cause for him to be sued for not providing the service he was paid over $30 million to provide. Then the yellow coward runs away and claims he will never answer questions? Not his decision. Mueller finished embarrassing both himself and the Dems yesterday. There were witnesses to what he told Barr. So Mueller may find himself in a lot more hot water.
and did not even do as much as issue a 'Red Line' warning to Russia.....
They slapped heavy duty sanctions on them.... which hurt them GREATLY, so much so, that the Russians interfered in our 2016 election to get candidate Trump elected, so to get them removed, and to meet with Manafort, Don Trump Junior and Kushner in Trump tower, to get them removed, and for Sader and Cohen and oligarchs to come up with a Ukrainian Peace Plan, to get them removed....etc etc etc....

We hurt Russia with sanctions, more than any bullet and ammo filled skirmish would or could have ever done! AND no one was killed on our side fighting...
1. Bullshit
2. No reply to the Ukraine helping Hillary WITH her direct involvement?

Didn't think so. Keep blithering.
There was no direct involvement of Hillary.

There was no involvement with the power of the Ukrainian President and government and Intelligence agencies...

there was no stealing of private information via hacking databases of Trump's, and dispersing them, or calls from her for the Ukrainians to "find" them....

the only information that woman got from the Ukraine on Manafort was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, A public case that anyone could get information on.

as for the rest of your bullshit that there's nothing there - there's a lot more than TRUMP/RUSSIA that after 3 years still comes up empty which pisses off everyone with a huge emotional investment that they'd be emotionally validated one day.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

now if clinton was NOT helping and they were merely helping her - then fine. the left needs to drop the trump shit cause nowhere could collusion be found in muellers report now could it? so you are now onto Plan K - get him for something else he did along the way of your/lefts bullshit.

play by the same rules or sit and wonder why we're close to a civil war again.

But Andrii Telizhenko, who worked as a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy under Shulyar, said she instructed him to help Chalupa research connections between Trump, Manafort and Russia. “Oksana said that if I had any information, or knew other people who did, then I should contact Chalupa,” recalled Telizhenko, who is now a political consultant in Kiev. “They were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa,” he said, adding “Oksana was keeping it all quiet,” but “the embassy worked very closely with” Chalupa.
how the FUCK is this not getting direct help from the Ukraine?
How many of our kids should have been sacrificed to defend The Ukraine from Russian agression? Considering we don't have a mutual defense pact with them.

Who said Barry should have sent troops into the Ukraine to prevent Russia from militarily annexing Crimea? He refused to allow the US to send Ukraine anti-tank weapons to use to defend themselves, let alone issuing a half-ass 'Red Line' warning to Putin.

When Al Qaeda needed help to murder the leader of a sovereign nation (who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa) and take over the country for their very own. Barry did not hesitate to use the US military to help them do so.

Afterwards, he did not hesitate to run weapons to terrorists in Syria out of that country. The Nobel Peace Prize Winner also did not hesitate in invading a sovereign nation that neither asked the US to enter their country or gave us permission to do so - an International War Crime, by the way.

Barry did not want to jeopardize America lives to prevent Russia from invading another nation, one we had unofficially promised to help defend their borders, but risking US lives to help terrorists - to include the group who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one day / attack - was something different I guess.

Americans Killed in Syria Were No Strangers to War

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