Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

What I thought was also interesting is that no close Trump associates charged with Obstruction or Collusion at all. No one in the Trump Family, no one in the Trump cabinet. Any of those folks could have easily been indicted, but the Mule didn't do it, and now the investigation is over. This entire "investigation" was just a scam IMHO to boost Mueller's income.

Then you did NOT read the report, BECAUSE IF YOU WOULD HAVE READ THE GODDAMN REPORT you would ALREADY KNOW that Trump himself was the ONLY person to have performed any obstructive acts.

Trump's subordinates, and Trump associates were TOO FUCKING INTELLIGENT to perform the obstructive acts that TRUMP REQUESTED.


When you dig your head out of your ass, when you read the GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT, then get back to US, when you have one fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about.

GO, READ THE GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT. your post the "redacted" part of the mueller report?

98.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of USMB members talk about the SC Mueller report BUT not a goddamn fucking one of them has read one goddamn fucking sentence of the fucking report.

This place is like a fucking brain dead fucking orgy of fucking Trump fucking supporters.

If Pelosi thinks the case has been proven, she has opportunity to put the impeachment up for a Vote.

I don't think so, but I'm not in Congress. If she doesn't put it up for a vote, it means Trump is innocent

I think the House Judiciary Committee has to have an official inquiry first and then vote to move it to the full House. If Trumpyberra continues to stonewall all of the Houses investigatory efforts, an impeachment inquiry might be necessary.
What I thought was also interesting is that no close Trump associates charged with Obstruction or Collusion at all. No one in the Trump Family, no one in the Trump cabinet. Any of those folks could have easily been indicted, but the Mule didn't do it, and now the investigation is over. This entire "investigation" was just a scam IMHO to boost Mueller's income.

Then you did NOT read the report, BECAUSE IF YOU WOULD HAVE READ THE GODDAMN REPORT you would ALREADY KNOW that Trump himself was the ONLY person to have performed any obstructive acts.

Trump's subordinates, and Trump associates were TOO FUCKING INTELLIGENT to perform the obstructive acts that TRUMP REQUESTED.


When you dig your head out of your ass, when you read the GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT, then get back to US, when you have one fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about.

Trump never obstructed justice. It’s all hearsay.

No, it's obvious you read into it what you needed to rather than what was there:
"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

"The introduction to volume two of our report explains that decision. It explains that under long-standing Department policy, a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view—that too is prohibited.

-R.Mueller's next sentence.
What I thought was also interesting is that no close Trump associates charged with Obstruction or Collusion at all. No one in the Trump Family, no one in the Trump cabinet. Any of those folks could have easily been indicted, but the Mule didn't do it, and now the investigation is over. This entire "investigation" was just a scam IMHO to boost Mueller's income.
Mueller is 74, has plenty of his own money, he comes from a very well to do family.

you can't be charged with collusion, collusion is not a term used for a crime in our legal criminal Code

FYI- Flynn obstructed justice thru perjury, Gates and Manafort and Papadopoulis and Michael Cohen and this other guy of whom i can not remember his name working for the campaign all were charged and plead guilty... with obstruction of justice via perjury as well...
All of which had nothing to do with Russia investigation, but other things dealing with outside business matters. Nice try.
flynn, gates, and Manafort and papadopoulis and cohen and the guy I don't remember his name ALL lied about their Russian contacts and were charged for it.

Manafort and Cohen were charged with tax evasion

Edit spelled it wrong
And lying about their Russian connections, Cohen to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower, and Manafort to the special counsel on his communication with Russians, of which he lost his plea deal over....the special counsel ended it.
you say a lot of shit but you never back it up.
What I thought was also interesting is that no close Trump associates charged with Obstruction or Collusion at all. No one in the Trump Family, no one in the Trump cabinet. Any of those folks could have easily been indicted, but the Mule didn't do it, and now the investigation is over. This entire "investigation" was just a scam IMHO to boost Mueller's income.

Then you did NOT read the report, BECAUSE IF YOU WOULD HAVE READ THE GODDAMN REPORT you would ALREADY KNOW that Trump himself was the ONLY person to have performed any obstructive acts.

Trump's subordinates, and Trump associates were TOO FUCKING INTELLIGENT to perform the obstructive acts that TRUMP REQUESTED.


When you dig your head out of your ass, when you read the GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT, then get back to US, when you have one fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about.

GO, READ THE GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT. your post the "redacted" part of the mueller report?

98.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of USMB members talk about the SC Mueller report BUT not a goddamn fucking one of them has read one goddamn fucking sentence of the fucking report.

This place is like a fucking brain dead fucking orgy of fucking Trump fucking supporters.

If Pelosi thinks the case has been proven, she has opportunity to put the impeachment up for a Vote.

I don't think so, but I'm not in Congress. If she doesn't put it up for a vote, it means Trump is innocent

I think the House Judiciary Committee has to have an official inquiry first and then vote to move it to the full House. If Trumpyberra continues to stonewall all of the Houses investigatory efforts, an impeachment inquiry might be necessary.

The liberals have already made up their minds about Impeachment. Little point in President Trump cooperating any further with them.

They can move this straight through the committee and onto the House Floor this week,if they want. Little point in hearings that won't change any votes.

Bringing this straight through will help move the country past this, one way or another, and get the House's plate cleared for actual work on making America great again.
Mueller is 74, has plenty of his own money, he comes from a very well to do family.

you can't be charged with collusion, collusion is not a term used for a crime in our legal criminal Code

FYI- Flynn obstructed justice thru perjury, Gates and Manafort and Papadopoulis and Michael Cohen and this other guy of whom i can not remember his name working for the campaign all were charged and plead guilty... with obstruction of justice via perjury as well...
All of which had nothing to do with Russia investigation, but other things dealing with outside business matters. Nice try.
flynn, gates, and Manafort and papadopoulis and cohen and the guy I don't remember his name ALL lied about their Russian contacts and were charged for it.

Manafort and Cohen were charged with tax evasion

Edit spelled it wrong
And lying about their Russian connections, Cohen to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower, and Manafort to the special counsel on his communication with Russians, of which he lost his plea deal over....the special counsel ended it.

Mr. Cohen is an admitted liar, I don't think anything that this man says can be taken as truthful.

He is serving time in the penitentiary as a Snitch or a Rat, someone who would say anything to save his own ass.
A snitch or a rat, is what MOB BOSSES call their goons that turn on them, and it puts a death sentence on their heads...

Are you in the MOB?
All of which had nothing to do with Russia investigation, but other things dealing with outside business matters. Nice try.
flynn, gates, and Manafort and papadopoulis and cohen and the guy I don't remember his name ALL lied about their Russian contacts and were charged for it.

Manafort and Cohen were charged with tax evasion

Edit spelled it wrong
And lying about their Russian connections, Cohen to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower, and Manafort to the special counsel on his communication with Russians, of which he lost his plea deal over....the special counsel ended it.

Mr. Cohen is an admitted liar, I don't think anything that this man says can be taken as truthful.

He is serving time in the penitentiary as a Snitch or a Rat, someone who would say anything to save his own ass.
A snitch or a rat, is what MOB BOSSES call their goons that turn on them, and it puts a death sentence on their heads...

Are you in the MOB?

Not at all, I wouldn't qualify. You have to be an Italian to get made around these parts.
What I thought was also interesting is that no close Trump associates charged with Obstruction or Collusion at all. No one in the Trump Family, no one in the Trump cabinet. Any of those folks could have easily been indicted, but the Mule didn't do it, and now the investigation is over. This entire "investigation" was just a scam IMHO to boost Mueller's income.

Then you did NOT read the report, BECAUSE IF YOU WOULD HAVE READ THE GODDAMN REPORT you would ALREADY KNOW that Trump himself was the ONLY person to have performed any obstructive acts.

Trump's subordinates, and Trump associates were TOO FUCKING INTELLIGENT to perform the obstructive acts that TRUMP REQUESTED.


When you dig your head out of your ass, when you read the GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT, then get back to US, when you have one fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about.

Trump never obstructed justice. It’s all hearsay.

No, it's obvious you read into it what you needed to rather than what was there:
"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

"The introduction to volume two of our report explains that decision. It explains that under long-standing Department policy, a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view—that too is prohibited.

-R.Mueller's next sentence.

The fact that Robert Mueller III didn't even address the fact that he was really pissed at Trump for not comping him for a golf membership, and what factor that played in his investigation tells me he needs to testify and answer for it.

If the whole Russian Collusion/Obstruction crap was just about the Mule being pissed at not being able to golf for free, the people have a right to know it.
Ken Star was able to uncover 11 crimes to recommend for indictment in his findings.

Mueller found zero.

Here is how Ken Star explains it: "Robert Mueller is not your everyday prosecutor, however. Under Department of Justice policy, a sitting president cannot be indicted. This prosecutor, unlike other prosecutors, cannot indict if he finds an indictable offense. And in contrast to the practices and policies that govern thousands of federal prosecutors around the country, this former FBI director—now a special counsel—has a specific reporting obligation. That solemn obligation is not to produce a public report. He cannot seek an indictment. And he must remain quiet."

If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mueller told reporters, explaining that, as part of the Justice Department, his office was “bound by” the OLC’s opinion. “Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider,” Mueller said."

1. Again, US AG Barr testified under oath before Congress about how Mueller told him on 3 separate occasions that the OLC's opinion had NO IMPACT on his final report / decision.

-- While Barr has shown he has no problem testifying under oath before Congress to explain what happened and to answer questions, Mueller has declared that he REFUSES to testify under oath and refuses to answer any questions at all about his and his team's investigation.

2. "If President Trump actually committed a crime, there is nothing in the OLC’s opinion that would have prevented the special counsel or the attorney general from saying so."

-- Mueller's claim that he COULD NOT report that the President had committed a crime because of the OLC is a LIE!

"The most relevant concern the OLC raises is that an indictment “exposes the President to an official pronouncement that there is probable cause to believe he committed a criminal act,” which could impair “his credibility in carrying out his constitutional responsibilities.”


Former FBI Director James Comey appeared on live TV and openly declared that Hillary Clinton DID BREAK LAWS but that she was TOO STUPID TO KNW SHE WAS BREAKING LAWS. Because of this, he declared, it was his opinion that she had no INTENT to break laws and thus HE MADE THE DECISION NOT TO RECOMMEND THE INDICTMENT OF HILLARY CLINTON.

-- The US IG ripped Comey a 'new one' in a report that followed, stating The FBI Director (Comey) NEVER HAD THE AUTHORITY to make any decision on indictment - It was NOT HIS JOB. The US IG stated Comey had 'USURPED THE POWERS AMD AUTHORITIES OF THE DOJ, WHOSE RESPONSIBILITY IT WAS TO MAKE THAT DECISION'!

Where did Comey learn this illegal ability to claim and wield authorities and powers he did not legally have?
-- MUELLER, his mentor!

"A special counsel’s private report to the attorney general ran no such risk, especially since Barr was under no legal obligation to make Mueller’s report public. Special counsels don’t issue indictments – grand juries do."

"That’s why the last man with responsibilities similar to Mueller’s – Independent Counsel Ken Starr – had no qualms writing definitively about findings of criminal wrongdoing by the subject of his investigation, President Bill Clinton.

The idea that the OLC somehow stopped Mueller from doing the same thing is absurd."

Joe diGenova: Mueller wants Americans to believe Trump is a criminal and it's up to Congress to impeach him

Then you did NOT read the report, BECAUSE IF YOU WOULD HAVE READ THE GODDAMN REPORT you would ALREADY KNOW that Trump himself was the ONLY person to have performed any obstructive acts.

Trump's subordinates, and Trump associates were TOO FUCKING INTELLIGENT to perform the obstructive acts that TRUMP REQUESTED.


When you dig your head out of your ass, when you read the GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT, then get back to US, when you have one fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about.

GO, READ THE GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT. your post the "redacted" part of the mueller report?

98.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of USMB members talk about the SC Mueller report BUT not a goddamn fucking one of them has read one goddamn fucking sentence of the fucking report.

This place is like a fucking brain dead fucking orgy of fucking Trump fucking supporters.

If Pelosi thinks the case has been proven, she has opportunity to put the impeachment up for a Vote.

I don't think so, but I'm not in Congress. If she doesn't put it up for a vote, it means Trump is innocent

I think the House Judiciary Committee has to have an official inquiry first and then vote to move it to the full House. If Trumpyberra continues to stonewall all of the Houses investigatory efforts, an impeachment inquiry might be necessary.

The liberals have already made up their minds about Impeachment. Little point in President Trump cooperating any further with them.

They can move this straight through the committee and onto the House Floor this week,if they want. Little point in hearings that won't change any votes.

Bringing this straight through will help move the country past this, one way or another, and get the House's plate cleared for actual work on making America great again.

Nah, we need to have an inquiry where all the witnesses who have been told to ignored the House subpoena's. all get the chance to testify before we decide if Trumpyberra should be impeached.
The idea that the OLC somehow stopped Mueller from doing the same thing is absurd."

Ken Star disagrees.

"Robert Mueller is not your everyday prosecutor, however. Under Department of Justice policy, a sitting president cannot be indicted. This prosecutor, unlike other prosecutors, cannot indict if he finds an indictable offense. And in contrast to the practices and policies that govern thousands of federal prosecutors around the country, this former FBI director—now a special counsel—has a specific reporting obligation. That solemn obligation is not to produce a public report. He cannot seek an indictment. And he must remain quiet."
1. Again, US AG Barr testified under oath before Congress about how Mueller told him on 3 separate occasions that the OLC's opinion had NO IMPACT on his final report / decision.

-- While Barr has shown he has no problem testifying under oath before Congress to explain what happened and to answer questions, Mueller has declared that he REFUSES to testify under oath and refuses to answer any questions at all about his and his team's investigation.


Mr. Mueller definitely needs to be forced to testify under oath before Congress. And if his word contradicts that of Mr. Barr, perjury charges need to be filed and Mueller can explain it all to 12 angry men. your post the "redacted" part of the mueller report?

98.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of USMB members talk about the SC Mueller report BUT not a goddamn fucking one of them has read one goddamn fucking sentence of the fucking report.

This place is like a fucking brain dead fucking orgy of fucking Trump fucking supporters.

If Pelosi thinks the case has been proven, she has opportunity to put the impeachment up for a Vote.

I don't think so, but I'm not in Congress. If she doesn't put it up for a vote, it means Trump is innocent

I think the House Judiciary Committee has to have an official inquiry first and then vote to move it to the full House. If Trumpyberra continues to stonewall all of the Houses investigatory efforts, an impeachment inquiry might be necessary.

The liberals have already made up their minds about Impeachment. Little point in President Trump cooperating any further with them.

They can move this straight through the committee and onto the House Floor this week,if they want. Little point in hearings that won't change any votes.

Bringing this straight through will help move the country past this, one way or another, and get the House's plate cleared for actual work on making America great again.

Nah, we need to have an inquiry where all the witnesses who have been told to ignored the House subpoena's. all get the chance to testify before we decide if Trumpyberra should be impeached.

Those people aren't going to testify, and the subpoenas are in Federal Court. Little point in holding up impeachment for years, is there?
Mueller could have come out and said Trump is 100% innocent, and Democrats would still impeach him. They are obsessed with losing the 2016 election.
This prosecutor, unlike other prosecutors, cannot indict if he finds an indictable offense. And in contrast to the practices and policies that govern thousands of federal prosecutors around the country, this former FBI director—now a special counsel—has a specific reporting obligation. That solemn obligation is not to produce a public report. He cannot seek an indictment. And he must remain quiet."

Did you even bother to READ my post?

"A special counsel’s private report to the attorney general ran no such risk, especially since Barr was under no legal obligation to make Mueller’s report public. Special counsels don’t issue indictments – grand juries do."

Ken Starr, unlike Mueller, made no excuse for NOT making it clear in HIS report that President Clinton DID OBSTRUCT JUSTICE. Starr did NOT withhold his finding that Clinton DID break the law because of the OLC's decision. Starr did not cryptically drop INUENDOES and INSINUATION that Clinton MAY have broken the law - he said it point blank: 'CLINTON BROKE THE LAW!'

The Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) hereby submits substantial and credible information that President /Clinton obstructed justicethe President lied under oath to the grand jury and obstructed justice,” Starr wrote, along with dozens of other unambiguous determinations that President Clinton had committed crimes."

The OLC's decision did NOT prevent Starr ... or Mueller ... from rendering a final report in which they could state EXACTLY what their investigations had revealed!
(-- Which Mueller acknowledged / stated to US AG Barr on 3 separate occasions, according to Barr testifying under oath...If Muelller wished to dispute this all he needs to do is agree to testify under oath!)

So, AGAIN....

"The idea that the OLC somehow stopped Mueller from doing the same thing is absurd."

Last edited:
Mueller could have come out and said Trump is 100% innocent, and Democrats would still impeach him. They are obsessed with losing the 2016 election.

But if Mueller would admit the truth and declare President Trump as innocent as a newborn babe, the liberal friends would throw him under the bus. Further, Mueller would lose his one and only chance at revenge against Trump for not comping him.
This prosecutor, unlike other prosecutors, cannot indict if he finds an indictable offense. And in contrast to the practices and policies that govern thousands of federal prosecutors around the country, this former FBI director—now a special counsel—has a specific reporting obligation. That solemn obligation is not to produce a public report. He cannot seek an indictment. And he must remain quiet."

Did you even bother to READ my post?

"A special counsel’s private report to the attorney general ran no such risk, especially since Barr was under no legal obligation to make Mueller’s report public. Special counsels don’t issue indictments – grand juries do."

Ken Starr, unlike Mueller, made no excuse for NOT making it clear in HIS report that President Clinton DID OBSTRUCT JUSTICE. Starr did NOT withhold his finding that Clinton DID break the law because of the OLC's decision. Starr did not cryptically drop INUENDOES and INSINUATION that Clinton MAY have broken the law - he said it point blank: 'CLINTON BROKE THE LAW!'

The Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) hereby submits substantial and credible information that President /Clinton obstructed justicethe President lied under oath to the grand jury and obstructed justice,” Starr wrote, along with dozens of other unambiguous determinations that President Clinton had committed crimes."

So, AGAIN....

"The idea that the OLC somehow stopped Mueller from doing the same thing is absurd."

Ken Star was operating under a different law and reported directly to Congress. You're handlers need to do more research.
Ken Star was operating under a different law and reported directly to Congress. You're handlers need to do more research.
Ken Starr had the intelligence, courage, and integrity to file an honest, thorough report that left no doubt, included no innuendo or insinuation that a crime MIGHT have been committed. Starr understood his role was to file a report stating their either WAS or WAS NOT a crime committed, not to INCITE others into action - to incite politicians to initiate Impeachment proceedings. Unlike Mueller, Starr DID HIS JOB - he issued a final report stating definitively that President Bill Clinton Broke the law.

BEING UNABLE TO DO THE SAME, Mueller took it upon himself to 'stir the pot', to provide INNUENDO and INSINUATION meant to incite Trump-Hating Democrats into proceeding with Impeachment proceedings.

To attempt to Impeach a President without a definitive statement that he DID break the law and having the evidence to back it up, to attempt to Impeach a President based on such innuendo coming from a Special Prosecutor who led a team of hand-picked team of Pro-DNC/Hillary / DNC/Hillary donors who REFUSES to appear under oath before Congress to defend his report findings and his non-indisputable claims, would be an assault on our Justice system as well as a last-ditch effort to save the DNC's / Obama administration's failed political coup attempt.

What Mueller did was just lob an accusation against the President - denying him of the opportunity to legally defend himself in a court / through the legal system...and without ever having to face his accusers or have the right to defend himself legally, the Democrats can move to Impeach him.
-- It's Pretty much the same thing Mueller did by indicting those Russians - they will never be extradited, will never see the inside of a courtroom, and will never have an opportunity to defend themselves against Mueller's charges. Mueller just incited Dems to Impeach the President, denying him the right to face the accusations against him and with no recourse to defend himself against Impeachment.

Through his innuendos and political theatrics Mueller possibly set into motion potential Impeachment proceedings against the President who will not be allowed any opportunity to defend himself against Mueller's unsubstantiated claims that he himself refuses to defend / justify under oath before Congress.

This is NOT how our Judicial system is supposed to work.
Mueller is 74, has plenty of his own money, he comes from a very well to do family.

you can't be charged with collusion, collusion is not a term used for a crime in our legal criminal Code

FYI- Flynn obstructed justice thru perjury, Gates and Manafort and Papadopoulis and Michael Cohen and this other guy of whom i can not remember his name working for the campaign all were charged and plead guilty... with obstruction of justice via perjury as well...
All of which had nothing to do with Russia investigation, but other things dealing with outside business matters. Nice try.
flynn, gates, and Manafort and papadopoulis and cohen and the guy I don't remember his name ALL lied about their Russian contacts and were charged for it.

Manafort and Cohen were charged with tax evasion

Edit spelled it wrong
And lying about their Russian connections, Cohen to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower, and Manafort to the special counsel on his communication with Russians, of which he lost his plea deal over....the special counsel ended it.
you say a lot of shit but you never back it up.
Are your fingers broken and you can't google it yourself?

god forbid, if it doesn't come from Sharyl Attkisson, it ain't news eh? :p

Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen gives House Intelligence Committee documents revealing alleged edits to false statement about Moscow project

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress

Paul Manafort breached plea deal by repeatedly lying in Russia inquiry, Mueller says

Judge rules Paul Manafort violated Mueller investigation plea deal by "intentionally" lying
All of which had nothing to do with Russia investigation, but other things dealing with outside business matters. Nice try.
flynn, gates, and Manafort and papadopoulis and cohen and the guy I don't remember his name ALL lied about their Russian contacts and were charged for it.

Manafort and Cohen were charged with tax evasion

Edit spelled it wrong
And lying about their Russian connections, Cohen to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower, and Manafort to the special counsel on his communication with Russians, of which he lost his plea deal over....the special counsel ended it.
you say a lot of shit but you never back it up.
Are your fingers broken and you can't google it yourself?

god forbid, if it doesn't come from Sharyl Attkisson, it ain't news eh? :p

Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen gives House Intelligence Committee documents revealing alleged edits to false statement about Moscow project

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress

Paul Manafort breached plea deal by repeatedly lying in Russia inquiry, Mueller says

Judge rules Paul Manafort violated Mueller investigation plea deal by "intentionally" lying

where did trump do it again?

nice try but nothing about what i asked. but as usual, the left just has to take jabs at people they don't already approve of.

how "like" you.

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