Meuller To Give 'Statement' (RIGHT NOW) From DOJ In Lieu Of Testifying Under Oath

Then you did NOT read the report, BECAUSE IF YOU WOULD HAVE READ THE GODDAMN REPORT you would ALREADY KNOW that Trump himself was the ONLY person to have performed any obstructive acts.

Trump's subordinates, and Trump associates were TOO FUCKING INTELLIGENT to perform the obstructive acts that TRUMP REQUESTED.


When you dig your head out of your ass, when you read the GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT, then get back to US, when you have one fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about.

GO, READ THE GODDAMN FUCKING REPORT. your post the "redacted" part of the mueller report?

98.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of USMB members talk about the SC Mueller report BUT not a goddamn fucking one of them has read one goddamn fucking sentence of the fucking report.

This place is like a fucking brain dead fucking orgy of fucking Trump fucking supporters.

If Pelosi thinks the case has been proven, she has opportunity to put the impeachment up for a Vote.

I don't think so, but I'm not in Congress. If she doesn't put it up for a vote, it means Trump is innocent

I think the House Judiciary Committee has to have an official inquiry first and then vote to move it to the full House. If Trumpyberra continues to stonewall all of the Houses investigatory efforts, an impeachment inquiry might be necessary.

The liberals have already made up their minds about Impeachment. Little point in President Trump cooperating any further with them.

They can move this straight through the committee and onto the House Floor this week,if they want. Little point in hearings that won't change any votes.

Bringing this straight through will help move the country past this, one way or another, and get the House's plate cleared for actual work on making America great again.
I suspect Pelosi is waiting for the IG report & various ongoing DOJ inquires into the genesis and nature of the Mueller witch-hunt. If they weaken the Mueller Report they would throw the Hysterical House Dem Political Circus into confusion and perhaps even end it abruptly with egg-on-face … bigly.
Mueller could have come out and said Trump is 100% innocent, and Democrats would still impeach him. They are obsessed with losing the 2016 election.

The principle is "Innocent until Proven Guilty" - not "Guilty until Exonerated".

Mueller is a political hack swamp creature who has perverted the Rule of Law. This kabuki theater yesterday was a pay-off to Nadler to give him what he needed to attack Trump without Mueller having to testify. It stinks.
Ken Star was able to uncover 11 crimes to recommend for indictment in his findings.

Mueller found zero.

Here is how Ken Star explains it: "Robert Mueller is not your everyday prosecutor, however. Under Department of Justice policy, a sitting president cannot be indicted. This prosecutor, unlike other prosecutors, cannot indict if he finds an indictable offense. And in contrast to the practices and policies that govern thousands of federal prosecutors around the country, this former FBI director—now a special counsel—has a specific reporting obligation. That solemn obligation is not to produce a public report. He cannot seek an indictment. And he must remain quiet."
But he didn't remain quiet. Instead he authored hundreds of pages of rumor, allegations, speculation, and innuendo but stated unambiguously that "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

If 19 prosecutors and 40 FBI investigators spent 2 years and $35 million searching for my criminality and came back with that conclusion, me and my attorney would be dancing in the streets.

BTW, given the Muel Team's authority and resources. I could have found Mother Teresa guilty of multiple murders and I'm not even a lawyer.
BTW, given the Muel Team's authority and resources. I could have found Mother Teresa guilty of multiple murders and I'm not even a lawyer.

What's really remarkable is that even in the face of the Mueller Inquisition, none of them ever lied about President Trump as requested and demanded.

Not even the frail , elderly Dr. Jerome Corsi, or Paul Manafort who was put into the Hole for a solid year. Mueller did do virtually anything to people to get them to lie, and failed completely.
All of which had nothing to do with Russia investigation, but other things dealing with outside business matters. Nice try.
flynn, gates, and Manafort and papadopoulis and cohen and the guy I don't remember his name ALL lied about their Russian contacts and were charged for it.

Manafort and Cohen were charged with tax evasion

Edit spelled it wrong
And lying about their Russian connections, Cohen to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower, and Manafort to the special counsel on his communication with Russians, of which he lost his plea deal over....the special counsel ended it.
you say a lot of shit but you never back it up.
Are your fingers broken and you can't google it yourself?

god forbid, if it doesn't come from Sharyl Attkisson, it ain't news eh? :p

Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen gives House Intelligence Committee documents revealing alleged edits to false statement about Moscow project

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress

Paul Manafort breached plea deal by repeatedly lying in Russia inquiry, Mueller says

Judge rules Paul Manafort violated Mueller investigation plea deal by "intentionally" lying
God is spelled with an upper case “G” if you please. BTW...Cohen is a back stabbing weasel and Manafort was convicted of business dealings with Ukraine. You know, that country that HATES Russia. Nothing to do with collusion witch hunt.
This prosecutor, unlike other prosecutors, cannot indict if he finds an indictable offense. And in contrast to the practices and policies that govern thousands of federal prosecutors around the country, this former FBI director—now a special counsel—has a specific reporting obligation. That solemn obligation is not to produce a public report. He cannot seek an indictment. And he must remain quiet."

Did you even bother to READ my post?

"A special counsel’s private report to the attorney general ran no such risk, especially since Barr was under no legal obligation to make Mueller’s report public. Special counsels don’t issue indictments – grand juries do."

Ken Starr, unlike Mueller, made no excuse for NOT making it clear in HIS report that President Clinton DID OBSTRUCT JUSTICE. Starr did NOT withhold his finding that Clinton DID break the law because of the OLC's decision. Starr did not cryptically drop INUENDOES and INSINUATION that Clinton MAY have broken the law - he said it point blank: 'CLINTON BROKE THE LAW!'

The Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) hereby submits substantial and credible information that President /Clinton obstructed justicethe President lied under oath to the grand jury and obstructed justice,” Starr wrote, along with dozens of other unambiguous determinations that President Clinton had committed crimes."

So, AGAIN....

"The idea that the OLC somehow stopped Mueller from doing the same thing is absurd."

Ken Star was operating under a different law and reported directly to Congress. You're handlers need to do more research.
...and Clinton perjured himself, obstructed justice, and would later be disbarred by the Arkansas Bar Association. Clinton was impeached...but should not have. He cheated on his wife. That’s personal between him and his frigid lesbian wife. But Starr had HARD EVIDENCE on Clinton’s. Mueller had shit on Trump.
BTW, given the Muel Team's authority and resources. I could have found Mother Teresa guilty of multiple murders and I'm not even a lawyer.

What's really remarkable is that even in the face of the Mueller Inquisition, none of them ever lied about President Trump as requested and demanded.

Not even the frail , elderly Dr. Jerome Corsi, or Paul Manafort who was put into the Hole for a solid year. Mueller did do virtually anything to people to get them to lie, and failed completely.

In spite of the complete failure of Mueller, the Dems really didn't learn anything.

Even though the Mule was the most aggressive persecutor since Tommy Torquemada, they will think he didn't do enough. Look for Joseph Pesci to get the next Special Consul gig, the libs like the way he puts witnesses heads into a vise for questioning.
flynn, gates, and Manafort and papadopoulis and cohen and the guy I don't remember his name ALL lied about their Russian contacts and were charged for it.

Manafort and Cohen were charged with tax evasion

Edit spelled it wrong
And lying about their Russian connections, Cohen to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower, and Manafort to the special counsel on his communication with Russians, of which he lost his plea deal over....the special counsel ended it.
you say a lot of shit but you never back it up.
Are your fingers broken and you can't google it yourself?

god forbid, if it doesn't come from Sharyl Attkisson, it ain't news eh? :p

Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen gives House Intelligence Committee documents revealing alleged edits to false statement about Moscow project

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress

Paul Manafort breached plea deal by repeatedly lying in Russia inquiry, Mueller says

Judge rules Paul Manafort violated Mueller investigation plea deal by "intentionally" lying
God is spelled with an upper case “G” if you please. BTW...Cohen is a back stabbing weasel and Manafort was convicted of business dealings with Ukraine. You know, that country that HATES Russia. Nothing to do with collusion witch hunt.
gosh, you are so uninformed Bush92.... Manafort worked for the Russian Ukrainians.... trying to take over the Ukraine.
Manafort and Cohen were charged with tax evasion

Edit spelled it wrong
And lying about their Russian connections, Cohen to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower, and Manafort to the special counsel on his communication with Russians, of which he lost his plea deal over....the special counsel ended it.
you say a lot of shit but you never back it up.
Are your fingers broken and you can't google it yourself?

god forbid, if it doesn't come from Sharyl Attkisson, it ain't news eh? :p

Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen gives House Intelligence Committee documents revealing alleged edits to false statement about Moscow project

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress

Paul Manafort breached plea deal by repeatedly lying in Russia inquiry, Mueller says

Judge rules Paul Manafort violated Mueller investigation plea deal by "intentionally" lying
God is spelled with an upper case “G” if you please. BTW...Cohen is a back stabbing weasel and Manafort was convicted of business dealings with Ukraine. You know, that country that HATES Russia. Nothing to do with collusion witch hunt.
gosh, you are so uninformed Bush92.... Manafort worked for the Russian Ukrainians.... trying to take over the Ukraine.
As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges

that Ukraine help?
gosh, you are so uninformed Bush92.... Manafort worked for the Russian Ukrainians.... trying to take over the Ukraine.

Please post a link to anything that proves Manafort sought to help Russia take over Ukraine, much like how Obama facilitated Russia's seizure of Crimea by refusing to honor the US' promise to help defend Ukraine's sovereignty and did not even do as much as issue a 'Red Line' warning to Russia.....

And you failed to mention / ignored how Obama's Democrats were working with corrupt Ukrainians to try to 'take down Trump' / affect the 2016 election....not that I'm surprised.

Manafort and Cohen were charged with tax evasion

Edit spelled it wrong
And lying about their Russian connections, Cohen to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower, and Manafort to the special counsel on his communication with Russians, of which he lost his plea deal over....the special counsel ended it.
you say a lot of shit but you never back it up.
Are your fingers broken and you can't google it yourself?

god forbid, if it doesn't come from Sharyl Attkisson, it ain't news eh? :p

Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen gives House Intelligence Committee documents revealing alleged edits to false statement about Moscow project

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress

Paul Manafort breached plea deal by repeatedly lying in Russia inquiry, Mueller says

Judge rules Paul Manafort violated Mueller investigation plea deal by "intentionally" lying
God is spelled with an upper case “G” if you please. BTW...Cohen is a back stabbing weasel and Manafort was convicted of business dealings with Ukraine. You know, that country that HATES Russia. Nothing to do with collusion witch hunt.
gosh, you are so uninformed Bush92.... Manafort worked for the Russian Ukrainians.... trying to take over the Ukraine.
If that be the case...WTF does it have to do with Russia “stealing” and election? I’m not defending Manafort, he got what he deserved. But what does he have to do with collusion delusion investigation? He was prosecuted for private business practices that had nothing to do with Trump.
and did not even do as much as issue a 'Red Line' warning to Russia.....
They slapped heavy duty sanctions on them.... which hurt them GREATLY, so much so, that the Russians interfered in our 2016 election to get candidate Trump elected, so to get them removed, and to meet with Manafort, Don Trump Junior and Kushner in Trump tower, to get them removed, and for Sader and Cohen and oligarchs to come up with a Ukrainian Peace Plan, to get them removed....etc etc etc....

We hurt Russia with sanctions, more than any bullet and ammo filled skirmish would or could have ever done! AND no one was killed on our side fighting...
gosh, you are so uninformed Bush92.... Manafort worked for the Russian Ukrainians.... trying to take over the Ukraine.

Please post a link to anything that proves Manafort sought to help Russia take over Ukraine, much like how Obama facilitated Russia's seizure of Crimea by refusing to honor the US' promise to help defend Ukraine's sovereignty and did not even do as much as issue a 'Red Line' warning to Russia.....

And you failed to mention / ignored how Obama's Democrats were working with corrupt Ukrainians to try to 'take down Trump' / affect the 2016 election....not that I'm surprised.


Manafort was chosen for the Trump team in part because of his extensive knowledge of how the Ukranian and Russian governments operated as well as Saudi Arabia and various other countries Manafort had worked with. Manafort had worked for years lobbying and advising as well as doing business deals in the an increasingly corrupt Ukraine. He absolutely was not working to overtake the Ukraine. He was however working closely with prominent lawyers who had been Bill Clinton's and Barack Obama's White House counsels. (Those persons were not implicated, I don't believe, in any of the charges brought against Manafort.)

Manafort was made Trump's campaign manager in June 2016 that put him under intense media scrutiny. When some shady Ukrainian/Russian deals began to surface by August, none of which had anything to do with then candidate Trump or anybody in his campaign, he was asked to resign which he did. The FBI had Manafort on their watch list for some time prior to the 2016 campaign, but it was as a result of being in the bull's eye of the Mueller investigation that Manafort was ultimately convicted on charges of tax evasion and bank fraud, again none of which had anything to do with President Trump or anybody in his campaign.
Mueller could have come out and said Trump is 100% innocent, and Democrats would still impeach him. They are obsessed with losing the 2016 election.

The principle is "Innocent until Proven Guilty" - not "Guilty until Exonerated".

Mueller is a political hack swamp creature who has perverted the Rule of Law. This kabuki theater yesterday was a pay-off to Nadler to give him what he needed to attack Trump without Mueller having to testify. It stinks.

Yes I'm sure you apply that same metric of innocence until proven guilty when Clinton is the subject at the Trumpybears' rallies.
Mueller could have come out and said Trump is 100% innocent, and Democrats would still impeach him. They are obsessed with losing the 2016 election.

The principle is "Innocent until Proven Guilty" - not "Guilty until Exonerated".

Mueller is a political hack swamp creature who has perverted the Rule of Law. This kabuki theater yesterday was a pay-off to Nadler to give him what he needed to attack Trump without Mueller having to testify. It stinks.

Yes I'm sure you apply that same metric of innocence until proven guilty when Clinton is the subject at the Trumpybears' rallies.

Comey already addressed this with his press conference in 2016. Clinton was guilty but he said no "reasonable" (i.e. Democrat) prosecutor would bring charges. There is a lot of evidence of Clinton's guilt. I hope Barr does a complete and thorough investigation.
This prosecutor, unlike other prosecutors, cannot indict if he finds an indictable offense. And in contrast to the practices and policies that govern thousands of federal prosecutors around the country, this former FBI director—now a special counsel—has a specific reporting obligation. That solemn obligation is not to produce a public report. He cannot seek an indictment. And he must remain quiet."

Did you even bother to READ my post?

"A special counsel’s private report to the attorney general ran no such risk, especially since Barr was under no legal obligation to make Mueller’s report public. Special counsels don’t issue indictments – grand juries do."

Ken Starr, unlike Mueller, made no excuse for NOT making it clear in HIS report that President Clinton DID OBSTRUCT JUSTICE. Starr did NOT withhold his finding that Clinton DID break the law because of the OLC's decision. Starr did not cryptically drop INUENDOES and INSINUATION that Clinton MAY have broken the law - he said it point blank: 'CLINTON BROKE THE LAW!'

The Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) hereby submits substantial and credible information that President /Clinton obstructed justicethe President lied under oath to the grand jury and obstructed justice,” Starr wrote, along with dozens of other unambiguous determinations that President Clinton had committed crimes."

So, AGAIN....

"The idea that the OLC somehow stopped Mueller from doing the same thing is absurd."

Ken Star was operating under a different law and reported directly to Congress. You're handlers need to do more research.
...and Clinton perjured himself, obstructed justice, and would later be disbarred by the Arkansas Bar Association. Clinton was impeached...but should not have. He cheated on his wife. That’s personal between him and his frigid lesbian wife. But Starr had HARD EVIDENCE on Clinton’s. Mueller had shit on Trump.

And that has what to do with why Mueller had to follow a different set of rules that did not allow him to consider indicting the President? Star was not working for the DOJ.
Mueller could have come out and said Trump is 100% innocent, and Democrats would still impeach him. They are obsessed with losing the 2016 election.

The principle is "Innocent until Proven Guilty" - not "Guilty until Exonerated".

Mueller is a political hack swamp creature who has perverted the Rule of Law. This kabuki theater yesterday was a pay-off to Nadler to give him what he needed to attack Trump without Mueller having to testify. It stinks.

Yes I'm sure you apply that same metric of innocence until proven guilty when Clinton is the subject at the Trumpybears' rallies.

Comey already addressed this with his press conference in 2016. Clinton was guilty but he said no "reasonable" (i.e. Democrat) prosecutor would bring charges. There is a lot of evidence of Clinton's guilt. I hope Barr does a complete and thorough investigation.

The Mueller report has lots of evidence of Trumps guilt as well.

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