Mexican born woman wins seat for Republicans…first time in 150 years

Red Wave Hits Texas

Mayra Flores (R) defeats Dan Sanchez (D) in the Texas District 34 special election, flipping an 84% Hispanic Rio Grande Valley seat red.

Good-bye Hispanic vote for Democrats...'hold on to your mommy - here comes the red Tsunami'.


So…..the democrats have been bragging about replacing Republicans with voters from Mexico…. The Hispanics in Texas didn’t get that message

Hmmmmm…..quick question? Is she a white nationalist racist?

You know….since she was born in Mexico? But is now an elected Republican

Flores will be the first Republican to win this district since . . . 1870. She will also be the first Mexican-born congresswoman.

The left don't even seem to have a clue that their ship has already struck the iceberg. Denial to the end.
At the risk of dating myself, I can remember when the "browning of Murica" was supposed to portend well for the demoncrats.

first republican i believe to win in this district in over a century….not looking good for the demafacist

Bold prediction....In Nov this seat goes back to the Dems.

you willing to wager on this with me?
The bold prediction was mine.

You willing to wager on it?
i should trust you to pay up if you lose? amd what give you my address to mail me a money order?

i think no

and what’s bold about your prediction? The dems have had this seat over a 100 years before today…going back to dems isn’t a bold prediction
There are other ways to wager on a forum.
but what’s the bold prediction? the dems held this seat over a 100 years, it flipping back to dem isn’t a bold prediction.

what this however is a sign of, it bigger things across the country on the midterms. People are voting against the xiden and demafasict war on america policies

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