Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX - YES, She VOTED

Found ONE? Where are the other 3-5 million?
RW, I bet you were one of the snowflakes who declared 'There are NO WMD in Iraq', and once they found those grenade launcher shell-heads filled with chemical weapons suddenly changed your argument to, 'Not ENOUGH WMD found!'


Earlier in another thread some snowflake was declaring, 'There is not ONE proven case of illegals voting'. :p I provided him with links to quite a few. This one was just an added 'bonus'.

The only chemical weapons they found were manufacture and used with Raygun's support. Bush and his warmonger pals didn't insist that Iraq was an immediate threat to the worlds remaining superpower because it had some hidden/lost caches of old dilapidated chemical weapons from the 1980's.

And yet the Hillarybots claim that there were NO weapons (and the weapons that were found were just too old t count.)

There were no Hillarybots in 2002/2003. Hillary voted in favor of giving President Bush the power. Even he admitted the weapons he thought Saddam was producing and stockpiling, were not there.

Who said there were Hillarybots in 2002/2003? You're claiming it now. And, even YOU admitted that they found chemical weapons. Keep your dishonest viewpoint to yourself.
This is incredibly rare. Most voter fraud goes unpunished. And i'd skip the jail time for her. I'm fine with just deporting her.
Jailing her for 8 years just means more US tax dollars are spent on her.

Exactly. The US already ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning its Citizens. The costs are astronomical. I would advise immediate deportation. But i do understand why they're apprehensive about doing it. They feel she'll just walk back across the border within days. But i still go with deportation.

We shouldn't set criminals free. If prisons are full, then we should build more. Just think of all the jobs it would create too. Using the excuse that US imprisons more people than any other country is lame. We have a much higher minority rate than any other civilized country, and they are far more prone to crime. Third world countries just have such abysmal justice systems a lot of crime is never solved.

For its illegals, I would say just deport, but this bitch illegally voted. People like her undermine our democracy and could had easily destroyed our nation if they got Hillary elected. Prison for her.

I think we imprison too many Citizens. But that's my opinion. I think we need to consider decriminalizing most drugs. Too many folks are in cages who shouldn't be. I'm ok with booting her back to Mexico. But of course i'd like to see us secure our border too. Otherwise, she'll likely end up back in the US.
CA IDs are clearly marked for driving and ID only.

ID is not needed to vote in the Peoples Republic. Since illegals are automatically registered, voting by illegals is systematic.

Remember dope fiend, if openly corrupt California is removed from the equation, Trump won the popular vote by a wide margin.

The Soros Army (democrats) view election fraud as their sacred right.

Meaning? Do you have a proof any single illegals voted in those cities? Or you are just lying again like easy?

The Peoples Republic is complicit in massive election fraud. The Antebellum State openly registers illegals to vote while vowing to protect the illegals from prosecution.

Jeff Sessions is AG now, the first honest AG in nearly a decade. My true hope is that Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris are treated to nice, LONG Federal prison terms.

The bullshit of "nuhn uhn" is irrelevant. We all know that millions of illegals vote as part and parcel of the democratic conquest of California. The plantation owners in Silicone Valley run the state to suit their own agenda. A big part of that has been the utter destruction of the middle class and the establishment of the Antebellum state which now exists, the very poor, imported from Mexico and Guatemala, servicing the tiny elite of billionaires. Bezos, Bern, Cook, Ellson, et al have used the corrupt democrats to carve a state that rivals North Carolina in 1850. Men of obscene wealth who actively use the bought and paid for democrats to destroy every industry in the state that supports a vibrant middle class.

The tool used by the criminals of the democratic party is illegal aliens, by the millions. Illegals are given drivers licenses and registered to vote - democrat.

You may, no you WILL lie about it, you are a Soros Soldier, but there is zero question that voting by illegal aliens is part of the normal election cycle in California. With Boeing, Aerojet, Raytheon, and AT&T driven from the state, there is the exact ratio the plantation owners seek, millions of uneducated poor who will never challenge their absolute rule, who will clean their houses and pools, while surviving on welfare handouts.

This is what the left seeks in all cases, a tiny elite with 99.9999999% of all the wealth, living as kings above the ignorant masses who live in abject poverty.

HOW can this be? According to liberals illegals don't commit voter fraud / don't vote in US elections - never happened, never will. :p

Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX

8 years in jail
Deported after her time is up
Separated from her kids not only for 8 years but longer if she leaves her kids in the US.

(**Notice she is not being prosecuted, or even charged, for violating US immigration law / being in the country illegally, a crime of which she is also guilty...)

Illegals don't vote in the US? Yeah, ask Rosa Ortega and the Jury in Tarrant County, Tx that just sentenced her to 8 years in jail about that...
Maybe the best way to avoid things like that in the USA would be approve laws that force all voters to show their ID's.
If you have your ID you vote, otherwise you can't vote.

Maybe it's not very nice but it's the only thing to do I guess :)
An 8 years sentence seems crazy to me. I can see deporting her but otherwise I think she deserves the same as whatever Terri Lynn Rote got in Iowa for voting twice for Trump in the general election.

HOW can this be? According to liberals illegals don't commit voter fraud / don't vote in US elections - never happened, never will. :p
No one has said that. Liar.

Do you think this case somehow proves Trump's bullshit claim that five million illegals registered to vote, and voted, completely undetected?

Besides showing us you are a liar, what else was your point?
Here's the best part, which easyt65 left out: Ortega registered and voted as a REPUBLICAN.


And the last time she voted was in a 2014 Republican primary runoff.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican Hillary voters continues...
Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX - YES, She VOTED REPUBLICAN. IN 2014.

There. Fixed.
Dumb, just deport her why should taxpayers have to fund 8 years of jail time that's stupid. This is why we need a wall, so we can deport these people and they can't get back in. One bus ticket and its done.
Then you would have one less Republican voter!
It's s good start!
Make an exAmple of her.
This should help reduce some of the fruad!

God, will you snowflakes PLEASE f*ing EDUCATE yourselves?!

"A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to human-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere."

'Nukes' are not the ONLY weapon considered a 'WMD'

Chemical-filled warheads WERE found. At the time Libs were screaming 'NO WMD', not 'No Nukes' - they were claiming Hussein did not have ANY - no nuclear, no chemical, no biological - NONE! When some were found, Libs suddenly changed their argument to 'Not ENOUGH WMD found'. Now we see Libs, faced with the fact that chemical weapons were found declaring, 'Oh yeah, well no NUKES found'.

You keep changing your arguments because you whiny bit@hes were WRONG, like this past election, and you can't handle it.
-- The Democratic Party came up with the word 'snowflake' to describe members OF THEIR OWN PARTY who were too sensitive, too offended, who could not accept/acknowledge their own mistakes and being wrong - THAT DESCRIBES YOU PEOPLE TO A 'T'.

Liberals like Gore, Kerry, and Hillary declared Hussein had WMD and we HAD to overthrow him.

They WILLINGLY gave Bush the authorization to take the country to war (something Barry never did or had when he dragged us into war TWICE - in Libya and Syria)!

WMD WAS found - not the type or number snowflakes are now (or ever) willing to admit, but they were found.

Hussein was proven to be LYING to the UN and inspectors...which means he may have been lying about other things.

THESE ARE ALL FACTS - snowflakes should embrace reality...or get serious F*ing help moving on!
"Look, everything in Washington has been a lie. Weapons of mass destruction, it was a total lie. It was a way of attacking Iraq, which he felt was going to be easy and it turned out to be the exact opposite of easy." - Donald J. Trump

Should we believe you, or our "snowflake" President?
Her lawyer said she did not understand our laws....that's probably because she came here ILLEGALLY.
(The jury didn't buy the argument.)
Her lawyer said she did not understand our laws....that's probably because she came here ILLEGALLY.
(The jury didn't buy the argument.)
She voted REPUBLICAN. Why did you omit that part?

She last voted in 2014. Why did you leave that part out?

The hunt for Hillary's five million illegal voters continues...

And should we believe you or our President about WMDs in Iraq?

HOW can this be? According to liberals illegals don't commit voter fraud / don't vote in US elections - never happened, never will. :p

Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX

8 years in jail
Deported after her time is up
Separated from her kids not only for 8 years but longer if she leaves her kids in the US.

(**Notice she is not being prosecuted, or even charged, for violating US immigration law / being in the country illegally, a crime of which she is also guilty...)

Illegals don't vote in the US? Yeah, ask Rosa Ortega and the Jury in Tarrant County, Tx that just sentenced her to 8 years in jail about that...
1 down....2,999,999 more to go. Where is that MAJOR investigation from the so-called president?

HOW can this be? According to liberals illegals don't commit voter fraud / don't vote in US elections - never happened, never will. :p

Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX

8 years in jail
Deported after her time is up
Separated from her kids not only for 8 years but longer if she leaves her kids in the US.

(**Notice she is not being prosecuted, or even charged, for violating US immigration law / being in the country illegally, a crime of which she is also guilty...)

Illegals don't vote in the US? Yeah, ask Rosa Ortega and the Jury in Tarrant County, Tx that just sentenced her to 8 years in jail about that...
1 down....2,999,999 more to go. Where is that MAJOR investigation from the so-called president?
Nope. Not one down. She voted Republican. In 2014.
1 down....2,999,999 more to go. Where is that MAJOR investigation from the so-called president?
Again, just like Iraqi WMDs from the left.

Libs argued for the war, declared WMDs were in Iraq, and give Bush the authority to go to war....then they began chanting 'No WMDs'...and when WMDs were found they changed their chant to 'Not ENOUGH WMDs were found.

For the longest time libs have been declaring (moronically) how illegals do not vote in our elections and demanded evidence be presented to support it. When that evidence is presented the 'goal posts' are again moved, and the chant becomes 'Not ENOUGH voter fraud has been found'.

Only a wheel-chair bound 'vegetable' could believe that only 1 illegal in this entire country has ever voted in US elections and / or that there aren't more doing it.

Remember a long time ago when Illegals marched by the millions across the country...and the news cameras (accidently) showed DNC Voter Registration moving through the crowd seeking to register marchers? Use some damn common sense, people - why the hell would anyone try to engage in voter registration in the midst of marching ILLEGALS?! :p Holy CRAP! 'Denial' much?

(This 'rant' is not AIMED / INTENDED for YOU, Bo....)

'Where there's smoke there's fire' - ring a bell?! Of course not....
Found ONE?

Where are the other 3-5 million?

"Indisputable proof" isn't always available...murderers are convicted all the time on circumstantial evidence alone. Sometimes we have to pull our own heads from our ass and connect the dots based on likelihood and circumstances. Third graders seeking truth and reality do should too....No?

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