Mexican is a nationality, not a race.

Really? When has a right winger ever let anything go? Right wingers are still whining about made up scandals from three decades ago.
You mean like Nixon, 2000 election, Bush lied, and on and on. Hell the left is still blaming Reagan for all woes we have today.
Maybe because that's where they started.
Yeah I know Democrats good, Republicans bad, same old partisan bullshit. At least you follow your master.
Typical republican bullshit.
History is an alien concept to you.

Yep, you are an idiot, thanks for confirming.
Sure .
You mean like Nixon, 2000 election, Bush lied, and on and on. Hell the left is still blaming Reagan for all woes we have today.
Maybe because that's where they started.
Yeah I know Democrats good, Republicans bad, same old partisan bullshit. At least you follow your master.
Typical republican bullshit.
History is an alien concept to you.

Yep, you are an idiot, thanks for confirming.
Sure .

Lol! What an idiot!
Maybe because that's where they started.
Yeah I know Democrats good, Republicans bad, same old partisan bullshit. At least you follow your master.
Typical republican bullshit.
History is an alien concept to you.

Yep, you are an idiot, thanks for confirming.
Sure .

Lol! What an idiot!
Yep you are.
Yeah I know Democrats good, Republicans bad, same old partisan bullshit. At least you follow your master.
Typical republican bullshit.
History is an alien concept to you.

Yep, you are an idiot, thanks for confirming.
Sure .

Lol! What an idiot!
Yep you are.

That's a good one, you must of had help with that comeback. LOL! Thanks for giving more proof.
Then why do Mexican activists use the phrase "La Raza"?
Yep, you are an idiot, thanks for confirming.
Sure .

Lol! What an idiot!
Yep you are.

That's a good one, you must of had help with that comeback. LOL! Thanks for giving more proof.
Keep dreamin'

You aren't very entertaining, if you can't come up with some good entertainment then I'll just ignore your ignorance.
1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
Bullshit! It's all based on race
A History of Immigration Law Regarding People of Color
Immigration Policy and Racism

WTF are you talking about?

I made three points. You were not clear which one you were replying to, and your reply does not actually seem to address any of them.
Bullshit !I gave 11 pieces of evidence of Trump's willful and deliberate racism .
It's obvious dump said what he said to muddy the waters in the trial .
It was attempt to get the judge to recuse himself and get a more Trump friendly judge on the bench.
Epic fail.

1. Trump allegedly being "racist" does not "prove" that the Judge is not biased against him. You lefties... You have one argument, don't you? Cry Racism.


When someone says a judge can't be fair because he's Mexican-American, how is that not racist?

Because, as the Left has been pointing out loudly and constantly over the past several months, "Hispanics hate Trump".

Really, all Trump is doing is agreeing with you.

So, what does that make you?
And that is why Trump's claim that Curiel is biased is absolute bullshit. Curiel is an American. He was born in Indiana. He's lived in this country his entire life. He's American. He's not Mexican. Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric.

Thank you drumpfodder for clearing this up.

That Trump believes a jurist cannot be impartial because of his race, religion, or national origin in fact renders Trump a racist and bigot – racism, bigotry, fear of those different, and seeking to disadvantage those perceived to be different through force of law is ignorant, hateful, and repugnant to the most fundamental tenets of our Nation.

A game of inane semantics in no way mitigates Trump’s bigotry, racism, and hate.

We constantly hear the Left complaining about "all white juries" or pointing out that "white police officers" did something as though their motives are naturally suspect.

Is it racism when lefties do it, or just when righties do it?

Why don't you tell us? Are you afraid to state your own opinion on that matter?

Not at all.

But I'm not the one who has done a high speed 180 degree U-turn here.

YOu lefties have.

So, are you afraid to answer the question?

We constantly hear the Left complaining about "all white juries" or pointing out that "white police officers" did something as though their motives are naturally suspect.

Is it racism when lefties do it, or just when righties do it?
1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
Bullshit! It's all based on race
A History of Immigration Law Regarding People of Color
Immigration Policy and Racism

WTF are you talking about?

I made three points. You were not clear which one you were replying to, and your reply does not actually seem to address any of them.
Bullshit !I gave 11 pieces of evidence of Trump's willful and deliberate racism .
It's obvious dump said what he said to muddy the waters in the trial .
It was attempt to get the judge to recuse himself and get a more Trump friendly judge on the bench.
Epic fail.

1. Trump allegedly being "racist" does not "prove" that the Judge is not biased against him. You lefties... You have one argument, don't you? Cry Racism.

2. Any supposed or perceived "Racism" on Trump's part is relevant ONLY in that it supports Trump's claim that the Judge is biased against him. In other words, if you lefties all believe that Trump is horribly racist, than a lefties Judge believes it AND is thus likely to be biased against him.

3. It is NOT obvious that Trump is just aiming for a new judge. You have to consider the real possibility that the Judge might actually be biased. YOu never considered that, because you WANT the judge to be biased and for Trump to NOT get a Fair Trial. And to just lose, no matter how.

4. Let me say this as simply as I can for you, lefty.

Just calling someone a racist does not mean you win. Shove your "epic fail" where it belongs.
A long winded epic fail.

I seriously and honestly responded to each of your points.

I am not surprised that you are unable to defend any of them.

Or to challenge any of mine.
Trump has now been warned privately that he will be publicly sanctioned if he keeps attacking Curiel in public.
And that is why Trump's claim that Curiel is biased is absolute bullshit. Curiel is an American. He was born in Indiana. He's lived in this country his entire life. He's American. He's not Mexican. Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric.

Thank you drumpfodder for clearing this up.

His membership in racist organizations indicates he is biased. Being born here doesn't mean shit. He's an anchor baby. I'll bet there were plenty of anchor babies beating up Trump supporters in San Jose.
He must be the world's oldest anchor baby!
Damn you're ignorant!

Hardly. There are plenty of octogenarian anchor babies. Once an anchor baby, always an anchor baby.

Why do you douche bag morons pretend you don't know what the term means? Do you really believe you're fooling anyone?
So that would make one of your family an anchor baby.
And you call me a moron!

That was one of the dumbest things I have ever read.
Then why do Mexican activists use the phrase "La Raza"?
Translation "the race".


WTF are you talking about?

I made three points. You were not clear which one you were replying to, and your reply does not actually seem to address any of them.
Bullshit !I gave 11 pieces of evidence of Trump's willful and deliberate racism .
It's obvious dump said what he said to muddy the waters in the trial .
It was attempt to get the judge to recuse himself and get a more Trump friendly judge on the bench.
Epic fail.

1. Trump allegedly being "racist" does not "prove" that the Judge is not biased against him. You lefties... You have one argument, don't you? Cry Racism.


When someone says a judge can't be fair because he's Mexican-American, how is that not racist?

Because, as the Left has been pointing out loudly and constantly over the past several months, "Hispanics hate Trump".

Really, all Trump is doing is agreeing with you.

So, what does that make you?

It makes me smarter than you because your argument is fucking retarded.
You are not legally entitled to a judge who likes you. You are not legally entitled to a judge who agrees with you on political issues.

Where in the world do you people get your ideas to the contrary?

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