Mexican is a nationality, not a race.

This judge literally risked his life for years going after drug smugglers.

Here's a thought. How do you people, or Trump for that matter, know the judge's position on border security?

That's Trump's bogus argument against this judge, which 1. is not grounds for recusal, and 2. may not even be true.

It's doubly stupid.

Physical bravery does not mean you are not personally biased against someone.

The Judge is a member of a pro-illegal immigrant organization.
No, he is not. You are confused as usual.

Yes, he is.

Then name the organization and post evidence that they support illegal immigration.

Can't be bothered to take the time with such a dishonest lefty.

Okay so you concede your accusation is baseless. Got anything else I can demolish. This is fun.
This judge literally risked his life for years going after drug smugglers.

Here's a thought. How do you people, or Trump for that matter, know the judge's position on border security?

That's Trump's bogus argument against this judge, which 1. is not grounds for recusal, and 2. may not even be true.

It's doubly stupid.

Physical bravery does not mean you are not personally biased against someone.

The Judge is a member of a pro-illegal immigrant organization.

Disagreeing with a person on a political issue is not grounds for recusal. Pro-life judges on the Supreme Court don't have to recuse themselves when an abortion rights case comes before them.

Personally hating someone, like the Left has been saying that HIspanics do, is.

Setting aside that you're not making a coherent argument, who on the left says all Hispanics hate Trump?

And now you double down on the silliness and dishonesty.
This judge literally risked his life for years going after drug smugglers.

Here's a thought. How do you people, or Trump for that matter, know the judge's position on border security?

That's Trump's bogus argument against this judge, which 1. is not grounds for recusal, and 2. may not even be true.

It's doubly stupid.

Physical bravery does not mean you are not personally biased against someone.

The Judge is a member of a pro-illegal immigrant organization.

Disagreeing with a person on a political issue is not grounds for recusal. Pro-life judges on the Supreme Court don't have to recuse themselves when an abortion rights case comes before them.

Personally hating someone, like the Left has been saying that HIspanics do, is.

So all Hispanics hate Trump? Prove it.

You aren't responding to my questions, why do you think I will respond to yours?

That's one more accusation rendered baseless. Keep them coming.
This judge literally risked his life for years going after drug smugglers.

Here's a thought. How do you people, or Trump for that matter, know the judge's position on border security?

That's Trump's bogus argument against this judge, which 1. is not grounds for recusal, and 2. may not even be true.

It's doubly stupid.

Physical bravery does not mean you are not personally biased against someone.

The Judge is a member of a pro-illegal immigrant organization.

Disagreeing with a person on a political issue is not grounds for recusal. Pro-life judges on the Supreme Court don't have to recuse themselves when an abortion rights case comes before them.

Personally hating someone, like the Left has been saying that HIspanics do, is.

Setting aside that you're not making a coherent argument, who on the left says all Hispanics hate Trump?

And now you double down on the silliness and dishonesty.

It was your accusation.
The polls clearly show that Trump is behind.

Nothing indicates he is making up ground with women, Hispanics, and millennials.

Then he pulls 'the judge hates me' nonsense, America shakes its collective head, and begins turning is back on Trump forever.

Trump and his followers will not win on a campaign of hate for everyone else who disagrees with them.

The Race Card and panic mongering works.

That is why you lefties do it.

That is what this "Scandal" is about.

Trump played the race card. He was the first to make any issue out of the Judge's race.

Your pretense that you do not know what the Race Card is, is noted and ridiculed.
Physical bravery does not mean you are not personally biased against someone.

The Judge is a member of a pro-illegal immigrant organization.
No, he is not. You are confused as usual.

Yes, he is.

Then name the organization and post evidence that they support illegal immigration.

Can't be bothered to take the time with such a dishonest lefty.

Okay so you concede your accusation is baseless. Got anything else I can demolish. This is fun.

And even more lying. Way to prove that you aren't a dishonest lefty.

Physical bravery does not mean you are not personally biased against someone.

The Judge is a member of a pro-illegal immigrant organization.

Disagreeing with a person on a political issue is not grounds for recusal. Pro-life judges on the Supreme Court don't have to recuse themselves when an abortion rights case comes before them.

Personally hating someone, like the Left has been saying that HIspanics do, is.

So all Hispanics hate Trump? Prove it.

You aren't responding to my questions, why do you think I will respond to yours?

That's one more accusation rendered baseless. Keep them coming.

And another lie.

Why are you being such a jerk?
Physical bravery does not mean you are not personally biased against someone.

The Judge is a member of a pro-illegal immigrant organization.

Disagreeing with a person on a political issue is not grounds for recusal. Pro-life judges on the Supreme Court don't have to recuse themselves when an abortion rights case comes before them.

Personally hating someone, like the Left has been saying that HIspanics do, is.

Setting aside that you're not making a coherent argument, who on the left says all Hispanics hate Trump?

And now you double down on the silliness and dishonesty.

It was your accusation.

THe left has been stating it for months.

For you to pretend to be unaware of this is utter nonsense.
The word race has been used as a synonym for ethnicity for centuries.

Just more bullshit libtard distraction from the $5 trillion Wall Street banks ahve looted from USA currency pools.
So a real person sounding "real" who gets it almost all wrong is admirable?

Trump is a doofus, and those voting for him are doofi.

WTF are you talking about?

I made three points. You were not clear which one you were replying to, and your reply does not actually seem to address any of them.
Bullshit !I gave 11 pieces of evidence of Trump's willful and deliberate racism .
It's obvious dump said what he said to muddy the waters in the trial .
It was attempt to get the judge to recuse himself and get a more Trump friendly judge on the bench.
Epic fail.

1. Trump allegedly being "racist" does not "prove" that the Judge is not biased against him. You lefties... You have one argument, don't you? Cry Racism.

2. Any supposed or perceived "Racism" on Trump's part is relevant ONLY in that it supports Trump's claim that the Judge is biased against him. In other words, if you lefties all believe that Trump is horribly racist, than a lefties Judge believes it AND is thus likely to be biased against him.

3. It is NOT obvious that Trump is just aiming for a new judge. You have to consider the real possibility that the Judge might actually be biased. YOu never considered that, because you WANT the judge to be biased and for Trump to NOT get a Fair Trial. And to just lose, no matter how.

4. Let me say this as simply as I can for you, lefty.

Just calling someone a racist does not mean you win. Shove your "epic fail" where it belongs.
A long winded epic fail.

I seriously and honestly responded to each of your points.

I am not surprised that you are unable to defend any of them.

Or to challenge any of mine.
Nothing I've posted needs defending.
Conversely, nothing you post needs to be challenged as it obviously bullshit .
Clear enough?
Bullshit !I gave 11 pieces of evidence of Trump's willful and deliberate racism .
It's obvious dump said what he said to muddy the waters in the trial .
It was attempt to get the judge to recuse himself and get a more Trump friendly judge on the bench.
Epic fail.

1. Trump allegedly being "racist" does not "prove" that the Judge is not biased against him. You lefties... You have one argument, don't you? Cry Racism.


When someone says a judge can't be fair because he's Mexican-American, how is that not racist?

Because, as the Left has been pointing out loudly and constantly over the past several months, "Hispanics hate Trump".

Really, all Trump is doing is agreeing with you.

So, what does that make you?

It makes me smarter than you because your argument is fucking retarded.

Touched a nerve did I?

My point is completely and obviously valid.

Do you dare respond to it?

Because, as the Left has been pointing out loudly and constantly over the past several months, "Hispanics hate Trump".

Really, all Trump is doing is agreeing with you.

So, what does that make you?
The only nerve you touch is the the funny bone.
This judge literally risked his life for years going after drug smugglers.

Here's a thought. How do you people, or Trump for that matter, know the judge's position on border security?

That's Trump's bogus argument against this judge, which 1. is not grounds for recusal, and 2. may not even be true.

It's doubly stupid.

Physical bravery does not mean you are not personally biased against someone.

The Judge is a member of a pro-illegal immigrant organization.
No, he is not. You are confused as usual.

Yes, he is.

Then name the organization and post evidence that they support illegal immigration.

Can't be bothered to take the time with such a dishonest lefty.
Pulling up your skirts and running away?
And that is why Trump's claim that Curiel is biased is absolute bullshit. Curiel is an American. He was born in Indiana. He's lived in this country his entire life. He's American. He's not Mexican. Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric.
Not impossible, just not likely based on the facts available, he is of Mexican descent and there is precedent for Americans of XYZ nationality descent harboring sympathies for the country of their ancestors origin.

In any case, it appears that even Trump has given up on this idiotic crusade so you probably should too.

Why didn't Trump say he is of Mexican decent then? Why did he say something that was clearly not true?

Why would you want a president who can't even get his facts straight ever? I mean a few mistakes here and there is normal, but ALL THE FUCKING TIME?

Because he is talking like a real person.

EVERYONE knew what he meant.

Some lefties have just chosen to lie about it, so they can play pretend.

Oh, now he's talking like a real person.

Remember when Obama made a mistake? I don't remember the people on the right say "oh, he's like a real person, he made a mistake, we all make mistakes".

It's funny how people will make something seem good if they're so desperate to do that.

As president, everything you say is scrutinized. You're not a normal person, you're a representative of ALL THE PEOPLE.

This means you have to say THE RIGHT THING, think about it, use intelligence, then come out and do what is best for ALL THE PEOPLE, not just white males over 45.
So a real person sounding "real" who gets it almost all wrong is admirable?

Trump is a doofus, and those voting for him are doofi.

He got nothing wrong. THe Judge is mexican.

And yes, he is admirable.

He is not pandering to the nonsense of the Left.
Correll thinks he himself is not a racist.

However, he reeks of it.
Not an uncommon scent for in the closet racists.


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