Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

I repeat. Simplistic and bumper sticker solutions to complex problems appeals to the undereducated Trump supporters. As Dan Rather said yesterday, Trump's immigration speech was him throwing out red meat to his followers. His own campaign manager admitted today that Trump has no plan as of now, as to how he would deport law abiding undocumented Mexicans, without violating the constitutional probable cause civil right.

Still, there is no reason to get excited. his support melts away by the hour. He has already lost. he can't withdraw now, without being a Palin type quitter, so he will go on spending as little money on the campaign that he can get away with, while he prepares his "stolen election' speech for this November.

I don't see deporting the illegals and bringing back manufacturing jobs as simple.

Just because I can be concise doesn't mean that the tasks I describe are not huge.

Churchill once famously responded to a question as to what his policy was, with one word. "WAR".

Does that mean that Britain's role in WWII was simplistic? Does that mean that Churchill's plans were simplistic?


You are being a dishonest jerk.

And he can't win, if dishonest people like you are allowed to define the Conventional Wisdom based on lies.

If the election is decided on the TRUTH, then he has a real shot.

A 4 point lead does NOT justify your pretense of confidence.
1. NOt all remittances come from illegals AND all illegals will not IMMEDIATELY be deported. Thus threatening remittances is real leverage.

I'll just address that fist piece of garbage since the rest of the garbage is too dumb to "merit" a response....

What the above is proposing is for dictator Trump deny SOME Americans their right of what to do with their own money...So, if you're Polish, you can send money back home BUT if you're Mexican, Trump has declared a "cold war" on your country and not only you cannot send money to your relatives in Mexico, but you will have to begin wearing a Mexican flag on your clothing so that Western Union workers can instantly recognize you ............and be "grateful" its not a yellow star.

Your previous post made a lot of absurd and insulting claims. I tore them apart. YOu calling my response "dumb" is you being too dishonest to admit that you cannot defend your stupid accusations and smears.

I have already pointed out that an American Citizens does NOT have a right to send money to a hostile nation.

Your Godwin smear is just you being an asshole.
I think Correll has completely become unhinged.......Let us all hope that this nitwit will not harm himself or others this Nov. 8th.

A personal attack supported by nothing but the fact that I disagree with you politically.

And I note you did this INSTEAD of addressing nearly all my responses to your previous claims and accusations.

Have you considered joining an all lib site, where no one calls you on your bullshit? That way you can just spout off all day about how bad your enemies are, and what good people you libs are, without any contradiction, since that is what you seem to want.
Correll is unhinged.

Let me just add a bit of reality to Correll's statement that Mexico has NO leverage on the US....

Reports are that approximately one million Americans live in Mexico. While it’s hard to verify that number, it’s not hard to imagine that it’s true. Some are working, of course, for U.S., Mexican, or other foreign corporations. You’ll find them in cities like Mexico City, Queretaro, and Monterrey.

And some live in Mexico just part-time…spending winter months in vacation homes where the weather is always warm and the cervezas are always cold.Many Americans in Mexico, however, have moved there to enjoy their retirement years. They live in Mexico full-time and enjoy better weather, a more relaxed lifestyle, and a host of other benefits—including affordable top-quality health care and a much lower overall cost of living.

The most popular retirement destinations for Americans in Mexico

Are you saying they will threaten our citizens?

And you ridicule me for calling them a hostile nation!! LOL!!!

That would literally be an Act of War.
Correll is unhinged.

A second reality about "Mexico has no leverage on us..."

Trade: In 1993, before NAFTA took effect (which it did in January 1994), Mexico bought $41 billion in goods and services from the U.S. and sold $39 Billion worth to the United States. Total: $80 billion. In the first year of NAFTA, the $80 billion increased to $99 billion, a 25 percent increase.

Ten years after NAFTA started, total trade between the U.S. and Mexico was $145 billion — an increase of 55 percent. In 2003, almost twenty years after NAFTA began, total trade with Mexico was $506 billion — half a trillion dollars — which is 632 percent more than 1994.

Here is something that Mr. Trump apparently does not know: U.S.-Mexico trade is unique in the world; there is a "production sharing" program between Mexico and the United States in which,according to the Wilson Center's Mexico Institute, "A full 40 [percent] of the content of U.S. imports from Mexico is actually produced in the United States. ... This means that forty cents of every dollar spent on imports from Mexico comes back to the United States, a quantity ten times greater that the four cents returning for each dollar paid on Chinese imports."

Funny you don't mention the Balance of Trade, which is that Mexico has a 36 BILLION dollar trade surplus with US.

Our Trade is leverage we have on them.
I think Correll has completely become unhinged.......Let us all hope that this nitwit will not harm himself or others this Nov. 8th.
Correll is unhinged.

He is a racist, yet denies it.

He is a nativist, yet denies it.

He is an ethnocentristt, yet denies it.

Mexico is not pay for a wall, and he hates it.

He hates anyone not like him.

Underachievers always must find and identify the villains that kept them from achieving success in life.

What happened to the Lib concern for the Poor?

ONly turned on when they agree with you?
Correll complains about the personal attack. How rich, for he is the master of them, the asshole. :lol:

Thee will be no mass deportations, and manufacturing jobs will not come back.

Correll is verbose, not concise.

We are not going to war with anyone; someone tell Correll to go put his uniform away.

Comparing out situation with GB's in WWII is simplistic and dishonest.

Trump should not win because his framing of his language is dishonest and unrealistic. Hillary is no better. Vote for Johnson.

I think the Dems' confidence is built on their solid lead in the swing states.
Underachievers always must find and identify the villains that kept them from achieving success in life.

I know, I know that the comparison may not seem fair, but a certain German 80 or so years ago ALSO figured out that the best way to gain popularity is to identify one segment of German society and then blame ALL the ills on that subgroup....

1. Which is not what Trump is doing.

2. YOur Godwin smear is just you being an asshole.
Underachievers always must find and identify the villains that kept them from achieving success in life.

I know, I know that the comparison may not seem fair, but a certain German 80 or so years ago ALSO figured out that the best way to gain popularity is to identify one segment of German society and then blame ALL the ills on that subgroup....

1. Which is not what Trump is doing.

2. YOur Godwin smear is just you being an asshole.
And Correll engages in the Big Lie. Of course the Alt Right Alinsky tactic of isolating the target group, smearing the target group, dehumanizing the target group: all of this what Comrade Trump is doing.
Are you saying they will threaten our citizens?

And you ridicule me for calling them a hostile nation!! LOL!!!

NO.....I never stated that Mexico would "threaten our citizens with harm"...or threaten to round them up and deport them as Trump is suggesting.......HOWEVER, the Mexican Supreme Court DID find that hundred of thousands of US citizens who had built homes in Mexico, can no longer claim the property as theirs, and are at best only LEASING the ground where their home a whole bunch of other restrictions like not being able to own a home 30 miles from the coastline, etc.

In the very unlikely event that Trump were to become president (heaven forbid), Mexico would round up all those wealthy retirees and send back up north in the same boxcars as Trump would be sending people down south.....

Now THAT should be a sight to watch......LOL
Mexico has every right to control its foreigners as it wishes.

So does America. It's just that 3 out of 4 Americans disagree with Trump's goals.
Mexico has every right to control its foreigners as it wishes.

So does America. It's just that 3 out of 4 Americans disagree with Trump's goals.

Link Fake Boy?
It's common knowledge, and I know you have no evidence that shows Americans support mass deportations and a Gestaop state. :)

And this from a years ago, and I can find no change:

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants - Gallup
Aug 12, 2015 - Most U.S. adults, 65%, continue to support allowing immigrants who are in ... The pollincluded larger samples of blacks and Hispanics. ... Even so, the federal government has been unable to agree on comprehensive immigration reform over the past 10 years. ... American Public Opinion and Immigration.
Mexico has every right to control its foreigners as it wishes.

So does America. It's just that 3 out of 4 Americans disagree with Trump's goals.

Link Fake Boy?
It's common knowledge, and I know you have no evidence that shows Americans support mass deportations and a Gestaop state. :)

And this from a years ago, and I can find no change:

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants - Gallup
Aug 12, 2015 - Most U.S. adults, 65%, continue to support allowing immigrants who are in ... The pollincluded larger samples of blacks and Hispanics. ... Even so, the federal government has been unable to agree on comprehensive immigration reform over the past 10 years. ... American Public Opinion and Immigration.
IOW, your poll is not accurate. Thanks for making it easy, stupid.
Mexico has every right to control its foreigners as it wishes.

So does America. It's just that 3 out of 4 Americans disagree with Trump's goals.

Link Fake Boy?
It's common knowledge, and I know you have no evidence that shows Americans support mass deportations and a Gestaop state. :)

And this from a years ago, and I can find no change:

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants - Gallup
Aug 12, 2015 - Most U.S. adults, 65%, continue to support allowing immigrants who are in ... The pollincluded larger samples of blacks and Hispanics. ... Even so, the federal government has been unable to agree on comprehensive immigration reform over the past 10 years. ... American Public Opinion and Immigration.
IOW, your poll is not accurate. Thanks for making it easy, stupid.
Just the opposite and you have fail. Nothing new for you.
Mexico has every right to control its foreigners as it wishes.

So does America. It's just that 3 out of 4 Americans disagree with Trump's goals.

Link Fake Boy?
It's common knowledge, and I know you have no evidence that shows Americans support mass deportations and a Gestaop state. :)

And this from a years ago, and I can find no change:

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants - Gallup
Aug 12, 2015 - Most U.S. adults, 65%, continue to support allowing immigrants who are in ... The pollincluded larger samples of blacks and Hispanics. ... Even so, the federal government has been unable to agree on comprehensive immigration reform over the past 10 years. ... American Public Opinion and Immigration.
IOW, your poll is not accurate. Thanks for making it easy, stupid.
Just the opposite and you have fail. Nothing new for you.
Fail? So, oversampling blacks and hispanics is supposed to give an accurate picture of the opinion of the American people? Dude, you are such an idiot.
Mexico has every right to control its foreigners as it wishes.

So does America. It's just that 3 out of 4 Americans disagree with Trump's goals.

Link Fake Boy?
It's common knowledge, and I know you have no evidence that shows Americans support mass deportations and a Gestaop state. :)

And this from a years ago, and I can find no change:

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants - Gallup
Aug 12, 2015 - Most U.S. adults, 65%, continue to support allowing immigrants who are in ... The pollincluded larger samples of blacks and Hispanics. ... Even so, the federal government has been unable to agree on comprehensive immigration reform over the past 10 years. ... American Public Opinion and Immigration.
IOW, your poll is not accurate. Thanks for making it easy, stupid.
Just the opposite and you have fail. Nothing new for you.
Fail? So, oversampling blacks and hispanics is supposed to give an accurate picture of the opinion of the American people? Dude, you are such an idiot.
The poll did not oversample, as you well know. Trump's immigrant plan will never be allowed to happen if elected.

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