Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

Link Fake Boy?
It's common knowledge, and I know you have no evidence that shows Americans support mass deportations and a Gestaop state. :)

And this from a years ago, and I can find no change:

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants - Gallup
Aug 12, 2015 - Most U.S. adults, 65%, continue to support allowing immigrants who are in ... The pollincluded larger samples of blacks and Hispanics. ... Even so, the federal government has been unable to agree on comprehensive immigration reform over the past 10 years. ... American Public Opinion and Immigration.
IOW, your poll is not accurate. Thanks for making it easy, stupid.
Just the opposite and you have fail. Nothing new for you.
Fail? So, oversampling blacks and hispanics is supposed to give an accurate picture of the opinion of the American people? Dude, you are such an idiot.
The poll did not oversample, as you well know. Trump's immigrant plan will never be allowed to happen if elected.
From your own post and link, asshole:
Aug 12, 2015 - Most U.S. adults, 65%, continue to support allowing immigrants who are in ... The pollincluded larger samples of blacks and Hispanics. ... Even so, the federal government has been unable to agree on comprehensive immigration reform over the past 10 years. ... American Public Opinion and Immigration.
If true it drops it a point or two (maybe), but there is the sticker that "the federal government has been unable to agree on comprehensive immigration reform over the past ten years", and if Trump or Clinton is elected, then 2/3 of America will make sure their efforts are thwarted.
If true it drops it a point or two (maybe), but there is the sticker that "the federal government has been unable to agree on comprehensive immigration reform over the past ten years", and if Trump or Clinton is elected, then 2/3 of America will make sure their efforts are thwarted.
What do you mean "If it's true"? YOU posted the link, are you now questioning the validity of it? What a dumbass. :lol:
Underachievers always must find and identify the villains that kept them from achieving success in life.

I know, I know that the comparison may not seem fair, but a certain German 80 or so years ago ALSO figured out that the best way to gain popularity is to identify one segment of German society and then blame ALL the ills on that subgroup....
No, Trump is not Hitler.

But it is a fact that Trump is a demagogue, that he exploits the unwarranted fear his supporters have of ‘foreigners’ for some perceived political gain.
Are you saying they will threaten our citizens?

And you ridicule me for calling them a hostile nation!! LOL!!!

NO.....I never stated that Mexico would "threaten our citizens with harm"...or threaten to round them up and deport them as Trump is suggesting.......HOWEVER, the Mexican Supreme Court DID find that hundred of thousands of US citizens who had built homes in Mexico, can no longer claim the property as theirs, and are at best only LEASING the ground where their home a whole bunch of other restrictions like not being able to own a home 30 miles from the coastline, etc.

In the very unlikely event that Trump were to become president (heaven forbid), Mexico would round up all those wealthy retirees and send back up north in the same boxcars as Trump would be sending people down south.....

Now THAT should be a sight to watch......LOL

First of all, your Godwin smear is just you being an asshole.

2. That's kind of crappy of them that they have already taken that land from those retirees. DId the US government say shit when that happened or were we happy to be their bitch once again?

3. Sure, Mexico could try to retaliate to our pressure. But they would be hurting themselves vastly more by depriving themselves of the income from those retirees than they would be hurting US.
"I can't make my monthly payment on my Single Wide!" Deport Jose! It's his fault!"

Your inability to seriously or honestly refute my points is noted, as is your assholeness.

Underachievers always must find and identify the villains that kept them from achieving success in life.

I know, I know that the comparison may not seem fair, but a certain German 80 or so years ago ALSO figured out that the best way to gain popularity is to identify one segment of German society and then blame ALL the ills on that subgroup....
No, Trump is not Hitler.

But it is a fact that Trump is a demagogue, that he exploits the unwarranted fear his supporters have of ‘foreigners’ for some perceived political gain.

Saying "unwarranted fear" does not make it so.

The Law of Supply and Demand applies to wages.

Illegals add to the crime problem, a lot.

The Demagogues in this election are the ones calling Trump HItler, his supporters Nazis and panic mongering that they will start a nuclear war.
"I can't make my monthly payment on my Single Wide!" Deport Jose! It's his fault!"

Your inability to seriously or honestly refute my points is noted, as is your assholeness.


Correll, you can't really be blamed for your beliefs. I grew up in the deep south, and I understand that people become the product of their environment. Not everyone outgrows their inherited bigotry.
"I can't make my monthly payment on my Single Wide!" Deport Jose! It's his fault!"

Your inability to seriously or honestly refute my points is noted, as is your assholeness.


Correll, you can't really be blamed for your beliefs. I grew up in the deep south, and I understand that people become the product of their environment. Not everyone outgrows their inherited bigotry.

My environment?

It was a nation where Civil Rights had been the national consensus since before I was born.

It was a nation where my working class white family had an interracial marriage in the 70s and welcomed the black woman in with open arms, even after the divorce.

It was a nation where my working class father in law, who is voting for Trump and thus is a "Racist" according to lefties, volunteered to be the first policed detective in this city to be partnered with a black police detective.

Your smearing of me and my family when you have no clue about us, is you being an asshole.

It is you being a coward because you need to an excuse to NOT serious or honestly address the real reasons for our positions, ie our STATED REASONS, and not you lefty made up bullshit "racists" reasons.

Fuck you.
"I can't make my monthly payment on my Single Wide!" Deport Jose! It's his fault!"

Your inability to seriously or honestly refute my points is noted, as is your assholeness.


Correll, you can't really be blamed for your beliefs. I grew up in the deep south, and I understand that people become the product of their environment. Not everyone outgrows their inherited bigotry.

My environment?

It was a nation where Civil Rights had been the national consensus since before I was born.

It was a nation where my working class white family had an interracial marriage in the 70s and welcomed the black woman in with open arms, even after the divorce.

It was a nation where my working class father in law, who is voting for Trump and thus is a "Racist" according to lefties, volunteered to be the first policed detective in this city to be partnered with a black police detective.

Your smearing of me and my family when you have no clue about us, is you being an asshole.

It is you being a coward because you need to an excuse to NOT serious or honestly address the real reasons for our positions, ie our STATED REASONS, and not you lefty made up bullshit "racists" reasons.

Fuck you.

Ok, Correll. You have convinced me. We can not excuse your bigotry due to your environment. You simply love to wallow in it. I will ask Jose and Juanita, my landscapers, who are devout Catholics, to pray for you.
"I can't make my monthly payment on my Single Wide!" Deport Jose! It's his fault!"

Your inability to seriously or honestly refute my points is noted, as is your assholeness.


Correll, you can't really be blamed for your beliefs. I grew up in the deep south, and I understand that people become the product of their environment. Not everyone outgrows their inherited bigotry.

My environment?

It was a nation where Civil Rights had been the national consensus since before I was born.

It was a nation where my working class white family had an interracial marriage in the 70s and welcomed the black woman in with open arms, even after the divorce.

It was a nation where my working class father in law, who is voting for Trump and thus is a "Racist" according to lefties, volunteered to be the first policed detective in this city to be partnered with a black police detective.

Your smearing of me and my family when you have no clue about us, is you being an asshole.

It is you being a coward because you need to an excuse to NOT serious or honestly address the real reasons for our positions, ie our STATED REASONS, and not you lefty made up bullshit "racists" reasons.

Fuck you.

Ok, Correll. You have convinced me. We can not excuse your bigotry due to your environment. You simply love to wallow in it. I will ask Jose and Juanita, my landscapers, who are devout Catholics, to pray for you.

So, that's all there is to you?

Lies and personal attacks?

You have nothing else to say?

Fuck off then.
Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.

That is what this election is about.

Reducing the supply of labor at the same time as increasing the demand, jobs, will lead to increased price, ie wages, for the Working and Middle Classes.

The left is desperate to make it about anything BUT the issues, because they know that they cannot defend their positions or policies.

Which raises the interesting question as to what type of person supports policies that they know are bad for the nation and the people?

I'm not the one supporting an Antisemitic, Bigoted, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Misogyistic, Racist....which speaks volumes about you and the Trumpenfucken followers.

I'm not the one supporting an Antisemitic, Bigoted, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Misogyistic, Racist....which speaks volumes about you and the Trumpenfucken followers.


Trump is the one who wants a National Data Base Muslims. Trump is the one who calls undocumented workers, "Rapists Murderers" know.....I dead from the neck up Trumpenfucker follower you are allergic to facts.

Your brains farts are amusing.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.

That is what this election is about.

Reducing the supply of labor at the same time as increasing the demand, jobs, will lead to increased price, ie wages, for the Working and Middle Classes.

The left is desperate to make it about anything BUT the issues, because they know that they cannot defend their positions or policies.

Which raises the interesting question as to what type of person supports policies that they know are bad for the nation and the people?

der Trumpenfuhrer cares so much American Workers he wear suits from Hong Kong and ties from Mexico
Instead of lettuce picked for 8 bucks an hour i propose once illegals are gone..$24 per hour for AMERICAN pickers. The price of lettuce increases a tad. I and every other american are more than willing to pay extra for it.
Instead of lettuce picked for 8 bucks an hour i propose once illegals are gone..$24 per hour for AMERICAN pickers. The price of lettuce increases a tad. I and every other american are more than willing to pay extra for it.

One more time. No way can der Trumpendumy deport Millions of people, not economically possible. No way a wall can be built. No economically, geographically and financial possible.

Keep drinking the orange fuhrer's kool-aid.
I know about working the isnt happeni g but if we do deport illegals we will have to pay more for things. That is good.
Instead of lettuce picked for 8 bucks an hour i propose once illegals are gone..$24 per hour for AMERICAN pickers. The price of lettuce increases a tad. I and every other american are more than willing to pay extra for it.

One more time. No way can der Trumpendumy deport Millions of people, not economically possible. No way a wall can be built. No economically, geographically and financial possible.

Keep drinking the orange fuhrer's kool-aid.
One more time. He doesn't HAVE to deport anybody, just cut off their welfare and food stamps and they'll leave on their own.
I know about working the isnt happeni g but if we do deport illegals we will have to pay more for things. That is good.

Well, good for you to favor raising prices for me! However, I respectfully disagree, and will continue to drive to Nogales, Mexico, were I get my dental work done for 40% of what a US dentist charges.
Eat it, libtards.

Trump insists Mexicans will pay for the wall, but 'don't know it yet'

Trump had told reporters earlier in the day that the pair agreed America had a right to wall off its 2,000-mile southern border, but claimed 'we didn't discuss' who would fund it.

Nieto later tweeted in Spanish: 'From the start of the conversation, I made it clear Mexico will not pay for that wall.'

He added that they addressed other issues during the rest of their conversation, and their meeting was 'respectful.'

Nieto spokesman Eduardo Sánchez told a Wall Street Journal reporter that Trump had told the truth – because the Mexican president had made a defiant statement but the American never responded.

'Mr. Trump was not lying... because there was no discussion,' Sánchez said.
Nieto can say he won't pay for the wall but he doesn't really have a choice. We'll just deduct it from the half billion we send them every year until it's paid for.

This is Trump mentality at it's batshit-crazy finest.

So, if you stop paying your kid/nephew the weekly allowence of a dollar, after 500 weeks, you take the $500 and buy yourself another "new" car (likely an AMC Pacer), by that logic, the kid bought you a car?
You really didn't think that one through, did you? We cut off their foreign aid, use the money to pay for the wall. Revenue neutral for us (you probably don't know what that means). BTW, please tell me where I can buy a new car for $500 (even an AMC Pacer), idiot. :laugh2:
Obviously you didnt think that one through. Of course youre just a dumb monkey but that really is no excuse. Your claim is that by using american money to build the wall that would have been given to Mexico means Mexico is paying for it? :laugh:

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