Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Are you going to sneak into another country if there's nothing there for you in the first place? Are you going to STAY somewhere if there's nothing there for you?
How so, Candy...because you say so?

Declaring a 'Red Line', having it crossed, backing down in front of the whole world, then trying to blame the whole world while they laugh at you - THAT is a national embarassment. THAT is Obama!
Obama is far more respected around the globe than the southern American idiots that the rest of the world views as the joke American stereoptype

True...because he caters to the multinational corporations in those countries.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yes, we need more professional politicians...quite. Isnt that what we've had till now? You LIKE where the country's headed ...and you want more...well, since you are many, we will.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yes, we need more professional politicians..

Isnt that what we've had till now?
No, not really. We’ve had all sorts of people represent us in Washington. Bill Frist was a physician before becoming a politician. As I recall, Rand and Ron Paul were physicians. John McCain was a fighter pilot. We have Iraq war vets in there now. Al Franken was an actor and a comedian. Ronald Reagan was an actor. Jack Kemp was a QB as was Heath Shuler. Gopher from the Love Boat was an actor (Fred Grandy). Didn’t Steve Largent play football; Tom Osborne coached football. John Glenn was an Astronaut. Tom DeLay was an exterminator. Sonny Bono was a singer. As I recall Maria Cantrell ran Real Networks. Meg Whitman founded EBAY.

We have had a mix of people represent us through the generations.

I’m always tickled by this argument. If you have a cyst, you want a doctor who is experienced, qualified, and an expert in their field.
If you are accused of a crime, you want a lawyer who is experienced, qualified, and and expert in their field.
Suddenly, if you’re asking someone to represent you in Congress; apparently you want someone with no experience, no qualifications and a certifiable novice in their field?

Makes no sense to me.

You LIKE where the country's headed ...and you want more...well, since you are many, we will.

I love where the country has been and where it is headed. If you do not, please tell us what nation you’d rather live in.

This is where you shut up.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Screw professional politicians. They are the reason why this country is in such a funk....And that crosses the aisle.
BTW, can you say trade sanctions.
One way or another, Mexico will pay for its insolence.

I always like asking morons like you this question. If this nation is a "hell hole" like you messiah says it is...why haven't you left? What nation would you rather live in than this one?

If you can't name one, shut the fuck up.
Hey twat breath, it is not I who keeps bitching about how rotten this country is.
That is your exclusive province.
Do yourself a favor, excuse yourself from the adult table.
You can't keep up here.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yes, we need more professional politicians..

Isnt that what we've had till now?
No, not really. We’ve had all sorts of people represent us in Washington. Bill Frist was a physician before becoming a politician. As I recall, Rand and Ron Paul were physicians. John McCain was a fighter pilot. We have Iraq war vets in there now. Al Franken was an actor and a comedian. Ronald Reagan was an actor. Jack Kemp was a QB as was Heath Shuler. Gopher from the Love Boat was an actor (Fred Grandy). Didn’t Steve Largent play football; Tom Osborne coached football. John Glenn was an Astronaut. Tom DeLay was an exterminator. Sonny Bono was a singer. As I recall Maria Cantrell ran Real Networks. Meg Whitman founded EBAY.

We have had a mix of people represent us through the generations.

I’m always tickled by this argument. If you have a cyst, you want a doctor who is experienced, qualified, and an expert in their field.
If you are accused of a crime, you want a lawyer who is experienced, qualified, and and expert in their field.
Suddenly, if you’re asking someone to represent you in Congress; apparently you want someone with no experience, no qualifications and a certifiable novice in their field?

Makes no sense to me.

You LIKE where the country's headed ...and you want more...well, since you are many, we will.

I love where the country has been and where it is headed. If you do not, please tell us what nation you’d rather live in.

This is where you shut up.
You are too stupid to realize that for the last 70 years we have been awash in professional politicians. And where has this gotten us?....
BTW, genius, have you ever heard of these two terms...
"The people's house"? "Citizen Legislature"...
Room temperature IQ, test tube baby.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Screw professional politicians. They are the reason why this country is in such a funk....And that crosses the aisle.
BTW, can you say trade sanctions.
One way or another, Mexico will pay for its insolence.

I always like asking morons like you this question. If this nation is a "hell hole" like you messiah says it is...why haven't you left? What nation would you rather live in than this one?

If you can't name one, shut the fuck up.
Hey twat breath, it is not I who keeps bitching about how rotten this country is.
That is your exclusive province.
Do yourself a favor, excuse yourself from the adult table.
You can't keep up here.

Sure it is; you bitch about it all the time little man. You're dismissed.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yes, we need more professional politicians..

Isnt that what we've had till now?
No, not really. We’ve had all sorts of people represent us in Washington. Bill Frist was a physician before becoming a politician. As I recall, Rand and Ron Paul were physicians. John McCain was a fighter pilot. We have Iraq war vets in there now. Al Franken was an actor and a comedian. Ronald Reagan was an actor. Jack Kemp was a QB as was Heath Shuler. Gopher from the Love Boat was an actor (Fred Grandy). Didn’t Steve Largent play football; Tom Osborne coached football. John Glenn was an Astronaut. Tom DeLay was an exterminator. Sonny Bono was a singer. As I recall Maria Cantrell ran Real Networks. Meg Whitman founded EBAY.

We have had a mix of people represent us through the generations.

I’m always tickled by this argument. If you have a cyst, you want a doctor who is experienced, qualified, and an expert in their field.
If you are accused of a crime, you want a lawyer who is experienced, qualified, and and expert in their field.
Suddenly, if you’re asking someone to represent you in Congress; apparently you want someone with no experience, no qualifications and a certifiable novice in their field?

Makes no sense to me.

You LIKE where the country's headed ...and you want more...well, since you are many, we will.

I love where the country has been and where it is headed. If you do not, please tell us what nation you’d rather live in.

This is where you shut up.
You are too stupid to realize that for the last 70 years we have been awash in professional politicians. And where has this gotten us?....
BTW, genius, have you ever heard of these two terms...
"The people's house"? "Citizen Legislature"...
Room temperature IQ, test tube baby.

We've been awash in professional politicians longer than that dumbass. You're using the "70 year" mark to try to excuse WWII. Nice try loser.

Again "where has it gotten us"...the greatest civilization in the world.
Where would you rather live than here?

If you can't answer, again, shut the fuck up.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yes, we need more professional politicians..

Isnt that what we've had till now?
No, not really. We’ve had all sorts of people represent us in Washington. Bill Frist was a physician before becoming a politician. As I recall, Rand and Ron Paul were physicians. John McCain was a fighter pilot. We have Iraq war vets in there now. Al Franken was an actor and a comedian. Ronald Reagan was an actor. Jack Kemp was a QB as was Heath Shuler. Gopher from the Love Boat was an actor (Fred Grandy). Didn’t Steve Largent play football; Tom Osborne coached football. John Glenn was an Astronaut. Tom DeLay was an exterminator. Sonny Bono was a singer. As I recall Maria Cantrell ran Real Networks. Meg Whitman founded EBAY.

We have had a mix of people represent us through the generations.

I’m always tickled by this argument. If you have a cyst, you want a doctor who is experienced, qualified, and an expert in their field.
If you are accused of a crime, you want a lawyer who is experienced, qualified, and and expert in their field.
Suddenly, if you’re asking someone to represent you in Congress; apparently you want someone with no experience, no qualifications and a certifiable novice in their field?

Makes no sense to me.

You LIKE where the country's headed ...and you want more...well, since you are many, we will.

I love where the country has been and where it is headed. If you do not, please tell us what nation you’d rather live in.

This is where you shut up.
You are too stupid to realize that for the last 70 years we have been awash in professional politicians. And where has this gotten us?....
BTW, genius, have you ever heard of these two terms...
"The people's house"? "Citizen Legislature"...
Room temperature IQ, test tube baby.

Absolutely! We need more Jimmy Carter's! His only political experience was 4 years as Governor of Georgia! Obviously, Palin's 3 years of experience disqualified her for president, so the GOP had to pick Trump this go round. Under certain circumstances, it would not be so bad to have someone who relied on professional staff to run things. President Grant had no experience, and he did that. Of course, everyone he hired turned out to be corrupt, and he is now considered near the bottom of the pile of dead presidents. Anyway, Trump won't be able to do that, since he seems to have started feuds with damn near everyone of consequence in his own party. hell, neither Republican Senator of my state of AZ is even talking to him!
Instead of lettuce picked for 8 bucks an hour i propose once illegals are gone..$24 per hour for AMERICAN pickers. The price of lettuce increases a tad. I and every other american are more than willing to pay extra for it.

A Tad? These illegals are getting paid from $8 to $12 an hour. Current cost of lettuce per head is about $2 ( I think ). If you pay American pickers $24/hour. How much do you think the lettuce cost? Simple math $4 to $5/head. That's just the lettuce........ How about the rest of agricultural, meat and poultry products? I don't think this is what Americans wants.

You are assuming that the entire cost of the lettuce comes from the labor of picking it.

That is incorrect.
Instead of lettuce picked for 8 bucks an hour i propose once illegals are gone..$24 per hour for AMERICAN pickers. The price of lettuce increases a tad. I and every other american are more than willing to pay extra for it.

One more time. No way can der Trumpendumy deport Millions of people, not economically possible. No way a wall can be built. No economically, geographically and financial possible.

Keep drinking the orange fuhrer's kool-aid.
One more time. He doesn't HAVE to deport anybody, just cut off their welfare and food stamps and they'll leave on their own.

And I told you several times.... There is no such things self deportation...... Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Set aside your hatred maybe you will understand what I'm talking about.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.
Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Are you going to sneak into another country if there's nothing there for you in the first place? Are you going to STAY somewhere if there's nothing there for you?

They have jobs and American kids...... Why would they deport themselves. The worst is going to happen to them here is use paper towel.
In Mexico you are lucky if you have a toilet. No jobs, shelter non land no future.
Now..... Let me repeat the same question. Are you going to deport yourself and your American kids to Mexico? Or deport yourself and leave your American kids behind so they go on welfare or streets?
Instead of lettuce picked for 8 bucks an hour i propose once illegals are gone..$24 per hour for AMERICAN pickers. The price of lettuce increases a tad. I and every other american are more than willing to pay extra for it.

A Tad? These illegals are getting paid from $8 to $12 an hour. Current cost of lettuce per head is about $2 ( I think ). If you pay American pickers $24/hour. How much do you think the lettuce cost? Simple math $4 to $5/head. That's just the lettuce........ How about the rest of agricultural, meat and poultry products? I don't think this is what Americans wants.

You are assuming that the entire cost of the lettuce comes from the labor of picking it.

That is incorrect.

It's very simple math Correll. Use your upper head.
Instead of lettuce picked for 8 bucks an hour i propose once illegals are gone..$24 per hour for AMERICAN pickers. The price of lettuce increases a tad. I and every other american are more than willing to pay extra for it.

One more time. No way can der Trumpendumy deport Millions of people, not economically possible. No way a wall can be built. No economically, geographically and financial possible.

Keep drinking the orange fuhrer's kool-aid.
One more time. He doesn't HAVE to deport anybody, just cut off their welfare and food stamps and they'll leave on their own.

And I told you several times.... There is no such things self deportation...... Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Set aside your hatred maybe you will understand what I'm talking about.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Let me know when you have common sense.
Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Are you going to sneak into another country if there's nothing there for you in the first place? Are you going to STAY somewhere if there's nothing there for you?

They have jobs and American kids...... Why would they deport themselves. The worst is going to happen to them here is use paper towel.
In Mexico you are lucky if you have a toilet. No jobs, shelter non land no future.
Now..... Let me repeat the same question. Are you going to deport yourself and your American kids to Mexico? Or deport yourself and leave your American kids behind so they go on welfare or streets?
SOME of them do. They shouldn't have jobs here and when they leave, they can take their kids with them. And the anchor baby law is going to be changed after Trump becomes President.
Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Are you going to sneak into another country if there's nothing there for you in the first place? Are you going to STAY somewhere if there's nothing there for you?

They have jobs and American kids...... Why would they deport themselves. The worst is going to happen to them here is use paper towel.
In Mexico you are lucky if you have a toilet. No jobs, shelter non land no future.
Now..... Let me repeat the same question. Are you going to deport yourself and your American kids to Mexico? Or deport yourself and leave your American kids behind so they go on welfare or streets?
SOME of them do. They shouldn't have jobs here and when they leave, they can take their kids with them. And the anchor baby law is going to be changed after Trump becomes President.

Is that change retroactive? Set aside your anger and hatred. Maybe you can make sense of yourself and the reality in life.
BTW...... You are avoiding my question. Are you having a hard time answering a simple question?
Instead of lettuce picked for 8 bucks an hour i propose once illegals are gone..$24 per hour for AMERICAN pickers. The price of lettuce increases a tad. I and every other american are more than willing to pay extra for it.

One more time. No way can der Trumpendumy deport Millions of people, not economically possible. No way a wall can be built. No economically, geographically and financial possible.

Keep drinking the orange fuhrer's kool-aid.
One more time. He doesn't HAVE to deport anybody, just cut off their welfare and food stamps and they'll leave on their own.

And I told you several times.... There is no such things self deportation...... Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Set aside your hatred maybe you will understand what I'm talking about.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Let me know when you have common sense.

Your comment was information free.

My point stands.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.
Who says Trump is giving him a choice? One idea being floated by Trump, is to use seized Mexican Drug Cartel money to help pay for enhanced border security. I think it's a fantastic idea. Trump's showing real leadership. Meanwhile, Clinton's only vowing to continue Obama's awful status quo policies on Immigration.
Who says Trump is giving him a choice? One idea being floated by Trump, is to use seized Mexican Drug Cartel money to help pay for enhanced border security. I think it's a fantastic idea. Trump's showing real leadership. Meanwhile, Clinton's only vowing to continue Obama's awful status quo policies on Immigration.

As President of the United States, Trump would have tremendous leverage and options in how to pressure or take money from Mexico.
One more time. No way can der Trumpendumy deport Millions of people, not economically possible. No way a wall can be built. No economically, geographically and financial possible.

Keep drinking the orange fuhrer's kool-aid.
One more time. He doesn't HAVE to deport anybody, just cut off their welfare and food stamps and they'll leave on their own.

And I told you several times.... There is no such things self deportation...... Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Set aside your hatred maybe you will understand what I'm talking about.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Let me know when you have common sense.

Your comment was information free.

My point stands.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

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