Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

Funny, the Mexicans don't think Trump lost that visit.

Actually, the Mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him.

Which is something I pointed out to you lefties days ago, when you were trying to spin the visit as a failure for Trump.

A sitting President of a nation, met with a Potential President.

By definition that built Trump's credibility.

When I said it, you lefties ridiculed the idea.

Now that Mexicans are saying it, it's cool.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Funny, the Mexicans don't think Trump lost that visit.

Actually, the Mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him.

Which is something I pointed out to you lefties days ago, when you were trying to spin the visit as a failure for Trump.

A sitting President of a nation, met with a Potential President.

By definition that built Trump's credibility.

When I said it, you lefties ridiculed the idea.

Now that Mexicans are saying it, it's cool.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Mexicans think that the meeting was so cool that the man who arranged the meeting, the finance minister, resigned from his job, disgraced.

Mexican finance minister resigns amid Trump scandal

"But the visit backfired on the president, with Mexicans voicing outrage that a US politician who has branded Mexican migrants as "rapists" would get such a prestigious invitation.

More than 88 percent of Mexicans expressed displeasure over Trump's visit, according to a survey by the Mitofsky polling firm."
I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Read my post #380 again...... Then answer my questions.
Nothing for you here................. There is nothing for you on the other side either......... No home, no food, no toilet, no toilet paper and no future. So what is your point?

As I said............. Set aside your moronic toughness for a while and try to understand the reality in life.

I already gave you my response to your nitpicking and stupid questions.

They will leave one way or another. Some will self deport, some will be put on buses and sent home.

Sending someone home is hardly being an "internet tough guy".

Supporting normal law enforcement is hardly "internet tough guy".

THe reality is that YOU dishonest leftists are panic mongering about enforcing our democratically enacted laws.

Deport the Illegals.

Send them home.

Again...... Your belief and your fantasy on how you try to solve illegal immigrations only belong to 11%. My point stand............. You did not prove anything except your moronic and idiotic toughness. Nothing more.
Trump is not deporting anybody.

Because of your hatred you proved yourself that you are a dishonest person.

Funny, the Mexicans don't think Trump lost that visit.

Actually, the Mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him.

Which is something I pointed out to you lefties days ago, when you were trying to spin the visit as a failure for Trump.

A sitting President of a nation, met with a Potential President.

By definition that built Trump's credibility.

When I said it, you lefties ridiculed the idea.

Now that Mexicans are saying it, it's cool.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Mexicans think that the meeting was so cool that the man who arranged the meeting, the finance minister, resigned from his job, disgraced.

Mexican finance minister resigns amid Trump scandal

"But the visit backfired on the president, with Mexicans voicing outrage that a US politician who has branded Mexican migrants as "rapists" would get such a prestigious invitation.

More than 88 percent of Mexicans expressed displeasure over Trump's visit, according to a survey by the Mitofsky polling firm."


As you said, inadvertently agreeing with me, they realized that Neito gave Trump an excellent photo op which helped him.

Which is the opposite of what they want to do, as Trump wants to pursue America's interests at Mexico's expense.

If this guy put that together, he deserves to lose his job. He blew it.

He probably underestimated Trump and how well Trump would use that opportunity to look "Presidential".

LOL! I wonder if he believed the nonsense that you lefties have been spewing about Trump being a "hothead"?

If so, you lefties are at least partially, indirectly responsible for Trump's recent upward direction in the polls.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Read my post #380 again...... Then answer my questions.
Nothing for you here................. There is nothing for you on the other side either......... No home, no food, no toilet, no toilet paper and no future. So what is your point?

As I said............. Set aside your moronic toughness for a while and try to understand the reality in life.

I already gave you my response to your nitpicking and stupid questions.

They will leave one way or another. Some will self deport, some will be put on buses and sent home.

Sending someone home is hardly being an "internet tough guy".

Supporting normal law enforcement is hardly "internet tough guy".

THe reality is that YOU dishonest leftists are panic mongering about enforcing our democratically enacted laws.

Deport the Illegals.

Send them home.

Again...... Your belief and your fantasy on how you try to solve illegal immigrations only belong to 11%. My point stand............. You did not prove anything except your moronic and idiotic toughness. Nothing more.
Trump is not deporting anybody.

Because of your hatred you proved yourself that you are a dishonest person.

You are not saying anything at this point, other than calling me names.

So, to recap.

Deport the Illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia.

THose are policies that the left is trying to paint as "Scary" or "extremist".

Why do so many Americans give a damn about what a Mexican President thinks about anything? They're all corrupt jerkoffs, just like the Clintons. So I have no doubt the Mexican President would prefer a Clinton Presidency. It's exactly why we need Donald Trump.

Funny, the Mexicans don't think Trump lost that visit.

Actually, the Mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him.

Which is something I pointed out to you lefties days ago, when you were trying to spin the visit as a failure for Trump.

A sitting President of a nation, met with a Potential President.

By definition that built Trump's credibility.

When I said it, you lefties ridiculed the idea.

Now that Mexicans are saying it, it's cool.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Mexicans think that the meeting was so cool that the man who arranged the meeting, the finance minister, resigned from his job, disgraced.

Mexican finance minister resigns amid Trump scandal

"But the visit backfired on the president, with Mexicans voicing outrage that a US politician who has branded Mexican migrants as "rapists" would get such a prestigious invitation.

More than 88 percent of Mexicans expressed displeasure over Trump's visit, according to a survey by the Mitofsky polling firm."


As you said, inadvertently agreeing with me, they realized that Neito gave Trump an excellent photo op which helped him.

Which is the opposite of what they want to do, as Trump wants to pursue America's interests at Mexico's expense.

If this guy put that together, he deserves to lose his job. He blew it.

He probably underestimated Trump and how well Trump would use that opportunity to look "Presidential".

LOL! I wonder if he believed the nonsense that you lefties have been spewing about Trump being a "hothead"?

If so, you lefties are at least partially, indirectly responsible for Trump's recent upward direction in the polls.


So you interpret angry Mexicans have giving Trump credibility?

It does not work that way, Cor. I do not dislike my AZ Rep. Senator Flake. I do not consider that Trump's credibility increased, and Flake's credibility decreased when they met a couple of weeks ago, and Flake essentially told him to fuck off. Trump is a jerk, no matter who he meets with. If Flake had bowed down and kissed Trump's ring, HE would have lost credibility, but Trump is still a jerk. Mexican's almost universally despise Trump, and I promise you that none of them are the slightest bit intimidated by him, or his agenda. If anything, it would work the other way around. The more insulting Trump is, the more they will push back against American xpatriots in Mexico, just like this country pushed back against the Muslim world after 9/11. Successful international diplomacy is not won by threats and punitive measures. At least, not since 1939.
Your comment was information free.

My point stands.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Read my post #380 again...... Then answer my questions.
Nothing for you here................. There is nothing for you on the other side either......... No home, no food, no toilet, no toilet paper and no future. So what is your point?

As I said............. Set aside your moronic toughness for a while and try to understand the reality in life.
Corral always dissolves into runny bullshit. You have to engage him in short bursts or he will start talking about how he won something or other.
I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Read my post #380 again...... Then answer my questions.
Nothing for you here................. There is nothing for you on the other side either......... No home, no food, no toilet, no toilet paper and no future. So what is your point?

As I said............. Set aside your moronic toughness for a while and try to understand the reality in life.
Corral always dissolves into runny bullshit. You have to engage him in short bursts or he will start talking about how he won something or other.

He isn't here right now, so I will reply for him:

"Deport the Illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia."
"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Read my post #380 again...... Then answer my questions.
Nothing for you here................. There is nothing for you on the other side either......... No home, no food, no toilet, no toilet paper and no future. So what is your point?

As I said............. Set aside your moronic toughness for a while and try to understand the reality in life.
Corral always dissolves into runny bullshit. You have to engage him in short bursts or he will start talking about how he won something or other.

He isn't here right now, so I will reply for him:

"Deport the Illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia."
You left out...."Now that i have thoroughly subdued you mentally, you are left gasping in a pitiful attempt to get oxygen to your brain."
Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Read my post #380 again...... Then answer my questions.
Nothing for you here................. There is nothing for you on the other side either......... No home, no food, no toilet, no toilet paper and no future. So what is your point?

As I said............. Set aside your moronic toughness for a while and try to understand the reality in life.
Corral always dissolves into runny bullshit. You have to engage him in short bursts or he will start talking about how he won something or other.

He isn't here right now, so I will reply for him:

"Deport the Illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and STOP fucking with Russia."
You left out...."Now that i have thoroughly subdued you mentally, you are left gasping in a pitiful attempt to get oxygen to your brain."

I was born and raised in the deep South, and our agenda has been very simple most of my life. Our message to Yankees is, 'Ya'll come! And don't forget to bring your money!".

We don't give a shit about states rights, and legal wrangling over the Civil War. We lost. they won. Care to try our pecan pie?
Funny, the Mexicans don't think Trump lost that visit.

Actually, the Mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him.

Which is something I pointed out to you lefties days ago, when you were trying to spin the visit as a failure for Trump.

A sitting President of a nation, met with a Potential President.

By definition that built Trump's credibility.

When I said it, you lefties ridiculed the idea.

Now that Mexicans are saying it, it's cool.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Mexicans think that the meeting was so cool that the man who arranged the meeting, the finance minister, resigned from his job, disgraced.

Mexican finance minister resigns amid Trump scandal

"But the visit backfired on the president, with Mexicans voicing outrage that a US politician who has branded Mexican migrants as "rapists" would get such a prestigious invitation.

More than 88 percent of Mexicans expressed displeasure over Trump's visit, according to a survey by the Mitofsky polling firm."


As you said, inadvertently agreeing with me, they realized that Neito gave Trump an excellent photo op which helped him.

Which is the opposite of what they want to do, as Trump wants to pursue America's interests at Mexico's expense.

If this guy put that together, he deserves to lose his job. He blew it.

He probably underestimated Trump and how well Trump would use that opportunity to look "Presidential".

LOL! I wonder if he believed the nonsense that you lefties have been spewing about Trump being a "hothead"?

If so, you lefties are at least partially, indirectly responsible for Trump's recent upward direction in the polls.


So you interpret angry Mexicans have giving Trump credibility?

It does not work that way, Cor. I do not dislike my AZ Rep. Senator Flake. I do not consider that Trump's credibility increased, and Flake's credibility decreased when they met a couple of weeks ago, and Flake essentially told him to fuck off. Trump is a jerk, no matter who he meets with. If Flake had bowed down and kissed Trump's ring, HE would have lost credibility, but Trump is still a jerk. Mexican's almost universally despise Trump, and I promise you that none of them are the slightest bit intimidated by him, or his agenda. If anything, it would work the other way around. The more insulting Trump is, the more they will push back against American xpatriots in Mexico, just like this country pushed back against the Muslim world after 9/11. Successful international diplomacy is not won by threats and punitive measures. At least, not since 1939.

Your words "the mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him".

Dignified, credibility, tomayto, tomahto.

Noting could reach you, your mind is closed.

But, those who are undecided, or those who's HIllary choice was based on the Lie that Trump is "scary"?

Those people are still in play, and the President of Mexico giving "dignity" to Trump can move them to the Trump column.

And the Hillary lead RCP average is down to 2.8 points today...

And your pretense that international diplomacy has moved beyond threats and punitive measures is silly.

What do you think economic sanctions are if not punitive measures?

A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

Outright lying doesn't help your argument.

I realize this is the mainstay of the Soros hate sites that do your thinking for you, but you're dealing with a rational human, not one of your fellow Communists.


Hillary Clinton began the general election portraying Trump as just another Republican who was likely to do nasty Republican things if he were elected president. She changed her approach at the Democratic convention, arguing instead that Trump was irrational and dangerous, unfit to serve as commander in chief. That effort culminated in her speech last week attempting to make Trump own the “alt-right” and its craziness. Trump, she argued, was unlike mainstream Republicans like Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz. He was a threat to the republic, an ignorant loudmouth who couldn’t unite the country at home and who would bungle the kinds of delicate diplomacy that she’d undertaken as secretary of state.

On Wednesday, Trump made those concerns look overblown. He stood across from the president of a country whose citizens he has often cast as villains and calmly walked through policy differences in reasonable and rational manner. His angry rants about Mexicans as rapists and criminals, about Mexican-Americans’ views shaped by their heritage, were nowhere to be heard. Trump’s sharp edges were rounded, his hot rhetoric cooler. If voters are concerned that Trump is incapable of behaving like a statesman—and many of them are—Trump showed them that at least on this day, he could. He was, ever briefly, the kind of Trump many Republican elected officials have long hoped publicly that he could become.

Bill Kristol #nevertrump

You see hack, facts exist. I know they are not popular on the hate sites, but they exist. You simply lying might make other Soros drones coo with pleasure, but it just makes you look irrational and unhinged to normal folk.

Brilliant? Yeah, whatever.


Relax, I'll stick to a reasonable Avie for you.
Actually, the Mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him.

Which is something I pointed out to you lefties days ago, when you were trying to spin the visit as a failure for Trump.

A sitting President of a nation, met with a Potential President.

By definition that built Trump's credibility.

When I said it, you lefties ridiculed the idea.

Now that Mexicans are saying it, it's cool.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Mexicans think that the meeting was so cool that the man who arranged the meeting, the finance minister, resigned from his job, disgraced.

Mexican finance minister resigns amid Trump scandal

"But the visit backfired on the president, with Mexicans voicing outrage that a US politician who has branded Mexican migrants as "rapists" would get such a prestigious invitation.

More than 88 percent of Mexicans expressed displeasure over Trump's visit, according to a survey by the Mitofsky polling firm."


As you said, inadvertently agreeing with me, they realized that Neito gave Trump an excellent photo op which helped him.

Which is the opposite of what they want to do, as Trump wants to pursue America's interests at Mexico's expense.

If this guy put that together, he deserves to lose his job. He blew it.

He probably underestimated Trump and how well Trump would use that opportunity to look "Presidential".

LOL! I wonder if he believed the nonsense that you lefties have been spewing about Trump being a "hothead"?

If so, you lefties are at least partially, indirectly responsible for Trump's recent upward direction in the polls.


So you interpret angry Mexicans have giving Trump credibility?

It does not work that way, Cor. I do not dislike my AZ Rep. Senator Flake. I do not consider that Trump's credibility increased, and Flake's credibility decreased when they met a couple of weeks ago, and Flake essentially told him to fuck off. Trump is a jerk, no matter who he meets with. If Flake had bowed down and kissed Trump's ring, HE would have lost credibility, but Trump is still a jerk. Mexican's almost universally despise Trump, and I promise you that none of them are the slightest bit intimidated by him, or his agenda. If anything, it would work the other way around. The more insulting Trump is, the more they will push back against American xpatriots in Mexico, just like this country pushed back against the Muslim world after 9/11. Successful international diplomacy is not won by threats and punitive measures. At least, not since 1939.

Your words "the mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him".

Dignified, credibility, tomayto, tomahto.

Noting could reach you, your mind is closed.

..and you seem to think that mexicans are like little children who will do what they are told

But, those who are undecided, or those who's HIllary choice was based on the Lie that Trump is "scary"?

Those people are still in play, and the President of Mexico giving "dignity" to Trump can move them to the Trump column.

And the Hillary lead RCP average is down to 2.8 points today...

And your pretense that international diplomacy has moved beyond threats and punitive measures is silly.

What do you think economic sanctions are if not punitive measures?

...and you seem that Mexico is like a little child who will do as he is told after being punished by taking away his ice cream, instead of like a proud nation who will retaliate against economic sanctions, as nations did all over the world in the 1920's against protectionists tariffs.
...and you seem that Mexico is like a little child who will do as he is told after being punished by taking away his ice cream, instead of like a proud nation who will retaliate against economic sanctions, as nations did all over the world in the 1920's against protectionists tariffs.

Mexico is 100% dependent on America for both economic and military support. Mexico can be as proud as it pleases, but without American economic involvement, they will sink back into a 3rd world hell hole.
Which is something I pointed out to you lefties days ago, when you were trying to spin the visit as a failure for Trump.

A sitting President of a nation, met with a Potential President.

By definition that built Trump's credibility.

When I said it, you lefties ridiculed the idea.

Now that Mexicans are saying it, it's cool.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Mexicans think that the meeting was so cool that the man who arranged the meeting, the finance minister, resigned from his job, disgraced.

Mexican finance minister resigns amid Trump scandal

"But the visit backfired on the president, with Mexicans voicing outrage that a US politician who has branded Mexican migrants as "rapists" would get such a prestigious invitation.

More than 88 percent of Mexicans expressed displeasure over Trump's visit, according to a survey by the Mitofsky polling firm."


As you said, inadvertently agreeing with me, they realized that Neito gave Trump an excellent photo op which helped him.

Which is the opposite of what they want to do, as Trump wants to pursue America's interests at Mexico's expense.

If this guy put that together, he deserves to lose his job. He blew it.

He probably underestimated Trump and how well Trump would use that opportunity to look "Presidential".

LOL! I wonder if he believed the nonsense that you lefties have been spewing about Trump being a "hothead"?

If so, you lefties are at least partially, indirectly responsible for Trump's recent upward direction in the polls.


So you interpret angry Mexicans have giving Trump credibility?

It does not work that way, Cor. I do not dislike my AZ Rep. Senator Flake. I do not consider that Trump's credibility increased, and Flake's credibility decreased when they met a couple of weeks ago, and Flake essentially told him to fuck off. Trump is a jerk, no matter who he meets with. If Flake had bowed down and kissed Trump's ring, HE would have lost credibility, but Trump is still a jerk. Mexican's almost universally despise Trump, and I promise you that none of them are the slightest bit intimidated by him, or his agenda. If anything, it would work the other way around. The more insulting Trump is, the more they will push back against American xpatriots in Mexico, just like this country pushed back against the Muslim world after 9/11. Successful international diplomacy is not won by threats and punitive measures. At least, not since 1939.

Your words "the mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him".

Dignified, credibility, tomayto, tomahto.

Noting could reach you, your mind is closed.

..and you seem to think that mexicans are like little children who will do what they are told

But, those who are undecided, or those who's HIllary choice was based on the Lie that Trump is "scary"?

Those people are still in play, and the President of Mexico giving "dignity" to Trump can move them to the Trump column.

And the Hillary lead RCP average is down to 2.8 points today...

And your pretense that international diplomacy has moved beyond threats and punitive measures is silly.

What do you think economic sanctions are if not punitive measures?

...and you seem that Mexico is like a little child who will do as he is told after being punished by taking away his ice cream, instead of like a proud nation who will retaliate against economic sanctions, as nations did all over the world in the 1920's against protectionists tariffs.

I have said nothing to indicate that I consider Mexico a "little child".

I have been making the case, that Trump gained credibility from the simple act of MEETING the President of Mexico.

That argument is built on the assumption of Mexico and the Mexican President as serious people.

All of that, was just the voices in your head adding incorrect footnotes to what I actually said.

THe US and Mexico have a serious conflict of interests. For decades they have been benefiting at our expense.

It is time for US to retaliate against THEM, if they do not take steps to address this situation.

Because we need to start acting like serious people too.

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