Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

One more time. He doesn't HAVE to deport anybody, just cut off their welfare and food stamps and they'll leave on their own.

And I told you several times.... There is no such things self deportation...... Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Set aside your hatred maybe you will understand what I'm talking about.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Let me know when you have common sense.

Your comment was information free.

My point stands.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yes, we need more professional politicians..

Isnt that what we've had till now?
No, not really. We’ve had all sorts of people represent us in Washington. Bill Frist was a physician before becoming a politician. As I recall, Rand and Ron Paul were physicians. John McCain was a fighter pilot. We have Iraq war vets in there now. Al Franken was an actor and a comedian. Ronald Reagan was an actor. Jack Kemp was a QB as was Heath Shuler. Gopher from the Love Boat was an actor (Fred Grandy). Didn’t Steve Largent play football; Tom Osborne coached football. John Glenn was an Astronaut. Tom DeLay was an exterminator. Sonny Bono was a singer. As I recall Maria Cantrell ran Real Networks. Meg Whitman founded EBAY.

We have had a mix of people represent us through the generations.

I’m always tickled by this argument. If you have a cyst, you want a doctor who is experienced, qualified, and an expert in their field.
If you are accused of a crime, you want a lawyer who is experienced, qualified, and and expert in their field.
Suddenly, if you’re asking someone to represent you in Congress; apparently you want someone with no experience, no qualifications and a certifiable novice in their field?

Makes no sense to me.

You LIKE where the country's headed ...and you want more...well, since you are many, we will.

I love where the country has been and where it is headed. If you do not, please tell us what nation you’d rather live in.

This is where you shut up.
You are too stupid to realize that for the last 70 years we have been awash in professional politicians. And where has this gotten us?....
BTW, genius, have you ever heard of these two terms...
"The people's house"? "Citizen Legislature"...
Room temperature IQ, test tube baby.

We've been awash in professional politicians longer than that dumbass. You're using the "70 year" mark to try to excuse WWII. Nice try loser.

Again "where has it gotten us"...the greatest civilization in the world.
Where would you rather live than here?

If you can't answer, again, shut the fuck up.

And so it goes.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
You mean, "Trump's Brilliant Trip to Mexico," hack?

I love that he went to Mexico, told yet another lie about the funding for the proposed wall not being discussed, then ran like a little bitch to Phoenix to contradict someone.

I thought he was “tough” and would tell people to their face what he thought. Turns out, he’s just another pussy. Like you.
I love that he went to Mexico, told yet another lie about the funding for the proposed wall not being discussed, then ran like a little bitch to Phoenix to contradict someone.

I thought he was “tough” and would tell people to their face what he thought. Turns out, he’s just another pussy. Like you.

Look, you're a hack, and a hack is gunna spin.

The fact is that while the left was shrieking that Trump is not presidential and would not be able to deal with Mexico, he flies down and starts setting up a foreign policy, making utter fools of you Soros soldiers.

America saw him fly down, meet with the head of state, come back safely and with no international incidents - directly opposite of the narrative you Soros Bots are spinning.

It was brilliant, and you got your ass handed to you - with the polls to prove it.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
You mean, "Trump's Brilliant Trip to Mexico," hack?

I love that he went to Mexico, told yet another lie about the funding for the proposed wall not being discussed, then ran like a little bitch to Phoenix to contradict someone.

I thought he was “tough” and would tell people to their face what he thought. Turns out, he’s just another pussy. Like you.

ONe man making a statement that is ignored by the other is not a discussion.

YOu are the one lying.

It would be stupid of him to begin negotiations when he has no leverage.

I believe that you were unable to understand that one.
And I told you several times.... There is no such things self deportation...... Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Set aside your hatred maybe you will understand what I'm talking about.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Let me know when you have common sense.

Your comment was information free.

My point stands.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.
I love that he went to Mexico, told yet another lie about the funding for the proposed wall not being discussed, then ran like a little bitch to Phoenix to contradict someone.

I thought he was “tough” and would tell people to their face what he thought. Turns out, he’s just another pussy. Like you.

Look, you're a hack, and a hack is gunna spin.

The fact is that while the left was shrieking that Trump is not presidential and would not be able to deal with Mexico, he flies down and starts setting up a foreign policy, making utter fools of you Soros soldiers.
A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

America saw him fly down, meet with the head of state, come back safely and with no international incidents - directly opposite of the narrative you Soros Bots are spinning.
DIrectly oppose spin. He is calling his negotiating partner inept "He doesn't know it yet." But we get it, your messiah can do no wrong. Just make sure you're here election night.
It was brilliant, and you got your ass handed to you - with the polls to prove it.

Brilliant? Yeah, whatever.
How so, Candy...because you say so?

Declaring a 'Red Line', having it crossed, backing down in front of the whole world, then trying to blame the whole world while they laugh at you - THAT is a national embarassment. THAT is Obama!
Obama is far more respected around the globe than the southern American idiots that the rest of the world views as the joke American stereoptype

That's probably because he is president.
Something I find very interesting is that conservatives are expecting to get their wall paid for by someone else. Again.

They've been doing that for years.

They expect things they want to be free to them.

They're nothing but deadbeats as far as I'm concerned.

They want a wall most people don't want but they're too much of deadbeats of pay for what they want so they think they can get another nation to pay for it.

They have lost their minds.

If you people want that wall then pay for it yourselves.
Something I find very interesting is that conservatives are expecting to get their wall paid for by someone else. Again.

They've been doing that for years.

They expect things they want to be free to them.

They're nothing but deadbeats as far as I'm concerned.

They want a wall most people don't want but they're too much of deadbeats of pay for what they want so they think they can get another nation to pay for it.

They have lost their minds.

If you people want that wall then pay for it yourselves.

Well, they will pay for it themselves if Trump were to put tariffs on Mexican imports. Would not cost me much, since about the only thing I buy from Mexico is fruit and vegetables. Retirees like me try to find ways to give things away, rather than accumulate junk.

But, it is academic. Not only will Trump not be elected, but even if he were, he is daily backpedaling on the whole issue. By November, he will be talking about amnesty.
Try to put yourself in their situations. Are you going to deport yourself with your family when there's nothing for you on the other side?
Are you going to sneak into another country if there's nothing there for you in the first place? Are you going to STAY somewhere if there's nothing there for you?

They have jobs and American kids...... Why would they deport themselves. The worst is going to happen to them here is use paper towel.
In Mexico you are lucky if you have a toilet. No jobs, shelter non land no future.
Now..... Let me repeat the same question. Are you going to deport yourself and your American kids to Mexico? Or deport yourself and leave your American kids behind so they go on welfare or streets?
SOME of them do. They shouldn't have jobs here and when they leave, they can take their kids with them. And the anchor baby law is going to be changed after Trump becomes President.

Is that change retroactive? Set aside your anger and hatred. Maybe you can make sense of yourself and the reality in life.
BTW...... You are avoiding my question. Are you having a hard time answering a simple question?
What's the question?
Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Let me know when you have common sense.

Your comment was information free.

My point stands.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.
I love that he went to Mexico, told yet another lie about the funding for the proposed wall not being discussed, then ran like a little bitch to Phoenix to contradict someone.

I thought he was “tough” and would tell people to their face what he thought. Turns out, he’s just another pussy. Like you.

Look, you're a hack, and a hack is gunna spin.

The fact is that while the left was shrieking that Trump is not presidential and would not be able to deal with Mexico, he flies down and starts setting up a foreign policy, making utter fools of you Soros soldiers.
A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

America saw him fly down, meet with the head of state, come back safely and with no international incidents - directly opposite of the narrative you Soros Bots are spinning.
DIrectly oppose spin. He is calling his negotiating partner inept "He doesn't know it yet." But we get it, your messiah can do no wrong. Just make sure you're here election night.
It was brilliant, and you got your ass handed to you - with the polls to prove it.

Brilliant? Yeah, whatever.

THe Mexican President wanted Trump to start negotiating as Trump the Candidate when he has ZERO leverage.

Trump refused.

That was not a discussion.

It was completely legitimate that Trump the Candidate refused to start negotiating for the United States of America, before he is sworn in.

BUT, I do love the way that you are already thinking of him as the President.
Something I find very interesting is that conservatives are expecting to get their wall paid for by someone else. Again.

They've been doing that for years.

They expect things they want to be free to them.

They're nothing but deadbeats as far as I'm concerned.

They want a wall most people don't want but they're too much of deadbeats of pay for what they want so they think they can get another nation to pay for it.

They have lost their minds.

If you people want that wall then pay for it yourselves.

Well, they will pay for it themselves if Trump were to put tariffs on Mexican imports. Would not cost me much, since about the only thing I buy from Mexico is fruit and vegetables. Retirees like me try to find ways to give things away, rather than accumulate junk.

But, it is academic. Not only will Trump not be elected, but even if he were, he is daily backpedaling on the whole issue. By November, he will be talking about amnesty.

No, he will not.
Let me know when you have common sense.

Your comment was information free.

My point stands.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Read my post #380 again...... Then answer my questions.
Nothing for you here................. There is nothing for you on the other side either......... No home, no food, no toilet, no toilet paper and no future. So what is your point?

As I said............. Set aside your moronic toughness for a while and try to understand the reality in life.
Your comment was information free.

My point stands.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Read my post #380 again...... Then answer my questions.
Nothing for you here................. There is nothing for you on the other side either......... No home, no food, no toilet, no toilet paper and no future. So what is your point?

As I said............. Set aside your moronic toughness for a while and try to understand the reality in life.
You are not familiar with reality.
Your comment was information free.

My point stands.

Your home is on the other side.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

I thought you are going to come back with your common sense but instead you came back with your usual moronic toughness.
1. If I deport you and your wife bc you are both illegals leaving your American kids destitute. Is that acceptable?
2. What benefits or even life on the other side? You can cut off the anatomical parts if you want but NO they will not deport themselves.
3. Are you going to bankrupt these people and let them go hungry including Americans?
4. Are you going to raid these kids pull them out from their schools? Like elementary, hs and universities?
5. Forcible deportations just like the NAZI did in WW2?
6. Trump is a business man. He knows the importance of illegal contributions to the economy. He is *NOT* deporting anybody. That will be bad news to his white core supporters.
7. Or if you deport parents with American kids to Mexico, Central & South America. Let say low estimate 20 millions. Most likely they will grew up become engage in criminal activities. As an adult coming back to US with their new families plus criminal resume. They are all eligible to collect welfare benefits. Let say low estimate 30 millions. ARE YOU WITH ME SO FAR? These new comers can now petition their parents..... Petition their kids etc. etc. etc.......

I know we are screwed but deporting law abiding illegals and paying taxes is not the answer. Trump is not the answer either.

Come down to your pedestals and stop talking to me with your idiotic toughness. And talk to me in real life scenario. If NOT........ Then you are NOT qualify to talk to me.

"Moronic toughness"?

Deport the illegals. That is the law. THat is the democratically expressed Will of the American people.

What happens to them when they go home is their responsibility.

The details on mixed families will be settled later.

As I am against jus soli citizenship, my two cents worth is send the kids with mom and dad.

Your Godwin in noted and you should considered yourself ridiculed for it. THis is for you.


Trump is now a politician and his supporters want deportations. If he want's a good legacy, he will deport.

Oh, and for your racial comment.

Your lack of common sense and reality is unbelievable.

Your inability to defend your position against someone who refused to be cowed by your use of the Race Card and the Godwin Smear is completely believable.

Pretty much standard for a liberal.

My point stands, as you have been unable to challenge it.

If there is NOTHING for you here, because your employer fired you to comply with the law, and no one else will hire you, and your friends and neighbors are being deported, you might want to self deport instead of being completely bankrupt or forcible deported.

Read my post #380 again...... Then answer my questions.
Nothing for you here................. There is nothing for you on the other side either......... No home, no food, no toilet, no toilet paper and no future. So what is your point?

As I said............. Set aside your moronic toughness for a while and try to understand the reality in life.

I already gave you my response to your nitpicking and stupid questions.

They will leave one way or another. Some will self deport, some will be put on buses and sent home.

Sending someone home is hardly being an "internet tough guy".

Supporting normal law enforcement is hardly "internet tough guy".

THe reality is that YOU dishonest leftists are panic mongering about enforcing our democratically enacted laws.

Deport the Illegals.

Send them home.

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