Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.


A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

Outright lying doesn't help your argument.

My position needs no help.

To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).

A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

Outright lying doesn't help your argument.

My position needs no help.

To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).

First of all, the vast majority of Trump supporters have been attracted to him because of his stance on the issues.

There has been very little of hysteria we witnessed with you lefties when Obama ran.

Your "messiah" stupidity is uncalled for.

Second of all, Your spin on this photo op is just a lie. Trump was diplomatic, and looked presidential.

His number are not trending upwards because he looked bad.

A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

Outright lying doesn't help your argument.

My position needs no help.

To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).

I give up on him, Candy. He's a broken record. All problems will be solved, and the Fruit of the Loom factory will return to South Carolina if Trump is elected and Jose is deported. He saw that on a bumper sticker somewhere, so that is the end of that.
To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).
Face it, you're disappointed because he didn't blow it. He looked presidential while Hillary hid behind her minions in the media, and was nowhere to be found. Your frustration is reflected in your vitriol.
To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).
Face it, you're disappointed because he didn't blow it. He looked presidential while Hillary hid behind her minions in the media, and was nowhere to be found. Your frustration is reflected in your vitriol.

Yeah…go with that.

It seems as though you’re having some buyers remorse from Trump stating he would deport 11 million people to his flaccid performance in Mexico to now offering Amnesty…. You got taken for a ride by Trump. I understand you’re upset but you should be upset at your messiah; not me.

A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

Outright lying doesn't help your argument.

My position needs no help.

To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).

I give up on him, Candy. He's a broken record. All problems will be solved, and the Fruit of the Loom factory will return to South Carolina if Trump is elected and Jose is deported. He saw that on a bumper sticker somewhere, so that is the end of that.

The very fact that you feel the need to lie about what I have said, shows that you yourself know that you cannot defend your position based on the facts.
To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).
Face it, you're disappointed because he didn't blow it. He looked presidential while Hillary hid behind her minions in the media, and was nowhere to be found. Your frustration is reflected in your vitriol.

Mexican government officials are losing their jobs, because of the fiasco that the Mexican people consider that meeting.

And yet liberals are trying to say that Trump looked bad.

I don't know which is greater, their idiocy, or the dishonesty.
To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).
Face it, you're disappointed because he didn't blow it. He looked presidential while Hillary hid behind her minions in the media, and was nowhere to be found. Your frustration is reflected in your vitriol.

Yeah…go with that.

It seems as though you’re having some buyers remorse from Trump stating he would deport 11 million people to his flaccid performance in Mexico to now offering Amnesty…. You got taken for a ride by Trump. I understand you’re upset but you should be upset at your messiah; not me.

Your constant use of hyperbole like "messiah" and your oddly personal analysis "flaccid" shows that you are the one having a hissy fit about the visit, not Trump supporters.

We're pretty happy about it.
To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).
Face it, you're disappointed because he didn't blow it. He looked presidential while Hillary hid behind her minions in the media, and was nowhere to be found. Your frustration is reflected in your vitriol.

Yeah…go with that.

It seems as though you’re having some buyers remorse from Trump stating he would deport 11 million people to his flaccid performance in Mexico to now offering Amnesty…. You got taken for a ride by Trump. I understand you’re upset but you should be upset at your messiah; not me.
Sorry to disappoint you, butch, but there's no buyer's remorse and no amnesty. And if you want to talk about a flaccid performance, let's talk about Hillary's Mexico visit. Oh, that's right, she was too SICK to go, just like she was too SICK to go to Baton Rouge. Or maybe she just thinks she's too good for those peasants.
Actually, the Mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him.

Which is something I pointed out to you lefties days ago, when you were trying to spin the visit as a failure for Trump.

A sitting President of a nation, met with a Potential President.

By definition that built Trump's credibility.

When I said it, you lefties ridiculed the idea.

Now that Mexicans are saying it, it's cool.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Mexicans think that the meeting was so cool that the man who arranged the meeting, the finance minister, resigned from his job, disgraced.

Mexican finance minister resigns amid Trump scandal

"But the visit backfired on the president, with Mexicans voicing outrage that a US politician who has branded Mexican migrants as "rapists" would get such a prestigious invitation.

More than 88 percent of Mexicans expressed displeasure over Trump's visit, according to a survey by the Mitofsky polling firm."


As you said, inadvertently agreeing with me, they realized that Neito gave Trump an excellent photo op which helped him.

Which is the opposite of what they want to do, as Trump wants to pursue America's interests at Mexico's expense.

If this guy put that together, he deserves to lose his job. He blew it.

He probably underestimated Trump and how well Trump would use that opportunity to look "Presidential".

LOL! I wonder if he believed the nonsense that you lefties have been spewing about Trump being a "hothead"?

If so, you lefties are at least partially, indirectly responsible for Trump's recent upward direction in the polls.


So you interpret angry Mexicans have giving Trump credibility?

It does not work that way, Cor. I do not dislike my AZ Rep. Senator Flake. I do not consider that Trump's credibility increased, and Flake's credibility decreased when they met a couple of weeks ago, and Flake essentially told him to fuck off. Trump is a jerk, no matter who he meets with. If Flake had bowed down and kissed Trump's ring, HE would have lost credibility, but Trump is still a jerk. Mexican's almost universally despise Trump, and I promise you that none of them are the slightest bit intimidated by him, or his agenda. If anything, it would work the other way around. The more insulting Trump is, the more they will push back against American xpatriots in Mexico, just like this country pushed back against the Muslim world after 9/11. Successful international diplomacy is not won by threats and punitive measures. At least, not since 1939.

Your words "the mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him".

Dignified, credibility, tomayto, tomahto.

Noting could reach you, your mind is closed.

But, those who are undecided, or those who's HIllary choice was based on the Lie that Trump is "scary"?

Those people are still in play, and the President of Mexico giving "dignity" to Trump can move them to the Trump column.

And the Hillary lead RCP average is down to 2.8 points today...

And your pretense that international diplomacy has moved beyond threats and punitive measures is silly.

What do you think economic sanctions are if not punitive measures?
Sad when the only country that will validate him is the one he insulted.
Most Mexican Presidents are corrupt scumbags. So i'm not concerned with anything this one says. Being a corrupt scumbag, i'm sure he wants the Clintons in the White House. Corrupt scumbags naturally gravitate to fellow corrupt scumbags. If Trump wins, Mexico will help pay for enhanced border security. It'll happen one way or another. So the Mexican President can go to hell.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

This actually got positive reviews.... I didn't see his trip to Mexico as an embarassment at all. I don't know what it takes to embarass some people in this country but it appears that some people have under developed egos that can't take any damage at all.
Which is something I pointed out to you lefties days ago, when you were trying to spin the visit as a failure for Trump.

A sitting President of a nation, met with a Potential President.

By definition that built Trump's credibility.

When I said it, you lefties ridiculed the idea.

Now that Mexicans are saying it, it's cool.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Mexicans think that the meeting was so cool that the man who arranged the meeting, the finance minister, resigned from his job, disgraced.

Mexican finance minister resigns amid Trump scandal

"But the visit backfired on the president, with Mexicans voicing outrage that a US politician who has branded Mexican migrants as "rapists" would get such a prestigious invitation.

More than 88 percent of Mexicans expressed displeasure over Trump's visit, according to a survey by the Mitofsky polling firm."


As you said, inadvertently agreeing with me, they realized that Neito gave Trump an excellent photo op which helped him.

Which is the opposite of what they want to do, as Trump wants to pursue America's interests at Mexico's expense.

If this guy put that together, he deserves to lose his job. He blew it.

He probably underestimated Trump and how well Trump would use that opportunity to look "Presidential".

LOL! I wonder if he believed the nonsense that you lefties have been spewing about Trump being a "hothead"?

If so, you lefties are at least partially, indirectly responsible for Trump's recent upward direction in the polls.


So you interpret angry Mexicans have giving Trump credibility?

It does not work that way, Cor. I do not dislike my AZ Rep. Senator Flake. I do not consider that Trump's credibility increased, and Flake's credibility decreased when they met a couple of weeks ago, and Flake essentially told him to fuck off. Trump is a jerk, no matter who he meets with. If Flake had bowed down and kissed Trump's ring, HE would have lost credibility, but Trump is still a jerk. Mexican's almost universally despise Trump, and I promise you that none of them are the slightest bit intimidated by him, or his agenda. If anything, it would work the other way around. The more insulting Trump is, the more they will push back against American xpatriots in Mexico, just like this country pushed back against the Muslim world after 9/11. Successful international diplomacy is not won by threats and punitive measures. At least, not since 1939.

Your words "the mexicans are pissed that their president dignified Trump by meeting with him".

Dignified, credibility, tomayto, tomahto.

Noting could reach you, your mind is closed.

But, those who are undecided, or those who's HIllary choice was based on the Lie that Trump is "scary"?

Those people are still in play, and the President of Mexico giving "dignity" to Trump can move them to the Trump column.

And the Hillary lead RCP average is down to 2.8 points today...

And your pretense that international diplomacy has moved beyond threats and punitive measures is silly.

What do you think economic sanctions are if not punitive measures?
Sad when the only country that will validate him is the one he insulted.

No one likes it when a sucker wises up.

We've been the world's bitch on trade and immigration for decades.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

This actually got positive reviews.... I didn't see his trip to Mexico as an embarassment at all. I don't know what it takes to embarass some people in this country but it appears that some people have under developed egos that can't take any damage at all.

That part is true. A Drumpf Supporter is one who supports a small fraction of a man who:

Calls Mexicans rapists
Makes fun of disabled people
Insinuates that women are on their period when they question him
Has incited violence numerous times at his “rallies”
Thinks he knows more than the Generals about military affairs

It is no surprise that they cannot be embarrassed by anything.

If you want to play diplomat, you’re hemmed in by a set or rules. The first rule is trust. This is why new presidents historically get a “honeymoon” with Congress…they are feeling around for what each side can “get”. Once the trust is gone, that’s it. IF you can’t trust your counterpart, there is no need to move forward because you cannot believe anything that is “on the table” actually is on the table. So when the Mexican President gets two stories—from the prospective head of the government; it’s not a foundation to move forward. It’s basically trashing the landscape for the future.

A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

Outright lying doesn't help your argument.

My position needs no help.

To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).

Again, blatant lies are no substitute for a rational argument.

Oh, and as you know, I back Gary Johnson.

First of all, the vast majority of Trump supporters have been attracted to him because of his stance on the issues.

There has been very little of hysteria we witnessed with you lefties when Obama ran.

Your "messiah" stupidity is uncalled for.

Second of all, Your spin on this photo op is just a lie. Trump was diplomatic, and looked presidential.

His number are not trending upwards because he looked bad.

You can tell that the Communists are falling apart. The best Candy can do is flat out lying? :eek:
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

This actually got positive reviews.... I didn't see his trip to Mexico as an embarassment at all. I don't know what it takes to embarass some people in this country but it appears that some people have under developed egos that can't take any damage at all.

Candy has been reduced to blatant lying. Just shows what kind of shape the left is in.
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A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

Outright lying doesn't help your argument.

My position needs no help.

To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).

Again, blatant lies are no substitute for a rational argument.

Oh, and as you know, I back Gary Johnson.

And you cannot identify a single lie there. Your messiah was a pussy. Face it. You bet on the wrong horse…again.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

This actually got positive reviews.... I didn't see his trip to Mexico as an embarassment at all. I don't know what it takes to embarass some people in this country but it appears that some people have under developed egos that can't take any damage at all.

Candy has been reduced to blatant lying. Just show what kind of shape the left is in.

Hobby Lobby paying of 9 kinds of contraception
A supreme court that (lately has been in favor of everything we want)
Gay marriage is the law of the land
Obamacare ratified
The Republican nominee was one of the Democratic Nominee’s largest financial backers
Obama approval over 50% in some polls
Democratic Nominee leading in virtually every poll nationwide, in 11 of the 15 swing states and has a 70+% chance of winning the white house.

Yeah…the left is in BIG trouble.

Tell us some more jokes there.

A foreign policy? The Mexican president spanks him and says "We're not going to pay for the wall." He is speechless until he gets 800 miles away and says "Yes you are." If he can't handle a friendly nation like Mexico, he will wet his diapers when confronted with an enemy.

Outright lying doesn't help your argument.

My position needs no help.

To the President of Mexico’s face. your messiah was a pussy.
In the safety of Phoenix 800 miles away, he was happy to talk about them paying for the wall.

Diplomacy is built on frank discussion; not saying one thing to one party and another thing to a second group; both in public. But then again, you’d have to first care about the nation (neither you or your messiah do), and secondly, you’d have to understand diplomacy (you and your messiah are several meters out of your depth).

Again, blatant lies are no substitute for a rational argument.

Oh, and as you know, I back Gary Johnson.

And you cannot identify a single lie there. Your messiah was a pussy. Face it. You bet on the wrong horse…again.

How was he a 'Pussy?' He went to Mexico and gave a brave honest speech. It was the opposite of being a 'Pussy.' It was real leadership.

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