Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

The sad part is that the GOP could have beat Hillary so easy, if they would just quit nominating nuts. Gerald Ford, Reagan, Bush I, could have all beat Hillary. But the GOP is on some sort of masochistic death spiral.
You just don't get it, most Republicans are NOT Neo-Cons.
Fuck Ford, fuck Reagan, fuck Bush Sr.
Fuck Clinton (Well, ugh, no.)

I think that you missed MY point.

Trump has already lost this election, and things just continue to get worse for him. He has lost all of his momentum, and like a bullet fired into the air, he has nowhere else to go but down.

This is true whether one hates Hillary, or not.
Nope...I TOTALLY disagree with you.
I know PLENTY of legal Mexicans and Columbians who are voting for Trump because they want an ASSERTIVE leader.
Plus their kids can't get summer jobs because all the illegals already have them.

I know tons of legal immigrants from Mexico to Central America all the way to South America......... They don't like Trump.
1. What benefits do they gain by voting Trump?
2. Their kids cannot get summer jobs............ Really? Are all summer jobs like amazons, kohl or McDonald's hire illegals?
3. What made you think these kids will even take hard and dirty labor jobs? There are shortages of workers in agricultural sector........ Why not apply there?
4. Why do you blame your failures to illegals?

Just incase you didn't know......... Trump Hispanic supporters abandoned him after his immigration speech which is full of lies.
So a teenager in Uniondale is going to travel to a long distance locale to make MW?

How about summer jobs at the mall? For sure they are not taken over by illegals.
I think Correll has completely become unhinged.......Let us all hope that this nitwit will not harm himself or others this Nov. 8th.
Correll is unhinged.

He is a racist, yet denies it.

He is a nativist, yet denies it.

He is an ethnocentristt, yet denies it.

Mexico is not pay for a wall, and he hates it.

He hates anyone not like him.

Underachievers always must find and identify the villains that kept them from achieving success in life.
The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $58 billion in 2015. That means we bought $58 billion more from them than they ought from us.

So, does that make Mexico "bad"???? If you like your tomatoes to be cheap, accept it. Should we be ALSO belligerent with China and Germany?

In 2014, by contrast, the United States exported $123 billion in goods to China and imported $466 billion from China. That's a minus $343 billion imbalance in trade. In 2014, the U.S. exported $49 billion of goods to Germany and imported $123 billion for an imbalance of minus $73 billion (lots of Mercedes and BMWs).
Mexico is defiant.....what a shock. They ignore and mock US Immigration Laws. Their elite want to export their poor to US. We should respond by telling President Nieto that the US wants have the same Immigration Policies as Mexico. The Lefties and La Raza are going to love the Mexican Constitution that gives the government the right to keep or deport an individual on their potential to enhance the economy and the limitations on immigrants owning land and voting.

You actually seriously think that they, meaning the government of Mexico, is involved in smuggling people into United States?

Or maybe you just post this as some sort of comedic relief?

You said that, not me.
That was Trump being diplomatic.

If elected he will move to deport the illegals. This will outrage Mexico.

Consider that. US deporting illegal aliens from our nation, will outrage Mexico.

Let me explain a few things to you:

WE ALREADY DEPORT CRIMINAL ILLEGALS(and legal ones too btw) in record numbers under Obama. It has not "outraged" Mexico.

Trump is simply bullshitting you when he tells you he will deport criminal illegals...BECAUSE WE ALREADY DO THAT, and this particular promise amounts not to any real change in immigration policy, but rather some comical nonsense about him being able to catch criminals better, so much better that he'd manage to catch all of them his "FIRST HOUR IN OFFICE!".

The guy is a straight up CLOWN counting on gullible chumps like you to get him to the White House.

Illegal is illegal.

Dumbass, do you seriously not understand what Trump and everyone else is talking about?
Mexico is defiant.....what a shock. They ignore and mock US Immigration Laws. Their elite want to export their poor to US. We should respond by telling President Nieto that the US wants have the same Immigration Policies as Mexico. The Lefties and La Raza are going to love the Mexican Constitution that gives the government the right to keep or deport an individual on their potential to enhance the economy and the limitations on immigrants owning land and voting.

You actually seriously think that they, meaning the government of Mexico, is involved in smuggling people into United States?

Or maybe you just post this as some sort of comedic relief?

You said that, not me.

Well WTF did you say then? Who is "the elite that wants to export the poor" down there? :420:
Underachievers always must find and identify the villains that kept them from achieving success in life.

I know, I know that the comparison may not seem fair, but a certain German 80 or so years ago ALSO figured out that the best way to gain popularity is to identify one segment of German society and then blame ALL the ills on that subgroup....
Mexico is defiant.....what a shock. They ignore and mock US Immigration Laws. Their elite want to export their poor to US. We should respond by telling President Nieto that the US wants have the same Immigration Policies as Mexico. The Lefties and La Raza are going to love the Mexican Constitution that gives the government the right to keep or deport an individual on their potential to enhance the economy and the limitations on immigrants owning land and voting.

You actually seriously think that they, meaning the government of Mexico, is involved in smuggling people into United States?

Or maybe you just post this as some sort of comedic relief?

You said that, not me.

Well WTF did you say then? Who is "the elite that wants to export the poor" down there? :420:

The Elite.
Mexico is defiant.....what a shock. They ignore and mock US Immigration Laws. Their elite want to export their poor to US. We should respond by telling President Nieto that the US wants have the same Immigration Policies as Mexico. The Lefties and La Raza are going to love the Mexican Constitution that gives the government the right to keep or deport an individual on their potential to enhance the economy and the limitations on immigrants owning land and voting.

You actually seriously think that they, meaning the government of Mexico, is involved in smuggling people into United States?

Or maybe you just post this as some sort of comedic relief?

You said that, not me.

Well WTF did you say then? Who is "the elite that wants to export the poor" down there? :420:

The Elite.

The fucking crazy - you.
Elaborate why his constituency would be bloodthirsty?

The only reason Trump is popular is because he validates the baser instincts of his moronic enablers.
You mean he rejects,your liberal fascism....
Your guy makes a speech about rounding up immigrants, putting them in concentration camps or centers and suspending the constitution, and you use the term fascism to describe his opponents. The dumbing down of America has reached epic proportions with the Trump cult in the lead.

Common knowledge, podjo, on this board. If you don't know it, you are not caught up. If you do know it, you are guilty of lack of integrity.

Only a bozo thinks an American president can make Mexico pay for a border wall.

Which is why we should stop all foreign aid and use that money to build it

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