Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

yeah so he says

we will see what happens

No, we won’t.

Even if Trump were elected – which thankfully won’t be the case – Mexico wouldn’t be ‘paying’ for a ‘wall.’
Wanna bet?.....Any POTUS with a set of balls and no worries about political correctness, could bring Mexico right in line with a few strokes of a pen.
Obama has allowed the Mexican government to dictate its terms of relations with the US for his entire tenure in office.

not only Mexico but just about every nation on the planet

the prezbo is one of the worst card players ever

i mean really

who the f would tell our enemies exactly when we are planning to leave

Trump's Mexican Apology Tour was a complete failure!
No it wasn't. It was a success and has blindsided the Clinton campaign twofold.

If by turning off his own bloodthirsty constituency and core supporters is deemed a are right.
Elaborate why his constituency would be bloodthirsty?

The only reason Trump is popular is because he validates the baser instincts of his moronic enablers.
You mean he rejects,your liberal fascism....
No she means he appeals to the animalistic instincts of white males afraid they are losing power.
Eat it, libtards.

Trump insists Mexicans will pay for the wall, but 'don't know it yet'

Trump had told reporters earlier in the day that the pair agreed America had a right to wall off its 2,000-mile southern border, but claimed 'we didn't discuss' who would fund it.

Nieto later tweeted in Spanish: 'From the start of the conversation, I made it clear Mexico will not pay for that wall.'

He added that they addressed other issues during the rest of their conversation, and their meeting was 'respectful.'

Nieto spokesman Eduardo Sánchez told a Wall Street Journal reporter that Trump had told the truth – because the Mexican president had made a defiant statement but the American never responded.

'Mr. Trump was not lying... because there was no discussion,' Sánchez said.
Nieto can say he won't pay for the wall but he doesn't really have a choice. We'll just deduct it from the half billion we send them every year until it's paid for.

This is Trump mentality at it's batshit-crazy finest.

So, if you stop paying your kid/nephew the weekly allowence of a dollar, after 500 weeks, you take the $500 and buy yourself another "new" car (likely an AMC Pacer), by that logic, the kid bought you a car?
You really didn't think that one through, did you? We cut off their foreign aid, use the money to pay for the wall. Revenue neutral for us (you probably don't know what that means). BTW, please tell me where I can buy a new car for $500 (even an AMC Pacer), idiot. :laugh2:
So you send a dollar to Washington in tax money and they don't send it to Mexico but they build a wall with it and you're claiming Mexico is paying for the wall.

Rest well, you've been out in the sun way too long.
this thing about mexico paying for the wall, it's only controversial because people accuse trump of racism against mexicans, so it's a leverage issue, some foolish taco pride on one side, liberal gringo guilt on the other, the combination makes this stubborn resistance to the truth of the matter. the truth of the matter is quite simply that mexico is paying for the wall.
We can just take the cost out of the tens of millions of dollars we give them every year

Oh yea and how much is 20-30 billion upfront cost (though there is also ongoing maintenance cost) divided by "take out of tens of millions?"
How about the billions we spend on welfare and medical cost. Those savings would maintain the wall.
That money is spent on our own citizens not given to a corrupt foreign government

Why do you think we have to give money to Mexico?
We can just take the cost out of the tens of millions of dollars we give them every year

Oh yea and how much is 20-30 billion upfront cost (though there is also ongoing maintenance cost) divided by "take out of tens of millions?"

What's your answer, let them come in through open borders?

My answer is we talk about things on mathematically and factually sound grounds.

They are not open borders, you really don't know that? Just because Trump screams on top of his lungs that they are doesn't make it so. The borders are real and no, you are by law not allowed to cross them - that is not what open borders are.
Not open but full of holes anyway
We can just take the cost out of the tens of millions of dollars we give them every year

Oh yea and how much is 20-30 billion upfront cost (though there is also increased ongoing cost) divided by "take out of tens of millions?"
The tens of millions is an annual number so we could easily pay to secure the border with the money we piss away to Mexico

I insist you do some math.

No? Don't want to?

Ok let me do it for you:

Assuming we take out 10 million a year, it will take 250 YEARS to pay off 25 billion dollar wall...WITHOUT any interest considerations and ongoing maintenance costs which will of course easily be many many tens of millions in annual costs.

What you just said is nonsense, sorry.

I have an easier solution. Place armed guards along the border. Far less of a cost and you don't have to worry about someone trying it twice.
You're into shooting 8 year olds? Moms holding infants?
Never mind, it's you. Of course you would.
Don't have to shoot them just tell them to turn around
We can just take the cost out of the tens of millions of dollars we give them every year

Oh yea and how much is 20-30 billion upfront cost (though there is also increased ongoing cost) divided by "take out of tens of millions?"
The tens of millions is an annual number so we could easily pay to secure the border with the money we piss away to Mexico
It is still our own money. Just because we stop giving aid to Mexico doesn't mean the money is Mexico's. You are proposing we pay for the wall ourselves, with our own money.

It's our border so yes we just don't give the money to Mexico.

So we reclaim wasted money to use for our own purposes
We could always place a tariff on any products from Mexico if you like
Most foreign aid comes right back in the form of purchases of American products and services, no matter which country is getting the aid.

I doubt that

But it doesn't matter why give it away only to get some of it back it's still a losing proposition. We spend it in this country and it has the same effect
in case you didn't know there are 10 sets of 10 million in 100 million so the term tens of millions is perfectly acceptable to describe 100 million dollars

Thats just pathetic.

Or I could just let YOU support assertion YOU make, just as I support assertions I make.

Burden of proof - GOOGLE IT.

Now lets suppose we take ALL of this aid and let the place get run over by drug lords (since most of that money goes to support Mexican forces). Completely ruin the relationship with our neighbor and possibly deeply undermine well-being of that whole country, and oh by the way our own economic interests there.

We do all this and guess what, that money over 10-20 years is not even going to cover interest and maintenance expenses building that Trump Wall will entail.

IDGAF if Mexico is run by drug lords of we have a secure border
I never said we had them. I asked a simple question to you if that was what you suggested. You gave a simple minded response.

Sounds as if your mathematically and factually sound grounds means whatever you support. I suggested how to handle it and it's way cheaper.

Way cheaper? To place guards with guns along the entire south border?

Lets do some dirty math:

1,989 miles of south border.

How much do you think it would cost to keep daily 3 shifts (about 5 FTE at $200k inc equipment, facilities administration and etc.) of guards for every 1 mile of it?

About 2 billion/ year - is that really cheaper?

I'm not against spending money, if it is worth it for Americans, but given ALREADY leveling off or even some decline among illigals is it really a major problem to spend time and resources on? Seems like this is more a case of scapegoating illegals for all our problems.


We are already paying people in the military to guard the borders of other foreign countries
we bring them back home and let them guard our border

net cost 0
So you send a dollar to Washington in tax money and they don't send it to Mexico but they build a wall with it and you're claiming Mexico is paying for the wall.

Rest well, you've been out in the sun way too long.
Keep deflecting, I know it's all you have.
So you send a dollar to Washington in tax money and they don't send it to Mexico but they build a wall with it and you're claiming Mexico is paying for the wall.

Rest well, you've been out in the sun way too long.
Keep deflecting, I know it's all you have.

Deflecting? I'm demonstrating how incredibly stupid the Trump enablers are. It's so easy too.
Candydyke is getting nervous. :D
Of course she is.....Otherwise, she would not be protesting as she does.

Well, feel free to take me up on my wager offer if I'm so nervous about Ms. Clinton winning:

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!

Or you can be the pussy you're well known to be and ignore the challenge.
Hey candydyke, how come all of your avatars are pictures of lesbians?

You Poor racist...has to make up stories about his superiors to make himself feel better...didn't work did it?
Trump has repeatedly stated that he will put a tariff on imports from Mexico and a tax on remitances, plus he can take the Mexican foreign aid we send them and use emergency powers to reapropriate it.
If that really is what he would actually do -- and there is plenty of reason to doubt it -- I think that blackmailing and punishing such a close neighbor and ally is really a fabulous idea.

Maybe we should send the army down there and really show him we mean business. Park a few tanks outside the President's office and point the turrets at his freakin' desk.

Then, after he surrenders, we can all go out for tacos and burritos.

I mean, why Mexico, Mexicans and Latinos don't like Trump really is a mystery.
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There are and that's why you're shitting in your pants.

Hell, I was more worried about Romney than I am about Trump, and we whipped Romney's ass.

Yes, we did whip Romney's ass.
And now we're gonna whip Hillary's ass.
Oh yeah, I voted for Obama.

The sad part is that the GOP could have beat Hillary so easy, if they would just quit nominating nuts. Gerald Ford, Reagan, Bush I, could have all beat Hillary. But the GOP is on some sort of masochistic death spiral.
You just don't get it, most Republicans are NOT Neo-Cons.
Fuck Ford, fuck Reagan, fuck Bush Sr.
Fuck Clinton (Well, ugh, no.)

I think that you missed MY point.

Trump has already lost this election, and things just continue to get worse for him. He has lost all of his momentum, and like a bullet fired into the air, he has nowhere else to go but down.

This is true whether one hates Hillary, or not.

Last time I looked at the polls Hillary was up 5.

Just now she is up 4.5

You are lying, either to us or to yourself.
You guys think that Mexico is intimidated by the USA?

My best guess is that if Trump were to bill Mexico for a wall, Mexico would bill the USA for their war on drug cartels who are financed with American money.

I live 30 miles from Mexico, and their federales walk around in uniforms that have been mended by their wives, because the government can not afford to replace them. Thier city streets are gravel. Their sidewalks have not been repaired in decades. Their schools are so poorly funded that a major portion of the population is barely literate. The only thing keeping the country afloat is drug money, some tourism and nationalized oil.

They really should have spent the last 50 years getting on our good side instead of fucking US.
If I understand Trump's plan, Mexico doesn't actually "pay" for the wall.

"Paying" connotes an exchange of value, a voluntary passing of money from one hand to another.

Trump would stop the flow of that money to the country, much of which would have gone to perfectly decent Mexican citizens.

I can see this going well.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yeah--Mexico stated MONTHS ago that they wouldn't pay for a wall, so this is no surprise. Trump just went down there for a photo opt, but it won't work. Latino's are done with the Republican party, and like blacks I doubt they'll ever be back. But I believe Trump told his supporters that the President of Mexico agreed to pay for a wall? Is that correct? Anyone?
Clinton Has 69-Point Lead Over Trump in Latest Latino Vote Tracking Poll - Latino USA


Trump the Candidate met a sitting President of a nation and you think the Photo Op did not work?

We have anti-trump people all over this site attacking Trump for NOT acting like he was already the Sitting President and engaging in formal negotiations with Nieto.

Your claim that he is a national embarrassment is self serving partisan blather.

You implication that a Trump as a Presidential Candidate seeking a Photo Op is something to be held against him is utterly absurd.

Latinos ALWAYS vote in a block for the party of ever more government services and open borders.

For decades libs have been gloating that demographic change led by Hispanic growth would end the GOP, now suddenly the same libs are pretending that it is all Trump's fault.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

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