Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

backing down in front of the whole world, then trying to blame the whole world while they laugh at you

Would it be too much to ask WHEN and HOW the "whole world is laughing at Obama"????

Something that you pull out of your behind is not fact....
Trump has repeatedly stated that he will put a tariff on imports from Mexico and a tax on remitances, plus he can take the Mexican foreign aid we send them and use emergency powers to reapropriate it.
If that really is what he would actually do -- and there is plenty of reason to doubt it -- I think that blackmailing and punishing such a close neighbor and ally is really a fabulous idea.

Maybe we should send the army down there and really show him we mean business. Park a few tanks outside the President's office and point the turrets at his freakin' desk.

Then, after he surrenders, we can all go out for tacos and burritos.

I mean, why Mexico, Mexicans and Latinos don't like Trump really is a mystery.

Mexico is not acting like an ally. They are massively taking advantage of US, and we need to stop it.

Letting Mexico get to the point where they take it for granted that they get to take advantage of US was a bad idea over the last 50 years.

Standing up for ourselves is going to cause conflict, that is unavoidable.

Blackmailing and punishing a unfriendly nation that is causing your nation and citizens real harm and refuses to stop?

Really is a "fabulous idea".
Trump would stop the flow of that money to the country, much of which would have gone to perfectly decent Mexican citizens.

I can see this going well.

NO.......If Trump still plans on deporting 11 million so-called illegals, then the flow of money becomes a moot point, and there's no incentive for Mexico....That is, UNLESS Trump is backtracking and flip-flopping on deportation....
Would it be too much to ask WHEN and HOW the "whole world is laughing at Obama"????
Where to start... Hmmmm...

- When Barry tried to blame the whole world for HIS 'Red Line'...

- When Barry won 'Lie of the Year'

- When it was announced Barry was criminally non-compliant with the Freedom of Information Act, refusing to respond to 70% of all Freedom of Information Act requests... after promising to run 'the most transparent Administration ever'...

- When Barry said he had visited all 57 states...

... and so many other times.
If I understand Trump's plan, Mexico doesn't actually "pay" for the wall.

"Paying" connotes an exchange of value, a voluntary passing of money from one hand to another.

Trump would stop the flow of that money to the country, much of which would have gone to perfectly decent Mexican citizens.

I can see this going well.

The "stopping the flow" of money is the leverage that he will use to get Mexico to pay for the Wall, and/or if they refuse, the back up way to get them to pay for it, less directly.

This is a conflict between the US and a nation which is violating our Sovereignty constantly and massively to the detriment of perfectly decent American citizens.

It has not been going well for decades.
Trump has repeatedly stated that he will put a tariff on imports from Mexico and a tax on remitances, plus he can take the Mexican foreign aid we send them and use emergency powers to reapropriate it.
If that really is what he would actually do -- and there is plenty of reason to doubt it -- I think that blackmailing and punishing such a close neighbor and ally is really a fabulous idea.

Maybe we should send the army down there and really show him we mean business. Park a few tanks outside the President's office and point the turrets at his freakin' desk.

Then, after he surrenders, we can all go out for tacos and burritos.

I mean, why Mexico, Mexicans and Latinos don't like Trump really is a mystery.

Mexico is not acting like an ally. They are massively taking advantage of US, and we need to stop it.

Letting Mexico get to the point where they take it for granted that they get to take advantage of US was a bad idea over the last 50 years.

Standing up for ourselves is going to cause conflict, that is unavoidable.

Blackmailing and punishing a unfriendly nation that is causing your nation and citizens real harm and refuses to stop?

Really is a "fabulous idea".
Has anyone on any side of our political spectrum advocated for a high-level, highly publicized summit between our two Presidents, at which a wide range of experts and decision-makers look at this problem comprehensively, from all aspects? One at which each side commits to making positive immediate changes for which they will be held accountable? One at which we carefully identify and explore the root causes of this problem and how we can specifically address them as friends and allies? Maybe take a month. Or two. Or three.

Before we (a) continue doing what we're doing now, which is very little, or (b) resort to simplistic, Yosemite Sam politics, perhaps we could find a few intelligent, mature adults from both countries and give that a shot.

I know that sounds crazy, but I have been a loon for a long time.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Mexico is defiant.....what a shock. They ignore and mock US Immigration Laws. Their elite want to export their poor to US. We should respond by telling President Nieto that the US wants have the same Immigration Policies as Mexico. The Lefties and La Raza are going to love the Mexican Constitution that gives the government the right to keep or deport an individual on their potential to enhance the economy and the limitations on immigrants owning land and voting.
Mexico is defiant.....what a shock. They ignore and mock US Immigration Laws. Their elite want to export their poor to US. We should respond by telling President Nieto that the US wants have the same Immigration Policies as Mexico. The Lefties and La Raza are going to love the Mexican Constitution that gives the government the right to keep or deport an individual on their potential to enhance the economy and the limitations on immigrants owning land and voting.

You actually seriously think that they, meaning the government of Mexico, is involved in smuggling people into United States?

Or maybe you just post this as some sort of comedic relief?
Trump would stop the flow of that money to the country, much of which would have gone to perfectly decent Mexican citizens.

I can see this going well.

NO.......If Trump still plans on deporting 11 million so-called illegals, then the flow of money becomes a moot point, and there's no incentive for Mexico....That is, UNLESS Trump is backtracking and flip-flopping on deportation....

Except that not all the money comes from illegals.

Except that not all the illegals will be deported AT ONCE.

I've pointed that out to you before.

Pretending that you didn't know that already and repeating your original position is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your point is invalid.

Trump's point stands.

Threatening to stop that flow of money is HUGE leverage on the Government of Mexico.
Way cheaper? To place guards with guns along the entire south border?

Lets do some dirty math:

1,989 miles of south border.

How much do you think it would cost to keep daily 3 shifts (about 5 FTE at $200k inc equipment, facilities administration and etc.) of guards for every 1 mile of it?

About 2 billion/ year - is that really cheaper?

I'm not against spending money, if it is worth it for Americans, but given ALREADY leveling off or even some decline among illigals is it really a major problem to spend time and resources on? Seems like this is more a case of scapegoating illegals for all our problems.


Leveling off is not acceptable.

Rapid and irreversible decline is the only scenario that is acceptable.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and what the Law of Supply and Demand improve the lives of our Working CLass and Middle Class workers and their families.
The manufacturing jobs are gone and not coming back. The only reason people are doing those jobs at all is because the cost of labor overseas is cheap and the safety requirements are low, meaning cheap. If you raise tariffs enough to make it not affordable to make stuff overseas it will come back to the USA as a highly automated process with a small fraction of the jobs the factory once had.

The only real future in jobs all over the world is in the high tech realm or in the trade jobs. Factory jobs and midlevel white collar jobs are dying.

Nonsense. Trump is going to see that every town blacksmith job and every locomotive fireman job will come back just as soon as he is elected.

Your hyperbole is noted.

Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we do. Many of those jobs are still there and can come back if we just stop being the world's bitch when it comes to trade.

And Trade jobs are effected by the Law of Supply and Demand too.

Deport the illegals. Limit legal immigration and reduce work visas.

Labor cost in Mexico is 5% of labor costs in the USA. That is why a trainload of new Ford automobiles comes up the Santa Cruz River Valley near my house from Nogales every other night.

Be sure to send me a PM when Trump brings that assembly plant back to the US.

Now that I think about it, that is too ambitious. Just send me an PM when Trump brings his own clothing business back to the US.

It seems that the cost of labor is 10 to 15% of the final cost. If that is correct, then the threatened 50% tariff would indeed, make it economically viable to move the plant back to the US.
Where to start... Hmmmm...

- When Barry tried to blame the whole world for HIS 'Red Line'...

- When Barry won 'Lie of the Year'

- When it was announced Barry was criminally non-compliant with the Freedom of Information Act, refusing to respond to 70% of all Freedom of Information Act requests... after promising to run 'the most transparent Administration ever'...

- When Barry said he had visited all 57 states...

... and so many other times.

LAME......very lame.....but expected.
DO read some foreign newspapers or listen to foreign broadcasts......Educate yourself instead of spreading your imbecility.
Where to start... Hmmmm...

- When Barry tried to blame the whole world for HIS 'Red Line'...

- When Barry won 'Lie of the Year'

- When it was announced Barry was criminally non-compliant with the Freedom of Information Act, refusing to respond to 70% of all Freedom of Information Act requests... after promising to run 'the most transparent Administration ever'...

- When Barry said he had visited all 57 states...

... and so many other times.

LAME......very lame.....but expected.
DO read some foreign newspapers or listen to foreign broadcasts......Educate yourself instead of spreading your imbecility.
Here's what the President of Mexico told Trump:

The president of Mexico explained Thursday why he invited Donald Trump to visit his country, pitching the trip as a chance to meet with someone important -- even if the Republican nominee is widely disliked in the country.

"I was very clear in public and in private to emphasize the fact that in Mexico, we feel offended and hurt by his statements about Mexicans," Enrique Peña Nieto wrote in an op-ed for his El Universal. "I expressed that we deserve respect, that we are honest, hardworking people, that we value our families and the culture of effort."

Peña Nieto and Trump met in Mexico City Wednesday on a whirlwind visit ahead of Trump's major immigration speech in Arizona. In public, Trump and Peña Nieto mostly struck a friendly tone, though acrimony later broke out over whether the pair had discussed Mexican payment for a US-Mexico border wall, a trademark Trump policy.

"I was also very clear in my conversation with Trump on the border: Mexico will not pay for any wall," Peña Nieto wrote.

Trump has disputed Peña Nieto's account, and in his speech on Wednesday he declared, "Mexico will pay for the wall. 100%. They don't know it yet, but they're going to pay for the wall."
Mexican president explains why he met with Donald Trump -

No they're not going to pay for a wall and they've told him that at least 2 times now. Trump and Pense both LIED when they stated there was no discussion on who would pay for the wall.


1. Your Godwin shows that you are a fearmongering asshole.

2. Note that the President of Mexico feels that Trump is an important person.

3. Of course he is upset about Trump's proposed policies. They will do IMMENSE HARM to Mexican Interests.

4. Just because someone says they will not do something, even if they say it TWICE, does not mean that they will not do it. Especially if someone with the HUGE leverage that the President of the United States has on Mexico, starts putting pressure on them. Hell, we might be able to take the cost out of Mexican interactions with the US against their will, such as increasing the cost of Visas.

5. Someone spouting off and being ignored on an issue is not a discussion.

6. Nieto was stupid if he though that Trump would negotiate before he had any leverage.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Lol, right, as if you are some kind of impartial judge.

Trump looked better going down to Mexico and discussing things with those that disagree with him than Hillary having a coughing fit and choking out "Trump is a RAAAYYYSSSIIIIIISSSSS ! ! ! ! !"

The ONLY thing Trump has accomplished is to damage relations with Mexico, in this futile effort to get Hispanic support back here. That's why he went down there. Then he came back & LIED and stated that there was no discussion on who was going to pay for wall. El Presidente told him to FUCK OFF is what happened. That Mexico was not going to pay for the wall, and they have repeatedly stated that over the last several months dumbass.

Your John Wayne Trump just turned into Pee Wee Herman.


Threatening to stop that flow of money is HUGE leverage on the Government of Mexico.

Yes, brown-shirted Feds would be positioned at every Western Union outlet to stop anyone who wants to send money to Mexico, correct???
Why not buy and transport the China wall? They would probably sell it cheap, since it did not work for them. The mongols simply bribed their way through it, and ruled China for hundreds of years.

If not, we could make an offer to Britain for Hadrian's wall. Again, it did not work, so it can be had for a low price.

I am afraid the it is too late to buy the Berlin wall. It did not work, either, but it has disappeared into collectors' warehouses.

If you libs didn't think it would work, you would not be so against it.
If you libs didn't think it would work, you would not be so against it.

Its just STUPID.......and yes, I'm against stupidity that bullshits half-brained right wingers into submission.
Threatening to stop that flow of money is HUGE leverage on the Government of Mexico.

Yes, brown-shirted Feds would be positioned at every Western Union outlet to stop anyone who wants to send money to Mexico, correct???

No one has a "Right" to send money to a hostile nation.

There is no "brown shirts" required to effect this.

Speaking of "brown shirts" by the way, remember San Jose?


That type of political street violence is ACTUALLY what Brown shirts were famous for.
If you libs didn't think it would work, you would not be so against it.

Its just STUPID.......and yes, I'm against stupidity that bullshits half-brained right wingers into submission.

Nope. IT's just be a couple of billion down the drain, nothing to get excited about with a federal budget running in the literally TRILLIONS.

Not worth all this furor.

You lefties are against it because you WANT to import as much of the Third World into this nation AS FAST AS YOU CAN.

And the Wall might slow that down a little.
Would it be too much to ask WHEN and HOW the "whole world is laughing at Obama"????
Where to start... Hmmmm...

- When Barry tried to blame the whole world for HIS 'Red Line'...

- When Barry won 'Lie of the Year'

- When it was announced Barry was criminally non-compliant with the Freedom of Information Act, refusing to respond to 70% of all Freedom of Information Act requests... after promising to run 'the most transparent Administration ever'...

- When Barry said he had visited all 57 states...

... and so many other times.

Globally, Obama’s image is mostly positive. Across the 40 countries polled, a median of 65% say they have confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. A median of just 27% lack confidence in the American leader. Overall, Obama remains much more popular globally than his predecessor......

7 charts on how the world views President Obama.

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