Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Lol, right, as if you are some kind of impartial judge.

Trump looked better going down to Mexico and discussing things with those that disagree with him than Hillary having a coughing fit and choking out "Trump is a RAAAYYYSSSIIIIIISSSSS ! ! ! ! !"
Trump says the payment of the wall never came up.

The Mexican president said that he told Trump, "We pay nada for no stinkin' wall".

Then Trump and Pense both lied.
No, Vandalshandle lied or is too stupid to know the difference between saying 'something was not discussed' vrs 'it did not come up'

The Mexican President mentioned it but Trump ignored him.

But Trump has accomplished much with the trip or else the Dems wouldnt be pushing a full court press to smear it as a fail.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Lol, right, as if you are some kind of impartial judge.

Trump looked better going down to Mexico and discussing things with those that disagree with him than Hillary having a coughing fit and choking out "Trump is a RAAAYYYSSSIIIIIISSSSS ! ! ! ! !"

The ONLY thing Trump has accomplished is to damage relations with Mexico, in this futile effort to get Hispanic support back here. That's why he went down there. Then he came back & LIED and stated that there was no discussion on who was going to pay for wall. El Presidente told him to FUCK OFF is what happened. That Mexico was not going to pay for the wall, and they have repeatedly stated that over the last several months dumbass.

Your John Wayne Trump just turned into Pee Wee Herman.

Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Screw professional politicians. They are the reason why this country is in such a funk....And that crosses the aisle.
BTW, can you say trade sanctions.
One way or another, Mexico will pay for its insolence.
Trump once again said yesterday (somewhat cryptically) that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

Either he has a master secret plan, or he's just blowing silly smoke to keep his base happy.

Gosh, I wonder which one it is.
It is only a secret to people that dont try to read literature from trump supporters, dude.

Trump has repeatedly stated that he will put a tariff on imports from Mexico and a tax on remitances, plus he can take the Mexican foreign aid we send them and use emergency powers to reapropriate it.

It truly isnt rocket science dude.
How so, Candy...because you say so?

Declaring a 'Red Line', having it crossed, backing down in front of the whole world, then trying to blame the whole world while they laugh at you - THAT is a national embarassment. THAT is Obama!
Obama is far more respected around the globe than the southern American idiots that the rest of the world views as the joke American stereoptype
Keep deluding yourself.
How you can type that with a straight face is a miracle.
How so, Candy...because you say so?

Declaring a 'Red Line', having it crossed, backing down in front of the whole world, then trying to blame the whole world while they laugh at you - THAT is a national embarassment. THAT is Obama!
Obama is far more respected around the globe than the southern American idiots that the rest of the world views as the joke American stereoptype
He had to apologize for this country, bow to a lot of rulers, and kiss a lot of ass to earn that respect, too!
That is not respect. Its pity.
You are talking about shooting people who come onto your yard, not into your house.
Now yo are going to argue over metaphors?


Trump says the payment of the wall never came up.

The Mexican president said that he told Trump, "We pay nada for no stinkin' wall".

Then Trump and Pense both lied.
No, Vandalshandle lied or is too stupid to know the difference between saying 'something was not discussed' vrs 'it did not come up'

The Mexican President mentioned it but Trump ignored him.

But Trump has accomplished much with the trip or else the Dems wouldnt be pushing a full court press to smear it as a fail.

Getting told to FUCK OFF is an accomplishment now a days- LOL Lying about getting told to FUCK OFF is another accomplishment--LOL

I imagine Hillary Clinton has gotten another huge jump in support from legal voting Latino's in this country--even though she already had a 69 point lead with them.
Clinton Has 69-Point Lead Over Trump in Latest Latino Vote Tracking Poll - Latino USA
All those Trump-style grand pronouncements about winning black and Hispanic voters are falling apart

You probably didn't know that the GOP nominee since Reagan has had to capture at least 40% of the Hispanic block to win the White House--LOL You probably also didn't know that they represent 17% of the population or 27 million legal American voting Latino's. You probably also didn't know that they are the fastest growing population in this country, and because of Trump and you freaking idiots, they're probably gone forever, like blacks are.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

You are bloody well going to get your ass's kicked on election night.

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yeah so he says

we will see what happens

No, we won’t.

Even if Trump were elected – which thankfully won’t be the case – Mexico wouldn’t be ‘paying’ for a ‘wall.’
Wanna bet?.....Any POTUS with a set of balls and no worries about political correctness, could bring Mexico right in line with a few strokes of a pen.
Obama has allowed the Mexican government to dictate its terms of relations with the US for his entire tenure in office.
Getting told to FUCK OFF is an accomplishment now a days- LOL Lying about getting told to FUCK OFF is another accomplishment--LOL
You shit4brains are the only ones lying here; Mexicos President never told Trump to fuck off, moron.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Screw professional politicians. They are the reason why this country is in such a funk....And that crosses the aisle.
BTW, can you say trade sanctions.
One way or another, Mexico will pay for its insolence.

I always like asking morons like you this question. If this nation is a "hell hole" like you messiah says it is...why haven't you left? What nation would you rather live in than this one?

If you can't name one, shut the fuck up.

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