Mexican President: We're not paying for the wall.

One, the Mexicans are not paying for the wall.

Two, despite Correll's yelling, the manufacturing jobs are not coming back.
Arguing about what Trump is going to do, or not do, about illegal aliens, is sort of like arguing about what Reagan would do, should he suddenly be resurrected and reelected.

It ain't going to happen, anyway.

The folks in AZ know that, and the state is no longer a guaranteed GOP state.Going blue is very possible this year. Even McCain is keeping his distance from him.

Trump has already lost the election, and an epic landslide to rival LBJ over Goldwater is starting to look possible. The truth is that there simply are not enough undereducated, white, angry, high school male graduates to get Trump elected.
There are and that's why you're shitting in your pants.

Hell, I was more worried about Romney than I am about Trump, and we whipped Romney's ass.

Yes, we did whip Romney's ass.
And now we're gonna whip Hillary's ass.
Oh yeah, I voted for Obama.

The sad part is that the GOP could have beat Hillary so easy, if they would just quit nominating nuts. Gerald Ford, Reagan, Bush I, could have all beat Hillary. But the GOP is on some sort of masochistic death spiral.
You just don't get it, most Republicans are NOT Neo-Cons.
Fuck Ford, fuck Reagan, fuck Bush Sr.
Fuck Clinton (Well, ugh, no.)
Arguing about what Trump is going to do, or not do, about illegal aliens, is sort of like arguing about what Reagan would do, should he suddenly be resurrected and reelected.

It ain't going to happen, anyway.

The folks in AZ know that, and the state is no longer a guaranteed GOP state.Going blue is very possible this year. Even McCain is keeping his distance from him.

Trump has already lost the election, and an epic landslide to rival LBJ over Goldwater is starting to look possible. The truth is that there simply are not enough undereducated, white, angry, high school male graduates to get Trump elected.

Odd, a moment ago you were happy to discuss whether Trump's policies could work and whether he would do them.

Now you want to drop those discussions, cause they are "pointless".

Kind of admitting that you got your ass handed to you.

Now, Correll, you have completely dismissed the article I posted by NBC , or ABC, I forget which), without comment. Such article pointed out at least 10 major lies by Trump on illegals, in his Phoenix speech. You did not address a single one of those points.

Am i supposed to pursue you until you address the issues I posted?

I don't think so.
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Arguing about what Trump is going to do, or not do, about illegal aliens, is sort of like arguing about what Reagan would do, should he suddenly be resurrected and reelected.

It ain't going to happen, anyway.

The folks in AZ know that, and the state is no longer a guaranteed GOP state.Going blue is very possible this year. Even McCain is keeping his distance from him.

Trump has already lost the election, and an epic landslide to rival LBJ over Goldwater is starting to look possible. The truth is that there simply are not enough undereducated, white, angry, high school male graduates to get Trump elected.
There are and that's why you're shitting in your pants.

Hell, I was more worried about Romney than I am about Trump, and we whipped Romney's ass.

Yes, we did whip Romney's ass.
And now we're gonna whip Hillary's ass.
Oh yeah, I voted for Obama.

The sad part is that the GOP could have beat Hillary so easy, if they would just quit nominating nuts. Gerald Ford, Reagan, Bush I, could have all beat Hillary. But the GOP is on some sort of masochistic death spiral.
You just don't get it, most Republicans are NOT Neo-Cons.
Fuck Ford, fuck Reagan, fuck Bush Sr.
Fuck Clinton (Well, ugh, no.)

I think that you missed MY point.

Trump has already lost this election, and things just continue to get worse for him. He has lost all of his momentum, and like a bullet fired into the air, he has nowhere else to go but down.

This is true whether one hates Hillary, or not.
There are and that's why you're shitting in your pants.

Hell, I was more worried about Romney than I am about Trump, and we whipped Romney's ass.

Yes, we did whip Romney's ass.
And now we're gonna whip Hillary's ass.
Oh yeah, I voted for Obama.

The sad part is that the GOP could have beat Hillary so easy, if they would just quit nominating nuts. Gerald Ford, Reagan, Bush I, could have all beat Hillary. But the GOP is on some sort of masochistic death spiral.
You just don't get it, most Republicans are NOT Neo-Cons.
Fuck Ford, fuck Reagan, fuck Bush Sr.
Fuck Clinton (Well, ugh, no.)

I think that you missed MY point.

Trump has already lost this election, and things just continue to get worse for him. He has lost all of his momentum, and like a bullet fired into the air, he has nowhere else to go but down.

This is true whether one hates Hillary, or not.
Nope...I TOTALLY disagree with you.
I know PLENTY of legal Mexicans and Columbians who are voting for Trump because they want an ASSERTIVE leader.
Plus their kids can't get summer jobs because all the illegals already have them.
Hell, I was more worried about Romney than I am about Trump, and we whipped Romney's ass.

Yes, we did whip Romney's ass.
And now we're gonna whip Hillary's ass.
Oh yeah, I voted for Obama.

The sad part is that the GOP could have beat Hillary so easy, if they would just quit nominating nuts. Gerald Ford, Reagan, Bush I, could have all beat Hillary. But the GOP is on some sort of masochistic death spiral.
You just don't get it, most Republicans are NOT Neo-Cons.
Fuck Ford, fuck Reagan, fuck Bush Sr.
Fuck Clinton (Well, ugh, no.)

I think that you missed MY point.

Trump has already lost this election, and things just continue to get worse for him. He has lost all of his momentum, and like a bullet fired into the air, he has nowhere else to go but down.

This is true whether one hates Hillary, or not.
Nope...I TOTALLY disagree with you.
I know PLENTY of legal Mexicans and Columbians who are voting for Trump because they want an ASSERTIVE leader.
Plus their kids can't get summer jobs because all the illegals already have them.

Well, I wouldn't know about the kids losing jobs to illegal aliens, because in my state, AZ, we have E-verify, and it isn't happening here. As for Latinos supporting Trump:

Some of Trump’s Hispanic fans are abandoning ship after his immigration speech
Yes, we did whip Romney's ass.
And now we're gonna whip Hillary's ass.
Oh yeah, I voted for Obama.

The sad part is that the GOP could have beat Hillary so easy, if they would just quit nominating nuts. Gerald Ford, Reagan, Bush I, could have all beat Hillary. But the GOP is on some sort of masochistic death spiral.
You just don't get it, most Republicans are NOT Neo-Cons.
Fuck Ford, fuck Reagan, fuck Bush Sr.
Fuck Clinton (Well, ugh, no.)

I think that you missed MY point.

Trump has already lost this election, and things just continue to get worse for him. He has lost all of his momentum, and like a bullet fired into the air, he has nowhere else to go but down.

This is true whether one hates Hillary, or not.
Nope...I TOTALLY disagree with you.
I know PLENTY of legal Mexicans and Columbians who are voting for Trump because they want an ASSERTIVE leader.
Plus their kids can't get summer jobs because all the illegals already have them.

Well, I wouldn't know about the kids losing jobs to illegal aliens, because in my state, AZ, we have E-verify, and it isn't happening here. As for Latinos supporting Trump:

Some of Trump’s Hispanic fans are abandoning ship after his immigration speech

Damn! Trump just lost THREE Hispanics.
How will he recover.
Please, let's not prattle like children.
Let's see, America is the only super power left on the planet and wealthy Mexican citizens are 75% more likely to lose a child to kidnapping. What does that say about Mexico's freaking president? Guess what, Mexico will pay for the freaking wall no matter what the president of Mexico says. You almost gotta laugh that the left wing media wasn't curious about why Barry Hussein sent 400 million in cold hard cash to Iran but they are worried about the greatest Country in the world's ability to force a freaking 3rd world country in the Western Hemisphere's ability to force a criminal enterprise to conform to U.S. regulations? What the hell happened to the U.S. in the last hundred years?
You guys think that Mexico is intimidated by the USA?

My best guess is that if Trump were to bill Mexico for a wall, Mexico would bill the USA for their war on drug cartels who are financed with American money.

I live 30 miles from Mexico, and their federales walk around in uniforms that have been mended by their wives, because the government can not afford to replace them. Thier city streets are gravel. Their sidewalks have not been repaired in decades. Their schools are so poorly funded that a major portion of the population is barely literate. The only thing keeping the country afloat is drug money, some tourism and nationalized oil.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yeah--Mexico stated MONTHS ago that they wouldn't pay for a wall, so this is no surprise. Trump just went down there for a photo opt, but it won't work. Latino's are done with the Republican party, and like blacks I doubt they'll ever be back. But I believe Trump told his supporters that the President of Mexico agreed to pay for a wall? Is that correct? Anyone?
Clinton Has 69-Point Lead Over Trump in Latest Latino Vote Tracking Poll - Latino USA

Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yeah--Mexico states MONTHS ago that they wouldn't pay for a wall, so this is no surprise. But I believe Trump told his supporters that the President of Mexico agreed to pay for a wall? Is that correct? Anyone?


Let me DIDN'T watch the speech.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yeah--Mexico states MONTHS ago that they wouldn't pay for a wall, so this is no surprise. But I believe Trump told his supporters that the President of Mexico agreed to pay for a wall? Is that correct? Anyone?


Let me DIDN'T watch the speech.

No I won't watch that physco babble chimpanzee speak. I prefer to read what he has said.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.

Yeah--Mexico states MONTHS ago that they wouldn't pay for a wall, so this is no surprise. But I believe Trump told his supporters that the President of Mexico agreed to pay for a wall? Is that correct? Anyone?


Let me DIDN'T watch the speech.

No I won't watch that physco babble chimpanzee speak. I prefer to read what he has said.
I am sure you will read a non-doctored version of the speech.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Ah.... the pathetic Candyass pipes up only to spew more lies. What exactly was embarrassing? Liberals hate national sovereignty. Candyass, please explain again why you are afraid. What exactly terrifies you regarding a secure border? Is your human smuggling ring going to collapse?
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Ah.... the pathetic Candyass pipes up only to spew more lies. What exactly was embarrassing? Liberals hate national sovereignty. Candyass, please explain again why you are afraid. What exactly terrifies you regarding a secure border? Is your human smuggling ring going to collapse?

Did he actually tell you that Mexico agreed to pay for the wall, is the question. Yes or No
I never said we had them. I asked a simple question to you if that was what you suggested. You gave a simple minded response.

Sounds as if your mathematically and factually sound grounds means whatever you support. I suggested how to handle it and it's way cheaper.

Way cheaper? To place guards with guns along the entire south border?

Lets do some dirty math:

1,989 miles of south border.

How much do you think it would cost to keep daily 3 shifts (about 5 FTE at $200k inc equipment, facilities administration and etc.) of guards for every 1 mile of it?

About 2 billion/ year - is that really cheaper?

I'm not against spending money, if it is worth it for Americans, but given ALREADY leveling off or even some decline among illigals is it really a major problem to spend time and resources on? Seems like this is more a case of scapegoating illegals for all our problems.


Leveling off is not acceptable.

Rapid and irreversible decline is the only scenario that is acceptable.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, and what the Law of Supply and Demand improve the lives of our Working CLass and Middle Class workers and their families.
The manufacturing jobs are gone and not coming back. The only reason people are doing those jobs at all is because the cost of labor overseas is cheap and the safety requirements are low, meaning cheap. If you raise tariffs enough to make it not affordable to make stuff overseas it will come back to the USA as a highly automated process with a small fraction of the jobs the factory once had.

The only real future in jobs all over the world is in the high tech realm or in the trade jobs. Factory jobs and midlevel white collar jobs are dying.

Nonsense. Trump is going to see that every town blacksmith job and every locomotive fireman job will come back just as soon as he is elected.

Your hyperbole is noted.

Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we do. Many of those jobs are still there and can come back if we just stop being the world's bitch when it comes to trade.

And Trade jobs are effected by the Law of Supply and Demand too.

Deport the illegals. Limit legal immigration and reduce work visas.

Labor cost in Mexico is 5% of labor costs in the USA. That is why a trainload of new Ford automobiles comes up the Santa Cruz River Valley near my house from Nogales every other night.

Be sure to send me a PM when Trump brings that assembly plant back to the US.

Now that I think about it, that is too ambitious. Just send me an PM when Trump brings his own clothing business back to the US.
Here's what the President of Mexico told Trump:

The president of Mexico explained Thursday why he invited Donald Trump to visit his country, pitching the trip as a chance to meet with someone important -- even if the Republican nominee is widely disliked in the country.

"I was very clear in public and in private to emphasize the fact that in Mexico, we feel offended and hurt by his statements about Mexicans," Enrique Peña Nieto wrote in an op-ed for his El Universal. "I expressed that we deserve respect, that we are honest, hardworking people, that we value our families and the culture of effort."

Peña Nieto and Trump met in Mexico City Wednesday on a whirlwind visit ahead of Trump's major immigration speech in Arizona. In public, Trump and Peña Nieto mostly struck a friendly tone, though acrimony later broke out over whether the pair had discussed Mexican payment for a US-Mexico border wall, a trademark Trump policy.

"I was also very clear in my conversation with Trump on the border: Mexico will not pay for any wall," Peña Nieto wrote.

Trump has disputed Peña Nieto's account, and in his speech on Wednesday he declared, "Mexico will pay for the wall. 100%. They don't know it yet, but they're going to pay for the wall."
Mexican president explains why he met with Donald Trump -

No they're not going to pay for a wall and they've told him that at least 2 times now. Trump and Pense both LIED when they stated there was no discussion on who would pay for the wall.

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Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Ah.... the pathetic Candyass pipes up only to spew more lies. What exactly was embarrassing? Liberals hate national sovereignty. Candyass, please explain again why you are afraid. What exactly terrifies you regarding a secure border? Is your human smuggling ring going to collapse?

As always, you know nothing:

From August of 2015:
I am all for building a wall across both the northern and southern borders. In this day and age, you can make a bomb in your area and drive it into my area. While it's true you could still do that with border checkpoints, at least we have a chance to interdict the device. So I say build walls. But I hope everyone understands that as long as there has been walls, there have been ways to get around them. It will not end illegal immigration. You say you think folks miss the big issue...I think Trump supporters miss the big issue. It's bewildering that so many are being lead to believe that if you build this wall, that will stop anything. It will stop nothing; only limit the payload. Think of the wall as one of those turnstiles they used to have where you could walk into or out of a store but not take the shopping cart with you.

The issue in this thread is who is paying for it. Mexico will not pay for it. Anyone who believes it is either an idiot or woefully unaware of geopolitics. Anyone who states it is both.
Trump's disastrous trip to Mexico proves once again why Politics is a left to professionals. He's now a national embarassment.
Ah.... the pathetic Candyass pipes up only to spew more lies. What exactly was embarrassing? Liberals hate national sovereignty. Candyass, please explain again why you are afraid. What exactly terrifies you regarding a secure border? Is your human smuggling ring going to collapse?

As always, you know nothing:

From August of 2015:
I am all for building a wall across both the northern and southern borders. In this day and age, you can make a bomb in your area and drive it into my area. While it's true you could still do that with border checkpoints, at least we have a chance to interdict the device. So I say build walls. But I hope everyone understands that as long as there has been walls, there have been ways to get around them. It will not end illegal immigration. You say you think folks miss the big issue...I think Trump supporters miss the big issue. It's bewildering that so many are being lead to believe that if you build this wall, that will stop anything. It will stop nothing; only limit the payload. Think of the wall as one of those turnstiles they used to have where you could walk into or out of a store but not take the shopping cart with you.

The issue in this thread is who is paying for it. Mexico will not pay for it. Anyone who believes it is either an idiot or woefully unaware of geopolitics. Anyone who states it is both.

I doubt most of these people who want this wall built have even been to the southern border. The only thing Trump has done is put a dent into our southern relations with Mexico, next it will be Canada, and whomever else.

It's just difficult to phantom how many stupid people really do exist in the Republican party.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance


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