Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey

What we are really witnessing are the consequences of 'anchor babies' coming of age.

Who knew they would grow up to be anti-American thugs whom owe their allegiance to Mexico?..........our Gov't sure as hell didn't know! Fedcoats fail again..........same ol' story..........
If they are American doesn't matter what their heritage they have a right to want what they want. White Americans don't want the same thing Hispanics want. Shocker.

Keep in mind in the 60s white America didn't agree with Mohammad Ali and Ali turned out to be right
What we are really witnessing are the consequences of 'anchor babies' coming of age.

Who knew they would grow up to be anti-American thugs whom owe their allegiance to Mexico?..........our Gov't sure as hell didn't know! Fedcoats fail again..........same ol' story..........
If they are American doesn't matter what their heritage they have a right to want what they want. White Americans don't want the same thing Hispanics want. Shocker.

Keep in mind in the 60s white America didn't agree with Mohammad Ali and Ali turned out to be right

Your insane comparison of thug anchor babies and Ali are duly noted. If Ali read this, he'd be turning over in his grave........but he's not buried that can't be.
Do you know why the police didn't help? THey know that when democrats are in charge that they will get punished somehow even though they are ensuring everyone is recieving equal protection of the law. Everyone knows on some level this is how 'liberals' think which is dictatorship and any police officer that hinders a someone beating up a Trump supporters knows that they will get punished for it in some way.
Do you know why the police didn't help? THey know that when democrats are in charge that they will get punished somehow even though they are ensuring everyone is recieving equal protection of the law. Everyone knows on some level this is how 'liberals' think which is dictatorship and any police officer that hinders a someone beating up a Trump supporters knows that they will get punished for it in some way.

The left loons love to proclaim Trump will be the next Hitler....while acting like Hitler's Brown Shirts did during Hitler's rise to power. Ironic
The police of course helped. and you get little but cherry picking for controversy and ratings from the media. Fox etc of course is a ongoing disgrace.
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Do you know why the police didn't help? THey know that when democrats are in charge that they will get punished somehow even though they are ensuring everyone is recieving equal protection of the law. Everyone knows on some level this is how 'liberals' think which is dictatorship and any police officer that hinders a someone beating up a Trump supporters knows that they will get punished for it in some way.

The left loons love to proclaim Trump will be the next Hitler....while acting like Hitler's Brown Shirts did during Hitler's rise to power. Ironic
Actually, if Trump's goon and dupes get organized to "protect" themselves, that would be the equivalent of the Brown Shirts. They were doing that a few weeks ago against protesters in the rallies...egged on by the big orange idiot/con man/crypto fascist. Read something..
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

The ones I saw interviewed said they were born here. They are as American as you can be according to the constitution.
They started off not doing anything, most not even voting.
Then they started getting attacked when they showed up at Trump rallies after he said they were rapists and murderers and other Republicans called them drug runners from Mexico. And Trump said let's build a wall.
And now, it's estimated 8 million have registered to vote. Vote Republican? Would you after what Republicans have said about them?
So yes, it's probably registered Democrats doing a lot of the protests. Registered now. They weren't before. Republicans drove them to it.

"he said they were rapists and murderers and other Republicans called them drug runners from Mexico. And Trump said let's build a wall."

It was a foolish way to throw red meat to his core supporters. He marginalized his core and removed many millions of normally conservative citizens from ever voting for him. What most of these yahoos that go to Trump rallies don't bother to find out is that the typical Latino is more devoutly religious than they could ever hope to be. They are naturally anti gay and pro life. They embody the very core of conservative principles.

Picking on the Latinos was stupid. It was unnecessary. Just chalk it up to another bankrupt Trump idea.

The Latinos are a proud group of people. I've traveled thruout much of Mexico and Northern South America. Even the poor among them are what we would call conservatives. Trump doesn't get that. He may learn the hard way.
This whole thread is nothing but hate at each other while pointing fingers at other haters..too funny.

This is the future lefties are dreaming about...

but in reality right thru the fuckin' head


That's one fucked up gun Sport. I bet it couldn't hit a watermelon at 50 feet. Notice the big chunks of damage in the barrel? that one at the bottom of the bore will send every bullet in a wild tailspin. Did you use it as a hammer? :lol:
Do you know why the police didn't help? THey know that when democrats are in charge that they will get punished somehow even though they are ensuring everyone is recieving equal protection of the law. Everyone knows on some level this is how 'liberals' think which is dictatorship and any police officer that hinders a someone beating up a Trump supporters knows that they will get punished for it in some way.

The left loons love to proclaim Trump will be the next Hitler....while acting like Hitler's Brown Shirts did during Hitler's rise to power. Ironic
Actually, if Trump's goon and dupes get organized to "protect" themselves, that would be the equivalent of the Brown Shirts. They were doing that a few weeks ago against protesters in the rallies...egged on by the big orange idiot/con man/crypto fascist. Read something..

You need to read a history book and then get past thinking I consider you anything more than an obnoxious loudmouth loon
Not surprising, really. Illegals threaten Anglos in an effort to drive them out, lower the quality of life and create a atmosphere of angst and a haze of animus nobody needs wanted or require. I tried to flee from that years ago, only to be confronted it with now yet again. I am sorry, I haven't the millions of Obama, Hillary or Trump. I actually live amongst the apes, like Jane Goodall. It's a tragicomedy.
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

The ones I saw interviewed said they were born here. They are as American as you can be according to the constitution.
They started off not doing anything, most not even voting.
Then they started getting attacked when they showed up at Trump rallies after he said they were rapists and murderers and other Republicans called them drug runners from Mexico. And Trump said let's build a wall.
And now, it's estimated 8 million have registered to vote. Vote Republican? Would you after what Republicans have said about them?
So yes, it's probably registered Democrats doing a lot of the protests. Registered now. They weren't before. Republicans drove them to it.

That's the narrative that douche bags like you are trying to spin. Too bad we all know the truth, and that ain't it.

These faggots just know that if they don't gang up on innocent people and single out the loners they'll get completely fucked.

Seems like deporting them back to mexico won't be difficult. They already hate America, just like the regressive libs (which to be fair, they probably are). are an idiot. They don't hate America or they wouldn't be here. They CLEARLY hate Trump and the system that allowed that buffoon to win the republican nomination. Burning a hat and a tiny flag does not make an America hater. It CERTAINLY doesn't make a whole large crowd of people responsible for the actions of a small handful.

Oh I know... You think I am a liberal. Nice try moron. You haven't been right about anything you have offered yet...why start now?

What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?
Do you know why the police didn't help? THey know that when democrats are in charge that they will get punished somehow even though they are ensuring everyone is recieving equal protection of the law. Everyone knows on some level this is how 'liberals' think which is dictatorship and any police officer that hinders a someone beating up a Trump supporters knows that they will get punished for it in some way.

The left loons love to proclaim Trump will be the next Hitler....while acting like Hitler's Brown Shirts did during Hitler's rise to power. Ironic
Actually, if Trump's goon and dupes get organized to "protect" themselves, that would be the equivalent of the Brown Shirts. They were doing that a few weeks ago against protesters in the rallies...egged on by the big orange idiot/con man/crypto fascist. Read something..

You need to read a history book and then get past thinking I consider you anything more than an obnoxious loudmouth loon
I have a Masters in History with a concentration on German Myth and the career of Adolf. You, what, a Masters in Rush Limbaugh BS or what? It's all the same Pubcrappe, for Pub dupes only.
attention everyone. clear out franco is in charge this is HIS forum

Cool! I used to hate his posts but now ...??? Where do we go to suck up to the new KING!!!??? The King is dead...Long live the KING!!!
Mexicans love racial intimidation when THEY do it, when they are the victim? Alligator tears. Boo hoo. There isn't anything wrong with acclimation, all the other immigrants managed to do it. Hispanics aren't any better, do get over it.
Mexicans love racial intimidation when THEY do it, when they are the victim? Alligator tears. Boo hoo. There isn't anything wrong with acclimation, all the other immigrants managed to do it. Hispanics aren't any better, do get over it.
First thing we could do is get the racist GOP to stop using them as a wedge issue, pass an immigration bill with a good SS ID card, end illegal immigration, and stop insulting and threatening 11 million hard working immigrants with ridiculous deportation. Perhaps then their young people wouldn't go off on their racist rallies...

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