Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey


This is the future lefties are dreaming about...

What's going to happen is they are going to mess with the wrong someone and one of them will get ventilated...then wait for the wails from the left. When it happens I don't want to hear one whimper

I wonder if these lefties realize while they waste their time attacking people at rally's etc, the rest of us are watching it, getting pissed, and using our money since we got jobs to prepare for a real fight, just in case.

If they think that I'm not ready, they will be in for a big surprise. It's going to be funny when they start pulling their shit on a wider scale and meet armed resistance like what happened in Ferguson.

It's inevitable at the way things are going...the anti gun loons would be wise to remember who has the guns
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

The ones I saw interviewed said they were born here. They are as American as you can be according to the constitution.
They started off not doing anything, most not even voting.
Then they started getting attacked when they showed up at Trump rallies after he said they were rapists and murderers and other Republicans called them drug runners from Mexico. And Trump said let's build a wall.
And now, it's estimated 8 million have registered to vote. Vote Republican? Would you after what Republicans have said about them?
So yes, it's probably registered Democrats doing a lot of the protests. Registered now. They weren't before. Republicans drove them to it.

That's the narrative that douche bags like you are trying to spin. Too bad we all know the truth, and that ain't it.
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

The ones I saw interviewed said they were born here. They are as American as you can be according to the constitution.
They started off not doing anything, most not even voting.
Then they started getting attacked when they showed up at Trump rallies after he said they were rapists and murderers and other Republicans called them drug runners from Mexico. And Trump said let's build a wall.
And now, it's estimated 8 million have registered to vote. Vote Republican? Would you after what Republicans have said about them?
So yes, it's probably registered Democrats doing a lot of the protests. Registered now. They weren't before. Republicans drove them to it.

That's the narrative that douche bags like you are trying to spin. Too bad we all know the truth, and that ain't it.

These faggots just know that if they don't gang up on innocent people and single out the loners they'll get completely fucked.

Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

The ones I saw interviewed said they were born here. They are as American as you can be according to the constitution.
They started off not doing anything, most not even voting.
Then they started getting attacked when they showed up at Trump rallies after he said they were rapists and murderers and other Republicans called them drug runners from Mexico. And Trump said let's build a wall.
And now, it's estimated 8 million have registered to vote. Vote Republican? Would you after what Republicans have said about them?
So yes, it's probably registered Democrats doing a lot of the protests. Registered now. They weren't before. Republicans drove them to it.

That's the narrative that douche bags like you are trying to spin. Too bad we all know the truth, and that ain't it.

These faggots just know that if they don't gang up on innocent people and single out the loners they'll get completely fucked.

Seems like deporting them back to mexico won't be difficult. They already hate America, just like the regressive libs (which to be fair, they probably are).
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

Dorky white assholes got what they deserved.

They went looking for trouble and found it.

Fuck 'em.

They thought they'd get cute and push some buttons and...oops, you're a bitch...
According to liberals this is an all out assault, possibly worthy of death penalty:

However, this is completely normal, even behavior to be encouraged:

When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.

So you're justifying hunting people down and beating them? When people behave like vicious animals, they deserve to be treated like animals. All these protesters should be rounded up and put in cages. Then they should be relocated to their natural habitat: Mexico.

People who go to Trump events are supporting a vile despicable man.

The rest of America want the Trump asshats to know what we think of them.

Those little douchebags were looking for trouble.
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

Dorky white assholes got what they deserved.

They went looking for trouble and found it.

Fuck 'em.

They thought they'd get cute and push some buttons and...oops, you're a bitch...

They weren't looking for trouble, you fucking douche bag.
According to liberals this is an all out assault, possibly worthy of death penalty:

However, this is completely normal, even behavior to be encouraged:

You're forgetting "they deserved it." "They were looking for trouble."
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.

So you're justifying hunting people down and beating them? When people behave like vicious animals, they deserve to be treated like animals. All these protesters should be rounded up and put in cages. Then they should be relocated to their natural habitat: Mexico.

People who go to Trump events are supporting a vile despicable man.

The rest of America want the Trump asshats to know what we think of them.

Those little douchebags were looking for trouble.

Does that mean we can beat up the douche bags paid to attend Hillary's rallies?
According to liberals this is an all out assault, possibly worthy of death penalty:

However, this is completely normal, even behavior to be encouraged:

You're forgetting "they deserved it." "They were looking for trouble."

"They got her good" "She had the first orgasm of her life".

Oh, the tolerant, not at all misogynistic.... libs.
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

Dorky white assholes got what they deserved.

They went looking for trouble and found it.

Fuck 'em.

They thought they'd get cute and push some buttons and...oops, you're a bitch...

Let me tell you, it's not very smart to openly disclose your violent liberal white-hating nature. This is not the university where the Marxist professor keeps indoctrinating you with communist propaganda.
Well what do you expect, america's a pretty sick unhealthy society all the way 'round.

When's the last time you saw liberals attack iran for the thousands of women in its Evin prison for political reasons, for assad/iran mass slaughtering tens / hundreds of thousands of women in indiscriminate bombing campaigns in syria, or for the lack of women's rights in the arab muslim world?
Republicans don't believe in woman's rights here, so spare me.

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