Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey

Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.

You are a simpleton. Both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign immediately and clearly condemned the actions of the anti-trump protesters in San Jose. You are uninformed and dishonest.

Clinton ACCURATELY stated that Trump's rhetoric has led to the atmosphere in which this violence has erupted. That is not blaming Trump for the actions of those protesters. It is holding Trump accountable for his irresponsible rhetoric.

Now...fuck off and quit whining.

Clinton tried to blame Trump for thugs assaulting perfectly innocent people. That's the bottom line. She's no better than the thugs. Her surrogate, George Soros, is funding these thugs. She's as guilty as they are. She's a vile piece of shit, just like you.

I'd like to know what funding these idiots are supposed to have received from Soros. You really, really have a thing for Soros, don't you? Is it his name? Does it have a James Bond villain sort of ring to it?

In what way has Soros funded the idiots who were causing trouble in San Jose? Did he buy them jeans and t-shirts? Maybe some Nike shoes? Who did he write the check to? Is there a bank account for these protesters somewhere? Or....did he just bring a suitcase full of singles?

You fucking retard.

Yes, it’s true Soros-funded ‘MoveOn’ agitated for protesters at Chicago Trump riots

Soros-funded group promises even more anti-Trump protests

Busted! Soros-Backed Pro Clinton Group Caught Funding Violent Protests to Smear Sanders and Trump

Weird nutter. Find some real news sources. For your own education.

ROFL! Typical leftwing douche bag.
Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.

You are a simpleton. Both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign immediately and clearly condemned the actions of the anti-trump protesters in San Jose. You are uninformed and dishonest.

Clinton ACCURATELY stated that Trump's rhetoric has led to the atmosphere in which this violence has erupted. That is not blaming Trump for the actions of those protesters. It is holding Trump accountable for his irresponsible rhetoric.

Now...fuck off and quit whining.

Clinton tried to blame Trump for thugs assaulting perfectly innocent people. That's the bottom line. She's no better than the thugs. Her surrogate, George Soros, is funding these thugs. She's as guilty as they are. She's a vile piece of shit, just like you.

I'd like to know what funding these idiots are supposed to have received from Soros. You really, really have a thing for Soros, don't you? Is it his name? Does it have a James Bond villain sort of ring to it?

In what way has Soros funded the idiots who were causing trouble in San Jose? Did he buy them jeans and t-shirts? Maybe some Nike shoes? Who did he write the check to? Is there a bank account for these protesters somewhere? Or....did he just bring a suitcase full of singles?

You fucking retard.

Yes, it’s true Soros-funded ‘MoveOn’ agitated for protesters at Chicago Trump riots

Soros-funded group promises even more anti-Trump protests

Busted! Soros-Backed Pro Clinton Group Caught Funding Violent Protests to Smear Sanders and Trump

Weird nutter. Find some real news sources. For your own education.

If MSNBC/Young Turds didn't say it, it can't be true.
Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.

I gotta reply to this hypocrisy.

It's like blaming a woman for being raped, she was asking for it by showing too much skin.
It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Ain't it the truth. Briarpatty and his kind are bad mofos while there is security around. Or overwhelming numbers. But put themselves on the street and they get their asses kicked and then whine like pussies.

Funny shit.

Yeah, we all seen that, hit and run from behind is very brave. Dozen of guys have "yuuge" balls to single out and beat up single person. And for attacking women they should at least get a medal.
Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.

I gotta reply to this hypocrisy.

It's like blaming a woman for being raped, she was asking for it by showing too much skin.

Violence, coercion and hypocrisy. That's the liberal recipe.

That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.

Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.

You are a simpleton. Both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign immediately and clearly condemned the actions of the anti-trump protesters in San Jose. You are uninformed and dishonest.

Clinton ACCURATELY stated that Trump's rhetoric has led to the atmosphere in which this violence has erupted. That is not blaming Trump for the actions of those protesters. It is holding Trump accountable for his irresponsible rhetoric.

Now...fuck off and quit whining.

Clinton tried to blame Trump for thugs assaulting perfectly innocent people. That's the bottom line. She's no better than the thugs. Her surrogate, George Soros, is funding these thugs. She's as guilty as they are. She's a vile piece of shit, just like you.

I'd like to know what funding these idiots are supposed to have received from Soros. You really, really have a thing for Soros, don't you? Is it his name? Does it have a James Bond villain sort of ring to it?

In what way has Soros funded the idiots who were causing trouble in San Jose? Did he buy them jeans and t-shirts? Maybe some Nike shoes? Who did he write the check to? Is there a bank account for these protesters somewhere? Or....did he just bring a suitcase full of singles?

You fucking retard.

Yes, it’s true Soros-funded ‘MoveOn’ agitated for protesters at Chicago Trump riots

Soros-funded group promises even more anti-Trump protests

Busted! Soros-Backed Pro Clinton Group Caught Funding Violent Protests to Smear Sanders and Trump
A total pile of crap as always. Soros gave Move On a million dollars a few years ago. BFD. Trump bought out these silly kids by calling them rapists, murderers, lazy, welfare cheats,and drug dealers, and with all his racist, pro-violence rants. He started this crap, and if he doesn't end it and apologize, he's going for a historic loss, supported only by ignorant hater dupes and bought off Pub hypocrites. RIP the New BS GOP and their shameful propaganda, hopefully. Or fear for the country, ACTUAL fascism, wrapped in the flag and the bible and hate and ignorance.
had five years of infantry training and some special training as well. I by myself could take out a couple of hundred of these ass holes, but then you liberal morons would probably throw me in prison for the rest of my life.

Why weren't you in San Jose you bad mutta fooker you?
But with your debilitating injuries are you sure you want to engage in street fighting? You could get hurt.

Funny thing is that people like you seem to think people who support democrats are liberal pussies. Don't have guns, wont fight for what they believe. Then when you are proven wrong you get all bent out of shape. Funny shit.

Whine about it some more. That'll show em.

Trump rallies are a very dangerous zone. It's a bunch of people gathering together to spread fear and hatred.

How much violence was there at Romney rallies? At McCain rallies? At Dubya rallies?

Are Trump supporters going to Hillary and Bernie rallies and violently engaging participants and police? No, it's the other way around. Stop with the lame rationale. These are violent thugs. This isn't Trump telling people to fight. You think the fighting is justified is the problem.

Clinton and Sanders condemn the violence .. Trump condones it and claims that he'll pay the legal fees.

Of course he's part of it.

I haven't seen Hillary or Bernie condemning the violence by these anti-Trump thugs.

That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.

It's not a lie. Hillary tried to blame Trump instead of the perpetrators of the violence. That's the same as excusing the violence. Hillary is no better than any of the internet tough guys in this forum who are condoning the assaults on Trump supporters.


I have wiped more appealing stuff off the bottom of my shoe.

Report: Hillary Clinton Was Behind Anti-Trump ‘Veterans’ Protest

If she was able to arrange this, why not some violence.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Umm. Just remember who started the violence.
Tell ya what....if there is a response in kind ot the attacks, there is no crying allowed from your side.
You reap what you sow.
If you think you have won something here, you are delusional.
Push people into a corner and they come out brawling.
Your side's rioters will piss their pants.
had five years of infantry training and some special training as well. I by myself could take out a couple of hundred of these ass holes, but then you liberal morons would probably throw me in prison for the rest of my life.

Why weren't you in San Jose you bad mutta fooker you?
But with your debilitating injuries are you sure you want to engage in street fighting? You could get hurt.

Funny thing is that people like you seem to think people who support democrats are liberal pussies. Don't have guns, wont fight for what they believe. Then when you are proven wrong you get all bent out of shape. Funny shit.

Whine about it some more. That'll show em.

The kid wearing the Sanders shirt looks like he just shit himself.
Translation: You got it coming by walking on the streets while being a Trump supporter. You ARE victim blaming,

No, not at all.
I am saying that when you go to Trump events you need to have situational awareness.

As in be aware you are seen to be supporting a man who hates anyone who is not white. And even some whites.

Be aware that there are people who don't approve of your choice of candidate and see violence as a means to an end to voice their displeasure.

I mean if violence works well for republicans inside the rally, then it should work just as well outside. Just not for the republicans.

Another example of a left wing douche bag condoning violence against people he disagrees with.

You people make Hitler's brownshirts look like respectable political protesters.

Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity.

That is because you and most white liberals today are cowards and you are afraid to speak your mind freely and you rationalize it by convincing yourself that you should not speak you mind freely for the sake of peace or whatever.

You do not speak for me and if you want Hispanic thugs to be able to silence you, go right ahead.

But I am not silenced and most white Americans will not be silenced and we do not look to belly crawling cowards like you for an example of how to react in the face of thuggery, dude.

think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.

Yeah, coming from a coward like you all that means is that Trump did not get permission form Hispanics to say what I has said.

I say good on him and who gives a fuck what you try to think,. ass hole.

You are an idiot...and a full blown fool. Fighting isn't about running your fool mouth, it is about winning. You can talk like you are all about something on the internets but you are only trying to impress fools just like you.

We have had this LOSING war on drugs since before Nixon and the reason it has carried on this long is because morons like you that run your mouths at the guys down South that are chopping off heads hasn't bothered them a damned bit.

Trump runs his mouth and fools like you that also can't control themselves jump up and cheer. The truth is that Trump gives away his battle plans and shouts to fools like you his strategy.

You and the Donald are laughable buffoons.
Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.

You are a simpleton. Both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign immediately and clearly condemned the actions of the anti-trump protesters in San Jose. You are uninformed and dishonest.

Clinton ACCURATELY stated that Trump's rhetoric has led to the atmosphere in which this violence has erupted. That is not blaming Trump for the actions of those protesters. It is holding Trump accountable for his irresponsible rhetoric.

Now...fuck off and quit whining.

Clinton tried to blame Trump for thugs assaulting perfectly innocent people. That's the bottom line. She's no better than the thugs. Her surrogate, George Soros, is funding these thugs. She's as guilty as they are. She's a vile piece of shit, just like you.

I'd like to know what funding these idiots are supposed to have received from Soros. You really, really have a thing for Soros, don't you? Is it his name? Does it have a James Bond villain sort of ring to it?

In what way has Soros funded the idiots who were causing trouble in San Jose? Did he buy them jeans and t-shirts? Maybe some Nike shoes? Who did he write the check to? Is there a bank account for these protesters somewhere? Or....did he just bring a suitcase full of singles?

You fucking retard.

Yes, it’s true Soros-funded ‘MoveOn’ agitated for protesters at Chicago Trump riots

Soros-funded group promises even more anti-Trump protests

Busted! Soros-Backed Pro Clinton Group Caught Funding Violent Protests to Smear Sanders and Trump
A total pile of crap as always. Soros gave Move On a million dollars a few years ago. BFD. Trump bought out these silly kids by calling them rapists, murderers, lazy, welfare cheats,and drug dealers, and with all his racist, pro-violence rants. He started this crap, and if he doesn't end it and apologize, he's going for a historic loss, supported only by ignorant hater dupes and bought off Pub hypocrites. RIP the New BS GOP and their shameful propaganda, hopefully. Or fear for the country, ACTUAL fascism, wrapped in the flag and the bible and hate and ignorance.

You're a vast geyser of bullshit, Franco, and you are condoning violence against innocent people. So you're a douche bag as well.
If Trump has a rally near where I live, I'm going to start a meet up group to go hunt down some Trump supporters like prey. Anybody in the DMV area interested in joining?

I'll be waiting for you, douche bag. I hope you have good insurance.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Umm. Just remember who started the violence.
Tell ya what....if there is a response in kind ot the attacks, there is no crying allowed from your side.
You reap what you sow.
If you think you have won something here, you are delusional.
Push people into a corner and they come out brawling.
Your side's rioters will piss their pants.
There's no equivalence, douche bag.

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