Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey

You fucking leftwing douche bags just don't understand the meaning of "civilized behavior," do you? You cry like babies when one of your ilk disrupts a private event and gets thrown out, and then you think it's a free for all outside.

Your kind seems like such bad asses when it's words. Or you want to open carry weapons to intimidate moms at Wendy's.

But when the first, feet and clubs start flying, you all become pacifists. And whiners. Big time whiners.

"Intimidate moms at Wendy's?" What the fuck are you talking about.

You just proved, once again, that you're a scum sucking douche bag who condones violence against people you disagree with.
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

well pay back are a bitch

The regressive false equivalency parade is back.


If you haven't also noticed. Everyone condemns that violence. Nobody is saying that punch (the only instance of Trump supporters being violent, that you have been able to produce so far), was justified. Majority of the libs here (including wilbur right) are saying that the violence against trump supporters is justified.
So you're justifying hunting people down and beating them? When people behave like vicious animals, they deserve to be treated like animals. All these protesters should be rounded up and put in cages. Then they should be relocated to their natural habitat: Mexico.

The Mexicans aren't going to compliantly march to the ovens like the Jews did.

Don't go whining when you get your ass kicked in a fight you started.

You're just another douche bag who condones violence against people you disagree with.
Translation: You got it coming by walking on the streets while being a Trump supporter. You ARE victim blaming,

No, not at all.
I am saying that when you go to Trump events you need to have situational awareness.

As in be aware you are seen to be supporting a man who hates anyone who is not white. And even some whites.

Be aware that there are people who don't approve of your choice of candidate and see violence as a means to an end to voice their displeasure.

I mean if violence works well for republicans inside the rally, then it should work just as well outside. Just not for the republicans.

Another example of a left wing douche bag condoning violence against people he disagrees with.

You people make Hitler's brownshirts look like respectable political protesters.
Exactly the same as the other leftists here - violent and dumb.

Ok I will say that in my younger days I enjoyed violent activities.
Actually I was well past my younger days and still didn't shy away from violence. It was the way I was raised.

But I have never been dumb. Or at least not as dumb as you.

At least you acknowledge being violent. Unfortunately violence is an indicator for very low IQ... and therefore strong Dunning-Kruger effect.

It's not accident you support the party of violence.
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Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

And again the Democrat Party is turning into the American Nazi Party actively supporting shutting down dissent with violence. They have been verbally shutting down dissent by verbally and legally attacking anyone who disagrees for decades. At what point would they stop evolving into Nazis? Clearly never, their shut down of defense turning to violence didn't make them bat an eye
I'm still trying to find solid evidence that these protestor(instigators!!) Are being paid by

An opinion piece/editorial can be false. That is, the claim of the author can be fiction. Now if he tried to pass it off as a news article, then well well well!
And you believe the FASHION editor of the Daily Caller has the inside story on Soros paying them lol. No evidence of ANY of the Pubcrappe the Pub Propaganda Machine and the the Big Orange Idiot/Con Man spew. For hater dupes only. Prepare to get crushed.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Another lib liar

Another dickhead whiner.

When you live by hate, hate is what you get. They don't hate white people .. they just hate you racist motherfuckers.

It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Hate is what you get.

All you've done is prove that you're a piece of shit who isn't qualified to be a member of the human race.

There is no justification for this behavior. None. Anyone who tries to justify it belongs in a cage with the rest of the animals

1st step...dehumanizing your political enemies....
Glad to see you finally show your true colors.

Violence is your deal.

I wonder what will happen when these oxygen thieves meet a bunch of pipe carrying shotgun packing motherfuckers that really do hate their Mexican flag waving asses.
What will happen is Oldschool will condemn the horrific violence and point to it as an indication that the right cannot be allowed to run anything.
The right is actually very well represented by the skinny fag who stars in the beginning of the video. Somebody rips his shirt, and then the skinny fag punches another completely innocent person because it's the first person he sees. To righties that is completely justified.

:lmao: Yea, that negates all the violent behavior on your side.

But who gives a sh** that the guy who was taunting him and physically threatening him got pushed, anyhow.
The skinny Trump fag was the guy taunting and physically threatening the innocent bystander.

ROFL! You must not be watching the same video I'm watching. A whole group of the Mexican animals started chasing him because he was wearing a "Build That Wall" T-shirt. One of them caught up to him and ripped it off his body. When he turned and started chasing his attacker, one of the other pursuers tried to block him. That's when he got a jab to his face.
1st step...dehumanizing your political opponents.
Translation: You got it coming by walking on the streets while being a Trump supporter. You ARE victim blaming,

No, not at all.
I am saying that when you go to Trump events you need to have situational awareness.

As in be aware you are seen to be supporting a man who hates anyone who is not white. And even some whites.

Be aware that there are people who don't approve of your choice of candidate and see violence as a means to an end to voice their displeasure.

I mean if violence works well for republicans inside the rally, then it should work just as well outside. Just not for the republicans.

Another example of a left wing douche bag condoning violence against people he disagrees with.

You people make Hitler's brownshirts look like respectable political protesters.

American Progressive are Fascists
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Another lib liar

Another dickhead whiner.

When you live by hate, hate is what you get. They don't hate white people .. they just hate you racist motherfuckers.

It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Hate is what you get.

All you've done is prove that you're a piece of shit who isn't qualified to be a member of the human race.

There is no justification for this behavior. None. Anyone who tries to justify it belongs in a cage with the rest of the animals

1st step...dehumanizing your political enemies....

You douche bags did that to yourselves.
I haven't seen Hillary or Bernie condemning the violence by these anti-Trump thugs.

That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.

Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.

You are a simpleton. Both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign immediately and clearly condemned the actions of the anti-trump protesters in San Jose. You are uninformed and dishonest.

Clinton ACCURATELY stated that Trump's rhetoric has led to the atmosphere in which this violence has erupted. That is not blaming Trump for the actions of those protesters. It is holding Trump accountable for his irresponsible rhetoric.

Now...fuck off and quit whining.

Clinton tried to blame Trump for thugs assaulting perfectly innocent people. That's the bottom line. She's no better than the thugs. Her surrogate, George Soros, is funding these thugs. She's as guilty as they are. She's a vile piece of shit, just like you.

I'd like to know what funding these idiots are supposed to have received from Soros. You really, really have a thing for Soros, don't you? Is it his name? Does it have a James Bond villain sort of ring to it?

In what way has Soros funded the idiots who were causing trouble in San Jose? Did he buy them jeans and t-shirts? Maybe some Nike shoes? Who did he write the check to? Is there a bank account for these protesters somewhere? Or....did he just bring a suitcase full of singles?

You fucking retard.

Yes, it’s true Soros-funded ‘MoveOn’ agitated for protesters at Chicago Trump riots

Soros-funded group promises even more anti-Trump protests

Busted! Soros-Backed Pro Clinton Group Caught Funding Violent Protests to Smear Sanders and Trump
Dude it's on the video. You're right, a guy ripped the Trump fag's shirt. The Trump fag was the victim and should have called the police. But instead, the Trump fag punched some random guy. And people reacted to get the Trump fag away from his victim. IT'S ON VIDEO.

Yeah, it is on video. That's how everyone in this forum knows you're a lying asshole.
Bripat... who did your Trump fag punch? The guy who ripped his shirt? Or a guy who was standing around behind him? Please answer the question. Truthfully if you're capable.

You've already proven you're a lying asshole. I'm not going to waste my time with further proof.
Answer the question. Did your Trump fag punch the guy who ripped his shirt, or some random bystander? This isn't a hard question. Even a Kindergartner could answer it.

The discussion is over, douche bag. You've already proven that you're a lying asshole.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Another lib liar

Another dickhead whiner.

When you live by hate, hate is what you get. They don't hate white people .. they just hate you racist motherfuckers.

It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Hate is what you get.

All you've done is prove that you're a piece of shit who isn't qualified to be a member of the human race.

There is no justification for this behavior. None. Anyone who tries to justify it belongs in a cage with the rest of the animals

1st step...dehumanizing your political enemies....

I don't think it's the Trump supporters that are dehumanizing enemies:

Further, putting savages in cages puts them squarely in the same standard as everyone else. Violence is not acceptable.
That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.

Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.

You are a simpleton. Both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign immediately and clearly condemned the actions of the anti-trump protesters in San Jose. You are uninformed and dishonest.

Clinton ACCURATELY stated that Trump's rhetoric has led to the atmosphere in which this violence has erupted. That is not blaming Trump for the actions of those protesters. It is holding Trump accountable for his irresponsible rhetoric.

Now...fuck off and quit whining.

Clinton tried to blame Trump for thugs assaulting perfectly innocent people. That's the bottom line. She's no better than the thugs. Her surrogate, George Soros, is funding these thugs. She's as guilty as they are. She's a vile piece of shit, just like you.

I'd like to know what funding these idiots are supposed to have received from Soros. You really, really have a thing for Soros, don't you? Is it his name? Does it have a James Bond villain sort of ring to it?

In what way has Soros funded the idiots who were causing trouble in San Jose? Did he buy them jeans and t-shirts? Maybe some Nike shoes? Who did he write the check to? Is there a bank account for these protesters somewhere? Or....did he just bring a suitcase full of singles?

You fucking retard.

Yes, it’s true Soros-funded ‘MoveOn’ agitated for protesters at Chicago Trump riots

Soros-funded group promises even more anti-Trump protests

Busted! Soros-Backed Pro Clinton Group Caught Funding Violent Protests to Smear Sanders and Trump

Weird nutter. Find some real news sources. For your own education.

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