Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey

When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump this behavior is inexcusable and it tells us all what kind of person you are to condone it. I'm pretty sure had the Tea Party protesters acted this when they protesting at town halls a few years back you would have had a shit fit about it.

Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump this behavior is inexcusable and it tells us all what kind of person you are to condone it. I'm pretty sure had the Tea Party protesters acted this when they protesting at town halls a few years back you would have had a shit fit about it.

Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.
Yup, if she didn't wear that short dress she would not have provoked that rape. All her fault.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump this behavior is inexcusable and it tells us all what kind of person you are to condone it. I'm pretty sure had the Tea Party protesters acted this when they protesting at town halls a few years back you would have had a shit fit about it.

Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.
Yup, if she didn't wear that short dress she would not have provoked that rape. All her fault.

You are fucking fruit loops.

Just saying....
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump this behavior is inexcusable and it tells us all what kind of person you are to condone it. I'm pretty sure had the Tea Party protesters acted this when they protesting at town halls a few years back you would have had a shit fit about it.

Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.
Yup, if she didn't wear that short dress she would not have provoked that rape. All her fault.

You are fucking fruit loops.

Just saying....
You are the one that is declaring the target of violence is to blame for that violence.

I cant help it if your stance is so blatantly insane.
When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump this behavior is inexcusable and it tells us all what kind of person you are to condone it. I'm pretty sure had the Tea Party protesters acted this when they protesting at town halls a few years back you would have had a shit fit about it.

Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon.

More liberal victim blaming.

This is amusing. You are doing all of Trump's marketing work for him, showing your true nature.
It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Ain't it the truth. Briarpatty and his kind are bad mofos while there is security around. Or overwhelming numbers. But put themselves on the street and they get their asses kicked and then whine like pussies.

Funny shit.
It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Ain't it the truth. Briarpatty and his kind are bad mofos while there is security around. Or overwhelming numbers. But put themselves on the street and they get their asses kicked and then whine like pussies.

Funny shit.

First of all, it's not funny. Disgusting (liberal) sense of humor to consider it funny when someone gets beaten up.

The acceptance of violence from the liberals is disgusting. Not surprised to see more victim blaming or worse from you.
Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity.

That is because you and most white liberals today are cowards and you are afraid to speak your mind freely and you rationalize it by convincing yourself that you should not speak you mind freely for the sake of peace or whatever.

You do not speak for me and if you want Hispanic thugs to be able to silence you, go right ahead.

But I am not silenced and most white Americans will not be silenced and we do not look to belly crawling cowards like you for an example of how to react in the face of thuggery, dude.

think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.

Yeah, coming from a coward like you all that means is that Trump did not get permission form Hispanics to say what I has said.

I say good on him and who gives a fuck what you try to think,. ass hole.
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It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Ain't it the truth. Briarpatty and his kind are bad mofos while there is security around. Or overwhelming numbers. But put themselves on the street and they get their asses kicked and then whine like pussies.

Funny shit.
I had five years of infantry training and some special training as well. I by myself could take out a couple of hundred of these ass holes, but then you liberal morons would probably throw me in prison for the rest of my life.

And then you say *I* and those like me are cowards?

You are a pathetic piece of horse shit.
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It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Ain't it the truth. Briarpatty and his kind are bad mofos while there is security around. Or overwhelming numbers. But put themselves on the street and they get their asses kicked and then whine like pussies.

Funny shit.
I had five years of infantry training and some special training as well. I by myself could take out a couple of hundred of these ass holes, but then you liberal morons would probably throw me in prison for the rest of my life.

And then you say *I* and those like me are cowards?

You are a pathetic piece of horse shit.

I am not sure about that. Since they know the Trump supporters are much smarter and stronger than them, they play dirty.

had five years of infantry training and some special training as well. I by myself could take out a couple of hundred of these ass holes, but then you liberal morons would probably throw me in prison for the rest of my life.

Why weren't you in San Jose you bad mutta fooker you?
But with your debilitating injuries are you sure you want to engage in street fighting? You could get hurt.

Funny thing is that people like you seem to think people who support democrats are liberal pussies. Don't have guns, wont fight for what they believe. Then when you are proven wrong you get all bent out of shape. Funny shit.

Whine about it some more. That'll show em.
It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Ain't it the truth. Briarpatty and his kind are bad mofos while there is security around. Or overwhelming numbers. But put themselves on the street and they get their asses kicked and then whine like pussies.

Funny shit.

Another thug self identifies.

You fucking leftwing douche bags just don't understand the meaning of "civilized behavior," do you? You cry like babies when one of your ilk disrupts a private event and gets thrown out, and then you think it's a free for all outside.

You're all the lowest brand of scum.


I wipe you off the bottom of my shoe.
The pathetic part is that you and those committing these acts blame the targets of their violence and hate rather than themselves.

Not me. I am not blaming anyone. But if you show up at a trump event you know how hateful trumps rhetoric is and that there will be crowds of protesters who hate trump outside of the event.

You better be prepared or stay home. You are reaping what you sowed republicans.

You have let it be known you hate minorities and poor people.
You think they aren't gonna be pissed about you all hating on them?

Besides that, having grown up in the sixties, violence in the streets is fun. Or at least I always had a good time.
From what I've seen, even a majority of the Regressive Left here is willing to say, "this is wrong, always, anyone who does this should be locked up, end of story, period."

Sadly, there remain a few who can't say anything near that without deflecting to Trump.

This country is disintegrating, and some humility and intellectual honesty is needed on both ends, pretty quickly.
You fucking leftwing douche bags just don't understand the meaning of "civilized behavior," do you? You cry like babies when one of your ilk disrupts a private event and gets thrown out, and then you think it's a free for all outside.

Your kind seems like such bad asses when it's words. Or you want to open carry weapons to intimidate moms at Wendy's.

But when the first, feet and clubs start flying, you all become pacifists. And whiners. Big time whiners.
The pathetic part is that you and those committing these acts blame the targets of their violence and hate rather than themselves.

Not me. I am not blaming anyone. But if you show up at a trump event you know how hateful trumps rhetoric is and that there will be crowds of protesters who hate trump outside of the event.

You better be prepared or stay home. You are reaping what you sowed republicans.

You have let it be known you hate minorities and poor people.
You think they aren't gonna be pissed about you all hating on them?

Besides that, having grown up in the sixties, violence in the streets is fun. Or at least I always had a good time.

violence in the streets is fun

Ain't it the truth. Briarpatty and his kind are bad mofos while there is security around. Or overwhelming numbers. But put themselves on the street and they get their asses kicked and then whine like pussies.

Funny shit.
Your kind seems like such bad asses when it's words. Or you want to open carry weapons to intimidate moms at Wendy's.

But when the first, feet and clubs start flying, you all become pacifists. And whiners. Big time whiners.{/quote]

Translation: You got it coming by walking on the streets while being a Trump supporter. You ARE victim blaming, and obviously completely clueless about what bripat and his kind believes. Completely clueless and violent... Sounds like a regressive liberal.
Dude it's on the video. You're right, a guy ripped the Trump fag's shirt. The Trump fag was the victim and should have called the police. But instead, the Trump fag punched some random guy. And people reacted to get the Trump fag away from his victim. IT'S ON VIDEO.

I'm assuming we're talking about the most trivial aspect out there because you don't want to talk about the violent culture on your side?
Trump rallies are a very dangerous zone. It's a bunch of people gathering together to spread fear and hatred.

How much violence was there at Romney rallies? At McCain rallies? At Dubya rallies?

Are Trump supporters going to Hillary and Bernie rallies and violently engaging participants and police? No, it's the other way around. Stop with the lame rationale. These are violent thugs. This isn't Trump telling people to fight. You think the fighting is justified is the problem.

Clinton and Sanders condemn the violence .. Trump condones it and claims that he'll pay the legal fees.

Of course he's part of it.

I haven't seen Hillary or Bernie condemning the violence by these anti-Trump thugs.

That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.
had five years of infantry training and some special training as well. I by myself could take out a couple of hundred of these ass holes, but then you liberal morons would probably throw me in prison for the rest of my life.

Why weren't you in San Jose you bad mutta fooker you?
But with your debilitating injuries are you sure you want to engage in street fighting? You could get hurt.

Funny thing is that people like you seem to think people who support democrats are liberal pussies. Don't have guns, wont fight for what they believe. Then when you are proven wrong you get all bent out of shape. Funny shit.

Whine about it some more. That'll show em.

You're just another douche bag tying to justify thuggery.

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