Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey

I'm assuming we're talking about the most trivial aspect out there because you don't want to talk about the violent culture on your side?
Trump rallies are a very dangerous zone. It's a bunch of people gathering together to spread fear and hatred.

How much violence was there at Romney rallies? At McCain rallies? At Dubya rallies?

Are Trump supporters going to Hillary and Bernie rallies and violently engaging participants and police? No, it's the other way around. Stop with the lame rationale. These are violent thugs. This isn't Trump telling people to fight. You think the fighting is justified is the problem.

Clinton and Sanders condemn the violence .. Trump condones it and claims that he'll pay the legal fees.

Of course he's part of it.

I haven't seen Hillary or Bernie condemning the violence by these anti-Trump thugs.

That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.

It's not a lie. Hillary tried to blame Trump instead of the perpetrators of the violence. That's the same as excusing the violence. Hillary is no better than any of the internet tough guys in this forum who are condoning the assaults on Trump supporters.


I have wiped more appealing stuff off the bottom of my shoe.
It was all fun and games while you dummies were attacking people at Trump rallies .. except now you're running down the street with a boot up your ass. :0)

Ain't it the truth. Briarpatty and his kind are bad mofos while there is security around. Or overwhelming numbers. But put themselves on the street and they get their asses kicked and then whine like pussies.

Funny shit.
I had five years of infantry training and some special training as well. I by myself could take out a couple of hundred of these ass holes, but then you liberal morons would probably throw me in prison for the rest of my life.

And then you say *I* and those like me are cowards?

You are a pathetic piece of horse shit.

Apparently now if you oppose beating innocent people up at political rallies, then you are a "pussy."

These scum just keep doubling down on shear douche baggery.
From what I've seen, even a majority of the Regressive Left here is willing to say, "this is wrong, always, anyone who does this should be locked up, end of story, period."

Sadly, there remain a few who can't say anything near that without deflecting to Trump.

This country is disintegrating, and some humility and intellectual honesty is needed on both ends, pretty quickly.

I haven't seen what you claim, especially here in this forum. Hillary tried to blame Trump for the violence.
I'm assuming we're talking about the most trivial aspect out there because you don't want to talk about the violent culture on your side?
Trump rallies are a very dangerous zone. It's a bunch of people gathering together to spread fear and hatred.

How much violence was there at Romney rallies? At McCain rallies? At Dubya rallies?

Are Trump supporters going to Hillary and Bernie rallies and violently engaging participants and police? No, it's the other way around. Stop with the lame rationale. These are violent thugs. This isn't Trump telling people to fight. You think the fighting is justified is the problem.

Clinton and Sanders condemn the violence .. Trump condones it and claims that he'll pay the legal fees.

Of course he's part of it.

I haven't seen Hillary or Bernie condemning the violence by these anti-Trump thugs.

That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.

Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.
Trump rallies are a very dangerous zone. It's a bunch of people gathering together to spread fear and hatred.

How much violence was there at Romney rallies? At McCain rallies? At Dubya rallies?

Are Trump supporters going to Hillary and Bernie rallies and violently engaging participants and police? No, it's the other way around. Stop with the lame rationale. These are violent thugs. This isn't Trump telling people to fight. You think the fighting is justified is the problem.

Clinton and Sanders condemn the violence .. Trump condones it and claims that he'll pay the legal fees.

Of course he's part of it.

I haven't seen Hillary or Bernie condemning the violence by these anti-Trump thugs.

That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.

Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.

You are a simpleton. Both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign immediately and clearly condemned the actions of the anti-trump protesters in San Jose. You are uninformed and dishonest.

Clinton ACCURATELY stated that Trump's rhetoric has led to the atmosphere in which this violence has erupted. That is not blaming Trump for the actions of those protesters. It is holding Trump accountable for his irresponsible rhetoric.

Now...fuck off and quit whining.
So you're justifying hunting people down and beating them? When people behave like vicious animals, they deserve to be treated like animals. All these protesters should be rounded up and put in cages. Then they should be relocated to their natural habitat: Mexico.

The Mexicans aren't going to compliantly march to the ovens like the Jews did.

Don't go whining when you get your ass kicked in a fight you started.
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

Around 0:14, trump supporter gave a quick left jab. Smack!

If it was one on one, I think the TS would have kicked ass. But it quickly grew to 10 on 1--time to run!!:scared1:
Are Trump supporters going to Hillary and Bernie rallies and violently engaging participants and police? No, it's the other way around. Stop with the lame rationale. These are violent thugs. This isn't Trump telling people to fight. You think the fighting is justified is the problem.

Clinton and Sanders condemn the violence .. Trump condones it and claims that he'll pay the legal fees.

Of course he's part of it.

I haven't seen Hillary or Bernie condemning the violence by these anti-Trump thugs.

That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.

Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.

You are a simpleton. Both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign immediately and clearly condemned the actions of the anti-trump protesters in San Jose. You are uninformed and dishonest.

Clinton ACCURATELY stated that Trump's rhetoric has led to the atmosphere in which this violence has erupted. That is not blaming Trump for the actions of those protesters. It is holding Trump accountable for his irresponsible rhetoric.

Now...fuck off and quit whining.

Clinton tried to blame Trump for thugs assaulting perfectly innocent people. That's the bottom line. She's no better than the thugs. Her surrogate, George Soros, is funding these thugs. She's as guilty as they are. She's a vile piece of shit, just like you.
According Hillary's ideology, it's the women's fault for being provocative and getting raped.

No surprises here. I mean she is with Bill.
Translation: You got it coming by walking on the streets while being a Trump supporter. You ARE victim blaming,

No, not at all.
I am saying that when you go to Trump events you need to have situational awareness.

As in be aware you are seen to be supporting a man who hates anyone who is not white. And even some whites.

Be aware that there are people who don't approve of your choice of candidate and see violence as a means to an end to voice their displeasure.

I mean if violence works well for republicans inside the rally, then it should work just as well outside. Just not for the republicans.
Translation: You got it coming by walking on the streets while being a Trump supporter. You ARE victim blaming,

No, not at all.
I am saying that when you go to Trump events you need to have situational awareness.

As in be aware you are seen to be supporting a man who hates anyone who is not white. And even some whites.

Be aware that there are people who don't approve of your choice of candidate and see violence as a means to an end to voice their displeasure.

I mean if violence works well for republicans inside the rally, then it should work just as well outside. Just not for the republicans.

Bullshit... Your messages are there to read for all. Not surprised about the failed rhetoric either.

Exactly the same as the other leftists here - violent and dumb.
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Posting stufff over and over doesnt make it so dumbass......

I'm sure truth repulses you like Dracula seeing the daylight. :0)

Republicans hate everybody .. especially, but not limited to, non-white people. Your party is built on it.
There's no danger of any truth coming from your direction. Intelligence either.

Fuck you asswipe.

Why don't you get back to whining about the Mexican boot up your ass. :0)

Hit me back when you pull it out. :lol:

Your fellow black folks are being hurt the most by the Mexican invasion.....they are not welding weapons of war but are using the uteruses of their weapon to squirt out anchor after anchor baby....and you know why that is? Because these illegals produce a birth certificate written on bond paper that is then monetized allowing your beloved "gubermint" to borrow against their future labor. While these illegals work "under the table", they get "gubermint benefits and entitlements" that directs funds away from the black community and they are pissed.....want me to show you some youtube videos of blacks that despise the Barrypuppet? There are a plethora of them........seems that you are a traitor to your alleged race....(snicker)
Actually, no.
Funds are dependent on how well the slate of politicians for your district are at directing funds to your community. Having more people asking for money for their neighborhoods does not diminish the amount available, the government(actually, the dominant party) wil borrow the money needed to meet political goals for their members.

So, no. Illegal immigrants are not creating problems for blacks in terms of community funds from the government.

Maybe if you think about why Illegal immigration is a problem for the entire nation, then you can come up with a feasible argument as why we need to stop it.

This attempt to pit Blacks against Hispanics/Mexicans is childish.
Do you really think that after all the hateful things your kind has said about Hillary that she gives a flying fuck that some protesters that hate her get their asses kicked? LMAO.

You stupid dude.
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

well pay back are a bitch

Clinton and Sanders condemn the violence .. Trump condones it and claims that he'll pay the legal fees.

Of course he's part of it.

I haven't seen Hillary or Bernie condemning the violence by these anti-Trump thugs.

That's a lie. I thought you didn't like liars.

Blaming Trump isn't condemning the violence.

You are a simpleton. Both the Clinton campaign and the Sanders campaign immediately and clearly condemned the actions of the anti-trump protesters in San Jose. You are uninformed and dishonest.

Clinton ACCURATELY stated that Trump's rhetoric has led to the atmosphere in which this violence has erupted. That is not blaming Trump for the actions of those protesters. It is holding Trump accountable for his irresponsible rhetoric.

Now...fuck off and quit whining.

Clinton tried to blame Trump for thugs assaulting perfectly innocent people. That's the bottom line. She's no better than the thugs. Her surrogate, George Soros, is funding these thugs. She's as guilty as they are. She's a vile piece of shit, just like you.

I'd like to know what funding these idiots are supposed to have received from Soros. You really, really have a thing for Soros, don't you? Is it his name? Does it have a James Bond villain sort of ring to it?

In what way has Soros funded the idiots who were causing trouble in San Jose? Did he buy them jeans and t-shirts? Maybe some Nike shoes? Who did he write the check to? Is there a bank account for these protesters somewhere? Or....did he just bring a suitcase full of singles?

You fucking retard.
Exactly the same as the other leftists here - violent and dumb.

Ok I will say that in my younger days I enjoyed violent activities.
Actually I was well past my younger days and still didn't shy away from violence. It was the way I was raised.

But I have never been dumb. Or at least not as dumb as you.

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