Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey

When you live by hate .. hate is what you get .. and you rightwingers hate everybody.

Hate is what you get.
Umm. Just remember who started the violence.
Tell ya what....if there is a response in kind ot the attacks, there is no crying allowed from your side.
You reap what you sow.
If you think you have won something here, you are delusional.
Push people into a corner and they come out brawling.
Your side's rioters will piss their pants.

Please identify where the Trump supporters attacked the protesters first:

Or are you just a classic liberal who believes that because one Trump rally attendee attacked a person, that therefore that's an excuse to attack every Trump supporter? Come to think of it, that does seem to be the message of the liberal ideology of coercion and identity politics...
Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.

I gotta reply to this hypocrisy.

It's like blaming a woman for being raped, she was asking for it by showing too much skin.

That is a stupid analogy. I never said anything about rape. Come to think of it though the Donald with foot in mouth disease did.
Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.

I gotta reply to this hypocrisy.

It's like blaming a woman for being raped, she was asking for it by showing too much skin.

That is a stupid analogy. I never said anything about rape. Come to think of it though the Donald with foot in mouth disease did.

It's an analogy so close that it can barely be called an analogy.

But thanks for confirming your belief that violence is only a problem if it's done against regressive liberals.
Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.

I gotta reply to this hypocrisy.

It's like blaming a woman for being raped, she was asking for it by showing too much skin.

That is a stupid analogy. I never said anything about rape. Come to think of it though the Donald with foot in mouth disease did.

It's an analogy so close that it can barely be called an analogy.

But thanks for confirming your belief that violence is only a problem if it's done against regressive liberals.

Why am I supposed to care about liberals?
It must be nice to be a liberal and champion everyone's cause, but a conservatives. For them you reserve assault physically, verbally and Constitutionally. Yet, I will hold out protection of liberals, because it is what this country is founded upon.
It must be nice to be a liberal and champion everyone's cause, but a conservatives. For them you reserve assault physically, verbally and Constitutionally. Yet, I will hold out protection of liberals, because it is what this country is founded upon.

I used to feel that I'd have to ponder it for a few minutes while the progressive got a beat down
Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.

I gotta reply to this hypocrisy.

It's like blaming a woman for being raped, she was asking for it by showing too much skin.

That is a stupid analogy. I never said anything about rape. Come to think of it though the Donald with foot in mouth disease did.

True, you didn't mentioned rape. But analogy is correct. You can't be right on one, and wrong on another.

So which one is it?
I am hammering about the Cartels on this thread because I know these people. I worked with and for them a long time ago. You DON'T tell people that dangerous your plans ahead of time. You define your alliances, make your plans and you swoop in. Do you think the FBI ANNOUNCES to the criminals they intend on arresting their plans?

Trump looks a lot like Bush standing on an aircraft carrier deck bragging "Bring em on".

If Trump was serious about stopping the illegal activity on our borders he would keep it to himself. THEN if he was fortunate enough to get elected he would gather his advisers and the military generals and put together a REAL plan that had teeth.

I would advise him to declare an actual war against Mexico and several South American countries and send in our armed forces to knock out the drug cartels. There is plenty of just cause to make a legitimate run against these people. The HAVE harmed our country. They have NO intention to stop. The only language they understand is brute force.

The Drug cartels have done more real harm to our country than all of the terrorists put together. They use the same tactics as the terrorists. We go after terrorists don't we? What makes the Cartels any different? They assault our borders 24/7/365 and THAT is something the terrorist can't do.

We don't need a wall. We need to go South of our borders and take direct action. The leaders of those countries have had more than enough time to take care of the problem.

I say let's clean up our own neighborhood. We don't need to haul our armed forces to the other side of the planet to find a worthy enemy.

If you believe that is the position of a "coward" then go fuck your weak asses.
Trump has provoked the thugs that attack his supporters. He and his supporters only have themselves to blame for this phenomenon. You cannot verbally spit in the faces of a people that typically chop the heads off of their enemies regularly and expect them to all of a sudden start acting civilized when you present yourselves in their immediate vicinity. I think Trump is a fool for believing the Secret Service could protect him if the Cartels decided that they have just had enough of Trump's bullshit. I'm surprised they haven't taken him out already. The Donald has "foot in mouth disease". I'll bet the Cartel top people are not amused.

I gotta reply to this hypocrisy.

It's like blaming a woman for being raped, she was asking for it by showing too much skin.

That is a stupid analogy. I never said anything about rape. Come to think of it though the Donald with foot in mouth disease did.

True, you didn't mentioned rape. But analogy is correct. You can't be right on one, and wrong on another.

So which one is it?

Sorry, your point is weak. I am interested in frying a bigger fish.
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

The ones I saw interviewed said they were born here. They are as American as you can be according to the constitution.
They started off not doing anything, most not even voting.
Then they started getting attacked when they showed up at Trump rallies after he said they were rapists and murderers and other Republicans called them drug runners from Mexico. And Trump said let's build a wall.
And now, it's estimated 8 million have registered to vote. Vote Republican? Would you after what Republicans have said about them?
So yes, it's probably registered Democrats doing a lot of the protests. Registered now. They weren't before. Republicans drove them to it.

When's the last time you saw liberals attack iran for the thousands of women in its Evin prison, for assad/iran mass slaughtering tens or hundreds of thousands of women in indiscriminate bombing campaigns in syria, or for the lack of women's rights in the arab muslim world?

Leftists talk a big game but like everything else it's just talk

When's the last time you saw liberals attack iran for the thousands of women in its Evin prison for political reasons, for assad/iran mass slaughtering tens / hundreds of thousands of women in indiscriminate bombing campaigns in syria, or for the lack of women's rights in the arab muslim world?

They LOVE the muslim religion that is repressive towards women, stoning them for getting raped. Anyone who doesn't agree with the utter destruction of women's rights is a xenophobe, according to them.

When's the last time you saw liberals attack iran for the thousands of women in its Evin prison for political reasons, for assad/iran mass slaughtering tens / hundreds of thousands of women in indiscriminate bombing campaigns in syria, or for the lack of women's rights in the arab muslim world?

Where are the MEN in Iran? It's up to the people in Iran to establish their OWN freedoms. We cannot go willy nilly all over the planet standing up for people that won't stand up for themselves.

These pussies in places like Iran can see that there are plenty of examples of free people. That's the best we can do. We had to fight for our freedoms and now it's THEIR turn.

This is the future lefties are dreaming about...

What's going to happen is they are going to mess with the wrong someone and one of them will get ventilated...then wait for the wails from the left. When it happens I don't want to hear one whimper

I wonder if these lefties realize while they waste their time attacking people at rally's etc, the rest of us are watching it, getting pissed, and using our money since we got jobs to prepare for a real fight, just in case.

If they think that I'm not ready, they will be in for a big surprise. It's going to be funny when they start pulling their shit on a wider scale and meet armed resistance like what happened in Ferguson.

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