Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey

You fucking leftwing douche bags just don't understand the meaning of "civilized behavior," do you? You cry like babies when one of your ilk disrupts a private event and gets thrown out, and then you think it's a free for all outside.

Your kind seems like such bad asses when it's words. Or you want to open carry weapons to intimidate moms at Wendy's.

But when the first, feet and clubs start flying, you all become pacifists. And whiners. Big time whiners.
And you just proved that you will lose, dumbass.
Watching this video will turn your stomach. What's next, lynching anyone wearing a "build the wall" T-shirt? These people all belong in prison, and then they should be deported.

The ones I saw interviewed said they were born here. They are as American as you can be according to the constitution.
They started off not doing anything, most not even voting.
Then they started getting attacked when they showed up at Trump rallies after he said they were rapists and murderers and other Republicans called them drug runners from Mexico. And Trump said let's build a wall.
And now, it's estimated 8 million have registered to vote. Vote Republican? Would you after what Republicans have said about them?
So yes, it's probably registered Democrats doing a lot of the protests. Registered now. They weren't before. Republicans drove them to it.

That's the narrative that douche bags like you are trying to spin. Too bad we all know the truth, and that ain't it.

These faggots just know that if they don't gang up on innocent people and single out the loners they'll get completely fucked.

Seems like deporting them back to mexico won't be difficult. They already hate America, just like the regressive libs (which to be fair, they probably are). are an idiot. They don't hate America or they wouldn't be here. They CLEARLY hate Trump and the system that allowed that buffoon to win the republican nomination. Burning a hat and a tiny flag does not make an America hater. It CERTAINLY doesn't make a whole large crowd of people responsible for the actions of a small handful.

Oh I know... You think I am a liberal. Nice try moron. You haven't been right about anything you have offered yet...why start now?

What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?

Why are they burning American flags then?
The ones I saw interviewed said they were born here. They are as American as you can be according to the constitution.
They started off not doing anything, most not even voting.
Then they started getting attacked when they showed up at Trump rallies after he said they were rapists and murderers and other Republicans called them drug runners from Mexico. And Trump said let's build a wall.
And now, it's estimated 8 million have registered to vote. Vote Republican? Would you after what Republicans have said about them?
So yes, it's probably registered Democrats doing a lot of the protests. Registered now. They weren't before. Republicans drove them to it.
That's the narrative that douche bags like you are trying to spin. Too bad we all know the truth, and that ain't it.

These faggots just know that if they don't gang up on innocent people and single out the loners they'll get completely fucked.

Seems like deporting them back to mexico won't be difficult. They already hate America, just like the regressive libs (which to be fair, they probably are). are an idiot. They don't hate America or they wouldn't be here. They CLEARLY hate Trump and the system that allowed that buffoon to win the republican nomination. Burning a hat and a tiny flag does not make an America hater. It CERTAINLY doesn't make a whole large crowd of people responsible for the actions of a small handful.

Oh I know... You think I am a liberal. Nice try moron. You haven't been right about anything you have offered yet...why start now?

What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?

Why are they burning American flags then?

They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!
That's the narrative that douche bags like you are trying to spin. Too bad we all know the truth, and that ain't it.

These faggots just know that if they don't gang up on innocent people and single out the loners they'll get completely fucked.

Seems like deporting them back to mexico won't be difficult. They already hate America, just like the regressive libs (which to be fair, they probably are). are an idiot. They don't hate America or they wouldn't be here. They CLEARLY hate Trump and the system that allowed that buffoon to win the republican nomination. Burning a hat and a tiny flag does not make an America hater. It CERTAINLY doesn't make a whole large crowd of people responsible for the actions of a small handful.

Oh I know... You think I am a liberal. Nice try moron. You haven't been right about anything you have offered yet...why start now?

What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?

Why are they burning American flags then?

They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!

I have one idea why he might have burned it. He hates America. At least, it could be said that he probably really dislikes America. He won't stand Trump putting America first.

It is rather ironic that they escaped Mexico and now want to turn America into Mexico. Did you see the amount of Mexican flags? I guess none of them got burned.

There have been dozens of flag burnings, this is not an isolated incident.
They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!
Yes,there is a right to protest.

There is no right to assault and terrorise people coming out or entering a political rally, dipshit. You conveniently attempt to ignore that little key fact, fucktard.
These faggots just know that if they don't gang up on innocent people and single out the loners they'll get completely fucked.

Seems like deporting them back to mexico won't be difficult. They already hate America, just like the regressive libs (which to be fair, they probably are). are an idiot. They don't hate America or they wouldn't be here. They CLEARLY hate Trump and the system that allowed that buffoon to win the republican nomination. Burning a hat and a tiny flag does not make an America hater. It CERTAINLY doesn't make a whole large crowd of people responsible for the actions of a small handful.

Oh I know... You think I am a liberal. Nice try moron. You haven't been right about anything you have offered yet...why start now?

What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?

Why are they burning American flags then?

They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!

I have one idea why he might have burned it. He hates America. At least, it could be said that he probably really dislikes America. He won't stand Trump putting America first.

It is rather ironic that they escaped Mexico and now want to turn America into Mexico. Did you see the amount of Mexican flags? I guess none of them got burned.

There have been dozens of flag burnings, this is not an isolated incident.

Please DO try to stay focused.


How many Latinos burned a U S Flag at the protest we are talking about?

How long have you had this ability to read people's minds?
Seems like deporting them back to mexico won't be difficult. They already hate America, just like the regressive libs (which to be fair, they probably are). are an idiot. They don't hate America or they wouldn't be here. They CLEARLY hate Trump and the system that allowed that buffoon to win the republican nomination. Burning a hat and a tiny flag does not make an America hater. It CERTAINLY doesn't make a whole large crowd of people responsible for the actions of a small handful.

Oh I know... You think I am a liberal. Nice try moron. You haven't been right about anything you have offered yet...why start now?

What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?

Why are they burning American flags then?

They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!

I have one idea why he might have burned it. He hates America. At least, it could be said that he probably really dislikes America. He won't stand Trump putting America first.

It is rather ironic that they escaped Mexico and now want to turn America into Mexico. Did you see the amount of Mexican flags? I guess none of them got burned.

There have been dozens of flag burnings, this is not an isolated incident.


How many Latinos burned a U S Flag at the protest we are talking about?

How long have you had this ability to read people's minds?

Hardly requires mind reading ability to understand that people who burn American flags don't like USA. Are you... completely sane?
They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!
Yes,there is a right to protest.

There is no right to assault and terrorise people coming out or entering a political rally, dipshit. You conveniently attempt to ignore that little key fact, fucktard.

Message from the "fucktard". So arrest them. Big whoop! Assault is assault whether it is at your local street corner or at an anti Trump rally.

You act like somebody got killed. Get a fucking grip!

Oh NNNNNOOOOO!!!!!! Somebody burned a tiny American flag and a hat !!!! Oh the horror!!!! Call out the National Guard!!

A couple of guys got punched. Ya think maybe they were running their mouths like Donnie?

You never got punched talking stupid shit at a bar? I've been punched and done the punching. It REALLY isn't earth shaking news.

STOP being such a PUSSY!! are an idiot. They don't hate America or they wouldn't be here. They CLEARLY hate Trump and the system that allowed that buffoon to win the republican nomination. Burning a hat and a tiny flag does not make an America hater. It CERTAINLY doesn't make a whole large crowd of people responsible for the actions of a small handful.

Oh I know... You think I am a liberal. Nice try moron. You haven't been right about anything you have offered yet...why start now?

What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?

Why are they burning American flags then?

They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!

I have one idea why he might have burned it. He hates America. At least, it could be said that he probably really dislikes America. He won't stand Trump putting America first.

It is rather ironic that they escaped Mexico and now want to turn America into Mexico. Did you see the amount of Mexican flags? I guess none of them got burned.

There have been dozens of flag burnings, this is not an isolated incident.


How many Latinos burned a U S Flag at the protest we are talking about?

How long have you had this ability to read people's minds?

Hardly requires mind reading ability to understand that people who burn American flags don't like USA. Are you... completely sane?

OH!!! So you CAN read minds. Hey! You should work for the CIA or the NSA. You could save us from the terrorists. AND be a REAL hero...not just a silly internets one.
Why are they burning American flags then?

They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!

I have one idea why he might have burned it. He hates America. At least, it could be said that he probably really dislikes America. He won't stand Trump putting America first.

It is rather ironic that they escaped Mexico and now want to turn America into Mexico. Did you see the amount of Mexican flags? I guess none of them got burned.

There have been dozens of flag burnings, this is not an isolated incident.


How many Latinos burned a U S Flag at the protest we are talking about?

How long have you had this ability to read people's minds?

Hardly requires mind reading ability to understand that people who burn American flags don't like USA. Are you... completely sane?

OH!!! So you CAN read minds. Hey! You should work for the CIA or the NSA. You could save us from the terrorists. AND be a REAL hero...not just a silly internets one.

Yes I have a magic ability to figure out people's preferences from their actions. I should work for CIA and the NSA indeed....

They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!

I have one idea why he might have burned it. He hates America. At least, it could be said that he probably really dislikes America. He won't stand Trump putting America first.

It is rather ironic that they escaped Mexico and now want to turn America into Mexico. Did you see the amount of Mexican flags? I guess none of them got burned.

There have been dozens of flag burnings, this is not an isolated incident.


How many Latinos burned a U S Flag at the protest we are talking about?

How long have you had this ability to read people's minds?

Hardly requires mind reading ability to understand that people who burn American flags don't like USA. Are you... completely sane?

OH!!! So you CAN read minds. Hey! You should work for the CIA or the NSA. You could save us from the terrorists. AND be a REAL hero...not just a silly internets one.

Yes I have a magic ability to figure out people's preferences from their actions. I should work for CIA and the NSA indeed....



Liberals ??? Who cares what they think? You need to be ferreting out the world's next suicide bombers.

Good Luck!
They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!
Yes,there is a right to protest.

There is no right to assault and terrorise people coming out or entering a political rally, dipshit. You conveniently attempt to ignore that little key fact, fucktard.

Message from the "fucktard". So arrest them. Big whoop! Assault is assault whether it is at your local street corner or at an anti Trump rally.

You act like somebody got killed. Get a fucking grip!

Oh NNNNNOOOOO!!!!!! Somebody burned a tiny American flag and a hat !!!! Oh the horror!!!! Call out the National Guard!!

A couple of guys got punched. Ya think maybe they were running their mouths like Donnie?

You never got punched talking stupid shit at a bar? I've been punched and done the punching. It REALLY isn't earth shaking news.

STOP being such a PUSSY!!
Felony assault as an attempt to suppress the vote in federal elections is a serious crime, though I understand that anarchists, marxists and cowards like you really couldnt give a shit as long as you think it works in your favor and it does not.
Americans admire protest movements and civil disobedience, but they draw the line at violence, so harassing and beating up Trump supporters could do him a lot of good, and HELP elect Trump!

My central supposition about this election is that Donald Trump will lose because most regular middle Americans just won’t vote to make that man their president. This has nothing to do with ideology. It’s just about Trump. Not everyone out there adores Hillary Clinton by a long shot, and I understand well that for a lot of people this is a choice between beef liver and lumpfish, but I just think at the end of the day most people will say, No, I just can’t—I just can’t help make that crude, boorish, vindictive, childish man the president of the United States.

I think this is what will save Clinton—and the country—in the end. But as soon as I think that, I think: But what if I’m wrong? What could make people change their views on Trump, become sympathetic to him?

In theory, a number of things. Trump could stop being crude, boorish, vindictive, and childish. (I said “in theory.”) Clinton could be indicted. The economy could tank. I think those are unlikely—and yes, I saw the jobs report, but it’s early days to start talking about a recession, and it may be a silver lining of the report that it makes the Fed wait longer to raise rates, which most economists I talk to think it should do anyway.

But here’s one thing that’s not a long shot—and is in fact happening right now—that I fear will make Trump a more sympathetic figure to the kinds of Americans I’m talking about: left-wing protestors turning violent and throwing eggs at Trump supporters and burning hats and flags.

Now no doubt, someone has already fired off an abusive tweet at me calling me names and screaming at me that I just want powerless people to STFU, as they say in Twitterland. No, I do not want powerless people to STFU. I emphatically want powerless people to have more power. And the way you get more power in this country is by protesting peacefully, and voting, and doing all those boring things.

And I emphatically don’t want a racist, misogynist, neo-fascist in the Oval Office. But violent protests at his rallies increase the likelihood of us getting exactly that.

The operative word in that previous sentence is violent. Protest, Americans like. It’s in the DNA and all that. Protest got us where we are. It got us the 40-hour work week, the civil rights revolution, the end of the Vietnam war. Occasionally in these instances, things turned violent, especially in the case of labor organizing. But usually, the violence was initiated by those who held the power—the companies, in the case of union organizing, or the state, in the case of civil rights.

In the modem-day American context, it’s not in the interest of the powerless to initiate violence. They’ll always get screwed. Always. They’ll always be blamed by the media, called “rabble-rousers” and “trouble-makers,” and the worst of the footage, like those people throwing eggs at that woman in the Trump football jersey in San Jose, will be shown over and over and over again, giving my regular middle Americans up above reason to think the violence was 50 times worse than it actually was.

And those regular middle Americans will say to each other: “Goodness, Jean, those protestors are just awful, aren’t they?”

“Why, yes they are, Bob. So rude! And dirty, too.”

“That’s not the American way!”

And it will go on from there, and that night after dinner, they’ll flip on CNN (because these are not Fox viewers—an important point) and they’ll see more footage and they’ll see interviews with Trump supporters who were standing there more or less minding their own business and suddenly got their faces punched in, and they’ll work themselves into a reactionary state and decide that maybe a vindictive boor is precisely what those people need.

I guess the thinking of violent protestors is, Trump is a fascist, and the right response to fascism is violence. In some times and some places, yes, it’s been the necessary response. But we’re not anywhere near that point. Trump doesn’t have a private army. Yes, some of his rallies were getting awfully creepy there for a while, and he did inexcusably egg his people on toward violence. But all that has tapered off. If Trump won the presidency and assumed emergency powers, then yeah, I’d understand violence then. Might even advocate for it. But we’re a long way from that.

Instead, we have reached a point where we have to start worrying about the impact of all this. You have to admit—it takes a lot to make Donald Trump look like a victim. But that’s what he’ll look like to middle America if this violence continues. And it will continue.

There is, however, one person who might have the power to end it. No, not Hillary. I mean the candidate the protestors, peaceful and violent alike, undoubtedly admire the most. If this gets much worse, even though none of this is his fault, maybe Bernie Sanders could step up here. That would be actual leadership. [UPDATE: I see that Sanders, to his credit, did denounce the violence and say he didn’t want those kind of supporters.] But they might not listen even to him. Deep down, some of these people probably want Trump, because a Trump victory would confirm their deepest-held belief about what a fascist country this really is. They’ll erase out the part about how they helped make it so.

How Anti-Trump Violence Could Elect Him

They? I saw one. How many flags burned? How many protesters were there again? It is YOU morons that are gullible.

I don't give a rip about the Latinos protesting. If I was one I might have been there for my own reasons. It is VERY American to gather and protest. It is a PROTECTED right under the Constitution.. You do remember the Constitution don't you?

I have no idea why one guy burnt a flag. Do you? Did anybody bother to interview the guy so he could explain that action or are you just going to assume you can read his mind.

Great! Trump has cornered the mind readers constituency! Perfect!
Yes,there is a right to protest.

There is no right to assault and terrorise people coming out or entering a political rally, dipshit. You conveniently attempt to ignore that little key fact, fucktard.

Message from the "fucktard". So arrest them. Big whoop! Assault is assault whether it is at your local street corner or at an anti Trump rally.

You act like somebody got killed. Get a fucking grip!

Oh NNNNNOOOOO!!!!!! Somebody burned a tiny American flag and a hat !!!! Oh the horror!!!! Call out the National Guard!!

A couple of guys got punched. Ya think maybe they were running their mouths like Donnie?

You never got punched talking stupid shit at a bar? I've been punched and done the punching. It REALLY isn't earth shaking news.

STOP being such a PUSSY!!
Felony assault as an attempt to suppress the vote in federal elections is a serious crime, though I understand that anarchists, marxists and cowards like you really couldnt give a shit as long as you think it works in your favor and it does not.

Perfect! NOW I am supposed to be an anarchist AND a Marxist? You have gone off the deep end Sport. I am attempting to reply to your insane drama with calm language and all you do is act like a little girl that is having her first period. Why don't you just leave the yelling stupid catch phrases to The Donald and calm down. I am trying desperately to not hate you for your willful ignorance and ridiculous name calling. Somebody needs to be the adult apparently.

Stop letting a media promoted video make your tiny brain overload. So a couple of guys punched a couple of guys. Big deal. We didn't see or hear what led up to that event. There was obviously an altercation. How it got started we do not know. It led to a couple of guys out of maybe a thousand people throwing punches and one guy burned a hat and a tiny American flag. I'm sorry. I just don't see the big tragedy in what occurred. Not everybody is going to meet YOUR standards of being perfect gentlemen when they get riled up.

I am not taking any side in the video because I didn't get all the facts. NEITHER DID YOU!

If you are so convinced I am a coward you know where I am almost 24/7 so swing on by and perhaps I can convince you I am capable and always ready to take out the trash. That is my job. I deal with gang bangers, prostitutes, Pimps,,strung out dopers and the like every day and have for six and a half years. I doubt you would bring anything I haven't already dealt with several hundred times...probably actually more than a thousand times. It's what I do and I am good at it. I know the cops in my neighborhood appreciate my efforts. I seriously doubt any of them think I am a marxist coward.. m :lol:
Sickening, and Americans have brought this on themselves by sitting back and not forcing our lawmakers to better secure our borders.
We have no one to blame but ourselves.

Whites stopped having kids, and at the same time stopped caring about who was being allowed to come here. We planted the seeds, and now we get to reap the harvest.
And here it is right here folks, traitors like the white Uncle Tom Jerry Brown:

California Moves Toward Extending Obamacare to Illegal Immigrants
But only two years after the largest coverage provisions in the Affordable Care Act took effect, the country's most populous state has passed a bill that, in fact, seeks to extend Obamacare to people regardless of their immigration status. The bill, now before California Gov. Jerry Brown, aims to allow people who are in the country illegally to buy private health insurance on the state's exchange. Its author, Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara estimates that 390,000 such immigrants could receive health insurance, but officials who operate the exchange place that number closer to 50,000. The legislation is being considered not only at a time when presidential candidates are campaigning in the

California Moves Toward Extending Obamacare to Illegal Immigrants

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