Mexicans Caught Helping Drug Cartels Inside The US.


Apr 20, 2011
Video: Video Player

Mexico's attack on Americans continue as they conceal it as mearly drug cartels operating against US law enforcement. The evil Mexican invasion pathetically disguised as "immigration" has angered many Americans to the point of ignoring laws and forming militias to defend the US. Every American has the duty to defend America against foreign invasion. Every American has the further duty to bring politicians that help these evil invaders to justice.
Mexican's pick up where Cali cartel left off...
Drug war: One cartel falls, another rises
June 19, 2011 - The crushing of Colombia's powerful Cali cartel was a triumph, but it left a power vacuum that Mexico's brutal drug lords were only too willing to fill.
Forty years after President Nixon declared war on drugs, the soaring body count from narco-violence in Mexico seems to mock the very notion of progress in that effort. But what is most discouraging about the rampant brutality across our border is that it's largely a consequence of one of the drug war's greatest triumphs. Colombia's Cali cocaine cartel, once the richest and most powerful crime syndicate in the world, fell as a direct result of U.S.-led law enforcement and diplomatic pressure about a decade ago. Its toppling remains one of the most significant blows inflicted on modern organized crime.

But the giant cartel's collapse left a power vacuum, and Mexican drug gangs are still fighting, with often grisly methods, to determine who will fill it. The Cali cartel could be as ruthless as any other, but it preferred bribery to violence in the normal course of business. The vertically integrated corporate-style enterprise was run by four billionaires who reigned over a global monopoly that controlled every aspect of the drug trade, from jungle coca production to New York street sales. In its prime, the cartel was a $7-billion-a-year criminal masterpiece that had bought off an entire country. Colombia was the original "narco-democracy" and a haven for narco-gangsters.

During the 1990s, Cali cartel lawyers rewrote portions of the national constitution outlawing extradition. Drug bosses picked who ran the Cali telephone utility and secretly donated $6 million to elect presidential underdog Ernesto Samper. Millions of cartel dollars were spent building community police stations. The bosses financed a hospital and a law library. They owned and operated Cali's professional soccer team. In a nod to civic sensibilities, they refrained from carrying out most contract killings within the city limits. Over time, they came to be known as "the gentlemen of Cali."

But the gentlemen were deadly serious about removing impediments to their business. The cartel had its own intelligence force and the capacity to tap any telephone in Cali. Its paid sources included street cops, senators and members of the elite anti-narcotics task force. American drug enforcement agents complained that the cartel seemed always to be a step ahead of them. They called its intelligence wing "the Cali KGB." Besides a staff of local lawyers, the bosses hired top U.S. defense lawyers, including several former federal prosecutors in Florida and a onetime Justice Department official from Washington, who was later convicted of racketeering.


You should put this thread in Immigration, too.

Well, if the Federal Government is going to ignore the laws maybe we American's should start ignoring the laws too.

If the American's ignored paying their taxes the government would sit up and pay attention.
People that don't defend this great country and degrade it all the time need to leave if they don't like it.

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